Found Deceased UK - Gaynor Lord was last seen in Norwich city centre on London Street heading towards Norwich Cathedral, 2:35 pm, 8 December 2023

Were her belongings found before or after she’d been reported missing?
As I understand it, someone found her bag in the park and handed it in, and then the police went to her house with the bag and it was at that point that they were told she hadn't come home. And then they went to the park and found her other things.
Just to summarise:
1. The police say they have found a body, that they're not seeking a third party, and that they send love to GL's family - strongly implying of course that they have found GL's body, but without saying so.
2. The body has not been identified.
<modsnip - insinuations against a person not named POI by LE>
4. According to an unidentified person, GL's husband is well out of it at the moment and he doesn't understand what has happened.
5. The body is expected to be identified today, by a party who as yet has not been identified, and who has not even been said to be a family member.
I don't think we should read too much into who is and isn't identifying her body. They obviously know it is her and identifying her body is simply a formality and would no doubt cause further trauma to the family member. Moo
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I don't think we should read too much into who is and isn't identifying her body. They obviously know it is her and identifying her body is simply a formality and would no doubt cause further trauma to the family member. Moo
If the body has been in the water a week, I doubt there will be a visual ID. I suspect any ID will be made by the pathologist using dental records or if they are not available, DNA.
If the body has been in the water a week, I doubt there will be a visual ID. I suspect any ID will be made by the pathologist using dental records or if they are not available, DNA.
Yes - I think that's the sensitive way of doing it. Far too awful for the family or friends to have to do that. Ah, so sad. I still can't get my head around that last piece of footage where she goes down a side street and walks very briskly until she becomes a tiny dot and then disappears. She also appears to stop and look at something for a couple of seconds. I wonder what was going on in her mind that day. MOO.
I keep thinking it may of been an accident and she slipped in but then why would her clothes and jewellery be everywhere. Still can't understand why her belongings were scattered about and not just in one place altogether. Whatever she found out that day must've been so horrendous that she felt suicide was the only answer. So very very tragic and absolutely awful for the family.
I keep thinking it may of been an accident and she slipped in but then why would her clothes and jewellery be everywhere. Still can't understand why her belongings were scattered about and not just in one place altogether. Whatever she found out that day must've been so horrendous that she felt suicide was the only answer. So very very tragic and absolutely awful for the family.
It doesn’t look like an accident: She visited a cathedral, made her way quickly, discarded jewelry and other items. She had a plan in place.

I’m also thinking that she may have found something out. Either a horrible piece of health news (although seems there’d be a record of that) or found out husband was leaving her for another, or that she was in huge life- threatening legal trouble ( doesn’t seem likely).

But these are the types of news that are known to make people go into wild despair and hopelessness: You are terminally ill or your marriage was a lie, or you are on the brink of huge financial and property losses— or facing public disgrace and then prison.

