AMBER ALERT TN - Autistic teen Sebastian Wayne Drake Rogers, 15, missing in Hendersonville - Feb 27, 2024

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Do we know what kind of lock it was?? Were all the locks in the house double key deadbolts? That's gotta be tough with dogs, but might be a good safety measure for an autistic child, maybe even if the child WASN’T A RUNNER?
(Above shortened and bolded for focus.)

Yes. I thank God for the “stay” function on our ADT alarm & the loud beep it makes when an exterior door is opened (when “stay” function is not engaged).

Important to note, in the case of my child (or any child who has “eloped”), he/she “WASN’T A RUNNER” until the first time he/she “ran.”
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(Above shortened and bolded for focus.)

Yes. I thank God for the “stay” function on our ADT alarm & the loud beep in makes when an exterior door is opened or closed.

Remember he “WASN’T A RUNNER” until the first time he “ran”/“eloped” (as they often term in w/autistic kids).
Hey! Side note, my child is also autistic and I have dealt with my own ND my whole life, so thank you for your comments!

I do recall that and that's why I made my statement, even if he wasn't a "runner"[as mom stated] doesn't mean they wouldn't have them just in case. Depending on the services he was receiving it might've been recommended or perhaps their homeowners insurance required it? I think it might be worth stating, as I am now encountering the many loops and turns for getting my own son care and services, here in Tennessee autistic children qualify for a state grant, which has different levels and it could be upwards of 10,000$, for things like sensory toys and items, service animals, all kinds of things, so I wonder, if they even had double key deadbolts, it would just be something automatically done?

I think I might've been a bit long winded to say something pretty simple. Lol. Forgive me.

Eta:So yes, he might not be a runner, yet. I really do hope he ran somewhere safe and is recovered SAFE, as grim as my hopes of that might be.
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Hey! Side note, my child is also autistic and I have dealt with my own ND my whole life, so thank you for your comments!

I do recall that and that's why I made my statement, even if he wasn't a "runner"[as mom stated] doesn't mean they wouldn't have them just in case. Depending on the services he was receiving it might've been recommended or perhaps their homeowners insurance required it? I think it might be worth stating, as I am now encountering the many loops and turns for getting my own son care and services, here in Tennessee autistic children qualify for a state grant, which has different levels and it could be upwards of 10,000$, for things like sensory toys and items, service animals, all kinds of things, so I wonder, if they even had double key deadbolts, it would just be something automatically done?

I think I might've been a bit long winded to say something pretty simple. Lol. Forgive me.
I thought your prior post was excellent. It brought to the forefront insightful thoughts/ideas that many folks (not in positions similar to ours) may not otherwise have considered. Thx! ❤️
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I thought your prior post was excellent. It brought to the forefront insightful thoughts/ideas that many folks (not in positions similar to ours) may not otherwise have considered. Thx! ❤️

If they did have these locks, which I guess it's a good presumption, and they're good about locking the doors, what's up with the lock? Do we know if it was locked when she woke up? Forgive me if it's been stated.
So do they (ETA: I mean his mother and stepfather) think he locked it shut behind him when he left, left through another door- if there is one, left through a window, left earlier when the door was still unlocked, or something else?

I am going to speculate that he went outside earlier, when the door was still unlocked. Or it was accidentally left unlocked overnight. JMO. And also this could happen to any family.
Did he go outside barefoot? I thought I read that he did not like to go outside barefoot. I do not believe he left on his own accord.
So I kinda find it interesting that there been no mention of his interest. Did he present with hyper focus as symptom of his Autism? If so what? I realize this hyper focus thing is not something every person with Autism has or does,but after the length of time that has passed ,I would think by now ,we should no or not .
None of the words I have heard OR read about this case has given one clue on how to help find Sebastian.
“We pray that you would reveal something to law enforcement that they have not seen before. I pray that all the eyes and the ears that are in this community, that someone, somewhere, has seen something to bring Sebastian home,” prayed Philip Smith, the lead pastor At Goodnaz Church.

Sebastian’s mother sent a message to the vigil, which was read by Twila Sisco, who has been helping coordinate search and drone efforts with EquuSearch Midwest.

“The pain of our son’s absence is beyond words. We ask that everyone, everywhere remain aware and continue to look for anything that can help us find Sebastian and pray we bring him home,” Sisco read on behalf of Sebastian’s mother.
Actually it might help if they held a presser to try to 'speak' directly to Sebastian.
Their child is missing and they need to keep speaking to the media to tell them more about Sebastian for those who have never met him.
What's his favorite food ?
Does he like stores ?
Does he like to climb inside cars ?

Small actions that may lead to someone noticing him ?

If I'm wrong in what I fear (foul play or death), he could be alive & held somewhere, and see his bio parents in a news clip ?
Just hearing them may not be enough for Sebastian, he may need to 'see' them, if only on camera ?
There is something fishy about hidden faces.
“We pray that you would reveal something to law enforcement that they have not seen before. I pray that all the eyes and the ears that are in this community, that someone, somewhere, has seen something to bring Sebastian home,” prayed Philip Smith, the lead pastor At Goodnaz Church.

Sebastian’s mother sent a message to the vigil, which was read by Twila Sisco, who has been helping coordinate search and drone efforts with EquuSearch Midwest.

