AMBER ALERT TN - Autistic teen Sebastian Wayne Drake Rogers, 15, missing in Hendersonville - Feb 27, 2024 #2

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If we are to believe the words spoken, there is nothing to see hear folks. Unbelievably frustrating.

But the glasses! it wouldn’t take too much time to confirm if they are Sebastians. Wonder where they were found. However if LE did suspect the Proudfeet, I would have thought they would want to keep that finding to themselves, to avoid showing their hand.

If in fact there is no foul play (not that I believe that) I think sadly Sebastian is close to home.
Do you think it is possible they would say they found some glasses when they haven't actually to try and make someone nervous/possibly flush someone out IF it is foul play? Even if they were buried, if I did something to that darling child I would be panicking as I would be wondering if animals dug him (and the glasses) up.

If someone IS hiding him as part of a hoax/bigger plan I don't understand yet, I could also see them planting the glasses at some point to give a bread crumb in the wrong direction.

What I cannot see is Sebastian just taking off his glasses or leaving them behind. My ASD1 kiddo wears glasses. He forgets to wear shoes but does not EVER forget his glasses. He's very particular about being able to see in full-focus. He is 10 and has been wearing the glasses since age 7. He's never lost a pair or gone a day (or any duration - except maybe showers) without them.

My thoughts are that the glasses have to be at least similar to Sebastian's to not immediately rule them out if they really did find glasses. For example, if Sebastian wears an acetate frame and the glasses were wire-rimmed, etc. Makes me think that if they are considering the possibility they have to at least be the black acetate style of frame.
“My hope and prayer is that Sebastian is still alive. We’re going to continue to work on this investigation and follow every lead that comes in,” Craddock said. “Some of this may revert back to us going over some things that we’ve already done for the sixth, seventh, eighth time. A fresh set of eyes never hurt anything

“If my kid was missing, this is the team I would want on it,” Craddock said. “The men and women of the Sumner County Sheriff’s Office, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, the FBI partners, the other local agencies, the Secret Service, everyone who has had a hand in this case is doing everything they can to find Sebastian. Morale is high. We are here and we are dedicated.”
If we are to believe the words spoken, there is nothing to see hear folks. Unbelievably frustrating.

But the glasses! it wouldn’t take too much time to confirm if they are Sebastians. Wonder where they were found. However if LE did suspect the Proudfeet, I would have thought they would want to keep that finding to themselves, to avoid showing their hand.

If in fact there is no foul play (not that I believe that) I think sadly Sebastian is close to home.
I agree. They already know if the glasses belong to Sebastian. I'm guessing they don't.

The message seemed to be that they're on the case, and speculation on social media is not welcome.

Either they're telling the truth that they have no reason to suspect the parents, or they do suspect the parents and want to keep that under their hats. Who knows?

Asking residents to check their outbuildings and places on their property where a teen could hide or might injure himself seems to be an attempt to shift the investigation away from the parents. Yet we're told repeatedly that SR was not an eloper or runner.

Then, they issued an Amber.

Then, they searched the landfill.

They seem to be sending out signals in all directions. MOO

At this point, I'm not too impressed with LE. If the guy is to be believed, they don't have a shred of evidence leaning in any direction.

Sometimes, I think LE doesn't talk about the leads they're working on so they can work on them without interference. Sometimes, I think they don't talk about them because they don't have any and don't want to admit it. Only time will tell in this case.

Social media must be maddening in cases like this. But it's also a way to hold LE's feet to the fire.
When was the glasses found, do we know? Why bring it up? KP, CP or SR would be able to identify them immediately. Were they found before they brought everyone in to show the video? If glasses were found and believed to belong to Sebastian logic would have LE looking where they were found, no?
The presser was a nothing burger, like they said it would be.
Something's got to give here. I can't believe they have nothing, absolutely nothing.

