UK UK - Carmel Fenech, 16, Crawley, Sussex, 23 May 1998


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Carmel Fenech was just 16 when she went missing in May 1998, when she didn't return to her home in Crawley, Sussex. Carmel was reportedly addicted to crack cocaine at the time she went missing and had fallen into a crowd of drug dealers.

At the time she vanished, Carmel was reportedly a crack cocaine addict who mixed with drug dealers in south London. Her mum thinks the 'world' she fell into has something to do with her disappearance.

Her mother described Carmel as beautiful and intelligent, but just got caught up in the wrong crowd. She says although she didn't know it at the time, her daughter had been introduced to crack cocaine at a party when she was only 14.

I've done a fair lot of reading into this case - carmel also went by the name of Carmel Pendry

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There are few inconsistences in Carmel's Doe network profile. My comments are in brackets.

The Doe Network:
Case File 2317DFUK

Carmel Michaela Pendry (all media articles states surname to be Fenech, not Pendry!)

Missing since May 23, 1998 from Crawley, West Sussex, United Kingdom
Classification: Endangered Runaway

Vital Statistics

Date Of Birth: July 3, 1981
Age at Time of Disappearance: 16 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'0"-5'1" (152-157 cm)
Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Brown eyes; brown/black shoulder length hair.
Slim build. She is half Maltese with a Mediterranean complexion.
Marks, Scars: A 2" scar in the middle of her forehead. (there is scar mentioned next to her mouth too in one article. )
(She had one leg shorter and was limping)
Clothing: She usually wears jeans and trainers.
AKA: Carmel Fenech (here should be Carmel Pendry, probably name of the father. Her mum's surname is Fenech. Her mum was single parent of five children at that time)

Circumstances of Disappearance

Carmel went missing from her address in Crawley, West Sussex and failed to return.
It is thought that Carmel may have traveled to Brixton in London, as she used to live in nearby Peckham.

Carmel went missing after spending years battling an addiction to crack cocaine.
After a court appearance, Carmel was put into the care of West Sussex social care, but she went missing from a care home shortly afterward and ran off to London.
(some info not correct here either but will add additional articles with information in next posts)

If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:

Sussex Police, Crawley
0845-607 0999
National Missing Persons Bureau
0808-100 8777

Her official missing poster by Missing People

Her FB Pages
From news articles

30 October 2002
POLICE searching for missing teenager Carmel Fenech have launched a murder hunt. The youngster, who lived in Moyne Road, Broadfield, disappeared after attending a court hearing at Camberwell Magistrates Court, London, in May 1998, aged 16.

And she has never been seen since.
Carmel's shocked mother Deirdre, 46, insists she was told the devastating news, that police think her daughter is dead, over the phone after speaking to the officer in charge of the case, Detective Chief Inspector John Levett from Sussex Police. Fighting back tears on Monday (October 28) Deirdre, known as Dee, declared: "I can't believe what I heard. "He said the case needed a fresh pair of eyes to look over the file to see if they'd missed anything over the years. "He said they were treating it as if it was a murder inquiry.
Carmel spent most of her time in London after the family moved from Peckham to Broadfield, 11 months before she went missing. The move was an attempt to keep Carmel away from drugs in London. Dee explained Carmel was addicted to crack cocaine at the time of her disappearance, after mixing with a crowd of drug dealers in south London. And Dee also claims Carmel had been seeing a man who has been questioned by police about her disappearance.

15 December 2002
It is a common refrain from families of missing children who have become involved in crime or drugs that the police don't fully investigate the disappearance of their loved ones. Deirdre Fenech, whose 16-year-old daughter went missing on 23 May 1998, is still angry about the way she was treated.

She had moved to Crawley in Surrey to get away from the notorious North Peckham estate in south London where neighbours had begun to tell her that Carmel had been spotted at local crack houses. But Carmel drifted back into her old life and eventually disappeared after getting involved with a well-known south London drug dealer in his thirties. On the day she went missing, she had been living at home in Crawley, recovering from a brutal beating at the hands of her dealer-boyfriend. She had told friends she was three months pregnant and was returning to London to tell him.
Deirdre believes the reason for her daughter's disappearance lies within the drugs underworld into which she had drifted. The dealer Carmel was involved with was sent to prison for 12 months in July and the police have said that they hope to get intelligence about him from dealers who have taken over his patch.

Deirdre Fenech is still bitter about the lack of publicity her daughter's disappearance attracted. 'People look at us like we're scum from Peckham, because we don't live in a £200,000 house in Surrey, because our children had problems. It is terribly wrong, because we love our children, too.'
(recommending to read. Very well written article and many other underreported cases are mentioned there too)
21 December 2006 - Please come home for Christmas (Christmas letter to Carmel by her mum)

Dear Carmel

Your favourite song was Puff Daddy's I'll Be Missing You. How could I possibly imagine the significance? I remember you dancing around the living room and I want to cry. I miss you so much.

There's nothing you could have done that would make me love you any less.

You were such a tiny baby and you grew into such a fragile young woman, barely 5ft tall. Yet you were feisty, opinionated and utterly incorrigible.

You had a blissful childhood. Your life revolved around Sunday school and playing with the family German Shepherd, Bonnie.

But when you started secondary school, St Saviour's and St Olave's in South London, things changed. You'd been born with one leg shorter than the other. Suddenly, you were the butt of cruel jokes. Classmates nicknamed you Hop-along.

You'd always had high ambitions, but you started truanting from school. By 14, you were smoking and shoplifting. I could not believe it. We were such a tight-knit, loving, Christian family.

Now I wonder if my divorce affected you. Your father left when you were tiny. You've rarely seen him and that must have dented your self-esteem.

