TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - #2

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Thank you Renee! They(news reports) said he was doing great in school, so i'm guessing it continued when living with grandma at the very least. If my son doesn't have his meds, he wouldn't make it in school, let alone do great :)
I swear my head is about to EXPLODE! I gotta hop off again. My thoughts will be with all of those that loved this child. I am so so very sorry.

My head has been feeling that way for 2 days now, yes he's been missing for 4 days but more surreal since yesterday. Im not jumping off here though
In the early, first reporting on this case, I remember reading/hearing that "he had been staying with the babysitter" and the way it was phrased, I thought it sounded like he was living with the babysitter.
Could it be that the babysitter and the room mate are the same person, and that saying "babysitter" was mom's way of presenting a good-mom image? Was JF staying with this "babysitter"/neighbor/room mate?
I wonder if it's possible that the cordless phone is the murder weapon? :(
BBM: Thanks for copy & pasting this, as that line and the conflicting statements line are also completely wiped from this article, fwiw.

This is the quote I just got from the article, but I still have the window open in my browser - not sure if it will change if I refresh it (ETA: just copied/pasted the URL into a new window, and the roommate reference is indeed gone):



Angela Davis called the land line where she and Jonathan live, and a woman with a gruff voice answered, Harris said. Jonathan’s mother asked for her roommate, and the woman said the roommate wasn’t there.
"Then Angela says, ‘Well, this is Angela, I’m Jonathan’s mother. Who are you?’" Harris said. "And the woman is heard saying, ‘Is Angela your mother?’ And the boy replies, ‘Yes ma’am, Angela’s my mother.’ And then the phone went dead."
A few minutes later, the mother arrived home, Harris said. Jonathan was gone, and the cordless phone was missing, he said.
Now maybe no roomate, definitely no babysitter that day and video game. It's not going to be a stretch to figure the raspy voice lady and Jonathan on the phone is a lie as well. JMO!!!

It's been reported that a co-worker initially took the call, if so, there would be confirmation on that.

And it's possible that police are trying to keep the roommate out of media attention, especially if he/she has cooperated and have an alibi.

On Monday, Jonathan's stepfather told us his theory about what happened.

"I think a pedophile took him. That's what I think and I want him back. I want revenge. Something, something like that, you know," said stepfather David Davis.


No! No! No! I don't like this one bit not one bit:furious: I only heard a father threaten and come off with a theory from two cases. Flordia and this one:furious:
Oh, for Pete's sake! It took me hours to read these all these posts, and I still have no ideas what the heck happened around this disappearance! Every fact presented has changed or proved wrong. I give up.
Gotta work early, so going to bed. Roomate, no roomate. Raspy voiced woman, Mom called at 9:30 PM, no she called at 3:30. No it was the babysitter who called. No, the family in Missouri called. Mystery abduction vs family foul play, lived a year in Houston, no, lived in Houston for 6 weeks. Separated from SD and living apart, no, last report was that they all lived together. Who was the last to actually see Jonathan alive? Reports are babysitter, Mom, SD.
I think I will just wait instead of wasting all this time because the media must not be checking the validity of their stories, people are lying, and we are not getting any good details.
I pray for this child and family. It is difficult to websleuth at times, but I still love it!

Bye. See ya later. :seeya:
This is the quote I just got from the article, but I still have the window open in my browser - not sure if it will change if I refresh it (ETA: just copied/pasted the URL into a new window, and the roommate reference is indeed gone):

Thanx for the back=up.
It's been reported that a co-worker initially took the call, if so, there would be confirmation on that.

And it's possible that police are trying to keep the roommate out of media attention, especially if he/she has cooperated and have an alibi.

I'm not disputing whether the phone calls were made. I just think that DD was the caller. IMO, this phone call was a set up to get the ball rolling on reporting this kid missing. It sounds like the roomate was not around. The raspy voiced caller and the roomate are not the same. Who knows!
No! No! No! I don't like this one bit not one bit:furious: I only heard a father threaten and come off with a theory from two cases. Flordia and this one:furious:

Can you imagine him saying that in front of Jonathon's mom, how harsh.
Weren't 2 bodies found today??? 1 a child and the other believed to be a female? Has the other body been identified or how long it could have been in the water?

Also, burning was probably done before storms hit that evening. When has the weather been clear enough to burn?
It's been reported that a co-worker initially took the call, if so, there would be confirmation on that.

It should also be noted that JP was on the other end of that phone as well. Meaning, he was in the house at 2PM Christmas Eve, at least, then was removed.

Someone says it takes a while to burn a body.... mom made it home shortly after that. Then she called police and family. I would assume that SD where abouts were accounted for at that point.

Weren't 2 bodies found today???

There was three, one being the burned body we are discussing and one an infant. One is still waiting to be identified.
I'm not disputing whether the phone calls were made. I just think that DD was the caller. IMO, this phone call was a set up to get the ball rolling on reporting this kid missing. It sounds like the roomate was not around. The raspy voiced caller and the roomate are not the same. Who knows!

Exactly!!! I don't believe there was any roomate. I think that is simply how Mom referred to the Step Dad.

The female caller is an unknown good Samaritan: sees or hears Jonathan in trouble. Attempts to help him call his Mom at work. Phone call is stopped by perp/reason phone call ends.

I am disturbed by the female found not far away.

:hug: Reneeloveyou :hug: My heart hurts so much for you and your family. I am so sorry this is happening. I see Jonathan and he reminds me very much of my nephew. My thoughts are with you.
It should also be noted that JP was on the other end of that phone as well. Meaning, he was in the house at 2PM Christmas Eve, at least, then was removed.

Someone says it takes a while to burn a body.... mom made it home shortly after that. Then she called police and family. I would assume that SD where abouts were accounted for at that point.

Didn't the article say the co-worker "thought" it was JP on the phone? I don't think it would be too difficult for DD to "fake" a child's voice either. :twocents:
Perhaps the police asked the media to remove any mention of a roommate in that since LE reported they are close to naming a suspect they didn't want this person to be tipped off and run?
We still don't have a confirmed from my MIL, promise she would know by now. I am still keeping the faith and hoping the media messed up once again.
Again, is it possible for someone to map the apartment, the ditch and the pond where the other body was seen?Thanks
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