TX - Wrestling Coach Indicted for Sex Assault on Bus

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Aug 2, 2005
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" A Central Texas wrestling coach has been indicted on federal charges that he molested two female high school wrestlers while they were on a cross-country bus trip.

On the way back to Texas, Morris sat between the two girls and placed a sleeping bag over them when the alleged assaults occurred, according to the affidavit.

The girls made separate reports to authorities when they arrived back to Texas, the affidavit said. Morriss could also face state charges of statutory sodomy and child molestation in Missouri, according to federal officials."


Let is be stated...I have no doubt that this "sicko" probably molested these girls. What I am struggling with is how could you possibly sodomize them and no one know it was going on.....especially if the girls tried to fight him off? That just seems bizarre to me. It looks like they would have screamed or something. Any ideas on how he could get by with this and no one know on a bus load of people?
Sounds fishy to me. I have doubts about this.
deandaniellws said:
Sounds fishy to me. I have doubts about this.

It says in that news report that one of the girls father was also on the trip. Now why would she sit there and let someone sexually molest her, if her father was there? I mean we are not talking about little children these are teenagers. Sounds very fishy to me also.
I am thinking if the girls were on either side of him - as sexual as girls today act - they might have initiated it - rather than trying to fight it off. Then felt weird about it later on and reported it.

My daughter is 14 and is very well behaved, but she's extremely sexually aware and her friends, some of them are downright "hussy" acting for their age. For any age. Kids today are far more likely to initiate something like this.

Not that he would be right in following up, just saying.
Maybe they didn't like him and tried to set him up. If so, I agree with Glitch. HIS FAULT. Maybe nothing happened, and they are just lying. Either way, the coach had NO BUSINESS sitting between the two girls MUCH LESS ALLOWING A SLEEPING BAG OVER THEM! I don't think that anyone would sit still while someone is molesting them, unless they were afraid. BUT, with daddy there, I can't imagine her being too afraid to get his attention. If this is a ploy for getting some money? I believe they would have to prove that the school district was negligent for hiring him....like a record or something that would have been bad judgment for him to be hired in the first place. They could always sue him personally, but I doubt that he has enough money to make it worth their while, being a teacher and all. I am not saying that the children were not molested. I am saying that I have a hard time believing it happened the way that this is written. Something is not right with all of this story :confused:
I found some more information on this:

In the search warrant affidavit, the Frisco girls said Mr. Morriss sat between them on the charter bus and placed a blanket across their laps. Using the blanket as cover, he massaged their abdomens and fondled them under their clothes. One girl moved to another seat. The other girl told officials that she was between Mr. Morriss and the window of the bus and could not move. She said he continued to touch her and forced her to touch him, according to the affidavit.

U.S. Attorney Bradley Schlozman of the Western District of Missouri issued a written release that "cautioned that the charges contained in the indictment are simply accusations and not evidence of guilt. Evidence supporting the charges must be presented to a federal trial jury, whose duty is to determine guilt or innocence."
A criminal background check found that Mr. Morriss has been convicted of criminal mischief, burglary of a habitation, driving with a suspended license and driving while intoxicated. He has no prior sexual offenses.

With the way the world is today, I can't even IMAGINE any man feeling like it was appropriate to sit between the two girls. If there weren't enough seats on the bus and he had to sit with them, he should have been in the isle - where he could be scooched outwards hanging off the seat a little, you know, to give more space.

To put a blanket over them is kind of an obvious faux pas that should have not happened.

Whatever after that is he said/she said. However, even the most innocent of men I would think would have felt like sitting between them wasn't appropriate and at the very least would have sat differently just to avoid this kind of accusation.
spclk said:
I found some more information on this:

In the search warrant affidavit, the Frisco girls said Mr. Morriss sat between them on the charter bus and placed a blanket across their laps. Using the blanket as cover, he massaged their abdomens and fondled them under their clothes. One girl moved to another seat. The other girl told officials that she was between Mr. Morriss and the window of the bus and could not move. She said he continued to touch her and forced her to touch him, according to the affidavit.

U.S. Attorney Bradley Schlozman of the Western District of Missouri issued a written release that "cautioned that the charges contained in the indictment are simply accusations and not evidence of guilt. Evidence supporting the charges must be presented to a federal trial jury, whose duty is to determine guilt or innocence."
A criminal background check found that Mr. Morriss has been convicted of criminal mischief, burglary of a habitation, driving with a suspended license and driving while intoxicated. He has no prior sexual offenses.

OPPS! They should not have hired him with those charges. Wonder why the girl that left didn't go and get someone? Gosh...sounds horrible! :doh:
I'm not saying that this guy did not do something to these girls but there is just something not right about this whole thing. First one girl gets up and moves away, why does she not tell anyone else on the bus what this guy has just done to her? There were other chaperones there and the father of one of the girls, And why does a 16 yr old just sit there and continue to let him molest her. A 16 yr old wrestler no less, any 16 yr old in this day and age is just not going to sit there and let him do that. Especially when there are other people on the bus that she knows. Will be interesting to hear more on this.
spclk said:
" A Central Texas wrestling coach has been indicted on federal charges that he molested two female high school wrestlers while they were on a cross-country bus trip.

On the way back to Texas, Morris sat between the two girls and placed a sleeping bag over them when the alleged assaults occurred, according to the affidavit.

The girls made separate reports to authorities when they arrived back to Texas, the affidavit said. Morriss could also face state charges of statutory sodomy and child molestation in Missouri, according to federal officials."