You were looking for love and you thought you'd found it - among a gang of drug dealers.

You started staying out nights, pretending you were with friends. I'd trawl the streets, hunting for you. Then you'd breeze in: "Sorry, Mum, it won't happen again." I'd throw my arms around you and try to believe it would all be all right.

But, of course, it wasn't. I was devastated when I discovered you were taking crack cocaine, aged 15. I pleaded with you to stop.

A year before you went missing, we moved out of our council flat in Peckham, South London, and into a lovely three-bedroom detached house in Crawley.

We wanted to give you a new start, away from the drugs and the squalor. It was a huge sacrifice for the other children, who had to say goodbye to their friends, but we loved you so much that we were prepared to try anything to keep you safe.

But you carried on disappearing back to your old haunts. You became paler and thinner. "I know I need help, Mum," you sobbed.

I was so used to you vanishing for days that I didn't worry at first when I didn't hear from you. It was only when the days turned into weeks that I began to panic.

The police discovered you were last seen at Camberwell Magistrates' Court on a shoplifting charge. Fined £5, you'd left the court with just £1 in your pocket - and vanished into thin air.

Your drug-addled friends were quizzed by the police, but they all claimed to know nothing.

Every day since then has been torture. I miss you so much my whole body aches with longing.

Some nights I dream that I find you. I hug you and beg you to come home. You smile gently: "Sorry, Mum. I'm not ready yet," you whisper. "I'll be home soon." I wake up sobbing.

So much has happened since you went. You adored children, so you'll be thrilled to know your sister Mandy has a seven-year-old son, George, as well as her little girl, Ellie, ten.

And five years ago, your brother Joe became a dad. He's named his little girl, Kara Carmel, after you. She loves looking at your photo. I tell her: "This is Auntie Carmel. She isn't with us right now, but one day she'll come home and will love you so much."

Remember how you called him Yo-Yo because you couldn't pronounce Joe? All the little ones call him that, too. I close my eyes and I can hear your voice.

The house will be full at Christmas. But nothing can disguise the aching emptiness because you're not here.

I know you'll understand why I haven't bought you any presents. For the first few years after you went, you always had a stocking stuffed with bath products and your favourite chocolates.

But seeing those presents still under the tree on Boxing Day was unbearable.

If you can't join us this Christmas, please just ring and let me know you are OK. Honestly, darling, that's all I need.
Reward of £10,000 offered for clues to solve missing teen case

A reward of £10,000 has been offered for clues to help solve the disappearance of a teenage girl 23 years ago.

Carmel Fenech, also known as Carmel Pendry, was aged 16 when she vanished in south east London in 1998.

She was last seen on May 21 with an unknown man at Camberwell Green Magistrates' Court – around 30 miles from her home in Crawley, West Sussex.
Some really interesting articles on this thread, and it makes for a real sad story. After all this time and with the people she hung about with I doubt she will ever turn up alive, it's a real shame, very sad.

It is not too late to speak anonymously to the charity Crimestoppers, who are offering a £10,000 reward.

We have launched an appeal and reward of £10,000 for anonymous information on the disappearance of Carmel Fenech, which happened 23 years ago when she was aged just 16.

Carmel Fenech, also known as Carmel Pendry, from Broadfield in Crawley, was reported as missing on 27 June 1998. It is now believed she was murdered. She would have turned 40 this Saturday, 3 July.

She was last seen at Camberwell Green Magistrates Court in south London on 21 May 1998. She did not return home and she was reported as missing the following month.

Carmel grew up in south London on the North Peckham Estate. She had many friends in the area and also in nearby Brixton and Stockwell. She moved with her family to Crawley less than a year before she disappeared. Investigations are focused on south London. She did not know many people in Crawley.

***We are offering a reward of up to £10,000 for information given to us exclusively and anonymously that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or people linked to this incident***

The Carmel's mother reminds me of the mother searching for her daughter in this film. fwiw, imo.
''Academy Award® nominee Catherine Keener and Hannah Gross (I Used to Be Darker) star in this adaptation of the final novel by the late, great Canadian novelist Carol Shields, about a writer who discovers her runaway daughter panhandling on the street and seemingly deprived of speech.''

Last edited:
Killed/disappeared within the same year -
I can't see any connection between any of these stabbings - which themselves seem linked only by geographical location - and the disappearance of Carmel Fenech/Pendry, who as far as I know had no link to that location and has never been found, stabbed or otherwise.

What am I missing?
Carmel and Hannah were killed during the same year

There were 750 homicides (murders, manslaughters and infanticides) recorded in England and Wales between April 1998 and March 1999 (April-March is the span the Home Office uses to collate crime statistics). The likelihood of any one of them being linked to another purely because they both took place in a particular 12-month period, in the distinct absence of any similarities of victimology, geography or MO, is remote, to put it mildly.

It's also important to remember that Carmel is officially missing and that there is currently no evidence she was killed. If her circumstances suggest murder, then imo it also follows that those circumstances suggest something very different from what happened to Hannah Deterville; yet more so Steve Jindu or Penny Bell.

I hope this isn't going to turn into one of those threads where the case at hand gets buried under a succession of ever more tenuous connections.



  • Recorded Crime Statistics 1998_1999.pdf
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A £10,000 reward is being offered as we continue to investigate the disappearance of Carmel Fenech in 1998.

The 16-year-old – also known as Carmel Pendry – was living in the Broadfield area of Crawley at the time and we fear she may have been murdered.

Her family are desperate for answers.

Carmel also had links to Peckham, Brixton and Stockwell in London.

Read more, and contact us if you can help ➡️

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