TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #31

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I will have to get back to ya'll on acid vats,,, Neither me or my husband know. I would have to ask someone who works in the oilfield. But if there is or isn't I am 100% positive, the LE does. And exactly where they are..
You know, just thinking off the cuff here, butIF Shawn did something to Hailey...if he did it for retaliation, or to "be remembered for a long time" and if he is obsessed with horror movies and wanting to emulate certain characters, etc....it stands to reason that he might eventually "want" to be caught, or Hailey to be found, so that he gets his notoriety.

This is all speculation on my part, of course. It just has me wondering why he isn't talking if he is involved, if his motive is "to be remembered".

In the back of my head I know there are many reasonable answers to this, it just makes me wonder if maybe Hailey was abducted by someone outside of the home.

This case is really confusing. The only constant (for me) is that Hailey isn't home, and I want her back safe.

She wrote her sweet note on masking tape


Let me start by saying three things:

1. If this has already been discussed, I missed it.
2. I have no idea what I'm talking about. No experience in this field whatsover.
3. I'm not even really sure I believe the accuracy of this type of analysis, but it seems worthy of discussing.

Having said that....

I've looked at this photo several times, but for some reason, THIS time her handwriting jumped out at me. Look at how incredibly far it slants to the left!! Now (and this is why I'm not sure how much stock I put in handwriting analysis), who knows what the conditions were when she wrote the note. Heck, for all we know, she was leaning over her BFF in an awkward position trying to reach the masking tape. We just don't know.

In any case, I googled what the "experts" in handwriting analysis say about left slants and I found this (BBM):

"Handwriting that slants to the left, or backward, indicates a person who does not readily express his feelings. He keeps his emotions hidden and reacts to the world around him in a reserved and logical manner. People who have experienced a traumatic event in their life or a severe illness often pull their handwriting to the left because they turn their thoughts and feelings inward."

it was on last night's nancy grace... I just watched it...

she said DD saw Hailey in his bedroom at 9pm when he left and she was playing the xbox ((BD than says SHE "thinks" he had left earlier))

She told NG the last time she, BD, saw Hailey that night was between 10-11pm in her room and she was in the bed watching tv.


Everytime BD is on NG I start to think I am losing my mind. I think I know the timeline etc. based on previous statements then BD says something to make me wonder if I heard right in the first place. It shouldn't be this hard and LE shouldn't have their resources drained on stuff like this.

BD luvs SA, maybe feels she can't live without him, I get it. There's drugs and 911 calls and masks etc. We know. Just step up and get it all out on the table so LE can move forward in finding Hailey. In the big picture taking pills etc. doesn't matter. What matters is the truth no matter if it paints you in not so nice of a light. Hailey deserves the truth.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6029418&postcount=473"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #30[/ame]

here is cz's post...

in a nutshell the acid is kept out in the oil fields where anyone can get to it in 55 gallon drums...

here is what a 55 gallon drum looks like:


Those pictures of Hailey have me sitting here crying.(so glad to be home by myself)

She really looks happy and well adjusted. It seems that she really cared for the teacher.

(I am a former teacher, and I loved snaping pictures of the pleasures in my First Grader's lives! I always kept them posted in my classroom and then sent them home with the child. Some of these sad children did NOT have a home life where pictures were taken of them!!)Sorry O/Topic.

She also looked like she did NOT have on makeup and was NOT trying to make herself appear older/sexy. (Remembering the provocative pictures of 12 year old Brittney Smith!!!!)

My heart is just breaks for this sad and innocent child!!!

You don't need a link. When the list of items found in Billie's car was listed, sulfuric acid was one of the items listed. Check the local Tx. media sites, I bet they have the list.
Investigators must legally submit what was taken after using a search warrant.

The following property was seized from the Dunn's white 2000 Chevrolet Lumina:

– Two rolls of black electrical tape

– One plastic purple cigarette lighter

– Six 3M trace evidence collection filters with trace evidence from vehicle

– Miscellaneous papers

– One sterile sheet with debris from trunk of vehicle

Where is the sulfuric acid listed?
Thank goodness!!! I read the post and was envisioning you sitting in an office at a warehouse somewhere surrounded by huge vats of acid!!!


lol:floorlaugh: Thankyou for my first laugh for today......
Let me start by saying three things:

1. If this has already been discussed, I missed it.
2. I have no idea what I'm talking about. No experience in this field whatsover.
3. I'm not even really sure I believe the accuracy of this type of analysis, but it seems worthy of discussing.

Having said that....

I've looked at this photo several times, but for some reason, THIS time her handwriting jumped out at me. Look at how incredibly far it slants to the left!! Now (and this is why I'm not sure how much stock I put in handwriting analysis), who knows what the conditions were when she wrote the note. Heck, for all we know, she was leaning over her BFF in an awkward position trying to reach the masking tape. We just don't know.

In any case, I googled what the "experts" in handwriting analysis say about left slants and I found this (BBM):

"Handwriting that slants to the left, or backward, indicates a person who does not readily express his feelings. He keeps his emotions hidden and reacts to the world around him in a reserved and logical manner. People who have experienced a traumatic event in their life or a severe illness often pull their handwriting to the left because they turn their thoughts and feelings inward."