And that state might make you hastily cast off your jewelry and belongings before taking the literal plunge.
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<modsnip - quoted post was removd>
I personally have found it very unsettling and thought-provoking, being the same age as GL and like so many women trying to juggle a lot of difficult life stuff. I don't think that any of the recent comments on here are really 'gossip' so much as people genuinely trying to understand what happened. That's human nature - trying to make sense of things that seem, on the face of things, senseless. I've found it really hard to accept that somebody can be at work smiling one minute and being dragged out of the river the next. I think about it - a lot. It makes me remember that you never know what somebody might be going through beneath the smile. It makes me remember that I only have the present moment and am not guaranteed a tomorrow. It reminds me that my life or any of our lives can change dramatically in a heartbeat. So in a way, the WebSleuths on this particular forum seem to me to be, not armchair detectives trying to solve missing person issues, but human beings trying to understand the baffling complexities of life. MOO.
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I agree. I personally have found it very unsettling and thought-provoking, being the same age as GL and like so many women trying to juggle a lot of difficult life stuff. I don't think that any of the recent comments on here are really 'gossip' so much as people genuinely trying to understand what happened. That's human nature - trying to make sense of things that seem, on the face of things, senseless. I've found it really hard to accept that somebody can be at work smiling one minute and being dragged out of the river the next. I think about it - a lot. It makes me remember that you never know what somebody might be going through beneath the smile. It makes me remember that I only have the present moment and am not guaranteed a tomorrow. It reminds me that my life or any of our lives can change dramatically in a heartbeat. So in a way, the WebSleuths on this particular forum seem to me to be, not armchair detectives trying to solve missing person issues, but human beings trying to understand the baffling complexities of life. MOO.
Exactly this
I agree. I personally have found it very unsettling and thought-provoking, being the same age as GL and like so many women trying to juggle a lot of difficult life stuff. I don't think that any of the recent comments on here are really 'gossip' so much as people genuinely trying to understand what happened. That's human nature - trying to make sense of things that seem, on the face of things, senseless. I've found it really hard to accept that somebody can be at work smiling one minute and being dragged out of the river the next. I think about it - a lot. It makes me remember that you never know what somebody might be going through beneath the smile. It makes me remember that I only have the present moment and am not guaranteed a tomorrow. It reminds me that my life or any of our lives can change dramatically in a heartbeat. So in a way, the WebSleuths on this particular forum seem to me to be, not armchair detectives trying to solve missing person issues, but human beings trying to understand the baffling complexities of life. MOO.
Very well put. It’s shook me too as a woman heading into meno territory. I can’t get it out of my thoughts.
She must've hidden her troubles well as even her dh says he cannot understand it at all and is completely lost. Nobody seemed concerned that she was late from work until her bag was found so they cant of been worried about her doing something to herself. I have depression, had it for years and everyone in my family knows but I still hide most of my feelings. However if I went missing and carried through my plan my family wouldn't be completely shocked as they know I have depression. My son has attempted suicide and has been let down massively by mental health services so I'm always on alert if he goes out for too long or sleeps in late etc.
This seems like a psychotic episode or finding out something so awful she can't face anyone again. Mental health services in this country are shockingly bad. My son was told to go home and watch a comedy to cheer himself up the last time he harmed himself!
If anyone ever feels bad please post somewhere if you are masking elsewhere. Invisible faces we are but at the end of the day we are kind of friends and a community of like minded people who can lend an ear. My messages are always open to anyone.

Watch your loved ones everyone harder than ever.

I can’t believe your son was advised that lola - ridiculous.
If anyone ever feels bad please post somewhere if you are masking elsewhere. Invisible faces we are but at the end of the day we are kind of friends and a community of like minded people who can lend an ear. My messages are always open to anyone.

Watch your loved ones everyone harder than ever.

I can’t believe your son was advised that lola - ridiculous.
If anyone ever feels bad please post somewhere if you are masking elsewhere. Invisible faces we are but at the end of the day we are kind of friends and a community of like minded people who can lend an ear. My messages are always open to anyone.

Watch your loved ones everyone harder than ever.

I can’t believe your son was advised that lola - ridiculous.
Hear hear - this tragic case of GL has affected many of us, that's becoming very clear. I hope everybody is OK.
Hear hear - this tragic case of GL has affected many of us, that's becoming very clear. I hope everybody is OK.
Yes, it was made public, and many of us who are close in age to GL, or have had reason to despair, were in fact deeply affected. For my part, this is what was driving my own speculation, and not mere curiosity or desire to gossip.
Yes, it was made public, and many of us who are close in age to GL, or have had reason to despair, were in fact deeply affected. For my part, this is what was driving my own speculation, and not mere curiosity or desire to gossip.
This !! I just want to understand or attempt to understand more and more so we can be more conscious of these things. Clearly more awareness and understanding is needed. Well it may not be the only thing needed as it’s so complex, but it can never hurt to be more educated can it.
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She allegedly said she felt funny while at work, and that seems like a medical episode.

I wonder about something like "thyroid storm." Symptoms include: An average age of early 40's, fast heart rate, sweaty, anxiety, shaky, feeling ill, confused, not in control of your body.
That's interesting about thyroid's pretty rare but it does seem to cause a strange set of symptoms including feeling very hot and panicky. GL took her coat off more than once on that last day and told someone at work that she felt odd, whilst shaking her hands. Was the river an attempt to cool off that went horribly wrong? MOO
<modsnip - quoted post was removed for telling others how to post>

They are conducting an autopsy, which means they don't know "why" this happened, and so I wondered about a health condition. <modsnip - response to quoted post>

I do hope they know what they're doing when looking for answers for any victim's family. If similar happened to my relative, and an uncommon health condition caused the out-of-character actions, I'd rather find that out than not.

I don't expect we would actually find out anything more about this case, nor should we.

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