Let is be stated...I have no doubt that this "sicko" probably molested these girls. What I am struggling with is how could you possibly sodomize them and no one know it was going on.....especially if the girls tried to fight him off? That just seems bizarre to me. It looks like they would have screamed or something. Any ideas on how he could get by with this and no one know on a bus load of people?
Sodomy does not mean anal sex exclusively. It often in these cases refers to sexual activity that involves some form of genital contact and/or penetration that would not result in pregnancy. Ie non-procreative sexual contact/behavior. That includes frottage and masturbation.
BillyGoatGruff said:
Sodomy does not mean anal sex exclusively. It often in these cases refers to sexual activity that involves some form of genital contact and/or penetration that would not result in pregnancy. Ie non-procreative sexual contact/behavior. That includes frottage and masturbation.
Thanks Billy. I wasn't aware that sodomoy was anything other than what I "thought" it was. They must have some pretty decent evidence against this guy. The article says one girl gave detectives her clothes, I suppose for DNA analysis. But what a shame that this wouldn't have gotten so far had one of them spoken up. I tend to lean towards this being at least somewhat welcomed at first. Maybe this sounds crazy, but I wonder if one girl got jealous of the other and started accused him and the other girl felt like she had to go along. In any case, this coach was WRONG and behaved criminally in my opinion. He was a chaperone and should have never been in the seat with these girls.
spclk said:
" A Central Texas wrestling coach has been indicted on federal charges that he molested two female high school wrestlers while they were on a cross-country bus trip.

On the way back to Texas, Morris sat between the two girls and placed a sleeping bag over them when the alleged assaults occurred, according to the affidavit.

The girls made separate reports to authorities when they arrived back to Texas, the affidavit said. Morriss could also face state charges of statutory sodomy and child molestation in Missouri, according to federal officials."


Let is be stated...I have no doubt that this "sicko" probably molested these girls. What I am struggling with is how could you possibly sodomize them and no one know it was going on.....especially if the girls tried to fight him off? That just seems bizarre to me. It looks like they would have screamed or something. Any ideas on how he could get by with this and no one know on a bus load of people?

The assult on these two girls took place in Texas. It sounds like there is another girl is Missouri. That is where the sodemy took place according to the article. Maybe the bus went through two different states...I don't know.

Had they been somewhere over night? If not, why would they have a sleeping bag? Seems to me this coach should have been sitting with the rest of the adults that were supervising. When I was in high school I sure wouldn't have wanted my coach sitting in a seat with me. On those bus trips kids sit and gossip and act goofy. Who would want their coach right there!

Maybe the girls were embarrassed to do anything or say anything. I think a lot of times kids find themselves in situations that they just don't know how to handle so they don't do anything at the time. The bus was probably full of kids...maybe boys and girls. Everytime I hear of coaches I can't help but think of that young coach and Ashley that he tried to break her neck and left her in the woods for dead. I wonder how old this coach is?

It will be interesting to see how this story comes out.
Angels_Not_Forgotten said:
ok so WHY did this (these?) girl(s) father(s) think that it was ok that the coach was sitting with them to begin with?!
I suspect a fair amount of "grooming" went on before hand with the coach, the girls & their parents.
What is the legal definition of sodomy?

I think that the girls might have initially liked the attention from the coach, but then he pushed it too far...maybe that is how things got out of hand.
LatteDa said:
What is the legal definition of sodomy?

I think that the girls might have initially liked the attention from the coach, but then he pushed it too far...maybe that is how things got out of hand.

I can't find my dictionary but I have always thought it was intercourse from the rear. I think someone changed the definition on us at some point.
my free dictionary in my tool bar lists the deff being

Any various forms of sexual intercourse held to be unnatural or abnormal, espeically anal intercourse or bestaility.
Why didn't the one girl who got up to leave the seat tell what was going on to protect the girl that was left behind? Once the one girl left, why didn't the other girl? All she'd have to do is stand up, it's not like he could have grabbed her to pull her back down without a scene.
GlitchWizard said:
Why didn't the one girl who got up to leave the seat tell what was going on to protect the girl that was left behind? Once the one girl left, why didn't the other girl? All she'd have to do is stand up, it's not like he could have grabbed her to pull her back down without a scene.

I don't understand this either, it is not like we are speaking of little children here they are 16 yrs old. I am in no way absolving The coach he had no right sitting between these two girls and if he did molest them he needs to be put away.
Does anyone know how old this guy is?
Even if the coach did touch them, I hold the father partly responsible. I'm not sure about 'grooming' the parents to that extent....what I mean is, how stupid do you have to be to allow that just because someone said they were a good guy, or their friend, or bought your kid something? And doesn't it make you wonder what the relationship is between the girl and her dad if she didn't call out to him when she felt scared?

How many news reports, newspapers do you have to hear and read to know that this is a problem? How many oop's does it take? Why should parents feel like they have to put their kids in these positions because they don't want to hurt someones feelings or just be a total dipsh*t and disregard their jobs as parents?

My anger is not misplaced I don't think. I hold both of the adult males repsonsible. Maybe the coach felt safe doing it as he thought he had the fathers permission just by a lack of permission? That in no way negates what he did, but would explain why he felt like he could.

I watch my husband with our daughters and see how protective he is, glaring at guys that look at them or placing himself in between men and his girls and wonder just how a parent these days wouldn't do that?

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