TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - Mona Nelson charged with Murder - #7

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Just wanted to remind everyone to once again pray for Reneeloveyou and LovingMom and their families. I haven't seen them around today, but they are still on my heart. I'm sure they would appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

I still think that it very well may have been MN that called LE to let them know there was a body in the raveen, Like proud of her handywork and could not beleive that from Fri-Mon no one had found his little body, So wanted to make sure by Tues morning that someone knew he was there.

Brilliant Kimmer!!! Why had I not thought of this already??? It is odd that we have heard nothing from the individual who found the body. In normal situations, I would have expected media to at least have a sentence along the lines of "a worker traveling to work noticed the body" ir something like that - nothing, nada, zip. It would fit perfectly with what my evolving thoughts are of MN and this tragic case.
Hello, I live in Cypress Tx (NW) recently moving here from the west coast. I have a 12 year old son and cannot imagine the sadness this mother must be feeling. I love Tx however am amazed the crime against children is so high here.

I really don't have anything else but sadness...Thank you

Welcome to WS - our hearts are heavy - we join you in the sadness of this.
Police also said they believe Nelson is a a predator who has done this before and that they don't believe her brutality begins with Jonathan.

Police still don't have a motive yet and say Nelson acted alone. Nelson, 44, is being held at the Harris County Jail with no bond.

Authorities will look at other cases now of missing children. They ask anyone with information about Nelson to contact Houston police.

Hello, I live in Cypress Tx (NW) recently moving here from the west coast. I have a 12 year old son and cannot imagine the sadness this mother must be feeling. I love Tx however am amazed the crime against children is so high here.

I really don't have anything else but sadness...Thank you

:wagon: Hello Neighbor...The Woodlands here!

Glad you joined! I'm just learning how many members here that are on the NW side.
Hello, I live in Cypress Tx (NW) recently moving here from the west coast. I have a 12 year old son and cannot imagine the sadness this mother must be feeling. I love Tx however am amazed the crime against children is so high here.

I really don't have anything else but sadness...Thank you

*Welcome britFromTx*
Brilliant Kimmer!!! Why had I not thought of this already??? It is odd that we have heard nothing from the individual who found the body. In normal situations, I would have expected media to at least have a sentence along the lines of "a worker traveling to work noticed the body" ir something like that - nothing, nada, zip. It would fit perfectly with what my evolving thoughts are of MN and this tragic case.

so very true!!!

add in the boxing = traveling and prob drugs like steroids etc

OT those pics are so very similar it is uncanny
BBM: So, for the timeline, it appears that Jonathan's mother was just preparing to leave to go home from work, as usual (or scheduled).

If Mona had been watching and waiting, and choosing her time, it seems very odd that she wouldn't have gone into the apartment earlier in the day, when nobody was around.

Why wait until AD was on her way home from work (assuming Mona knew her schedule from watching)? Unless she really was toying with her. I never understood why Mona spoke to her on the phone at all.

You can't understand a psychopath, I guess that's what it comes down to.

Jonathan called his mother, Angela Davis, at work at about 2 p.m., police said. He spoke to one of her co-workers, who told her about the call.

"The mother finds out about it, gets a little concerned," Detective David Gott said. "It's about time for her to go home; she calls the house. That's when she speaks to the woman with kind of a raspy voice. She gets disconnected, she immediately goes home and Jonathan is gone."
I thought some people walking a dog found his body, not knowing what they found? Or am I mixed up with the other bodies found on Tuesday...:(

Maybe she called Jonathan's mom just to make sure she was physically still at work and would not be back at the complex at any moment? Who knows...
Just wanted to say how horrible I feel to ReneeLoveyou, LovinMom, and any family/friends of Jonathan who are reading but not members of WS's. There really are no words except to say that many of us out here are in shock and horror at what has happened, and would give anything in the world to make it not real. I also welcome the new members we have. This isn't an easy place to be sometimes, and this case is definitely one of those that just hurts to the bone and screams injustice and lack of answers. All we can do at this point is support each other, move forward, seek answers and justice.
Almost all of those the killer and the victims were known to each other-I still didn't see one who killed for the simple pleasure of it such as what we are seeing in this case.
Even Karla Holmolka killed for her boy friend.
Yes women kill no one is denying that-baby farmers, gang members or women out for revenge are not in the same league as this woman.

Terry-lynn McClintoc........Woodstock Ontario Canada....

Tori Stafford.....RIP sweet angel
I could of sworn, on the far right side of her booking there is a box at the bottom that says "Markings" and it did say something about "Lf cheek" Could possibly just be a visible facial scar. Not sure how the strip down and check the body, or when those are listed in a database.

You are correct sherbetjello.
That was all I saw as well.
Sorry for being out of sequence! I can't post from work and by the time I get home, there are 3 new threads.

IMO, this crime is about Mona and the roommate. Perhaps unrequited. Don't know, doesn't matter. Wanted roommates number (I'm thinking work number since roommate was at work) and had J call to get it. It was taking too long so she called herself and said it was an emergency. Obsession! Hung up the phone after Angela identified herself. Jealousy! She grabbed that poor kid and took it out on him. Jealous rage! The best way to hurt the woman who was interfering is to hurt her child.

I know others have touched on this too, but, I couldn't respond at the time.
Somewhere today, possibly the PC, I heard that no drugs or evidence of drug use was found in the perp's house. Anybody else remember this?

Yes, during the presser they did say no narcotics were found at MN's house.
Oh such a great question - would love to know the answer to that ........ are you thinking along these lines of an unsolved murder and a sketch of the perp with a description?

Thank-you for the side-by-side picture of an unknown POI and Mona.

I think it is extremely important to be on the lookout for cases where the perp was listed as either male OR female.

She is quite androgynous looking, and could easily be mistaken for a male, IMO, JMO.
Interesting theory.

actually a passing motorist found it

A passing motorist spotted what looked like a body in a ditch Tuesday along a toll road feeder road in north Houston and several miles from the missing boy's home. A security camera outside a manufacturing plant captured an image of a silver pickup truck stopping and a woman dumping a body. Police questioning Nelson found she owned such a truck. Confronted with the video, "She admitted

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