Today is the day (10/14/08) the Grand Jury Meets!

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I think it is pretty significant the GA was the only family member subpoenaed, why only him I wonder? We know CA and LA lie, but LE could use that to their advantage. Something is up with GA, IMHO.
Poor George going home, can you imagine the grilling he's in for?
Thanks for that information Boston. I've never been a juror or sat on a grand jury. All of this inforamation really helps in seeing how the wheels of justice work.

it may be different with each witness though

If he is cooperating with LE then LE will meet with him "Before" he testifies

If he is not Cooperating & LE was forced to issue a Subpoena then He may not sit down with the DA & LE
10/14/08 Casey Schedule

Wake up & Check MySpace
use restroom
Eat bowl of Captain Crunch while Checking MySpace
Roll eyes at Cindy for crying
Take shower
Check MySpace
Watch VH1 till George gets home
Check MySpace
Time for popcicle break
Check MySpace
Choose arrest outfit:
Find Caylee t-****
Daisy Dukes
Gel Bra
Check MySpace
Practice "walk" for pictures taken from house to car to jail
Check MySpace
Carefully apply kohl eyeliner, smudge
Check MySpace
Watch out blinds as George & Cindy fist fight protesters
Check MySpace
Eat snackpack pudding while watching Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency rerun
Check MySpace
Police arrive - check butt in mirror one last time
Lights, camera, action

You got most of it...I do think that at some point she yells at Cindy for putting Casey's stylin' Mossimo XS Black sweater in the dryer on the Hi setting....doesn't Cindy know yet how madame likes her laundry done?
I think it is pretty significant the GA was the only family member subpoenaed, why only him I wonder. We know CA and LA lie, but LE could use that to their advantage. Something is up with GA, IMHO.
Poor George going home, can you imagine the grilling he's in for?

Maybe they will both be arrested before he gets there. Can you imagine a nice quiet house after all of this?
I'm pretty sure being that he was a LEO and was concerned about the "smelly" car and said so in his interview has a lot to do with his appearance today.
Thank you, Softsoul and Carlie! Just wanted to make sure.

Poor George. I can hear it now. "Now don't say this and don't say that and make sure you don't say anything about that other thing and on and on and on and on".

George: "Yes, dear."

Oh, ITA! However, GA will do the right thing and tell the truth, he's got a conscience. He shoulda slept at a hotel last night.
In just a few hours Caylee will finally get justice when the entire GJ votes for MURDER1!!!
Maybe they will both be arrested before he gets there. Can you imagine a nice quiet house after all of this?

I have my fingers crossed!! Turbo..any ideas about the significance of thinking of Caylee at 11am??
I think it is pretty significant the GA was the only family member subpoenaed, why only him I wonder? We know CA and LA lie, but LE could use that to their advantage. Something is up with GA, IMHO.
Poor George going home, can you imagine the grilling he's in for?

My guess, if George gives up Casey (fingers crossed) he will not be returning home.
Purple inserts mine...
OK, gotta ask you guys if you're like me and feel a little scared? We've been waiting all this time for this to happen and now I have this sick feeling that they aren't going to give a True Bill. I'm normally an optimist, but from the beginning everything seems to have worked for, rather than against Casey.
1. she managed to go a month before LE found out Caylee was missing.
BUT in the end was caught red handed without her daughter
2. Her lies misled the police and left them with nothing but a cold trail.
The trail was not as "cold" as she perhaps hoped it was, and information has had a way of finding its way into LE's hands
3. she didn't "break" in jail and give up the info.
This goes against her in my book, and will likely be viewed the same way by the jurors.
4. LP got her out thinking she would talk, that backfired and she remained silent.
Sociopaths are very charming in their deceptions and he was misled, likely by her attorney and by her family.
5. Hurricane destroyed potental evidence.
Perhaps did not destroy, but only delayed for a more opportune moment.
6. they managed to bail her out again and been allowed to spend all days lounging at JB's.
But those days are numbered and even IF she escapes the judicial system she will not escape the judgement of the universe.
7.TM gave up search.
They did not give up the search, they have only postponed it for a more favorable time, when it is more likely that they will be able to find her if she is where they think.
8. Judge rules in favor of her motions.
He did not give them ANYTHING signifigant, and he did not rule in favor of ALL her was smoke and mirrors.
Just seems like she's had all the luck from the beginning and it makes me nervous. Also when everyone, like NG, say repeatedly that she is going to be indicted, blah, blah, blah, it's like it goes against the gods to assume this will happen. I'm scared.

The thing about LUCK is that you either have it or you don't and when you do have it then you have your share of good AND bad...her bad will catch up to her in the end, as it must, because this is the Law of God.
When I testified in front of a GJ, I got no warning, no rehersal, nothing, just me thrown into a room with 15 people, they were sitting on graduated levels, and just throwing out questions to me, no rhyme to reason. I was 25 years old, 6 months pregnant and scared to death!

When I served on a GJ we were told the witnesses would be there without having any help in preparing and to be mindful of that.
OMG! the waiting is driving me nuts
Not the FBI - The local DA might give them a heads up on the questions, but the FBI stays out of it. I believe it is an immunity deal.

I'm talking about Local LE - I don't know how the FBI operates but if they are involved in Proscecuting the case then I don't see how it would be any different

If LE is investigating a Case & a witness agrees to Co-operate then LE & the DA will normally sit down with them & tell them what to expect

Why would they call a witness without knowing what he will Testify to?
What do you think? I was wondering if they advised him about new results. I would not think they would be allowed to do this right before he testifies, but I can't really think of a legal reason why not.

Hi Gizzy, I wish that when they pulled him in they had told him that they had bugged his home on July 17th and had heard all conversations since then. Then they could have looked at him and said "The truth is of utmost importance to your future today" and left him to walk into the GJ room. George has a good sense of self preservation when speaking under oath or in sworn statements.

"I'm not nervous at all. You can't be nervous about something you have conviction for, that you have knowledge about. You're not going to be nervous about it. Everyone thinks I'm nervous talking to you guys. I'm very, very down to earth about a lot of stuff. That doesn't bother me," George Anthony said."

OMG, Cindy can't keep her mouth shut!!!
I think this video was taken yesterday. :furious:
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