TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #55

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I've spent hours and hours and hours and hours on this computer, pouring over each and every word, trying to make some sense of it all...as so many of us have.

Until tonight I have felt horror, anger, frustration, confusion, rage, anxiety, bafflement and downright disgust. Tonight I felt hope. And for the first time I was able to cry because finally someone showed me an alive little girl with wants and wishes and dreams and giggles and interests and love.

And I heard a man who has had his heart torn right out of his chest, a man whose worry and sadness and helplessness are palpable. I don't ever want to feel the things he's having to feel, and I fervently pray that very very soon he won't have to feel those things either.
Maybe she realizes her "failings" as a mother and can't face them. Maybe she feels guilty for them and can't cope with them. Maybe she can't get her head around someone who she thought she loved doing something like this?

I'm not defending her. I don't know her. I'm trying to figure out a piece of the puzzle here and there and SA's leaving in the morning and returning immediately doesn't make sense. He was obviously trying to hide something from BD...And the only elephant in the room is HD's disappearance.


you may be right. but even if that is the case, now is the time she needs to stop making this about her and make it all about Hailey.
Is it possible that neither BD or CD are involved? Could it be only SA? Could BD's inconsistencies be the result of her having realized that she has been a negligent mother? If she has had a problem with drugs and has been negligent as a mothe, could her posturing simply be related to that?

I've been thinking a lot about why SA would have left in the morning and gone to work and then left work to go back home...It's odd and it doesn't make any sense...Unless, something only he knew about happened to Hailey during the night/early morning hours. I now suspect that she was either unconscious or dead when he left in the morning. (Probably suffocated.) I'm not sure what could have happened but whatever it was, it could have taken place while BD was passed out or in a deep sleep. I think, without much sleep and in a panic, that he covered her up to look as though she was sleeping. I'm not sure if I believe that BD looked in on her or not but I think that SA left that morning feeling quite sure that BD would "discover" her dead in the morning before she left for work. He got himself out of there so that he would not be there when this happened. He removed himself hoping that BD would be home alone to find HD in bed, unconscious. He went to work fully expecting to hear from her! And he didn't. It sounds like he left ("quit") work at about the time that BD normally would leave home and he still had not heard from her. Sounds like his "original" plan didn't work and at that point, he changed his plan. Deciding to go back home and "clean up" what hadn't been discovered at all!

Does this sound possible to any of you? If he and he alone is responsible for a missing HD, could this be what provoked him to go to work in the morning and then bolt right back home? To change plans and take his time to "clean up"...BD didn't notice that HD was unconscious or dead in bed?

This is all just me thinking out loud and is my opinion only.


Good theory IMHO.
Maybe she realizes her "failings" as a mother and can't face them. Maybe she feels guilty for them and can't cope with them. Maybe she can't get her head around someone who she thought she loved doing something like this?

I'm not defending her. I don't know her. I'm trying to figure out a piece of the puzzle here and there and SA's leaving in the morning and returning immediately doesn't make sense. He was obviously trying to hide something from BD...And the only elephant in the room is HD's disappearance.


I excused her, at first, but since SA has been named the only suspect, I can't forgive her manipulating the timeline with his input. mo
The name of this song is "I Wish".

I wish that never again will a child ever be missing. I wish that all children feel the love of at least one person who can help them. I wish that we were all here just a friends chatting about the weather and our lives. I wish that every missing child could be found alive and well right now. I wish there were answers.

I wish Hailey would come home and live happily ever after.

Bringing this post of Pondering Mind's over from the previous thread:

Clint didn't need a script..he answered straight from his heart and soul..


Clint's words struck me as heartfelt & sincere.

As you said - CD didn't need a script.

Nor did he need anyone to proofread what he said. Why? IMO - because he was speaking from his heart - not from a written, edited, typed up, printed statement.

When love speaks - it doesn't need a script.

When Truth speaks - it doesn't need to be edited or proofread.
Kind of hard for me to answer that since BD is considered 'not a POI' at this time...but I'm going to try..BBM above is sorta what my initial thought was. I'm still of the mind that while she may not be a POI in whatever happened to Hailey..she could be an unnamed POI in a cover up...As far as the WHY she would possibly try and cover up what happened..I can think of many possibilities. That's the ABSOLUTE BEST *I* personally can do in giving Billie the benefit of the doubt....<all JMO and speculation..

