TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #52

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The $140 spent on illegal narcotics the night before would have easily repaired a broken door glass with plenty to spare.


Just like DD "going through a window" to enter the residence according to the affidavit, when he simply put his hand in the already broke window pane to unlock the door, the affidavit obviously has some embellishments in it. The $140 for illegal drug buy could be an embellishment as well. JMO.
From the press conference:

I was kind of upset that Hailey hadn’t called me, and confirmed that Shawn had let me know that she was staying the night with a friend, but I wasn’t worried about her.

Wut? :waitasec: How could Hailey have confirmed what Shawn told Billie? Billie said when Shawn called her, and she asked about the kids, that Shawn told her Hailey had left. Hailey couldn't possibly confirm that Shawn had told her that. But I'll bet she's upset nobody can.

BeanE, I took that to mean that she was upset that Hailey hadn't called to confirm that Shawn had passed on the message. Does that make sense?
In looking at the timeline provided by BD, it says that Shawn arrived at his mother's house between 7:30 - 8:00 a.m. If so, why didn't his cell phone ping there prior to 9:30 a.m.? Does it only ping every couple of hours or what?
Yes, and it being right at Christmas, everyone is "Broke" not to mention the fact if one doesn' know how to replace a window and has to call a repair man out, it is expensive. Thank goodness through 3 kids my DH knew how to change out the window panes, along with some of our neighbors windows too.

While I am pretty sure the broken window played no part in allowing this crime to happen, there is no indication how long it had been broken. It could have been broken for MONTHS or days or weeks. That being said, however, if I had to on ANY occasion leave my 13 yr old daughter home alone for hours in a house that could be entered simply by reaching through that broken window to unlock a door.....the repair of that window would have taken priority over a new tv or ipod for her Christmas presents and it would DEFINITELY have been more important than horror masks or illegal drug purchases.

Another thing... those affidavits were signed off on BEFORE the trooper said that they thought she was in hiding and scared to come out. So they think she is kidnapped one day... then a few days later... NO she is hiding... then NO there may be foul play... then NO let's release those warrants. ????

AKA Beating the bushes.

Release a statement, watch the reactions. Rinse and repeat.
From the press conference:

I was kind of upset that Hailey hadn’t called me, and confirmed that Shawn had let me know that she was staying the night with a friend, but I wasn’t worried about her.

Wut? :waitasec: How could Hailey have confirmed what Shawn told Billie? Billie said when Shawn called her, and she asked about the kids, that Shawn told her Hailey had left. Hailey couldn't possibly confirm that Shawn had told her that. But I'll bet she's upset nobody can.

I think BD was saying that she wished Hailey had called her from MB's to confirm her plans on spending the night with MB hence, confirming what Shawn had told BD that HD was going to her Dad's and then to MB's to spend the night.
My friend Freud thinks that's just a slip.

Billie spent some time with her friend composing this statement. She ran it past her friend and LE, and this little nugget slipped by.

Huh? I don't get why this is odd, strange, or a "slip." This is the way we talk in Texas. She asked her son to call the friend to see if Hailey was there.
IOW, to find out if Hailey was there.
No offense, but it's pretty plain to me.
From the press conference:

I was kind of upset that Hailey hadn’t called me, and confirmed that Shawn had let me know that she was staying the night with a friend, but I wasn’t worried about her.

Wut? :waitasec: How could Hailey have confirmed what Shawn told Billie? Billie said when Shawn called her, and she asked about the kids, that Shawn told her Hailey had left. Hailey couldn't possibly confirm that Shawn had told her that. But I'll bet she's upset nobody can.

:yes: :ziplip:
After the fact of Billie going to the PD..not surprising that LE would want to further interview getting all details..etc for the "report"..

Investigators will tell you that alot is gleaned in these first hours..especially wanting to be at the home..wanting to see if it can be discerned that its not a runaway

I wish we could get our hands on the initial report.
BeanE, I took that to mean that she was upset that Hailey hadn't called to confirm that Shawn had passed on the message. Does that make sense?

