TX TX - Julie Moseley, 9, Mary Trlica, 17, Lisa Wilson, 14, Fort Worth, 23 Dec 1974 #7

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But that would mean that despite of all the lies, misinformation, misremembering and all the rabbit holes everything keeps pointing... exactly there. Shouldn't it point elsewhere? Even this damned note should cause LE to show up there.

And why it didn't that early arrival didn't cause high suspicion at the time?
It was in the news, thousands of people read about the letter and not one pointed out for everyone to see that timing sounds impossible (if it was)?
It did. All the misinformation pointed to an abduction at the Mall. The house was never really considered, to the best of my knowledge.
It did. All the misinformation pointed to an abduction at the Mall. The house was never really considered, to the best of my knowledge.
Exactly. In 1974 the first narrative was the girls left freely - from the mall. It then became the girls were abducted - from the mall. All the news reports focus on the mall and the shopping trip. Everything at the time kept focus away from homes and people and firmly on the mall.
The police seemed happy to write it up as runaways, so the letter just proved them right in their minds.
Unless LE has thoroughly searched the property at Minot Ave.(and ruled it out), I think it's very possible that at least one of the girls never left it, if they were murdered.
I still feel like Renee and Julie could've been sold.
I've researched the history of sex trafficking in that area, and it's not as "far-fetched" an idea as you think. I  still say DA could very well have known/had connections to individuals involved in that "trade". That doesn't necessarily mean her direct involvement-- just that she may've exposed them to such.
As for the argument of " surely they'd make some effort to come home, at some point"--it can be dangerous (if not fatal)to attempt leaving that "business". Also, many folks in that "industry" do not live to "a ripe old age". Mistreatment, disease, forced drug abuse, etc. make for a shorter life expectancy.
Having said all that, I do not believe Rachel ever visited Ft. Worth, after whatever happened, happened. And I don't believe they were "willing members of the stable", as McAlphin claimed. I'm not convinced he really even knew of them.
I would love to see this theory ruled out conclusively.
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Unless LE has thoroughly searched the property at Minot Ave.(and ruled it out), I think it's very possible that at least one of the girls never left it, if they were murdered.
I still feel like Renee and Julie could've been sold.
I've researched the history of sex trafficking in that area, and it's not as "far-fetched" an idea as you think. I  still say DA could very well have known/had connections to individuals involved in that "trade". That doesn't necessarily mean her direct involvement-- just that she may've exposed them to such.
As for the argument of " surely they'd make some effort to come home, at some point"--it can be dangerous (if not fatal)to attempt leaving that "business". Also, many folks in that "industry" do not live to "a ripe old age". Mistreatment, disease, forced drug abuse, etc. make for a shorter life expectancy.
Having said all that, I do not believe Rachel ever visited Ft. Worth, after whatever happened, happened. And I don't believe they were "willing members of the stable", as McAlphin claimed. I'm not convinced he really even knew of them.
I would love to see this theory ruled out conclusively.

Sex trafficking is not one of my favorite theories here and these girls wouldn't have lived for long even if that was what happened. This case has gotten too much publicity. If one of these girls were to surface could you imagine the story that they would have to tell? That's a story that some people out there wouldn't want told. There's no way a perp would let them live. IMO.

As for McAlphin, well he's just a compulsive liar supposedly relaying what another compulsive liar told to him. Besides that I think he would have only been a child back then so I seriously doubt he knows anything else either. He's full of it.
Sex trafficking is not one of my favorite theories here and these girls wouldn't have lived for long even if that was what happened. This case has gotten too much publicity. If one of these girls were to surface could you imagine the story that they would have to tell? That's a story that some people out there wouldn't want told. There's no way a perp would let them live. IMO.

As for McAlphin, well he's just a compulsive liar supposedly relaying what another compulsive liar told to him. Besides that I think he would have only been a child back then so I seriously doubt he knows anything else either. He's full of it.
I thought I'd explained those points, but never mind...
Where are we with the analysis on the letter/envelope and ST's statement regarding TT's ride to the bowling alley?
I thought I'd explained those points, but never mind...
Where are we with the analysis on the letter/envelope and ST's statement regarding TT's ride to the bowling alley?

