GUILTY UK - Leiland Corkhill, 13 Months, murdered - died in Hospital 7 Jan 2021, Foster parents on trial.

Some babies are just big babies. In my experience boys tend to by chunkier than girls, they also develop slower, so can take longer to get mobile. MOO
I work with babies. He doesn't look unusually large to me. I don't know what a doctor would say about babies that size from a medical point of view, but just from the point of view of someone that sees a lot of babies, he looks like a fairly normal size - large yes but only in the way lots of babies are, babies with good parents and normal diets. Babies change shape a lot once they start walking and get running, he was too young to reach that point where they start getting skinnier as toddlers.
Definitely not saying that to defend these foster 'parents', just defending larger babies :)
THE attorney general has been asked to review the sentence handed down to child murderer Laura Castle after a claim it was 'unduly lenient'.

The attorney general's office is considering a referral made under the Unduly Lenient Sentence scheme

Laura Corkill was prepared for the birth of her son. The baby's room was newly decorated - she had even chosen the name. Leiland-James Micheal Corkill was born by emergency Caesarean four days before Christmas at West Cumberland Hospital.
Mother and baby bonded straight away - Laura describes it as "perfect".
"I remember his big bright eyes. I was happy, full of joy. I was looking forward to bringing my baby home."
But 48 hours after he was born, Leiland-James was taken away. The midwife who had helped deliver him came to tell Laura there was a social worker at his cot about to remove him.
Laura says she went and confronted the social worker but was told paperwork had been sent to her solicitor.  "I still haven't seen any paperwork," says Laura.
Laura's world "shattered" when her son was carried away.
It was 2019, and over the following year, she would try to get him back. But just days after his first birthday, the woman - who social workers had placed him with - murdered him.
Laura Corkill has never spoken out before. She wasn't involved in the subsequent murder trial. She wasn't involved in Cumbria County Council's review into his death. She says she feels silenced. This is her story, told for the first time.
This is also the story of what happens when social services get it wrong and when mothers who have experienced domestic abuse end up losing their children.

As if this story wasn't bad enough, from this article it sounds as though the real mother shouldn't even have had him removed in the first place, have to feel even worse for her if that's really the case :( There's a linked 15 mins programme which I haven't watched yet but will later, probably covers the same as the article: The Big Cases - My Baby: Taken, Failed, Killed
The second half of the latest Episode of Faking it: Tears of a Crime on Quest Red was about this awful case. I looked up where it happened Eskdale Ave in Barrow and wondered if this was Laura Castle walking along the road before she was imprisoned?


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Social workers handling the adoption of a baby boy who was murdered by his prospective new mum saw no evidence she was hurting him, an inquest has heard.

Leiland-James Corkill was fatally shaken by Laura Castle at their home in Barrow-in-Furness on 6 January 2021.
Cumbria County Council workers said they would not support the adoption as Castle told them she did not love the boy, coroner Dr Nicholas Shaw heard.
Leiland-James' birth mother told the inquest Castle was a "monster".
Is it true that his biological mother had him taken away and lost custody without ever receiving anything in writing and without having custody hearings she could attend?

Did anyone lose their job over this travesty?

"Leiland-James Corkill's murder happened

because the woman who was adopting him lied to social workers

about her financial and health struggles,

coroner says."


He was such a sweet boy! :(


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