Your interpretation of what Billie said makes perfect sense to me. What doesn't make sense to me is the expectation that Hailey would have to call her mom to make sure SA passed on a message. SA is an adult and Hailey is a child. I don't think the burden should be on Hailey to confirm. Especially since Billie herself said that Hailey often told SA, her dad, or even just left a note when she was going off. Why would Billie expect Hailey to call her mom and confirm what SA said this time? If anyone should have called to confirm the exchange between SA and Hailey, it was Billie. Maybe she feels guilty she didn't or maybe she still believes what Shawn told her and wishes Hailey had called. IDK, but I do think this is a very odd thing to think or say, whatever the reason.
You know what one of the beauties of life is?
That we all can see and hear the same things and come away from it with very different views of it…
This article says she was talking about Clint when she got all snippy about donations and keeping jobs, etc.

IMO, it says she doesn't want people to be fooled by anyone collecting money saying it will go to her. She is not soliciting donations and wanted people to know that. It also says that Clint is operating on donations. It DOESN'T specifically say she was accusing Clint of anything, although the inference might be made that she was.
My transcription (bbm):
I just finished - I think it's correct:
I was kind of upset that Hailey hadn’t called me, confirmed that Shawn had let me know that she was staying the night with a friend. But I wasn’t worried about her. I went to bed.

Nicki's transcription (Nicki, it too me forever as well...:()(bbm):
What I heard in the PC video – Verbatim – MOO since I tried really hard (took me 4 hours) but no guarantee that every single word is accurate, but it’s close…
I was kind of upset that Hailey Hadn’t called me and confirmed that Shawn did let me know she was staying the night with her friend but I wasn’t worried about her, Umm I went to bed.

From the press conference:

I was kind of upset that Hailey hadn’t called me, and confirmed that Shawn had let me know that she was staying the night with a friend, but I wasn’t worried about her.

Wut? :waitasec: How could Hailey have confirmed what Shawn told Billie? Billie said when Shawn called her, and she asked about the kids, that Shawn told her Hailey had left. Hailey couldn't possibly confirm that Shawn had told her that. But I'll bet she's upset nobody can.

I was wondering if the placement of the comma in the transcription had anything to do with interpreting what Billie was saying, so I listened again just now. There is no 'and'. It's like I transcribed it above:

I was kind of upset that Hailey hadn’t called me, confirmed that Shawn had let me know that she was staying the night with a friend.

To me, I think it all means the same thing, with/without the comma, with/without the 'and'. Billie is saying she was upset that Hailey didn't call to confirm that Shawn had passed along the message.

So to those of you who are seeing something different in this statement, can you explain what it is? I'm confused by the implications of what else the statement could mean. Thanks.
My transcription (bbm):

Nicki's transcription (Nicki, it too me forever as well...:()(bbm):

I was wondering if the placement of the comma in the transcription had anything to do with interpreting what Billie was saying, so I listened again just now. There is no 'and'. It's like I transcribed it above:

I was kind of upset that Hailey hadn’t called me, confirmed that Shawn had let me know that she was staying the night with a friend.

To me, I think it all means the same thing, with/without the comma, with/without the 'and'. Billie is saying she was upset that Hailey didn't call to confirm that Shawn had passed along the message.

So to those of you who are seeing something different in this statement, can you explain what it is? I'm confused by the implications of what else the statement could mean. Thanks.

I just took it as she is hanging around PK too much and his way of speaking is rubbing off on BD.
so when his boss made the statement to the media that SA was a good worker and had not been fired, why didn't he just come out and say SA was only at work a few minutes that day to clean out his locker?

