TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #53

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Billie asked Clint to go to the police station?

To date, I have only seen that Billie asked Clint to call LE to tell them that SHE was going to go to the police station. My puzzlement over this is that it does not seem logical.
I want to know why Billie didn't call SA to come get her and take her home on Tues. He works in the same town ( she says she didn't know he wasn't at work) and he had her car.
Yes I'm trying to do too many things. I misspoke originally. Monday he broke in and Tuesday the calls .

Thank You for everything..I know we're a mess..:innocent:.

Would it help if we asked Tricia to give you a raise? :floorlaugh:..
Didn't Shawn take the sofa? Then LE could still check it for evidence.

No, I believe someone else took it - a lady hauled it off, I think? It had been just sitting in their yard in a truck, IIRC. Someone else may remember the details better but I don't believe SA took it.
And now I have the BOMBSHELL of all BOMBSHELLS!!!!

Shawn and I still got back to Colorado City about 7:30 that evening, and we were probably in bed by nine.

[DD] came in to say good night soon after.

I was kind of upset that Hailey hadn’t called me, and confirmed that Shawn had let me know that she was staying the night with a friend, but I wasn’t worried about her.

I went to bed.


Billie went to bed twice that night. :)


Fried, I tell ya. Fried.
Maybe she was realllly tired. lol

Seriously, the statement I bolded is the one that stood out to me above just about anything else she said.
She was "kind of upset"? Hailey should've called her to confirm? Yes, she should have. But she didn't. So Billie takes it for granted that Hailey just forgot to call? WTF It's her responsibility to make sure that her child is safe, and that she is indeed where she is supposed to be. But oh no, she doesn't see it that way.

"...but I wasn't worried about her. I went to bed." :banghead:
Then imo she should say " Shawn told me he did NOT come to Chestnut street, he just drove by on way to Mom's house. But she inserted HIS VERSION of events into her timeline as if it was something she could confirm.

He is still a prime suspect in her daughters disappearance. He has lied to her in the past, even recently, concerning important events surrounding the day she went missing. So how the heck can she put his new version of events into her timeline and assert them as factual?

Actually, in her timeline she clearly states "SA further claims that he went directly to his mother's house..." BBM

It appears to me that everywhere in the timeline she makes it clear that his actions (when she was not with him) are things that he "says" or "claims." Interestingly, she does say "6:10am: SA leaves work." I think there she is using the information from the search warrant. (Obviously she doesn't say SA but I think I'm supposed to do that.)
I want to know why Billie didn't call SA to come get her and take her home on Tues. He works in the same town ( she says she didn't know he wasn't at work) and he had her car.

Or why didn't she get her sister in law to take her to his work and get her car. Tell him to find his own way home.

Actually, in her timeline she clearly states "SA further claims that he went directly to his mother's house..." BBM

It appears to me that everywhere in the timeline she makes it clear that his actions (when she was not with him) are things that he "says" or "claims." Interestingly, she does say "6:10am: SA leaves work." I think there she is using the information from the search warrant. (Obviously she doesn't say SA but I think I'm supposed to do that.)

Welcome to Websleuths!..Better fasten your seatbelt, I have a feeling it's going to be a rough ride..
I know! How many tabs can one toolbar hold - now THAT is the question!
LOL I'm constantly testing that question. Every time I open another tab I just know a big orange fox is going to pop up and go :nono:. :)
I'm reading through everyone's comments and all I can say is Billie's little presser didn't seem to clear up anything. In fact, it only made it more confusing. :crazy: Or, just enhanced all the things that didn't make sense before. :doh:
Why didn't BD have CD call 911 instead of telling him to call and say she was coming down to the station. Wouldn't it make more sense for him to call 911 and have an officer come out and take a report while BD was calling around and looking for HD.
I wonder if SA's boss was suprised to see him at work that early or if he'd called him the night before to come in early. It seems as if SA was suprised to see his boss there and didn't even speak to him, just smiled and left.
It seems so ridiculous that a month in and we are here still trying to figure out the truth regarding the most basic events leading up to Hailey's disappearance. IMO BD should be able to have straight answers to many if not most questions even if she had no clue what SA was doing ...and yet, even after holding a presser to "clarify" we need another presser to clarify what was said at the clarification presser..What's wrong with this picture?..
I don't remember another case when both the representative of the victim and that of LE were equally hard to comprehend. I can't tell if both are playing word games or if it is just another really big coincidence...
Why didn't BD have CD call 911 instead of telling him to call and say she was coming down to the station. Wouldn't it make more sense for him to call 911 and have an officer come out and take a report while BD was calling around and looking for HD.

Well, that's an awesome point!..and IF for some reason she felt he couldn't be trusted..have DD call..or better yet, why didn't she call and ask them to meet her?
Welcome to Websleuths!..Better fasten your seatbelt, I have a feeling it's going to be a rough ride..

Thanks, Pondering, I've been on the ride since the first thread so I know what you mean! I thought I'd dip my toe in when it's relatively slow and my reply would show up within a page or two of the original quote.

GRACE: Well, I don`t know what to believe, either, because I`m getting all these different stories about you having a New Year`s Eve party, and you`re high when you go take the polygraph. Let me ask you this. Let`s get back to the facts. When was the last time you absolutely are positive you saw Hailey?

BILLIE DUNN: I saw her Sunday night.

GRACE: What time, 10:00 PM?

BILLIE DUNN: Probably around 10:00.

GRACE: Now, was that when you looked in her room and it is was dark and you thought she was lying in her bed?

BILLIE DUNN: I did see her in her room, but I saw her watching TV. Monday morning, I looked in her room and it was dark and it looked look she was laying in bed. But I didn`t go touch her, make sure that was her. I just peeked in to make sure she was in bed to ease my mind and...

GRACE: And so no one for sure saw Hailey from, like -- that was 6:00 AM in the morning when you left...


GRACE: ... until the boyfriend gets home and he says she`s there at 3:0 o`clock and then she leaves at 3:15. So if you were not correct at 6:00 AM, for all I know, she`s been gone since 5:00 AM in the morning.


Based on this line of questioning from NG - it seems that NG was questioning the timeline of the last sighting of HD & the alleged reported events following HD's disappearance, as well, IMO.

ETA: In response to NG's question to BD: "When was the last time you absolutely are positive you saw Hailey?"

To which BD replied: "I saw her Sunday night."
I'm confused? Who was supposed to be in the dollar store with Hailey?

No one in the Sunday video..On Monday IIRC it was the hairdresser that said she saw Hailey and a boy crossing her yard in direction of the Dollar store. No video showing that happened tho..
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