UK UK- Eve Stratford, 21, Bunny @ Playboy Club, posed for mag. cover, later her mutilated & grotesquely staged body found @ home, London 18/03/75 *DNA*

Don't they have Sutcliffe's DNA on file? I know he's deceased, but it was very recent, and you'd think as a serial offender they would be aware that he could potentially be linked to other cases. If there's DNA in a couple of these cases, surely it would be an easy rule-out.
Yes they have PS DNA on file, but not every murder victim had DNA found on them, or if so it may have been lost. Most of these cases are before they understood DNA and therefore they only tested saliva, blood or semen for blood type, I think PS was a non secretor so I doubt they were able to even get his blood group, however being a non secretor may well have narrowed down the suspect than blood group since there's significantly less people who fit in that category.

We can only say unsolved murders may have been killed by the unknown perp that killed Eve and Lynn if no DNA was found on them or wasn't recovered or kept in storage etc in a way he is more easily linked to unsolved murder cases in and borderline London area than Peter Sutcliffe who despite travelling to London for work, to visit his wife when she studied here and any possible events he may have attended, the murder would have to fit into those windows of opportunity, as yet I don't think a single London murder has been proven to be linked to him, just suspected. Even more likely to have been committed by him are girls, young ladies hitchhiking from London to Northern England.

Our perp in this case is vicious enough that both his proven victims were felt to be probably PS victims by a great many people. Therefore I look at people who match in a significant way those two victims, or that people may have suspected PS of killing. My thoughts are that you can't be too rigid in saying what someone will do, especially when the perp themselves has proven to be flexible in the way they have treated or chosen a victim, plus many criminals in whatever their criminal activity, will often when presented with the opportunity in their chosen field to go ahead with something which may not be exactly what they want, will seize that opportunity if it satisfies and they think they can get away with it.
For instance maybe a killer will usually stalk a victim, watch them, build up an idea when they'll be in a certain place and alone etc and yet they're walking home from the pub and there's someone who fits or semi fits into their ideal victim, they are alone and turn down a dark alley or lonely street with no houses... giving the opportunity to follow and see where it takes them.

The other thing is through these cases being so long ago is that, especially if there is no family to push for public appeals or police reviews, details can be lost or confused. At least one of the ladies that was thought to be by killed by the same person as Eve and Lynn is Lynda Farrow, who had a lot in common with Eve as well as living very close, but there are conflicting reports if there was DNA or not, so we don't know if our mystery perp can be ruled out. Also the police, a big part of looking at murderers is what the motive may be and the fact she left her husband and moved in with her bf, pregnant with his child and there were custody issues of his daughters gave him motive to pay someone to kill her.
But few murder victims have their throat cut like Lynda and Eve, both blonde, both stunning, both working in the west end in high profile jobs and apparently both working as croupiers, both in close proximity and within a few years of each other.
I am subscribed to a few historic newspaper sites, from the rules it looks like prescription sites can be linked but other than anything showing in the link we can only paraphrase. Because many old newspapers may contain details that haven't been reproduced in newer stories and be unavailable to view. I'll try anyway, I may be cancelling at least one of them soon, cost of living :(

Western Daily Press Bristol, Avon, England - Thursday September 11, 1975

I will miss out most of this as it's already written elsewhere or obvious. However it states that she was walked part of the way home by two friends of her age. That the lane she walked up had been well known for unsavoury characters like flashers. There's no mention of an iron pipe or bar (the murder weapon was taken away) here it mentions a hammer or jimmy (using American spelling) sounds like a crowbar.
Lynne was dragged by her heels before being thrown or lifted over the fence which was five and a half foot or I think 1.676 metres high (strong). Lynne's underpants were stuffed in her mouth.
Lynne had on a sweater in blue and white which in other articles it's stated was lifted up to expose her breasts and stomach, both mutilated and I haven't read anywhere what was used to do that or how she was mutilated. Lynne had on a blue and white long cardy and while she wore jeans, it's been stated in other press she was naked from the waist down and therefore I doubt she was wearing the platform sandals she set out in.
The Daily Telegraph
Thursday September 11, 1975

While I have looked at many other newspapers from around the UK on this day covering LW's attack and death, all those I looked at apart from this, basically had the same story, almost word for word. Including appealing to anyone seeing a partner or family member etc returning home covered in blood and that the person in charge of the case felt there was a very real threat of another attack. The Telegraph has more info, there are limited newspapers available and rarely the main national papers.