Can I get a link? I thought the boss/coworkers spoke to LE and the information was released (filtered/edited) to media by LE via the affidavit.
My daughter once locked herself out of our duplex, with her keys and cell phone locked inside her (running) car. She tried to get in trough a basement window, inside one of those metal half-circular "wells". The glass shattered. The window was an aluminum casement window and the window could not be removed to go get it reglazed. The glass that had come out was really thin, and I suspect, based on the amount of sealant around it, it was a home repair, and that the glass used was from picture frames. I had no clue how to fix it, so we put a piece of cardboard in there, since the basement was unfinished and was where the furnace, oil tank, and washer/dryer were. It kept the place dry, and warm, and it was not until we moved out over a year later that I realized we'd never really gotten it fixed.
Who knows when Hailey broke the window. Could be a while ago.
my point is.... billie found it urgent to have fixed per a local somewhere back in this thread that was within days of Haileys disappearance... which tells me it was very recent or she would have handled it prior to hailey disappearing if it happened way before....or put it on the back burner if she didnt mind letting it be....why right then....
IMO, it says she doesn't want people to be fooled by anyone collecting money saying it will go to her. She is not soliciting donations and wanted people to know that. It also says that Clint is operating on donations. It DOESN'T specifically say she was accusing Clint of anything, although the inference might be made that she was.

It sure sounded to me like a slam against Clint. How would she know that these other people collecting money did not have jobs or whatever it was she threw in there? That really turned me off. I think Billie is just beside herself that Clint is coming off as the more sympathetic figure here and she just can't stand it, so she has to make sure that everyone knows he has a shaky work history. Here SA is getting all of this bad attention, but Clint is only getting praised for searching for Hailey, as far as she sees it...it drives her crazy. I know she lost my sympathy, with that and oj yeah, moving SA on into the house with her fearful daughter.
Your interpretation of what Billie said makes perfect sense to me. What doesn't make sense to me is the expectation that Hailey would have to call her mom to make sure SA passed on a message. SA is an adult and Hailey is a child. I don't think the burden should be on Hailey to confirm. Especially since Billie herself said that Hailey often told SA, her dad, or even just left a note when she was going off. Why would Billie expect Hailey to call her mom and confirm what SA said this time? If anyone should have called to confirm the exchange between SA and Hailey, it was Billie. Maybe she feels guilty she didn't or maybe she still believes what Shawn told her and wishes Hailey had called. IDK, but I do think this is a very odd thing to think or say, whatever the reason.

It seems BD is upset because HD didn't confirm that evening her plans through BD. I myself would have expecetd a phone call from my girls and when I didn't get it in a timely manner, I would call them myself.
The thing is, HD never made it to her friends house to call her Mom to confirm. HD didn't have her Mom's cell phone with her to make a call to confirm. For all anyone knows HD might have planned on calling her Mom, just didn't get a chance.
Your interpretation of what Billie said makes perfect sense to me. What doesn't make sense to me is the expectation that Hailey would have to call her mom to make sure SA passed on a message. SA is an adult and Hailey is a child. I don't think the burden should be on Hailey to confirm. Especially since Billie herself said that Hailey often told SA, her dad, or even just left a note when she was going off. Why would Billie expect Hailey to call her mom and confirm what SA said this time? If anyone should have called to confirm the exchange between SA and Hailey, it was Billie. Maybe she feels guilty she didn't or maybe she still believes what Shawn told her and wishes Hailey had called. IDK, but I do think this is a very odd thing to think or say, whatever the reason.

Okay - now I get it. Thanks for explaining it and it does make sense. It was not up to Hailey to check on one adult giving another adult the message. I do think what she is saying is not so much that Hailey didn't check to see if Shawn passed the message along but that Hailey didn't communicate directly with her about it (almost like "I'm the mom - she should have told ME"). In that case, as a parent, it's the parent's responsibility then to make that known to the child that leaving messages with third parties is not acceptable - and also calling and checking on Hailey herself, especially if Hailey had never stayed at that home before and especially if the parents had never met. I think we've hashed that part to death in the past, though.

I do think it's very telling - that Hailey usually communicated directly with/to her mom when spending the night elsewhere (such as via a note as Billie said Hailey often left for her when staying the night somewhere else, or maybe phone call) rather than passing a message through a third person (like SA).

That's another reason for the hinky meter to go up.
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