TX - Investigators Searching for Girl in 'Ecstasy' Video


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Dec 30, 2005
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Texas authorities are searching for a little girl in an online video who may have been given the drug ecstasy.
The video, which was posted online under a heading "Mother Gives Ecstasy to Child," shows the young girl rolling her eyes into the back of her head as she rides in the backseat of a van filled with what appear to be teenage girls. One girl waves an iPod in front of her face and pinches her cheeks

Do people even THINK about things any more? Are we becoming a nation of stupid, irresponsible people?

Man, I don't even know what to say.
I am really hoping this is a fake. I have a child about her age, and she has really been into rolling her eyes and makes kinda that same expression while she does it. The girl in the video looks directly at the camera for a good period of time, so she is able to focus and her eyes don't stay rolled back like that. So, I am hoping they are playing around with a girl that has found she can roll her eyes to other people's amusement. Plus, there is apparently christian music playing, so maybe an adult is driving while these girls play around knowing it is not ecstacy??? Would girls taking ecstasy and possibly feed it to a child, be listening to christian music? Am I reaching???

BUT at minimum, why is the girl not in a carseat??!! Why is she in the floor of a moving vehicle?? I hope they do find this girl and check on her welfare.

Edited to add: you have to watch the video to see what I am talking about...
I watched the video, and I just want to smack the girl that keeps pinching her face! Jeez, that doesn't look like it feels good.

I don't know if she's on anything or not, but even if she isn't they need to be taking better care of her. Poor little thing riding on the floor like a dog while everyone is pinching and squishing her face. And cursing like sailors.
At the beginning of the video I was getting really upset because it does look like the little girl is on some type of drug or having some type of medical problem. At the end though she's smiling and rolling her eyes just like she did at the beginning. Maybe it's just something she does that the other girls think is funny. It looks like to me though that she doesn't have a shirt on and I agree why is she riding in the floor of the car?
Sounds like LE has some good information and I hope they find this little girl.
I agree that this little girl doesn't appear to have a shirt on. I hope they find out who she is ASAP and makes sure she's not in danger.

What is this world coming to?
Hate to mention it, but just because you are listening to Christian music or are a Christian does not means that you are a good person who makes good choices.
What a beautiful little girl and such a beautiful smile! I agree w/ the others that she definitely needs to be in a child restraint seat, not squished down on the floor. I do hope she is rolling her eyes for the teen's amusement. Did anyone notice the christian music playing is "Yes, Jesus Loves me?" "Little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong."
Could they act anymore GHETTO? The mom driving don't say a word while she listens to yes Jesus loves me musical on the radio...kids on the floor not in a carseat or at least a seat belt..I doubt the kid is on any kind of drug but I don't doubt that she or any of them in that car will be addicted to some kind in the future. That video just got on my last nerve.
omgsh that is horrible!

to me it looks like she is on the drug.
Especially since she chomps on her jaw
& i know that is a big effect of x.

& also the fact that one of the girls waves the pink ipod in front of her face because when your on x bright lights & colors are more enhanced and look 'cool'.
It may be that she's just making funny faces to make the girls laugh. The girls could have just been joking around saying she looks like she's on x. I don't know. I really can't tell. She needs to be tested. Even if she wasn't given any drugs at all, it's still illegal and not safe for her to be riding on the floor. I hope these irresponsible people are found soon. She's a such a cute baby. :(
What a little sweetie. How can anyone do this to a little girl?

I hope they find her fast. :(
Just saw this on NG...sickening!


Video is disturbing for any parent to watch, prepare yourself!

Texas authorities have interviewed the occupants of a minivan who appear in an online video that shows a toddler who might have been given ecstasy, as authorities try to determine whether the child actually ingested the powerful street drug.

"They don't have enough information to say with any certainty whether or not she was exposed to any drugs," Lt. John Martin, a spokesman for the Harris County Sheriff's Office, told ABC News.

"Their story is basically that they told the little girl to act that way and they were basically filming her doing what they said," Martin said.

Investigators, under the leadership of the FBI's Houston field office, have also interacted with the toddler, Martin said.

In the disturbing video, a girl roughly 2 years old sits huddled on the floor in the back seat of a minivan, her eyes rolling back in her head as the young women in the car tease, laugh and poke at her. At times, she looks unresponsive to a teen playing with her face and sticking iPod speakers in her ears.

At least four females, who appear to be in their teens or early 20s, are captured on tape laughing at the little girl as she sits stone-faced throughout most of the 2½ minute clip. Another child, also not wearing a seat belt, can be seen in the back seat of the vehicle.

"She's taking that hit like a soldier," a female voice says. "She's rolling, girl, she's rolling."

"Rolling" is a term commonly used
I saw that video earlier today - absolutely, heartbreakingly disgusting. What is WRONG with people that would do this?

The good news is, the person making the video actually pans up to at least one, possibly two of the older females in the van at one point. It's quick, but police should be able to id them based on that.
I switched to NG & I am sick sick sick. I just want to yank those girls through the tV screen & throttle them. Can't we ship them to Saudi Arabia for some real justice?
Send them to China where they just executed their Drug and Food Administrator for all the problems he has caused recently regarding tainted food and medications.

Sometimes I wonder if we should start doing public castration for some of these people doing sex crimes. I question if it would put a end to some of the crimes committed.

I know this sounds as horrible and cruel as the crimes committed, but question if it would make people think twice before they comitt such horrible crimes!
I saw that video earlier today - absolutely, heartbreakingly disgusting. What is WRONG with people that would do this?

The good news is, the person making the video actually pans up to at least one, possibly two of the older females in the van at one point. It's quick, but police should be able to id them based on that.
I think they were able to ID them from a pamphlet in the pocket of the front seat and from the radio station playing in the background.
I will be interested in seeing how this plays out and if they actually gave it to her. I think there were 3 adults and 6 children under the age of 17.
:eek: Is the child alive?! I hope so... I also hope she's not permanently disabled by it. :(

Omg I have never been so disgusted ever! I have no doubt in my mind that poor little baby was on ecstasy. I myself never used the drug but I knew many people who did and that is exactly what they looked like. The reason she kept pinching the cheeks is because supposedly stuff like that feels really good when you are on the drug. I am so sick to know someone would give a child something that has been known to kill adults.
:eek: Is the child alive?! I hope so... I also hope she's not permanently disabled by it. :(


Yes, she's alive. Damage would depend on whether she was regularly given drugs, according to an expert on Nancy Grace tonight.

From the link in the first post on this thread:

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services is involved and will now work to ensure the child's proper care. Authorities, meanwhile, will continue to probe any illegal activity -- including the possibility that the toddler was drugged.

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