Anyway, it appears Lynne had a double fracture of her skull and injuries to her face and while almost every paper from 1975 to now referred to her being sexually assaulted, The Telegraph outwardly state rape.
They describe her clothing slightly differently, saying her cardigan was white not white and blue and the top of her platform sandals were blue and the sole brown, her sweater is now said to be a tank top of the colour previously stated in my last post, also she was carrying a carrier bag just a plain white plastic one, it doesn't state if anything was in it or if anything was taken. Earlier on Lynne had caught the bus from her home on Lampton Ave to meet her friends in Cranford, setting out at 7.15pm and expected home by her parents by 11.30pm.
Various news stories state she was celebrating her O level results, it does mention that in any of the 1975 articles of this day, most state she had left school and hoped to become a student (odd terminology as someone at school is a student whether it's infants, junior, comprehensive / high school, college or university) in this piece it says she was already accepted somewhere. They describe the fence she was lifted over as 6ft here.
All the papers carry the same photo of the older Lynne with shorter hair.
I've seen a photo of her somewhere that I can't find in the press pieces, maybe it was on a video, it showed her looking older, not unlike the black and white one where she has shorter hair and it kind of looked like her hair was highlighted. Lynne may not have been a glamour girl and more the girl next door but she still looks very attractive in her photos.

Don't they have Sutcliffe's DNA on file? I know he's deceased, but it was very recent, and you'd think as a serial offender they would be aware that he could potentially be linked to other cases. If there's DNA in a couple of these cases, surely it would be an easy rule-out.

''Ripper Sutcliffe is DNA tested.​

The Yorkshire Ripper has been DNA-tested by police investigating hundreds of unsolved crimes.

The Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe, took part in a mass screening of 2000 criminals at prisons and hospitals across the country.

Forensic scientists visited the 50-year-old serial killer at Broadmoor Hospital in Berkshire.

They extracted a sample of his DNA and plan to compare it with DNA taken from forensic samples found at the scene of scores of unsolved crimes.

Detectives hope the screening sessions will clear up some of them and give them DNA samples for a database to help solve future crimes.''
Daily Mirror
Thursday September 11, 1975

The story starts on page 1, but that page shares no more info than we already know although presented in a more sensationalist way. Page 2 has more info and a photo I've seen nowhere else of the place Lynne was found, it's in the grounds of a comprehensive school which you can see in the background as a lon modern building with lots of windows and looks about three storeys high, nearer is a neat, normal sized greenhouse belonging to the caretaker who found LW, Victor Voice, the school is the one LW had attended, Lampton Secondary School. The electricity sub station wasn't what I imagined, it's a really small one dwarfed by the greenhouse. The mesh fence stands between it and the alley.
The course of further education Lynne was due to start was a language course at Chiswick Polytechnic. Apparently LW was quite quiet and didn't go out a lot so her parents were very happy about this evening out with her friends who she often listened to music with.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I think it was the previous Daily Telegraph post that they stated Lynne had hypothermia and a brain haemorrhage on top of everything else.
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Daily Mirror
Thursday September 11, 1975

