TX TX - Caleb Harris, 21, Texas A&M University student, Corpus Christi, 4 Mar 2024

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When my 19yo is snap chatting with his friends he’ll take a photo of any random thing to send with his message. There is no rhyme or reason to it. This may just be what was in front of him when he wanted to send the Snapchat to his sister.
I thought he sent the image of the bridge to a friend that lived in another state?
Well, If a person was in a struggle, he wouldn't be able to take a steady level picture or send it. I think he was outside waiting, and took that photo to show the foggy weather. I'm not 21 anymore, so I don't understand sending a picture at 3am or sending the doggy video to his sister at 245am. The only people I would send a message to at that hour would be the fire department.
Even if someone usually takes pics of themselves maybe the atmosphere of the foggy bridge and the halos around the lights just looked cool to him.
I have yet to see he has a boat, but I did see “kayak”:

He would go to school, come back, grab all his fishing gear, and kayak and would go out fishing.” (said Randy Harris, father)
(Bolded by me)

Do you wear shoes in a kayak?
Do you wear shoes in a kayak?

I'd assume it's best to wear some type of footwear (quick-dry water shoes) for kayak fishing. But, his kayak isn't missing. And, unless he stole someone else's... which doesn't make sense... I'm not sure it matters. And, his fishing gear was still at his apartment.

Also do we know that those snaps were sent to his sister and to his friend as opposed to posted to his story? I thought I saw conflicting info before but I missed some of the middle of the thread.
Also do we know that those snaps were sent to his sister and to his friend as opposed to posted to his story? I thought I saw conflicting info before but I missed some of the middle of the thread.
I’ve never heard that the bridge snap was sent to his sister(only read that sister saw the dog walking snap), read the bridge snap was sent to a friend who didn’t open the chat until days later and saw it.
Initially, re: the dog walking snap, I had read that it was posted to his story and the sister just happened to be awake at that time and saw it. Later I read he had sent it to his mom and sister. I haven’t heard the bridge pic was sent to anyone else but a particular friend
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I haven’t read about any updates yet. It has been mentioned that rewards are sometimes increased after the original end date.
One of my friends has a reward for over 16 years for her brothers unsolved murder. I have nev
Do you wear shoes in a kayak?

er heard of a reward expiration date . Smh
But I mean, we can then say about every single missing person case on this forum that they must have committed suicide since there's no motive we know of for abduction. If they're college age, then they could all have been drinking. I don't think anything we know thus far points to self harm.


I'm still on the fence regarding the reason why Caleb has gone missing.

Abduction? For what reason, robbery? If some bad actor is driving around at 3 am looking for marks to rob I can't see them kidnapping them. If it was a crime of opportunity for some serial killer who wanted to kill someone at 3 am what are the odds of that happening? This is my #5.

I completely rule out a hit and run. I just can't imagine someone hitting him, taking the time to check on them, decide they're dead so pick up the body that could have grievous injuries leaving all sorts of blood and DNA evidence in the vehicle then risking driving them to a remote location and dump the body. If he did get hit by a car his body and suspect vehicle took off he would have been found and all traffic cameras would have been reviewed and a request for ring cameras, etc. This is my #4.

Statistically more men commit suicide than women even though more women are diagnosed with depression. In the US men are more successful committing suicide because more men own firearms which means the success rate is higher. Women are more likely to use methods like pills that can allow for interventions. We know Caleb had a gun but it's more likely a shotgun since he likes to hunt ducks. That would be a very messy death. Of the options this is my #3.

So what does that leave us with? Intentional disappearance? Wouldn't be the first time someone left a trail of clues that led people away from that suggestion. Maybe he voluntarily got in a vehicle with someone he knows and things went sideways. However, I still consider this one my #2.

My #1 reason for Caleb going missing is misadventure. Whether that is falling in water some where, getting caught in mud flats when the tide was coming in or getting caught on debris in the water. I've heard Texas has alligators but don't know how rare they are. Link: https://dfwwildlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Alligator-Distribution-in-Texas.pdf
Does anyone know what Caleb was majoring in? I haven’t seen it mentioned (though I haven’t read all the articles) Just trying to understand the situation a little better and whether his major was a high stress course of study.

My apologies if this has already been posted. I know his Dad said Caleb is doing fine in school with good grades and didn’t seem concerned about that aspect.

When did they write final exams?
I'm assuming the puppy wasn't located? Sadly, I believe someone took Caleb against his will. For the puppy, robbery? Hopefully the forensic investigators can provide answers soon.

I believe the puppy was inside. It belongs to the girlfriend of one of his roommates.

I know the CCPD Blotter update says the dog belonged to “the girlfriend of one of Harris’s roommates”, but the Admin at the Missing: Talk of Caleb Harris FB page said that was inaccurate. She wrote: “It’s not a girlfriend’s dog. Dog belongs to Caleb and his roommates.”