Pondering Mind,

My original post was not intended as a means for giving BD the "benefit of the doubt" but rather, as a possible explanation as to why SA left the home, went to work for a very short period (minutes) and possibly returned home. If you don't want to give BD the "benefit of the doubt" can you think of an explanation for his behaviour?

I'm just trying to reason through the behaviours. What happened???

Tuned into the blog radio show tonight fully expecting it to be kinda funky psychic stuff. Instead, it turned out to be personable and really focused on helping families find their missing loved ones. No talk about SA allowed - awesome. I thought 2 hours would drag, but I was completely interested in the first case and really absorbed with Clint's interview.

Big shout out to <mod snip>, the only male caller on the show. He really brought it on with his questions - no holds barred!! Clint could have taken the low road about SA, but he was direct and kept his cool in his answer.

If Clint goes back on this show, I'll listen again. :thumb:

P.s. was relieved when one of the hosts made it clear that Clint should not be falling prey to psychics looking to charge him (and he's not, so good!)
I would like to think that I would have the strength to stand by my husband if falsely accused of harming anyone. When it is your child that has been harmed I can only imagine it makes that burden that much heavier. But I do think people have been named a suspect in a total rush to judgment by LE in other cases, so it would not be enough by itself.

In a case where my boyfriend, who I really haven't know that long in the big picture, who has lied and stolen from me, who has made threats against myself and my daughter, who was the last one to see my child, who my child supposedly told people she was afraid of, who lied to me the day she went missing about his whereabouts..... well that is more than I would be willing to put myself out on a limb for.

If I project my life experiences on to Billie and the situation from where we are viewing it the *only* thing that makes sense to me is BD feels mother's guilt and wants SA to be innocent so badly she is making herself look foolish in the process.

Guilty for bringing him into her life.
Guilty for bringing him closer after he threatened them.
Guilty for ignoring his lies, theft, and creepy factors.
Guilty about the drug use that surrounded HD (which is such a common theme in so many of these cases).
Guilty that HD told people she was uncomfortable around SA.
Either BD ignored those concerns or HD chose comfort in others for obvious reasons.

Being racked with guilt and a good dose of desperately needed denial on her part is the only thing I can come up with that isn't completely unflattering.

Very well put. When you put the whole picture together its quite alarming.

I've spent hours and hours and hours and hours on this computer, poring over each and every word, trying to make some sense of it all...as so many of us have.

Until tonight I have felt horror, anger, frustration, confusion, rage, anxiety, bafflement and downright disgust. Tonight I felt hope. And for the first time I was able to cry because finally someone showed me an alive little girl with wants and wishes and dreams and giggles and interests and love.

And I heard a man who has had his heart torn right out of his chest, a man whose worry and sadness and helplessness are palpable. I don't ever want to feel the things he's having to feel, and I fervently pray that very very soon he won't have to feel those things either.

I think it's almost a feeling of relief that Hailey's voice has finally been heard ..

Clint breaks my heart..I've always said the only thing worse than losing a child would be the *Not Knowing*..I truly don't know if I could make it through that...
Very well put. When you put the whole picture together its quite alarming.
I agree. I don't think that many of BD's actions demonstrate an ability to act responsibly either for herself or on behalf of her children.

I try. I try so hard to believe Billie. Every time she speaks, a lil of my belief goes away. And I think impatientredhead nailed it up above. Guilt. Denial. Guilt and denial kept my sister with a pedophile before she was ready to see it. I don't have the glass houses or pretend to see Hailey's family as golden. We all have our issues. MY issue is that, Billie... you NEED to come clean. About everything. In the long run, your image/job/boyfriend aren't important. Your DAUGHTER is. Clint knows that. He's wagging dirty air everywhere and DOESN'T CARE. Is REAL. Maybe it's the Aquarian in me but you don't have to be LIKE me, cookie cutter. Just REAL. I can't stand fake. I can't stand agenda. PLEASE Billie. Prove me wrong. Prove to me there is no agenda. I was purdy much destroyed after Zahra's case and this one brought me back... PLEASE. Let's air the crap, put all the junk out there, and let's find Hailey.
Is it possible that neither BD or CD are involved? Could it be only SA? Could BD's inconsistencies be the result of her having realized that she has been a negligent mother? If she has had a problem with drugs and has been negligent as a mothe, could her posturing simply be related to that?