The story starts on page 1, but that page shares no more info than we already know although presented in a more sensationalist way. Page 2 has more info and a photo I've seen nowhere else of the place Lynne was found, it's in the grounds of a comprehensive school which you can see in the background as a long modern building with lots of windows and looks about three storeys high, nearer is a neat, normal sized greenhouse belonging to the caretaker who found LW, Victor Voice, the school is the one LW had attended, Lampton Secondary School. The electricity sub station wasn't what I imagined, it's a really small one dwarfed by the greenhouse. The mesh fence stands between it and the alley.
The course of further education Lynne was due to start was a language course at Chiswick Polytechnic. Apparently LW was quite quiet and didn't go out a lot so her parents were very happy about this evening out with her friends who she often listened to music with.
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Let's bring on the genetic geneologists and identify this creep. Three is a serial. I imagine he did a lot more rapes, too, even if there were only three killings. I hope there is evidence left to test to map out as many of this guy's victims as possible. With publicity, perhaps even living victims will come forward. Justice for Eve, Lynne, and Lynda, and the others unknown!
Three bodies that were discovered. Perhaps he simply became better at “secreting” the bodies after his acts of rape & murder? People go “missing” every day, and are never found. They have to have died somehow, and most probably under nefarious conditions.

He’s the whole spectacular package. Rape and murder. I doubt he ever performs one without the other. A specialized beast, in every demented way possible. Still…on the loose.

As Twenty One Pilots aptly sing: “you’ll never know the murderer sitting next to you, you’ll never know the psychopath sitting next to you, you’ll never know the freak show sitting next to you…” (Heathens).

Daily Mirror - Saturday 10 September 1977​

Here is a piece about the murder of Elizabeth Parravicini, here spelt with an 'a' instead of an 'i' at the end of her surname. At the end of the piece it mentions that her murder may be linked to Lynne Weedon's murder.
Apparently the movie that Elizabeth went to see in the west end was 'Casanova'. Elizabeth's father is/was George Graham, an architect and Elizabeth was visiting from her home in Rome, for two weeks. Elizabeth apparently had two pre-school children btw.

I can't help feeling many of these ladies were simply followed home, they are all either on their way home or just got home.
articles of this day, most state she had left school and hoped to become a student (odd terminology as someone at school is a student whether it's infants, junior, comprehensive / high school, college or university) in this piece it says she was already accepted somewhere
It used to be very usual to use the word pupil, as in school pupil, for all school years and then student to describe those attending university, college of further education type institution.
Very interesting thread Information, thank you.
Daily Mirror
Thursday September 11, 1975

The story starts on page 1, but that page shares no more info than we already know although presented in a more sensationalist way. Page 2 has more info and a photo I've seen nowhere else of the place Lynne was found, it's in the grounds of a comprehensive school which you can see in the background as a lon modern building with lots of windows and looks about three storeys high, nearer is a neat, normal sized greenhouse belonging to the caretaker who found LW, Victor Voice, the school is the one LW had attended, Lampton Secondary School. The electricity sub station wasn't what I imagined, it's a really small one dwarfed by the greenhouse. The mesh fence stands between it and the alley.
The course of further education Lynne was due to start was a language course at Chiswick Polytechnic. Apparently LW was quite quiet and didn't go out a lot so her parents were very happy about this evening out with her friends who she often listened to music with.

Three bodies that were discovered. Perhaps he simply became better at “secreting” the bodies after his acts of rape & murder? People go “missing” every day, and are never found. They have to have died somehow, and most probably under nefarious conditions.

He’s the whole spectacular package. Rape and murder. I doubt he ever performs one without the other. A specialized beast, in every demented way possible. Still…on the loose.

As Twenty One Pilots aptly sing: “you’ll never know the murderer sitting next to you, you’ll never know the psychopath sitting next to you, you’ll never know the freak show sitting next to you…” (Heathens).
Not necessarily always the rape as he may have been disturbed before he was able to and I forgot to mention in regard to Elizabeth Parravicini/ Parravincina in the last post, who seems very likely to have also been a victim, the police felt the only reason she wasn't raped is that the killer couldn't remove her very tight jeans. As someone who watched a friend struggle for a very long time to get her jeans on then lying down on the bed trying to get the zip done up on her jeans with a fork, I can imagine this being an issue with very tight jeans.
Some of these newspapers mention identikits or sketches of suspects yet trying to find those pictures is hard if not impossible. Surely in a cold case those should be made easily available as someone may recognise them between that, description, location, if they mentioned something or acted oddly at the time etc then someone may belatedly come forward
Some of these newspapers mention identikits or sketches of suspects yet trying to find those pictures is hard if not impossible. Surely in a cold case those should be made easily available as someone may recognise them between that, description, location, if they mentioned something or acted oddly at the time etc then someone may belatedly come forward