Also, the dog is not a puppy but an older dog.
(Screenshot below from the Emily Mueller Wich video that WS mods have approved)
Regarding the bridge Snapchat, just thoughts mulling in my little pea brain

It’s been said by posters here that sometimes people just take photos of random things for Snapchat. But I believe the posters here said that was done in order to keep up “Streaks”. I looked up Streaks, and it entails having to send Snaps back and forth every day.

It doesn’t seem like the bridge photo was just a random photo taken by Caleb for this purpose, since the recipient friend has said he seldom looks at his Snaps.

I am unfamiliar with Snapchat workings…can people chat without an accompanying photo? Did he take it as a random photo just in order to send a chat message, in a caption form? (though it is unknown/unconfirmed if a caption was included)

What was he doing there? Was he trying to be kind, and waiting there for his UberEats delivery so the driver wouldn’t have to drive IN to the apts complex? (but then, the driver has said the order instructions said to leave on the porch, as I recall…so, guess not)

Perhaps I don’t understand Snapchat nor have the mindset of today’s young (yes, I am ancient :p), but it’s hard for me to think he’d take the picture for no real reason, totally random. I take photos only because I want to capture something that is meaningful to me, or interesting, in some way, so I guess that’s why I keep trying to attach meaning to the photo.

View attachment 493839
You can send a plain text chat, a still photo, or a video. They all show up as different icons or colors to the recipient before opening, so they can tell what kind of thing you've sent. But no thumbnail or text preview -- you have to open it to see anything.
It is possible someone seems happy, makes plans, has decent grades, but is actually feeling so much pressure / unease / depression deep inside that they decide to "walk away." We even saw a case here recently, but that young man took his car with him. (Student who disappeared right before a scheduled exam, and LE confirmed later they made contact, and they considered the case resolved.)

However it would still be a very serious concern, for the person's well-being, especially if they don't contact family for a long period of time, IMO.
People do disappear and it seems like an anomaly because the information we get from family is that everything is a-okay when perhaps it is not. As you mature you may find your values and your parents values don't align anymore. Whether that is religious, financial, in regards to sexuality, etc.

There was one young man back a couple of years on WS who's parents thought he was going to school every day, that his marks were top notch and he was going to graduate with honors when in reality he'd been living a lie; he hadn't attended classes for months because he was failing miserably. He ended his life in a water source on his way home after the final semester. I'm sure he was under great pressure to succeed as an immigrant.

Found Deceased - OH - Rabin Subedi, travelling from PA to OH, car found, Ashtabula, 27 March 2021
I agree with those who posted that perhaps he just took that picture of the bridge because the fog around the lights make it look kind of cool/creepy/eerie. I do that all the time - if I see a scene that looks neat for some reason, I'll snap a picture of it. I have done this in fact with foggy conditions before. I may post it to an Instagram story (don't have Snapchat). I *might* send it to my husband if it was especially neat.

But even if that's why he took and sent the photo, we still don't know why he was out there. Especially if he had class in the morning and had a food delivery coming. Even if the instructions were to leave on the porch, I'm assuming he'd want to gather it soon after if it had to be refrigerated and not just sit out there all night. And then is just seems like poof! He vanished. Of course people don't vanish but it just seems such a short time frame and an odd place/situation - so few people were out and about at that time of night.
I know the CCPD Blotter update says the dog belonged to “the girlfriend of one of Harris’s roommates”, but the Admin at the Missing: Talk of Caleb Harris FB page said that was inaccurate. She wrote: “It’s not a girlfriend’s dog. Dog belongs to Caleb and his roommates.”

Also, the dog is not a puppy but an older dog.
(Screenshot below from the Emily Mueller Wich video that WS mods have approved)
View attachment 493858
So much misinformation, even from MSM. Thank you for clarifying— what a cute little dog.
I agree with those who posted that perhaps he just took that picture of the bridge because the fog around the lights make it look kind of cool/creepy/eerie. I do that all the time - if I see a scene that looks neat for some reason, I'll snap a picture of it. I have done this in fact with foggy conditions before. I may post it to an Instagram story (don't have Snapchat). I *might* send it to my husband if it was especially neat.

But even if that's why he took and sent the photo, we still don't know why he was out there. Especially if he had class in the morning and had a food delivery coming. Even if the instructions were to leave on the porch, I'm assuming he'd want to gather it soon after if it had to be refrigerated and not just sit out there all night. And then is just seems like poof! He vanished. Of course people don't vanish but it just seems such a short time frame and an odd place/situation - so few people were out and about at that time of night.
It really is a very curious case. Such a small window of time for him to virtually disappear, no evidence of him or suspicious people or cars on cameras/video/dash cams. By all accounts a friendly, well liked, and popular young man. Just doing his typical thing then like you said, poof, gone
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