I have several cases that I try to keep up with so sometimes I forget.
What was ST's statement about that? And what was the source of it?
It would be nice if we had access to actual LE case files on this (I know, I'm dreaming), but even those may have been corrupted (supposedly DJ removed/added or otherwise  changed info in this case). I sometimes feel a lot of "circular arguments" could've been avoided, if we had better info to work with...
We've discussed at length on here about TT's (and Rachel's) actions leading up to the disappearance. I've been wondering about a few things that transpired after. Why put Rachel's name on a property deed in Throckmorton,  after she disappeared (if that's true)? That  can't be a coincidental fluke.
Also, why would he threaten "legal repercussions"(Portrait of a True Crime Character)? Did he have difficulty finding work, housing, etc , after he left Ft. Worth area? Did he ever live or work in Weatherford or Throckmorton? Why apply for marriage licenses in one town(that you don't live in), and have them mailed to  another town (you don't live in)? If it was to avoid publicity, it didn't work. If someone can answer any of this (or correct me), please do.
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Unless LE has thoroughly searched the property at Minot Ave.(and ruled it out), I think it's very possible that at least one of the girls never left it, if they were murdered.
I still feel like Renee and Julie could've been sold.
I've researched the history of sex trafficking in that area, and it's not as "far-fetched" an idea as you think. I  still say DA could very well have known/had connections to individuals involved in that "trade". That doesn't necessarily mean her direct involvement-- just that she may've exposed them to such.
As for the argument of " surely they'd make some effort to come home, at some point"--it can be dangerous (if not fatal)to attempt leaving that "business". Also, many folks in that "industry" do not live to "a ripe old age". Mistreatment, disease, forced drug abuse, etc. make for a shorter life expectancy.
Having said all that, I do not believe Rachel ever visited Ft. Worth, after whatever happened, happened. And I don't believe they were "willing members of the stable", as McAlphin claimed. I'm not convinced he really even knew of them.
I would love to see this theory ruled out conclusively.
I am of the opinion all three could have been murdered in the house. I think what more than likely happened was Rachel was killed first and the other two walked in on it, or some variation of that scenario. However, I have nagging doubts.

1. Could the perp and any accomplice(s) just quickly murder three people and carry on as normal ? It's not like there were professional assassins.

2. I would imagine killing three people and removing their bodies would not be easy. Surely a neighbour would see or hear something ?

I haven't ruled out completely a certain business premises as being where the incident occurred, but that would require the following :-

1. No one else being on the premises at that time

2. The girls actually visiting the premises that day

However, in this scenario there would be no accomplice also, so it makes it less plausible in my mind.
Can someone post on here the 40 questions from DJ to DA and DA's answers to those 40 questions. I think it would be beneficial for this group to see DA's handwriting as it pertains to the letter Plus her answers to the questions.
I am of the opinion all three could have been murdered in the house. I think what more than likely happened was Rachel was killed first and the other two walked in on it, or some variation of that scenario. However, I have nagging doubts.

1. Could the perp and any accomplice(s) just quickly murder three people and carry on as normal ? It's not like there were professional assassins.

2. I would imagine killing three people and removing their bodies would not be easy. Surely a neighbour would see or hear something ?

I haven't ruled out completely a certain business premises as being where the incident occurred, but that would require the following :-

1. No one else being on the premises at that time

2. The girls actually visiting the premises that day

However, in this scenario there would be no accomplice also, so it makes it less plausible in my mind.
TT theoretically went from murder to bowling, so...
DA had a few hours to do  something to compose herself.
Did either of them drink or do drugs?
Regarding neighbors seeing/hearing anything, if they were older people who didn't see or hear so good (and didn't have guests for the holidays), I'd say it wouldn't be a problem.
You know  my thoughts about the shop. But, I could be wrong.
Speaking of people noticing things, we have to figure out how the Oldsmobile got planted at the mall, without witnesses...
Speaking of people noticing things, we have to figure out how the Oldsmobile got planted at the mall, without witnesses...
People were coming all day, so no one would have had any reason to notice who parked the car there. Planting it probably would have required an accomplice, but that isn't a certainty. Someone could have planted it an walked home. How far is it from the mall to the house on Minot?
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