“The pain of our son’s absence is beyond words. We ask that everyone, everywhere remain aware and continue to look for anything that can help us find Sebastian and pray we bring him home,” Sisco read on behalf of Sebastian’s mother.
Were Mom and stepdad at the vigil? That church is 6 miles from Hendersonville.
I have an example, if I may. Not long ago, we had an adorable autistic 4yo from rural Alabama who walked away. He was found a couple of days later about a mile from home. He was without shoes that included freezing overnight temperatures. His feet had stickers, blisters and were swollen. Thus, a nonverbal autistic 4yo traveled a mile in two days.
I live in Alabama. Are you talking about the 4yo red-headed boy in Barbour County?
When I first watched it I mistakenly thought that CP was the one who is in LE rather than the bio dad. So when I watched it he gave me quite the LE vibe. The lingo, the matter of fact way of speaking, and the repeated explanations of running a strict household didn't bother me because I thought he was the one employed in LE. I may have to watch it again because now I know better.
The biodad is so much more concerned about his son than the stepdad. He showed his face and said he was unfamiliar with Hendersonville but was out daily searching for his son. He also asked if he could hear him; he should tell the nearest person his name and call 911. The lady interviewing him was a little bit clueless about autism. She asked the Dad if he wanted to tell his son to run home. His Dad then repeated to his son to ask the nearest person to call 911 and tell them his name so that they can bring him back home to his (his bioDad who lives in Clarksville, TN).
What couple, other than those in the throes of new love, stays on the phone to each other for 2+ hours? It would be interesting to know whether this length of call is typical of this couple when they are apart.
THIS^^^^^ When I have been away for work, or on a girl's trip or something w/o my husband, we are pretty much texting and not even talking on the phone. That said, we don't have school age or even college age children living at home, so we don't have day-to-day convos of that nature. Unless something very significant was happening in their life (death, divorce, moving, job stress, marital problems) or issues with their son in school or behavior problems, I can't imagine being on the phone more than 15-20 minutes. MOO
It would be relatively easy for LE to determine if a hours-long conversation actually took place, IMO. They would skillfully interview the two people separately about not only what they talked about during the call but specifically what each said to the other, in what order the topics came up, etc. Right?
It would be relatively easy for LE to determine if a hours-long conversation actually took place, IMO. They would skillfully interview the two people separately about not only what they talked about during the call but specifically what each said to the other, in what order the topics came up, etc. Right?
I think that would certainly be one way to do it.

I just can't figure out why LE is asking for video of SR from earlier in the prior day--as if they're questioning the official story. Or, maybe they're just trying to rule out the parents as suspects. MOO
<modsnip - quoted post was removed for accusing a person not named POI by LE>

@Lovemycat and @fsngruv Thanks for linking the video. For whatever reason it would play but I had no sound sadly. Maybe because I don't have Facebook. But I believe what you all heard. Thanks again.

@Soulmagent we do know that searchers played one of SR's favorite songs Eye of the Tiger while canvassing different areas. Per parents (all) they have mentioned that SR loves Minecraft, doesn't like to get dirty, can swim like a fish but he is a pool kid not a pond kid, likes to play at playgrounds and also likes hide and seek, loves to dance. Favorite color is green.

And to all who have raised questions about the lengthy late night phone call. I have the same questions. That's a long call when you have been single parenting all day. I don't get that at all.
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As the parent of a high functioning autistic 11-year-old, I would like to know whether anyone has heard mention of whether during this lengthy a phone call to her spouse from 9:43-around midnight, did mom periodically check in with Sebastian throughout the duration of the call?

Until recently, my husband used to travel for business quite frequently … Sometimes for extended periods.

I HAVE TO SAY, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOOOO WAY I would be on the phone with him (or ANYONE for that matter) for 2+ hours or be otherwise distracted from my children for that lengthy a period.

It is just not safe to allow myself to selfishly be distracted (particularly without another adult present in the home) as my son’s behaviors are too unpredictable and spontaneous.

It is amazing the trouble he is capable of getting into in mere minutes. In fact, in the few minutes it has taken for me to write this “reply,” he has disappeared from this level of our home. **face palm** Got to go locate him again immediately.

Found him in the basement … You see?

I ALWAYS, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, NEED TO to know where he is, & what he is up to, in order to ensure his safety, to ensure he is still in the house/has not attempted to leave, etc. 2+ hours is an eternity when you have an autistic child who needs his parent to be constantly aware.

Hey! Side note, my child is also autistic and I have dealt with my own ND my whole life, so thank you for your comments!

I do recall that and that's why I made my statement, even if he wasn't a "runner"[as mom stated] doesn't mean they wouldn't have them just in case. Depending on the services he was receiving it might've been recommended or perhaps their homeowners insurance required it? I think it might be worth stating, as I am now encountering the many loops and turns for getting my own son care and services, here in Tennessee autistic children qualify for a state grant, which has different levels and it could be upwards of 10,000$, for things like sensory toys and items, service animals, all kinds of things, so I wonder, if they even had double key deadbolts, it would just be something automatically done?

I think I might've been a bit long winded to say something pretty simple. Lol. Forgive me.

Eta:So yes, he might not be a runner, yet. I really do hope he ran somewhere safe and is recovered SAFE, as grim as my hopes of that might be.
^^ Thank you for sharing your experiences and insight. Seriously helpful and I so appreciate your posts!
What couple, other than those in the throes of new love, stays on the phone to each other for 2+ hours? It would be interesting to know whether this length of call is typical of this couple when they are apart.
That's what I want to know. I'm sure LE will obtain those phone records to look for patterns of calls between the two.
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