GUILTY UK - Lexi Draper, 3, & Scarlett Vaughan, 16 mos, murdered, Skiddaw, Rugby, Jan/Feb 2018 *GUILTY*

She murdered her children to be free to do what she want, when she wants and with who she wants.
WELL she won't get any of that now. It's only fitting for her to not get ANY say in what she wants now.
I really believe she murdered these babies so she could have a wild sex life. Say goodbye to your sex life louise. Or at least with men anyway. I sure hope she isn't into women.

For me these murders are worse than most because there is no angry out burst of rage or mental illness involved. She has calmly say and thought this through and I would have expected after killing the first baby she would have realised she had made a huge mistake and regretted doing it once the baby had actually died. But no, she did the exact same thing with her other baby and actually tried to improve on the murder.
EVIL is the word for this woman.
I have sat reading through this since yesterday to try to make some sense of this mindless waste of 2 innocent young lives.
Of course there is no sense to be made from it, just more questions and a deep feeling of sorrow, those poor girls, their poor family, such a tragic waste.

A couple of points i had noted though, there was a lot of talk from family about 'the system failing', and evidence of the involvement of social services was heard. It brought me to wonder if some of the 'missed' reporting was due to restrictions, social workers giving evidence for example and if there will be a Serious Case Review forthcoming. How the hell was she even given an opportunity to harm the second child, more failure of services perhaps?

I struggle to accept there is absolutely no mental illness or impairment, because surely sane people in their right mind, dont just decide to end the lives of not one but both of their children within a few short weeks of each other? But maybe that is a protection mechanism and i cant allow myself to believe it.

So sad, so senseless. RIP Lexi and Scarlett, fly high girls.
I do find it strange the media haven't had a field day with the pregnancy thing. Makes me think either she's lost it something has happened. They made a big deal out of her selling clothes and her mum's interview.

My best guess is that social services took the baby. There will be no reporting as these cases are private to shield the children.
The body of Sharon Porton, 48, was discovered in Willenhall, near Walsall on Sunday afternoon by police.

Her daughter Louise Porton was jailed for life last year for the murders of her two grandchildren Scarlett Vaughan, 17 months, and three-year-old Lexi Draper.

Ms Porton's family believe she took her own life having been tormented by her daughter's crimes.

Evil childkiller's mother takes her own life | Daily Mail Online

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