Edit to add that they say that even with the support of the FBI and Secret Services... Which makes us (me, at least) even less hopeful. Did they commit a mistake somewhere? Why is it that they'll have to look into things they've already looked into before because there's nothing new?
Ok just got done watching the pascal live. There’s some points I wrote down that seemed important to me. Please bear in mind that this is all just stuff that jumped out to me and is just speculation/rumor or MOO

-main thing that was said was the CPs parents left for Alaska 2 days after SR was reported missing? That’s seems like super odd timing to take off for a trip like that.
-LE says that none of the threats to UCN have been reported to them.
-KP works for brinks but doesn’t have a system of her own?
-We learned that the CIA and secret service are involved in the investigation. I’m wondering if it’s possibly for tech help?

Anyway again, this is all just MOO. This update was basic at a non update other than the glasses being found. I would imagine that they have checked them for finger prints and that they would be able to trace whos they are with some kind of serial number or something similar.
Ok just got done watching the pascal live. There’s some points I wrote down that seemed important to me. Please bear in mind that this is all just stuff that jumped out to me and is just speculation/rumor or MOO

-main thing that was said was the CPs parents left for Alaska 2 days after SR was reported missing? That’s seems like super odd timing to take off for a trip like that.
-LE says that none of the threats to UCN have been reported to them.
-KP works for brinks but doesn’t have a system of her own?
-We learned that the CIA and secret service are involved in the investigation. I’m wondering if it’s possibly for tech help?

Anyway again, this is all just MOO. This update was basic at a non update other than the glasses being found. I would imagine that they have checked them for finger prints and that they would be able to trace whose they are with some kind of serial number or something similar.
As for the trip, presumably it was scheduled that way and probably years in advance. The fact that it was two days after SR went missing is unfortunate but probably not relevant. MOO.

ETA: This is only to say that the timing of the trip is not relevant. I would not have gone but it's not my tripand not my business.
As for the trip, presumably it was scheduled that way and probably years in advance. The fact that it was two days after SR went missing is unfortunate but probably not relevant. MOO.
I was leaning that way too, just jumped out to me. I mean, I myself can feel like I wouldn’t have taken that trip no matter how planned it was, that doesn’t mean they did anything wrong.
As for the trip, presumably it was scheduled that way and probably years in advance. The fact that it was two days after SR went missing is unfortunate but probably not relevant. MOO.
Agreed, I'm sure they felt bad about the timing, but what can you do? I don't think most people in their situation would cancel at the last minute like that, especially since there would have been no refund at that point and they would have been out thousands of dollars. Maybe if Sebastian was their own child, or their biological grandchild they were extremely close to, but a step-grandchild? They might not have even had much of a relationship with him, IDK. I wouldn't read anything into it.
Agreed, I'm sure they felt bad about the timing, but what can you do? I don't think most people in their situation would cancel at the last minute like that, especially since there would have been no refund at that point and they would have been out thousands of dollars. Maybe if Sebastian was their own child, or their biological grandchild they were extremely close to, but a step-grandchild? They might not have even had much of a relationship with him, IDK. I wouldn't read anything into it.

My understanding is they drove to Alaska in an RV. It would have been easy to not go in that case. It's not as if they had non-refundable airline or hotel reservations.
My understanding is they drove to Alaska in an RV. It would have been easy to not go in that case. It's not as if they had non-refundable airline or hotel reservations.
Wait wait wait, they DROVE to ALASKA from TENNESSEE???

Edit: That's 66 and a half hour of pure drive time, ONE WAY according to Google. Was this a month-long trip??
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This has probably been talked about before but I missed it. In the following flier, on the left side in the center, what is that brace-looking-thing on SR's chest?

I think Sebastian's parents would be too biased to identify glasses as being his.
I hope there is DNA on the glasses. LE could easily find out if the prescription matches his, though...
I was hoping for DNA on the glasses to rule them in or out as well, but your point about them being able to verify the prescription and if it matches Sebastian's is excellent! I had an optometrist leave my astigmatism correction off a pair of glasses once. I went to another optometrist because I was having some really wonky vision issues, and boom! They took my glasses away for a few moments and came back able to tell me that the astigmatism correction was not there but everything else was.
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