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All so sadly true. Also, I seem to recall someone posting sometime ago that all Lori had to do was hand JJ over to the Woodcocks, who would have gladly raised him and loved him. And they probably would have been happy to take Tylee too. But there was no money in that for Lori.
All so sadly true. Also, I seem to recall someone posting sometime ago that all Lori had to do was hand JJ over to the Woodcocks, who would have gladly raised him and loved him. And they probably would have been happy to take Tylee too. But there was no money in that for Lori.
No money, and she probably would have been seen as a 'bad mum' by other LDS, which might have reduced her heavenly clout in the eyes of her followers.

She settled for murdering them and confirming she was the actual worst mum in the eyes of everyone.

The invoice for the storage unit was left on the printer?

8:42 a.m.
Kunsaitis has been a detective since 2011. On Nov. 27, 2019, Kunsaitis became aware that Det. Hermosillo was conducted searching warrants at three townhomes on Pioneer Road: 174, 175 and 107. Kunsaitis walked through apartment 175 to look for evidence. He found a printer in the bedroom and an invoice for a storage unit at Self Storage Plus.

Another reason for Tylee's death is that they could not get rid of JJ with Tylee still around. She would have created all kind of problems had JJ disappeared. She loved JJ like he was her own.
Tylee was labeled dark by Chad before any other victim (at the end of October 2018). She was a target from the start of Chad and Lori's affair.
The LEO on the stand starts to cry when asked the significance of a financial document. "JJ was killed" a few days later.
These officers have lived and breathed this case and have been emotionally impacted; more than their own "mother."
Tylee was labeled dark by Chad before any other victim (at the end of October 2018). She was a target from the start of Chad and Lori's affair.
The cognitive dissonance for the the Daybell children must be screaming loud at this information. I think CD has told them a modified version of his spiritual worldview/powers to allow for this information to coexist with the reality they know. Emma's behavior in the video yesterday when the human remains were found tells me that CD has laid a thick foundation of lies to try to make it make sense.

I guess my question for the Daybell children is why is it that the only people that were labeled "dark" and subsequently died were hindrances to the CD and LVD relationship? It was a very narrowly focused campaign of identifying and eliminating bad people. Surely there must be other dark figures in the world who are better candidates for departing this realm. While I do not endorse ever harming anyone, I can think of so many evil individuals that should be at the front of the line. Ironically, CD may have positioned himself there with a very real possibility of the death penalty for his deeply selfish and cruel actions.

CD is tied to his narrative with his family. He has the same problem as LVD. If they abandon their theology, they have to explain the horrific behavior, which is impossible to justify. If they cling to the theology, the inconsistencies are glaring and are not a legal justification for their behavior. CD won't testify because there is NO WAY he will subject himself to having to answer for his behavior, and he can't reside in the place where he both takes advantage of the shelter of religion while also claiming that he had nothing to do with booting the so-called "dark" people out of this life. The car video yesterday tells me that there is a really contorted story he has told his children to explain the bodies in his yard.
I was reviewing her testimony and Chad had plenty of conversation with her. He told her Tammy would die a good 9 months before she did. She was told about Tammy being possessed by viola, and also heard conversations about how Tammy’s body wouldn’t die which she found disturbing.
Thanks. Didn't recall that.
I also agree that Chad can't take the stand for many reasons. Aside from the withering cross that would force him to explain his actions while the kids were missing, I'm sure he would be questioned directly as to what explanations he gave his own children (which I'm quite certain would be bizarre and damaging).

I've noticed on the live streaming chat that many people seem puzzled about why so much time is being devoted to Lori's misdeeds. It surprises me that people don't understand that Chad and Lori are joined at the hip and that so much of what she was doing impugns Chad's own conduct. This case rests heavily on conspiracy and the conduct of co-conspirators is very important and relevant.
Camera is wonky on the courtroom view of Chad and defense table, leaving him as just a silhouette, a shadow. And that's what he is now, imo, just a shadow, a ghost in the courtroom, already dead. The State and witnesses and the victims' loved ones in the courtroom bring Tammy and JJ and Tylee alive, they are more alive now than ghost Chad.

Apparently the blinds are open today at the jury's request, accounting for the "dark" view of Chad. It is a particularly bright and sunny day in the Valley today, and cold, only about 45 degrees. Let the sun shine on the truth.
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What I have noticed SO FAR is how early it seems LVD started preparing for her new life. Seems like Loin Fire launched early in their relationship and she was gung ho to get started. No wonder she got impatient when Chad started dragging his feet.

If she had received the insurance money for CV, I think CD would have been left in the dust. LVD probably would have dropped JJ on Kaye, left Tylee, and gone off to Hawaii to find richer pickings than CD.
Do we know if any of the the Daybell kids got some of the life insurance money from Tammy? Not to imply they were complicit at all, I just think that I'm sure the kids wouldn't have minded getting some extra money for their own kids and/or college careers.

It may be a good thing if they didn't. They'd be ordered to give money back because of the fraud.
What I have noticed SO FAR is how early it seems LVD started preparing for her new life. Seems like Loin Fire launched early in their relationship and she was gung ho to get started. No wonder she got impatient when Chad started dragging his feet.
It's interesting that early on, Alex wasn't part of the team. He was not a believer. Lori told her inner circle that he had not lived multiple lives. It all changed after a couple of months and then he was persuaded to murder Charles.
Had Lori and Alex not moved to Rexburg, perhaps Chad would not have murdered Tammy on his own. It was probably always planned for Alex to do the job, just like he did it with Charles.
If she had received the insurance money for CV, I think CD would have been left in the dust. LVD probably would have dropped JJ on Kaye, left Tylee, and gone off to Hawaii to find richer pickings than CD.
IMO she would have done the same things she did together with Chad, just spent more money along the way. She wasn't going to give up the co-leadership role that Chad gave her.
I was reviewing her testimony and Chad had plenty of conversation with her. He told her Tammy would die a good 9 months before she did. She was told about Tammy being possessed by viola, and also heard conversations about how Tammy’s body wouldn’t die which she found disturbing.
I thought MG said most of what she learned CD said came from LVD telling her what he said. When you say you reviewed her testimony - was that in LVD trial or CD Preliminary Hearing? Or better yet, can you post a link? Apparently I need to refresh my memory too lol
If she had received the insurance money for CV, I think CD would have been left in the dust. LVD probably would have dropped JJ on Kaye, left Tylee, and gone off to Hawaii to find richer pickings than CD.
Mickey I will agree Lori’s principal motivation in life was money but Charles had that covered. I believe she was sold on Chads religious beliefs completely) hence why she is a fruitcake) but I also believe she thought Chad would become a very wealthy author and they would travel the world and gain more adherents to his beliefs and more life insurance money on others children. Melanie Boudreaux Pawlowski was next in killing two of her children which Chad had already deemed “dark”.
That’s why I think MBP should be charged for conspiracy re: Mr Boudreaux.
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