Timmy & Chelsea Croslin; and the hours before Haleigh went missing.

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Like mother... like daughter

UCN: 541999MM001188XXAXMX
File Date: 04/01/1999
Case Status: CASE CLOSED
Defense Atty:
Case File Location: RECORDS CENTER

Defendant: NEVES, TERESA S
Alias: No Alias Records

Date # Docket Description

After listening to Chelsea talk about what Ronald was wearing that morning... I am interested in knowing if that's what Ronald was wearing in the convenience store surveillance video. Does anyone know? I haven't read all the posts, so if this has been asked or discussed just let me know.

Yes, I would like to know that as well.
ITA grandmaj with everything you posted here. It is terrible that these two women would stoop this low....i mean what are we in, middle school?

FWIW- and this is JMO, i think that the surprise arrests are going to be TN and GGS. They have Ron where they want him right now.

BBM... I hope so (part bolded). I really don't have a problem believing either one or both of these two women disposing of Haleigh's body. Very sickeningl. :sick:

We know very little about that surveillance video, all i know is that Ron was seen on it buying ciggs, beer and peanuts, on his way home from work the night HaLeigh disappeared. Could you imagine, not being able to get a hold of the person watching your children, for hours, and then working overtime and then stopping for beer cigs and peanuts, not even worried about his children.....JMO

Didn't Chel say last night that there was a hole in the fence where rc works that he could have slipped through? LE has to have him. Misty has got to tell the truth about rc being home. moo
Im trying so hard not to believe the stories of the evil mother and grandmother (TN and AS), and lol..this thread is making it a little difficult. I dont know what to think anymore...on one hand I dont see Misty as the victim type (out partying around on Ron...a woman scared of her man wouldnt do that), leading the drug sales as she was in the video (a controlling man wouldnt LET her), on the other hand I have to wonder if I have it wrong...all I can do is sit back and watch as this thing (if it ever does) unfold. I do believe Tommy and Misty are up to thier eyeballs in guilt on this. Something made Lindsey high tail it out of there and split up from Tommy in a hurry. If they dont know what happened to Haleigh, WHY all the lies?

If TN and AS are in anyway involved in Haleighs death (and I do believe she is dead), then I will bow to all the sleuthers here who have been saying it all along...because I just dont believe it yet. This case is making me crazy.
IMO, Misty did try to leave, she called her family crying for them to come and get her. By the time they arrived, RONALD HAD CONVINCED Misty that she was staying and that her family had better not show up. Ron was ready to rumble as soon as the Croslins arrived to get their daughter. Ron, the Raging Bull that he is, started beating the hell out of them until they got into the car and left. The actions that followed, ie., Ron making Misty file an RO against Tommy and later we find that she also filed against her own mother, making Misty participate in the Rat in the mailbox threat and should I go on? There are many, many articles and info out there about Ron's violence against Misty as well as AS threatening to throw her out of a window...........we are talking about a teenage girl here, folks........really!

And now we can see where Ron learned this kind of terroristic behavior. He also probably learned his "facination" with gun from mommy dearest and granny. Wonder how he got into drugs? just saying... MOO
Misty was not partying around on ron .ron & misty were seperated that weekend when she was out partying.ron had kicked her out before she went partying and he took her clothes and threw them on nay nay's yard .
That is a great question djdj247! So far that video has not been released and I don't think what Ron was wearing at that specific time was released either.

:waitasec:Something else that caught my attention is that Chelsea claims Ron would get off of work between 11PM-1AM normally. First thing I thought of was that maybe Ron only worked part-time at PDM. That is a big stretch 11PM-1AM. If his shift did start at 5PM as his attorney claimed in the past and Ron was working part-time and he would get off around 11PM as Chelsea alleged, then that would be a 6 hr part time shift. If he worked over time then we could assume he would of worked until 1AM-2AM, which could be why Ron said that LE questioned what took him so long to get home that night. I can't wait to see the phone records and video of Ron at the store. I wonder if anyone else was seen at that store that night?