Wow! So thats why my handwriting slants that way! Ive had people say stuff about it. And yes, I AM one to guard my emotions, no denying that.
You know, just thinking off the cuff here, butIF Shawn did something to Hailey...if he did it for retaliation, or to "be remembered for a long time" and if he is obsessed with horror movies and wanting to emulate certain characters, etc....it stands to reason that he might eventually "want" to be caught, or Hailey to be found, so that he gets his notoriety.

This is all speculation on my part, of course. It just has me wondering why he isn't talking if he is involved, if his motive is "to be remembered".

In the back of my head I know there are many reasonable answers to this, it just makes me wonder if maybe Hailey was abducted by someone outside of the home.

This case is really confusing. The only constant (for me) is that Hailey isn't home, and I want her back safe.

I've thought about that too but then I came to the conclusion that the one thing that would stop SA from doing this would be the death penalty.

Don't think he's ready to give up his own life for notoriety.


In any case, I googled what the "experts" in handwriting analysis say about left slants and I found this (BBM):

"Handwriting that slants to the left, or backward, indicates a person who does not readily express his feelings. He keeps his emotions hidden and reacts to the world around him in a reserved and logical manner. People who have experienced a traumatic event in their life or a severe illness often pull their handwriting to the left because they turn their thoughts and feelings inward."


My guess is just that she was trying to write in a narrow space (or may have been LH?). There are lots of people who have experienced traumatic events whose handwriting doesn't slant towards the left... Just sayin'. :)
Regarding the acid-- there is no way SA could have gotten a barrel of acid out of the shop without someone seeing him, and he would have to have had help. Isn't it more probable that he used it to clean the drains where he washed off evidence? Perhaps freshly finished when DD startled him...?

eta: I just saw nurse's post about the acid being available in the field-- but still, it would be missed. mo
IMO, people in CCity aren't worried about some one kidnapping their children off the streets, so I get the impression they all suspect the suspect...JMOO

I do't know about everybody in CCity, but I live in Snyder and have tighten EVEN MORE the reins on my children,, for the first two weeks, my children were not even allowed to be outside in our fenced back yard without me or dad. I think I have somewhat relaxed a little bit, I can only speak for me though.
I've thought about that too but then I came to the conclusion that the one thing that would stop SA from doing this would be the death penalty.

Don't think he's ready to give up his own life for notoriety.


That's what I thought too. He may get off on the excitement of all these horrid things but in his mind he is too good for jail.
I've thought about that too but then I came to the conclusion that the one thing that would stop SA from doing this would be the death penalty.

Don't think he's ready to give up his own life for notoriety.


I think you are right...or the sheer thrill of "getting away with it" so he can do it again, or maybe to protect a partner in crime.

I guess I'm just trying to avoid this tunnel vision that I seem to have about Shawn. I wish I could get past it.
Just read that Kampfer has confirmed the test message was sent at 2 pm, and read WYD (what are you doing)
Regarding the acid-- there is no way SA could have gotten a barrel of acid out of the shop without someone seeing him, and he would have to have had help. Isn't it more probable that he used it to clean the drains where he washed off evidence? Perhaps freshly finished when DD startled him...?

eta: I just saw nurse's post about the acid being available in the field-- but still, it would be missed. mo
what if he drove TO the acid??? if they are just sitting out in the oilfields?

I don't know much about the oil fields/how remote they are or can be..... but I agree he wouldn't have taken the acid... but driven TO it...

moo of course

((capitalization of TO was for emphasis only))
The call with him saying she was suicidal and threatening to take a bunch of pills really worried me. If she was suicidal why would she care about him threatening to kill her? What if he really was planning on hurting BD and made that call so when she ended up dead they would have it on record that someone was worried about her being suicidal?
It almost made me hope she did really say that...

In dealing with domestic abuse outreach ... this is a common pattern IME. He gets mad, threatens, attempts to leave .... and she reels him back in with her own threats (reporting him for something, telling family/friends, committing suicide, etc.)

Threatening suicide is also a common manipulative tool for those that are narcissistic, have borderline personality disorder and/or are sociopaths.

I just read the true crime story of the murder of Steven Beard. His wife, Celeste was convicted and is serving life in a TX. She manipulated EVERYONE around her with threats of suicide. I mean ... EVERYONE ....[ame]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celeste_Beard[/ame] .
That's what I thought too. He may get off on the excitement of all these horrid things but in his mind he is too good for jail.

Yeah, just the satisfaction of watching all this unfold is probably good enough for him. He likely spends all day on the computer, watching news reports and viewing the searchers from his grandma's front porch. Probably all he needs. :furious:
what if he drove TO the acid??? if they are just sitting out in the oilfields?

I don't know much about the oil fields/how remote they are or can be..... but I agree he wouldn't have taken the acid... but driven TO it...

moo of course

((capitalization of TO was for emphasis only))

But then why the traces in the trunk of the car?
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