trial day 48: REBUTTAL #146

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I think JA is stressssed!! You can tell her anxiety is coming out by the way she is scribbling. Definietly no chatting or middle school giggling today! :great:

:rocker: Maybe she'll get so stressed and out of control we'll get to see IF -- IF that stun belt works !

Lucky! :snooty:

Mine is driving me nuts! He leaves tomorrow and I can't wait! Yeah, I love him dearly, but go already! :)
Um. He could head to the airport now. With security measures taking forever (you wouldn't want him to miss his flight, of course! ;)) and hey, there's even a bar and wifi!

Alternatively, you could try to give him a lengthy honey-do list that all needs to be done before he leaves. IME, children and husbands both (conveniently) scatter when such a list appears! :floorlaugh:
I think JA is stressssed!! You can tell her anxiety is coming out by the way she is scribbling. Definietly no chatting or middle school giggling today! :great:

Agreed! She uses writing as a way to soothe herself and distract her own thoughts. If she's not doing something to occupy her mind the crazy comes in. It's a self-medicating behavior.
and this one is for Nurmi and Willi and Jodi:

StephaniePI posted the Stanford-Binet IQ table on the previous thread. Here is the table used by for the Wechsler Intelligence Scale that Dr. DeMarte used:

Wechsler IQ Scoring Chart
There are many types of intelligence testing mechanisms, which use many different IQ scoring scales. However, the most standard scale used today is the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, which is presented below.

IQ Score Range
130 and above
Very Superior Intelligence/Genius
120 to 130
Superior Intelligence
110 to 120
Bright Normal Intelligence
90 to 110
Normal/Average Intelligence
80 to 90
Dull Normal Intelligence
70 to 79
Borderline Mental Retardation
50 to 70
Mild Mental Retardation
35 to 50
Moderate Mental Retardation
20 to 35
Severe Mental Retardation
0 to 20
Profound Mental Retardation

Note: There adult and children's versions of both testing instruments as well as long and short forms of both.
Exactly. She murdered Travis to stop him from exposing her, to stop him from saying exactly these words. No wonder she doesn't dare to look up.

So he was right. She was dangerous and a psychopath!
Oooooo, oooooo, what flavor?

Peanut Butter Cup???

half baked,im not usually very adventurous with ben & jerrys.
we have an italian ice cream parlour so i usually stick to that,spearmint is my usual choice if they have it.
dammit,i took my ben & jerrys out the freezer too early and am being forced to eat it :(
i cant let good ice cream go to waste

ma'am do you realize what you have done? Ma'am don't you know that ice cream will melt at room temperature? You do know that not sharing that could indicate that you are with-holding evidence. Ma'am? Ma'am (judge: the witness is not answering my question.. I want to know if this is chocolate chip)
Have you noticed all the J names around here?!?! JA, JM, JW, JD...

We're gonna get lost with all the initials!


It took me a few weeks of the trial to stop reading JA as "Jeff Ashton":floorlaugh:
JA IQ is 119...other noteworthy people with that range of IQ
Ted Bundy 124
Joel Rifkin 128
Charles Manson 109
David Berkowitz 118
John Wayne Gacy 118.
She fits right in :)
I just gotta say, My kids think I'm a GENIUS because I send all the animated animal gif's I see on here to their itouches. They are funny and cute and just perfect for my 8 and 10 year olds.

I hate to sign off because I know I will miss some.
After yesterdays smack down and calling out JA and her twittering about JM I believe JA thinks she is paying JM back by NOT looking at him.

Secondly JA was administered some testing by the defense which she performed - does the defendant have the right to refuse testing by the prosecution or would the defendant be court ordered to be tested.

If the defendant was court ordered or under duress - would the testing be considered valid?
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