I've been thinking a lot about why SA would have left in the morning and gone to work and then left work to go back home...It's odd and it doesn't make any sense...Unless, something only he knew about happened to Hailey during the night/early morning hours. I now suspect that she was either unconscious or dead when he left in the morning. (Probably suffocated.) I'm not sure what could have happened but whatever it was, it could have taken place while BD was passed out or in a deep sleep. I think, without much sleep and in a panic, that he covered her up to look as though she was sleeping. I'm not sure if I believe that BD looked in on her or not but I think that SA left that morning feeling quite sure that BD would "discover" her dead in the morning before she left for work. He got himself out of there so that he would not be there when this happened. He removed himself hoping that BD would be home alone to find HD in bed, unconscious. He went to work fully expecting to hear from her! And he didn't. It sounds like he left ("quit") work at about the time that BD normally would leave home and he still had not heard from her. Sounds like his "original" plan didn't work and at that point, he changed his plan. Deciding to go back home and "clean up" what hadn't been discovered at all!

Does this sound possible to any of you? If he and he alone is responsible for a missing HD, could this be what provoked him to go to work in the morning and then bolt right back home? To change plans and take his time to "clean up"...BD didn't notice that HD was unconscious or dead in bed?

This is all just me thinking out loud and is my opinion only.


It's a reasonable theory - I would probably only add one thing - to me, it seems like his behavior at work that day points to the idea that he was focused so much on [one thing], that he forgot some [other important thing] he left undone at home, and had to rush back out of work. Maybe he went in to get the Dr Pepper to try to work through whatever he was remembering, but then realized that he had to leave to fix [whatever the problem was].

He ended up telling Billie that he got fired because he basically abandoned his job that day.

Just my own thoughts on that day.
CD himself said he feels he knows BD better than anybody. And he would never think BD would have anything to do with harming Hailey. But even he, the person who knows BD the most, cannot explain her inconclusive statements.

I've spent hours and hours and hours and hours on this computer, pouring over each and every word, trying to make some sense of it all...as so many of us have.

Until tonight I have felt horror, anger, frustration, confusion, rage, anxiety, bafflement and downright disgust. Tonight I felt hope. And for the first time I was able to cry because finally someone showed me an alive little girl with wants and wishes and dreams and giggles and interests and love.

And I heard a man who has had his heart torn right out of his chest, a man whose worry and sadness and helplessness are palpable. I don't ever want to feel the things he's having to feel, and I fervently pray that very very soon he won't have to feel those things either.

I too have felt these very feelings on this case as well as others. Tonight I felt like we are getting to know this child, like others have said a breath of fresh air. I seldom cry over these cases, there are so many of these lost children, if I were to start crying the pain would just be unbearable for me and I'm afraid I would never stop. Hope. Soo much in that one four letter word.....
Pondering Mind,

My original post was not intended as a means for giving BD the "benefit of the doubt" but rather, as a possible explanation as to why SA left the home, went to work for a very short period (minutes) and possibly returned home. If you don't want to give BD the "benefit of the doubt" can you think of an explanation for his behaviour?

I'm just trying to reason through the behaviours. What happened???


Maybe I misunderstood, if so..sorry about that! But, yes I can think of many explanations PP..I think we have covered the gamut..You have to figure in first of all that if what Billie has said was true (which I don't but that's jmo) then Hailey was fine and dandy until that afternoon..and since it was stated that she is not a POI until that changes I can't go into the 'whys' I believe because to do so would put her at the very least knowing what happened. Does that make any sense?

eta~I can't go into my explanations now..but there back there in the many, many threads of this case..from when we were able to go into it,lol!
Bringing this post of Pondering Mind's over from the previous thread:


Clint's words struck me as heartfelt & sincere.

As you said - CD didn't need a script.

Nor did he need anyone to proofread what he said. Why? IMO - because he was speaking from his heart - not from a written, edited, typed up, printed statement.

When love speaks - it doesn't need a script.

When Truth speaks - it doesn't need to be edited or proofread.

CD's words struck me as heartfelt and sincere too. As did BD's words to her daughter the other night.

Neither, however, brings anyone closer to FINDING Hailey.
Has anyone seen a flyer or poster showing Hailey with her hair in different colors, in case someone has dyed it?

I wrote to Clint's mom asking about this and she said it has been done already, but I can't find it. Thanks.

I knew I had seen it, I just don't think it's well done:


I did not realize that this picture, my favorite one of Hailey... is actually a cropped picture of her holding her baby sister. :(

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