UK - Michael Allen, 32, stabbed outside Bodmin nightclub, Cornwall

The Crown Court
at Truro

Daily Courtroom List for Friday 12 April 2024


Court 1 - sitting at 10:30 am


For Sentence
U20230400HILL Jake 23/6/98 POWELL Chelsea 1/6/01 TAYLOR Tia 20/1/02 50AC0286623

Hill gets life sentence

Hill was given a life sentence and will serve a minimum of 27 years and 18 days in prison before eligible for parole, taking the time he has already been in custody into account. He will remain on license for the rest of his life if released.

Taylor sentenced to three years

Taylor is sentenced to three years imprisonment. She will serve half of that and will then be released on license.

Powell sentenced to 15 months

Chelsea Powell was sentenced to 15 months imprisonment. She must serve half before being released on license.

As Powell has already served more than 7.5 months on remand she will be released immediately.

What do you think of the verdict @bobbymkii?
Guessing Powell is pleased she's been released and Taylor won't be far behind!
What do you think of the verdict @bobbymkii?
Guessing Powell is pleased she's been released and Taylor won't be far behind!
Verdict seems to be bang on, although I'm not sure why Hill was acquitted of one of the wounding charges but not the others? I also really don't know what Powell did to have to go to trial for murder and manslaughter but is probably glad she chose to gamble rather than plead guilty to manslaughter like TT. On the other hand since she's been on remand all this time, technically she's spent a month and a half in prison longer than she was supposed to. Swings and roundabouts and all that!

Taylor should be out before Christmas if the sums I've done in my head are correct. I actually feel quite sorry for her compared to most people who displayed the criminal offending she did that night, based on the judge's mitigating comments.

There's been a bit of a Brianna Ghey situation in this case where the family of the victim have publicly pleaded for compassion towards the families of his killers.
After recently recommending that I become friends with Constance Marten, Facebook has now just sent me a friend suggestion for Tia Taylor! :eek:
Was it ever determined who was the intended target of the stabbing? Or just anyone in the general vicinity?
It's a strange one. From what I was able to tell from CornwallLive's coverage and the judge's sentencing remarks there was a typical mass brawl outside of the nightclub, and all of the witnesses claimed to only get involved as peacemakers, not aggressors.

It really isn't clear why Jake Hill charged in there and started just stabbing people randomly (including Rhiannon Thompsett, who was a best friend to him from childhood!). By all accounts it looks like the murder victim, Mike Allen, was there as a genuine peacemaker trying to break up the fight.

The best way I could sum it up is the same way I did earlier in the thread:

Stupid immature zoomers who can't handle their drink, can't handle their drugs, and can't handle their babymama drama and make apalling nonsensical decisions as a result.
What I can't understand either is Chelsea Powell inserting herself into the situation when it said on that documentary it was the first time they'd bumped into each other in 10 years making him 14 and her 12? Confusing

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