Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 #3

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The part where she gets herself into character for a live stream. The difference between pre-live talk and post-live talk is striking.
Which video is this? The latest one with the advocate? All I could really see was that her head seemed to be bobbing up and down and she was covering her face. I couldn't understand what she was doing with her head.
Hi, I hardly ever comment, but I was just on the Fox 26 Facebook post about the video with the laundry basket and someone indicated that if you zoom in to the upper righthand corner of the basket there is (what I truly, seriously hope is just a photo artifact) something that has the possible appearance of a face. I'm sitting here horrified and hoping they are wrong.

That was actually my very 1st thought upon seeing that picture. Then since I saw that no one else had mentioned it, that it must just be me imagining things. Also hard to believe he would do something like that in daylight.
I'm hoping no one paid a Hispanic person to drive the vehicle and park it there. Someone needing to pick up a few bucks, unsuspecting and innocent.
I thought of that too!!! If that's the case, I hope that person comes forward and says what happened. Of course, they may be afraid to if they were threatened before hand.
I’m hopeful he left with that basket, and hours later came home with the empty basket on camera so that LE could get some sort of timeframe for how far he could have gone so they can make a search radius on a map?
Wishful thinking lol
The part where she gets herself into character for a live stream. The difference between pre-live talk and post-live talk is striking.

I didn't find that strange at all. I've been interviewed on live tv and my stomach was churning as we waited to start filming and did the sound checks, and I wasn't under the type of pressure she was facing. If you're not used to publuc speaking, it can be nerve-racking. I can't begin to imagine the pressure of hoping you'll do well enough to get the publicity you need to get the word out about your missing child.

I noticed that she seemed to shake her head back and forth as a way of self-calming.
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I’m hopeful he left with that basket, and hours later came home with the empty basket on camera so that LE could get some sort of timeframe for how far he could have gone so they can make a search radius on a map?
Wishful thinking lol

Oh I’d love to see the rest of the footage from the cam!
I watched the video and noticed her behavior too. I thought it strange. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. I also felt BB2 was pretty darn calm and handled things like she's done this before. It didn't leave a good impression on me. Although, she did break down about the lake.
Yes, I hope so. Whats the sentence on that in TX. I just hope they don't give her a deal. Malaeh deserves better.

We have two cases in our family that involve child endangerment. One is a young man on drugs that stole a car with a baby in the backseat and when he saw the baby he dropped him off at an apartment, knocked on the door and fed. He is serving a three year sentence for that. Could of been twenty years,

Our other is the father of a great niece that rammed a bulb syringe down her throat and punched a hole in it. When she got to Children's Hospital she was taken by CPS and no family got to see her for ten days,. She was three months old. He pled down to seven years probation and never being alone with his daughter. He got stopped for DWI and is now serving that seven year sentence.

I know there are laws with this one that include disables and elderly

Texas Penal Code - PENAL § 22.04 | FindLaw
How does he know what things he texted her and all these other stories about them? Why would she tell him all these things and how can telling the public possibly help her situation? LE must be fuming that this guy is interfering with their investigation.
I wonder how Vence feels? He must be mortified. Telling the media about his disgusting behavior and his "penis shots?"
He is probably in Mexico by now.

I'd not doubt that at all.

I was looking at the laundry basket photo, at how he's holding it, and to me, it looks as if he has a firm grip on that basket.

The same pictures released, have a circle around the white stripes on his pants. OP mentioned seeing the change in hue. Idk who circled the stripe but I thought it was interesting.

Mom of Maleah Davis makes shocking allegations against ex-fiance
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