TX - Longview, WhtFem (UP 9863), 41-50, Suicide - Assumed Identity, Dec'10

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I've actually seriously thought about getting this as well. Never had braces but my teeth aren't too crooked but they are a tiny bit yellowed from having tetracycline when I was a kid. Straight, white teeth has always seemed very attractive to me. :)

o/t but i had this same med as an infant and it caused 'porous enamel". I had bonding etc etc and I do have some veneers. i was told Lumineers is easier and healthier for the teeth issues you and I share. I did have braces because of my perfectionist issue, and it caused cavities since i'm already prone to them. :( I ordered the kit from the link you posted earlier, I'll let you know how it works out. Snap-on-smile is 1,500 (for one arch) here locally at a dentist. I'm just too damn lazy to go to the appointments lol.

Sorry for the derailment folks.
BPD angle: My sister has this. She is not on medication or in therapy, so I'm seeing it without those filters. One of the common traits is the categorizing of people as "good" or "bad." Someone in our family has been on the bad list for years. Currently we are all on that list so she's not talking to anyone.

BPD could explain why she just up and left her entire family. BUT you'd think someone would be missing her! (Although, it is kind of a relief to be on the 'bad' list for a spell to get a break when your loved one is not medicated or in therapy for their illness.)

First, I know it's very rough in having a loved one with BPD. I cannot begin to describe how AWFUL I was as a teenager and up until I was almost 30. I stabilized by 30 but I was in therapy and pursuing betterment from age 12 onward. i wasn't diagnosed till later in life with BPD. there are no pills for this because it's a personality disorder. There is no magical anything with it, and that's why it's so damn frustrating. DBT and CBT are what works, that and a lot of dedication. i won't dare say I grew out of it, but I did mature and because I'm so self aware - I can honestly say I'm far better than i ever was (hence all the regret). I do hope your sibling has access to therapy and support groups. It's very isolating although most BPD will tell you that hearing how we "operate" or think makes us all feel like monsters. It's such a double edged sword that's made 100000x's worse because of our way of thinking.

i think you answered your own question regarding why no one looked for her. Maybe she did quit talking to her family and deemed them as bad. Maybe she was not a very easy to deal with teen or young adult and her parents washed their hands of her : "they are dead" was her answer as to why she had no parents. Maybe they were dead, to her. it's that way of thinking in regards to abandonment when you feel people have given up on loving you. i know we all like to believe that no one could possibly give birth and just choose to not seek their child out when they no longer hear from them. Truth of the matter is, it happens ... a lot. We are also talking about eras where irrational teen girls were frequently shipped off to psych wards because their parents couldn't and didn't know how to deal. The entire "out of sight out of mind" thought process.

I'm not here to diagnose LEK with anything at all, but she seems to be more BPD than say .. schizoid. When you deal with this disorder there are various aspects that come with it. for instance, being able to reinvent yourself to fit in anywhere. wanting to fit in so bad that you will change everything about yourself in order to be accepted - but that's fleeting due to boredom. there is normally an above avg IQ that comes with it ... i don't know if this is from isolation/books and self awareness or what. She was obviously image obsessed to a degree. Her ex boyfriend had remarked she had too many issues for him to deal with - and I, for whatever reason, really want him to elaborate. i think he holds a huge key to this. her husband holds absolutely little here, he isn't very aware or even involved it seems. I hardly find substance in her ex in-laws. An ex boyfriend who after all these years still recalls her and her behavior? That's what we need. God, I wish he'd join WS!

i think we all can agree that she did in fact snap. She became a shell of herself due to the divorce looming over her head. Like it was pointed out, BR leaving her meant she would virtually have to start over but before that could happen..she would have to get a lawyer and she would have to go to court. Her secrets were a ticking time bomb and soon, in court, things would be revealed and i'm pretty sure that was more upsetting than any of us could imagine. if you combine the loss of a marriage, her in-laws obviously VERY involved in all aspects (right down to the brother in-law attending the divorce therapy sessions!!! and speaking for her husband!), a child that was in the toddler stages, and then you top it off with her past plus her stolen identity of sorts.. you get one hell of a breakdown.

I'm going to go on a limb here and just assume that she had no assets, no retirement fund and no way of supporting herself and a child plus a house and whatever else - without Blake. She probably felt her in-laws would fight her for custody of her daughter. She must've felt like they stood a chance (money, knowing the right people in office and already feeling she wasn't adequate). she could control Blake or at least control what they shared about themselves to one another, she could not however control her in-laws. It's entirely possible that she wasn't actually running from anything in her past. Hell, maybe she just really wanted to have a new identity and wash her hands of everything that hurt (she struggled with depression, self harm and those aren't fun things). So, maybe - just maybe - (if she was BPD) she began hanging with a bit of a very left wing / anarchist group. This would explain how she came into contact with the Loom books. Maybe she gained info on how to change her identity. And speaking as someone with BPD, once I get something in my head that I'm going to do - there is NO stopping me. We get lil' obsessions of sorts and rarely follow through with them, lots of half hearted attempts. i could see her getting this game plan to reinvent herself and then it just sort of escaping her once she had her thrill from it.