Yeah I've always wondered about the "why it took so long to get home" question myself. It seems it would be reasonable for someone to stop off after work to pick up something at the store, I do it all the time, so I think that question was asked for other reasons. The subject of Ron and work reminds me of comments made by Ron's lawyer, I've wondered why Shoemaker had such a vague response to being asked about Ron's specific duties that night at work... he made it sound like Ron didn't operate the crane that night and couldn't say/describe exactly what he did except "moving materials around and other duties." I hope Ron/Shoemaker had something more descriptive than that to tell LE. Too vague for me. So many questions... so little answers!
Didn't Chel say last night that there was a hole in the fence where rc works that he could have slipped through? LE has to have him. Misty has got to tell the truth about rc being home. moo


Yes Nonnie Brenda.....I heard her say that as well.....IMO...Ron has probably let it be know to a select few that he has "been away from work....while at work"...Chelsea doesn't work there so she would have no way to know that piece of information...except from Ron...or Ron told Misty..and Misty told Chelsea...

and also... Chelsea said it was "rare" for Ron to have worked until 3....Usually 1 or 2 was his quitting times...

So now again....his "alibi" is in question for me...That's why the LE asked him about the length of time getting home...

and didn't she say....Ron USUALLY left for work ...BEFORE..Haleigh got home/ off the bus every day....BUT THAT DAY...Him and Misty picked up Haleigh at the bus stop...and she got off the bus stop at 3:20/3:30?

Lots of "bits of information" ...Hopefully they will all fit...soon..
Personally, I have a difficult time discerning when Chelsea Croslin is giving us the facts. There is a stark contrast between the statements that she made to Art Harris and Nancy Grace and these more recent statements offered on the Levi Page show.

Why must everyone's story and opinions change as time goes on?
Im trying so hard not to believe the stories of the evil mother and grandmother (TN and AS), and lol..this thread is making it a little difficult. I dont know what to think anymore...on one hand I dont see Misty as the victim type (out partying around on Ron...a woman scared of her man wouldnt do that), leading the drug sales as she was in the video (a controlling man wouldnt LET her), on the other hand I have to wonder if I have it wrong...all I can do is sit back and watch as this thing (if it ever does) unfold. I do believe Tommy and Misty are up to thier eyeballs in guilt on this. Something made Lindsey high tail it out of there and split up from Tommy in a hurry. If they dont know what happened to Haleigh, WHY all the lies?

If TN and AS are in anyway involved in Haleighs death (and I do believe she is dead), then I will bow to all the sleuthers here who have been saying it all along...because I just dont believe it yet. This case is making me crazy.

BBM... you got that right!... I'm with ya on that.

Hopefully someday soon we'll all know the answers to all of these questions we've pondered for so long!

May the innocent be proven so and the guilty be punished!

Justice for Haleigh!... let's get to the truth already!
Personally, I have a difficult time discerning when Chelsea Croslin is giving us the facts. There is a stark contrast between the statements that she made to Art Harris and Nancy Grace and these more recent statements offered on the Levi Page show.

Why must everyone's story and opinions change as time goes on?

Perhaps it is what Chelsea said last nite on Levi's show.....about the statement that she had wanted to stay on TN "good side"...but now she doesn't care anymore.....and she is speaking her mind now..

I take that to mean....She HAD wanted to stay friends with TN...(perhaps she was fearful of saying too much in interviews/statements...and causing TN to be angry with her....(we have heard of TN's anger last night)...she had wanted to stay of her Good side...but now she just doesn't care how TN feels......and she is putting it all out there ...her side...of what is happening/happened...

So...IMO...the more facts, opinions, witnesses, statements, discovery, comes to light, the more conclusions can be made...

We can still make up our own minds....regarding/disregarding...what we hear as new information.....

Personally, I have a difficult time discerning when Chelsea Croslin is giving us the facts. There is a stark contrast between the statements that she made to Art Harris and Nancy Grace and these more recent statements offered on the Levi Page show.

Why must everyone's story and opinions change as time goes on?

So very true, Elle...The bigger question may be: How do these recent comments contrast with what she told LE back when they interviewed her and Timmy for hours in the beginning?

Chelsea could find herself right back in the middle of things with this case if her stories vary as greatly as I suspect they may.

As always, jmoo and stuff.
Chels explained her current position: she continued kissing their (Cummings) butt cause it would have "killed" her and her family not to attend H's funeral---honestly, specially.

Glad LP let her run her mouth---and that she did. For me, her credibility is completely shot. No wonder LE doesn't return her phone calls, but great Croslin PR job!