Not necessarily always the rape as he may have been disturbed before he was able to and I forgot to mention in regard to Elizabeth Parravicini/ Parravincina in the last post, who seems very likely to have also been a victim, the police felt the only reason she wasn't raped is that the killer couldn't remove her very tight jeans. As someone who watched a friend struggle for a very long time to get her jeans on then lying down on the bed trying to get the zip done up on her jeans with a fork, I can imagine this being an issue with very tight jeans.
Very interesting point. Never thought of “painted on jeans” as being a deterrent in such a manner. Yet, I can definitely see the possibility.
Sunday Mirror
October 30, 1977

This has the photofit! Sorry I can't share :(
I believe it's based off a sighting of a man following her from Osterley station down the road.

It looks nothing like Peter Sutcliffe btw. It does look like someone they would pick to play a , prison inmate or boxer in a drama. The photofit makes him look kind of tired or sad or resentful, his eyes are slanted downwards and his eyebrows arched downwards at the bridge of his nose and shadowy while his eyebrows from the centre outwards aren't visible here. The eyes are heavily hooded and maybe this all comes from being hit in the eyes in fighting. His nose looks flattened and spread out from being broken. His face is quite wide, not fat, with pronounced chin that isn't weak looking or overly long. His upper lip is much narrower than the bottom lip, not a wide mouth. Straight, floppy looking hair that's swept back, a slight quiff? It looks higher on top, maybe used Brylcreem. Described as twenty five to thirty five and 5ft 6" - 5ft 8" tall with a broken nose, dark hair and stocky

Actually I wonder if I can post the photofit with the above link since it can't be copyrighted since it was made by and supplied by the police.
It's the man seen following Elizabeth Parravicini.

Please remove if you disagree admin


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The Daily Telegraph
3 December 1979

Sally Shepherd, it mentions her post mortem. Many broken ribs, so crushed her spinal chord was damaged, severe head injuries, she was alive but unconscious when raped (as was Lynne Weedon).

It also states she bad been wearing jeans tucked into her boots. Everyone of these cases where I have been able to find clothing descriptions at least, they've been wearing jeans or trousers, including Eve Stratford when she went out the day she was murdered, I will have to try and find the newspaper piece again as it had a photo of a policewoman dressed up for a reconstruction (not sure if they were her actual clothes).

The battery described on Sally was also similar on Elizabeth Parravicini who besides being bashed on the head, was punched and kicked to death according to one of these news stories.
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There's a problem with his DNA
Don't they have Sutcliffe's DNA on file? I know he's deceased, but it was very recent, and you'd think as a serial offender they would be aware that he could potentially be linked to other cases. If there's DNA in a couple of these cases, surely it would be an easy rule-out.
Daily Post (For Wales)
Monday December 3, 1979

Sally had links to Liverpool and North Wales and her adoptive mother had to travel from Wales to identify her.

This article like another I read states that the person or persons who attacked her may have been jumping up and down on her chest. It also mentions that it's thought her killer had in some heavy boots and had a weapon, obviously not left at the scene, that was used to hit around the head.

Sally's was mainly naked, with her upper clothes, (a bra and blouse) pulled up to her chin and her jeans and pants removed. With her bag, it's contents and rest of her clothes strewn around.

In this case it seems she wasn't returning from work, but from visiting her friends in Essex. After Tottenham Court Rd station she would be making her way back to Peckham.

Sally had fair hair with green streaks (no more flower power). I bet this killer didn't like punk.

The police seem to believe it was probably a stranger.

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