it really breaks my heart that she by all accounts was lonely. her daughter was her life and she may have taken her own life to save her from being possibly taken from her or also finding out that she is living a lie. But then that doesn't explain why she chose to do this in the drive way on Xmas eve. I can only guess that there was a convo leading up to her suicide, one we may never hear about or at least the truth regarding. she snapped, she chose to hurt them in a way she knew would really get to them. her actions regarding her suicide speak volumes. She was very mad and she was going to make damn sure they felt bad. That's a terrible thing to do to someone! That also shows her lack of clear thinking, stability and maybe an insight to something terribly ugly about her.

has there been any talk about the ex boyfriend? Is he alive and is the investigator that's doing all these public talks and such .. is that investigator working for the family (or sides with them)? I really think the ex bf could shine a big ole light.

I have wondered from the start if there isn't a storage locker of some sorts that she kept.
I just find it so sad that these women, such as LEK, have had to stoop to such a low level, as has been surmised, to : stripping, dancing, prostituting, etc., just to get by, just to support themselves. I mean, really, how low do they have to go to get to that point? To simply sell their flesh? It's so sad, so demeaning, so debasing. My main point though: I really feal for her, she was desperate at one point in her life, then, was obviously trying to better herself. And look what happened. It's just so very, very sad. :twocents:

Well..I'm a sex worker and I find your comment horrible. "stoop so low". really? It's a job. Jesus Christ.
Well..I'm a sex worker and I find your comment horrible. "stoop so low". really? It's a job. Jesus Christ.

My comment is "horrible"? Really? It's a job? Ok, nothing personal. Sorry.
First, I know it's very rough in having a loved one with BPD. I cannot begin to describe how AWFUL I was as a teenager and up until I was almost 30. I stabilized by 30 but I was in therapy and pursuing betterment from age 12 onward. i wasn't diagnosed till later in life with BPD. there are no pills for this because it's a personality disorder. There is no magical anything with it, and that's why it's so damn frustrating. DBT and CBT are what works, that and a lot of dedication. i won't dare say I grew out of it, but I did mature and because I'm so self aware - I can honestly say I'm far better than i ever was (hence all the regret). I do hope your sibling has access to therapy and support groups. It's very isolating although most BPD will tell you that hearing how we "operate" or think makes us all feel like monsters. It's such a double edged sword that's made 100000x's worse because of our way of thinking.

Astro: I hope you didn't take any offense to my observations; my sister doesn't believe her diagnosis and doesn't see her actions as abnormal. (She used to tell me I am mentally ill all the time...Ironically, I'm the only one of us 4 kids who hasn't been diagnosed with something. Depression/Bipolar run rampant in our family.) Because of this, she doesn't do anything to reign in her symptoms. Does that make sense?

There is a book called "Stop Walking on Eggshells" that the title pretty much sums up my growing up years with her and every family get together since we've become adults. It is tough on family. I can't imagine living with it everyday. You are a strong woman!
I just find it so sad that these women, such as LEK, have had to stoop to such a low level, as has been surmised, to : stripping, dancing, prostituting, etc., just to get by, just to support themselves. I mean, really, how low do they have to go to get to that point? To simply sell their flesh? It's so sad, so demeaning, so debasing. My main point though: I really feal for her, she was desperate at one point in her life, then, was obviously trying to better herself. And look what happened. It's just so very, very sad. :twocents:

Well..I'm a sex worker and I find your comment horrible. "stoop so low". really? It's a job. Jesus Christ.

Just to interject here: try to see one another's point of view.

neesaki personalizes this and wonders how low in life she'd have to go to take "that job".

AstroKitty's low job her "that job" might be working in fast food.

We all have our opinions. Don't take it personally people. (This is the internet!)
Just to interject here: try to see one another's point of view.

neesaki personalizes this and wonders how low in life she'd have to go to take "that job".

AstroKitty's low job her "that job" might be working in fast food.

We all have our opinions. Don't take it personally people. (This is the internet!)

Good point. We all live in very different worlds, don't we? :seeya:
My comment is "horrible"? Really? It's a job? Ok, nothing personal. Sorry.

Yes it's a job. I get paid. I go to work and I come home. please don't stereotype us all, because that's rather horrible and why many sex workers hide their lives away from society - because of that way of thinking. I'm not going to debate it, but we are human's and we do participate on websites too. We read these words and they sting because that's an insight to how we are stigmatized. It's sad to read something said about us in the way you wrote it, because it's rude to assume we are all just messed up women. But because we are in a trade that some people find disgusting and lower than dirt, it's "OK" to speak that way or lump us all together but god forbid we stick up for ourselves. It's hurtful, that's my point but no one seems to care generally.

I use my job to help people here understand the lifestyle to shed light on many cases.
Just to interject here: try to see one another's point of view.

neesaki personalizes this and wonders how low in life she'd have to go to take "that job".

