UK UK - Claudia Lawrence, 35, Chef, York University, 18 March 2009 #17

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Thanks @Blonderabbit This post from back then is very interesting. The mention of the Address Eboraccum Way, is that of a well known partner or PR-Non other than JK:

Please see attached screenshot-Source WS.
Refreshing per Google search:

Claudia Lawrence-Who Took Her? - Medium​ › claudia-lawrence-who-was-she-and-...

At the time of Claudias disappearance, Jen lived in an apartment at Eboracum Way YO31 7SS. A newly built complex with only 9 apartments occupied at the time.
Refreshing per Google search:

Claudia Lawrence-Who Took Her? - Medium › claudia-lawrence-who-was-she-and-...

At the time of Claudias disappearance, Jen lived in an apartment at Eboracum Way YO31 7SS. A newly built complex with only 9 apartments occupied at the time.
She could have been oblivious to the dealing going on there. I am of the belief that more information directly linking to CLs disappearance should be sleuthed - especially around the two vehicles outside her property shown on the bus cctv at 9.01pm on the the evening of the 18th - who owns those vehicles? We know one is a ford ranger in black. What is the lead car/colour - who owns it?
She could have been oblivious to the dealing going on there. I am of the belief that more information directly linking to CLs disappearance should be sleuthed - especially around the two vehicles outside her property shown on the bus cctv at 9.01pm on the the evening of the 18th - who owns those vehicles? We know one is a ford ranger in black. What is the lead car/colour - who owns it?
Have you got a clear image of the car to post? I remember seeing one but unsure if it was on this group or elsewhere as most focus on the truck.

I've attatched an article talking about the ford ranger truck outside her house just for anyone less familiar with her case and to keep us right with mods

Ive also attatched a video of the moving footage that captures the truck and car. A while back in these threads it was discussed the cars could be people going to the pub. I don't believe this to be the case as the footage shows there is a couple cars outside the Nags, but still space there, and lower down the street for customers to park. Instead these two are further up, outside claudias, and seem closer together than necessary considering there is space either side of them. Also, looking at google earth images across the years, there are never cars parked on Claudias side, and people seem to use the grassy spaces opposite. I don't drive, but even as a passenger I can see parking on Claudias side of a busy main road is not a good idea. So I would assume that A, they really need to be outside that particular door, and B, they didn't stick around long

Missing chef Claudia Lawrence: Police appeal for mystery truck driver

60 Heworth Rd
The car in front of the suv - does anyone know what make and model of car it is? And who may own it? Does it appear anywhere else in Claudias disappearance ?
That is a very good question!
An other question did the police send this tape ( bus cctv ) for enhancement too ?
On the car in front of the SUV, wasn't there (IF I remember well) standing a man in some blue overall in some/one of the still/s?? He should have been identifiable because of his blue full body clothing, IMO. Of course not by a German WS-member, but by any local? If not: WHY not??
There was a pic of a man with some red around his head within the stills. Why wasn't anybody able to say, if this man was PL with his distinguishable red scarf or was not PL?
Even if it is "illogical", to connect PL to this evening of "disturbance": why did nobody have a question to this still??
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On the car in front of the SUV, wasn't there (IF I remember well) standing a man in some blue overall in some/one of the still/s?? He should have been identifiable because of his blue full body clothing, IMO. Of course not by a German WS-member, but by any local? If not: WHY not??
There was a pic of a man with some red around his head within the stills. Why wasn't anybody able to say, if this man was PL with his distinguishable red scarf or was not PL?
Even if it is "illogical", to connect PL to this evening of "disturbance": why did nobody have a question to this still??
Can we find those stills FG?
Oh actually I misread that, because I can see a blue flash in the video footage but I haven't been able to screenshot it myself


Active Member​

Okay a couple of final points from me. From viewing google SV the maroon Volvo is parked outside 19HP and in different positions suggesting that’s where the owner lived. The white Astra van ( Concrete grinding) is parked in the cul-de-sac next to number 19. So they are both locals but would the Volvo need to park directly outside 46 on Wednesday evening? Surely you would park outside your own house and hop over the fence into the NH if you fancied a pint? Almost having two cars blocking her front door seems intentional, would bus CCTV from earlier in the week show cars parked at 46?

Major Lang’s report suggests the silver car heading past the post office was a Renault. I don’t recognise the shape as a Renault perhaps more Mercedes. There is a silver Toyota parked next door to number 19 but I am unsure if the shape matches up.

I would expect the properties and cars to have been searched so I can see why the NYP would bring in the suspects. Without a crime scene you can understand that trying to break into what appears to be an incestuous group so difficult.

Interesting post
This link may interest - it’s of a different case, though at the core is class A drugs and everything which goes along with it. We talked a few posts earlier about drugs in and around Heworth take a look.

This YouTube gives you the background to the inquest
Of the killing of Yassar Yaqub. In relation to the Claudia Lawrance disappearance - it illustrates the potential depth to the case - complexity and mystery
If the allyman did it deliberately why hasn’t he come forward ?

Perhaps we're viewing the role of alley man incorrectly. What if alley man was there to try and warn Claudia of a threat or some danger?
My trail.of thought is :
Person A is closely connected to Claudia and the person(s) who wanted to harm her. Person A hear"s about plans to harm Claudia, but as they are well known, cannot be seen anywhere in the vicinity of CL's home.
Person A asks a trusted friend/family member, Person B, who is not known to any of the above and not from the area, to warn CL.
Person A tells Person B how they can access the rear of the property via the alleyway.
Person B, not knowing the area goes back twice, as they aren't sure they've got the correct property (possibly calling Person A to confirm they are in the correct place).
Person B doesn't get any answer from CL, advises Person A, who asks that they wait around to speak to her
Person B waits all night (probably in a car near to the property) and tries again in the morning (in case Person B believes they may have missed her returning home).
Neither of them would come forward. CL is already missing and whatever fate she had would be them (or their families), if they went to the police.
Like I say, it's just a thought.
Perhaps we're viewing the role of alley man incorrectly. What if alley man was there to try and warn Claudia of a threat or some danger?
My trail.of thought is :
Person A is closely connected to Claudia and the person(s) who wanted to harm her. Person A hear"s about plans to harm Claudia, but as they are well known, cannot be seen anywhere in the vicinity of CL's home.
Person A asks a trusted friend/family member, Person B, who is not known to any of the above and not from the area, to warn CL.
Person A tells Person B how they can access the rear of the property via the alleyway.
Person B, not knowing the area goes back twice, as they aren't sure they've got the correct property (possibly calling Person A to confirm they are in the correct place).
Person B doesn't get any answer from CL, advises Person A, who asks that they wait around to speak to her
Person B waits all night (probably in a car near to the property) and tries again in the morning (in case Person B believes they may have missed her returning home).
Neither of them would come forward. CL is already missing and whatever fate she had would be them (or their families), if they went to the police.
Like I say, it's just a thought.

Why not just call her?.
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