Yes Nonnie Brenda.....I heard her say that as well.....IMO...Ron has probably let it be know to a select few that he has "been away from work....while at work"...Chelsea doesn't work there so she would have no way to know that piece of information...except from Ron...or Ron told Misty..and Misty told Chelsea...

and also... Chelsea said it was "rare" for Ron to have worked until 3....Usually 1 or 2 was his quitting times...

So now again....his "alibi" is in question for me...That's why the LE asked him about the length of time getting home...

and didn't she say....Ron USUALLY left for work ...BEFORE..Haleigh got home/ off the bus every day....BUT THAT DAY...Him and Misty picked up Haleigh at the bus stop...and she got off the bus stop at 3:20/3:30?Lots of "bits of information" ...Hopefully they will all fit...soon..

BBM... Yes Justus that's right. I believe she also said he coundn' t have gotten to work before 4pm. My guess is that he clocked in, then slipped through the hole in the fence when he needed to, drove the 19 min. home, did what he had to do, ie. checked to see that everyone was doing what he had told them to, see where Misty was, whatever, then drove the 19 min. back to work. Could have easily been less that an hr., depending on what he did. I think his "i was at werk" alibi is going down the drain as we speak. MOO
Chels said that M said all that she can say. They've come clean (M and ToC) as much as they can.

She (M) told them everything she could tell, and they didn't want to hear it.
Re her recent phone convo w/M (first time in 4 mo.)>She (M) tries not to say too much on the phone, cause she knows they play them.

Why haven't they talked in 4 months? Did the phone money run out?

Incidentally, why is Chelsea so active and vocal in this but we have never heard a beep from Timmy, beyond a couple of jailhouse phone calls? I don't even know what he looks like.
Personally, I have a difficult time discerning when Chelsea Croslin is giving us the facts. There is a stark contrast between the statements that she made to Art Harris and Nancy Grace and these more recent statements offered on the Levi Page show.

Why must everyone's story and opinions change as time goes on?

Hi, elle, I see what you mean about everyone's stories and opinions changing. I look at how much my own opinion has changedover the last 19 months. Seems like everyday my theory changes a little. I'm never sure what my opinion is, and if I am sure, well.....then I go and change my mind. :banghead: I really wish LE would let us have just a crumb of fact.
I did not get a chance to listen to all of the interview as I was falling asleep lastnight listening to it, but from what I did gather listening to Chelsea was she was being honest these are her opinions and her perception of Ron and his life, his being.

The words came easy and rolled off the tounge with no hesitation from Chelsea, she has first hand knowledge of these people, what she was explaining in her interview is exactly how I pictured Ron from the get go..... jmo and all that .....
After listening to Chelsea talk about what Ronald was wearing that morning... I am interested in knowing if that's what Ronald was wearing in the convenience store surveillance video. Does anyone know? I haven't read all the posts, so if this has been asked or discussed just let me know.

This is a very important point. We know that LE took their clothes as evidence. :dance:
Im trying so hard not to believe the stories of the evil mother and grandmother (TN and AS), and lol..this thread is making it a little difficult. I dont know what to think anymore...on one hand I dont see Misty as the victim type (out partying around on Ron...a woman scared of her man wouldnt do that), leading the drug sales as she was in the video (a controlling man wouldnt LET her), on the other hand I have to wonder if I have it wrong...all I can do is sit back and watch as this thing (if it ever does) unfold. I do believe Tommy and Misty are up to thier eyeballs in guilt on this. Something made Lindsey high tail it out of there and split up from Tommy in a hurry. If they dont know what happened to Haleigh, WHY all the lies?

If TN and AS are in anyway involved in Haleighs death (and I do believe she is dead), then I will bow to all the sleuthers here who have been saying it all along...because I just dont believe it yet. This case is making me crazy.

seeker, thank you for admitting your are crazy. I was beginning to feel alone. This case has made us all a little looney. The thing is - that I believe we have many people involved in different roles in this case. And all of them are lying or covering for themselves or someone else.

Another thing that makes it so difficult is the fact that we do not have privilige to all the evidence gathered so far by LE. Which, leds us to actually have to guess as to what occured. That's why it's called a mystery.

I think your effort in finding it hard to believe TN and GGM Sykes could be involved is very natural and not at all strange. But the bottom line, there is a little girl missing and probably now dead. I believe everyone she had around her in her short life should be suspect. The main goal of her family should be to find her or find out what happened to her. And I for one do not see any of these people in this group reaching out for that goal.
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