AstroKitty's low job her "that job" might be working in fast food.

We all have our opinions. Don't take it personally people. (This is the internet!)

Not quite :stormingmad:

Back to lurking I go.
Astro: I hope you didn't take any offense to my observations; my sister doesn't believe her diagnosis and doesn't see her actions as abnormal. (She used to tell me I am mentally ill all the time...Ironically, I'm the only one of us 4 kids who hasn't been diagnosed with something. Depression/Bipolar run rampant in our family.) Because of this, she doesn't do anything to reign in her symptoms. Does that make sense?

There is a book called "Stop Walking on Eggshells" that the title pretty much sums up my growing up years with her and every family get together since we've become adults. It is tough on family. I can't imagine living with it everyday. You are a strong woman!

That totally totally makes sense. there are many great books out there for family members who are involved with a loved one that has a pd. I do hope you're doing well and she somehow someday gets the help she needs. i really do. I'm always around via PM if you need to talk or just have general questions about it :)
That totally totally makes sense. there are many great books out there for family members who are involved with a loved one that has a pd. I do hope you're doing well and she somehow someday gets the help she needs. i really do. I'm always around via PM if you need to talk or just have general questions about it :)

Well, we've got a family wedding coming up. IF she decides to come (she's not talking to any of us at the moment), I may just take you up on that!

And now back to the LEK story....
Yes it's a job. I get paid. I go to work and I come home. please don't stereotype us all, because that's rather horrible and why many sex workers hide their lives away from society - because of that way of thinking. I'm not going to debate it, but we are human's and we do participate on websites too. We read these words and they sting because that's an insight to how we are stigmatized. It's sad to read something said about us in the way you wrote it, because it's rude to assume we are all just messed up women. But because we are in a trade that some people find disgusting and lower than dirt, it's "OK" to speak that way or lump us all together but god forbid we stick up for ourselves. It's hurtful, that's my point but no one seems to care generally.

I use my job to help people here understand the lifestyle to shed light on many cases.

Ok, I didn't realize, and at this point it's OT pertaining to this thread.

BTW, I'm glad you're here, and Best Wishes to you, Astro. :wave:
I think the one with the child (the hat photo) was scanned from a direct print. The other photographs look like they are pictures of a picture. The pixelation is way off. if the pixels are low quality and taken a bit away - it could LOOK like her teeth are pearly white and straight. Maybe she tried invasalign? for some reason, I think if she had extensive dental work - it would be mentioned and looked into. It's not cheap to get cosmetic dentistry & insurance won't cover it. They mentioned her boob job and "possible" nose job, so I don't think they'd hesitate to mention the teeth JMO

Re her teeth and speculation about the gap: I have a noticeable gap between my front teeth and a bit of an overbite. It's obvious to people around me when I smile, but you can only see it in some pics and not others. I can see LEK's alleged gap perhaps not being noticeable in lo-res photos.
Well..I'm a sex worker and I find your comment horrible. "stoop so low". really? It's a job. Jesus Christ.

Don't feel bad. I was a Restaurant Manager for a Fast Food company for almost 20 years and people treated us like we were the "scum of the earth", too. Even unemployed people who didn't have a job at all thought they were better than we were. LOL
Yes I thought there was an h also and an 8 in front... It would be funny if her real name is spread out on that page in bits and pieces.
Yes I thought there was an h also and an 8 in front... It would be funny if her real name is spread out on that page in bits and pieces.

That's so funny because I was just thinking the same thing. I noticed there were a few letters in note on the page that are underlined. For instance the e in "Records" and the t in "Greater Dallas"
I'm sure if I stare at it long enough I can make anything on the page look like that :)
BPD angle: My sister has this. She is not on medication or in therapy, so I'm seeing it without those filters. One of the common traits is the categorizing of people as "good" or "bad." Someone in our family has been on the bad list for years. Currently we are all on that list so she's not talking to anyone.

BPD could explain why she just up and left her entire family. BUT you'd think someone would be missing her! (Although, it is kind of a relief to be on the 'bad' list for a spell to get a break when your loved one is not medicated or in therapy for their illness.)

The bad list could be because we only have black and white thinking, it's extreme and for us there is no grey area...

It could also be because of the abandonment issues these can be real or imagined (BPD's generally do this to avoid the hurt of being let down or abandoned)
BPD angle: My sister has this. She is not on medication or in therapy, so I'm seeing it without those filters. One of the common traits is the categorizing of people as "good" or "bad." Someone in our family has been on the bad list for years. Currently we are all on that list so she's not talking to anyone.

BPD could explain why she just up and left her entire family. BUT you'd think someone would be missing her! (Although, it is kind of a relief to be on the 'bad' list for a spell to get a break when your loved one is not medicated or in therapy for their illness.)

I have borderline personality disorder AND am bipolar AND not on medication nor on therapy and in all my years of being this batty I have never heard of the "good or bad list."
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