VA VA - Alyssa Nicole Taylor, 25, left for a few days in a tractor trailer, Accomack Co, 13 Sept 2022

wonder if she flew into the woods or ditch area?
What I wonder too. Hate to type that, but if I was her loved ones I would have to have every single possibility checked out.

Looking at the photos on the Orange Rural FD site and telling my husband that it happened at 2:15AM he thought maybe the driver fell asleep at the wheel and veered into the bridge abutment (edited to add from him, a tire blowout could cause the same):





So on September 13 she was with him when he was ticketed in Exmore, VA for parking illegally, but it doesn't say what time that interaction with LE was. It looks like Exmore, VA to Hillsborough, NC is only about a 4 hour + drive, so that might help determine something (though I'm not sure what!).

@Unsolved, the parking incident happened about 9 p.m. per the article below.

Before leaving Exmore that night, McNeal stopped to pick up food from a friend’s house, blocking part of Lincoln Avenue with his truck, Chief DiMartino told The N&O by phone. An Exmore police officer spoke with a woman in the cab of the truck, who said McNeal was coming back, he said.

The officer “never identified the female at that point, because we knew Danny,” DiMartino said. “He talked with Danny for a minute, and Danny left the area,” just after 9 p.m. The Sheriff’s Office has the video, he said.

Taylor’s family reviewed that video Thursday and confirmed it was Taylor’s voice, Lori Taylor said. The image of the woman, however, was blurry.

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Their two phones together can offer answers. Hopeful that law enforcement is gathering ping records for the two phones up to the time of accident - if they were stopped at any point prior, if they visited a rest stop, even if he pulled over.
Do we know the relationship between Alyssa and Daniel? I will go look as well, but curious if there has been anything mentioned in MSM?

If it was romantic/ongoing, perhaps they had a fight and he left her behind?

Or could he have even driven away from the last stop thinking she was in a "sleeper" portion of the truck, but she slipped away, or something else happened as Armchair noted?
re: "
Screenshots provided to The N&O show he also missed a call from Taylor at 10:10 p.m.

People are saying the missed call from Taylor is proof that she was not in McNeal’s truck when he went to North Carolina, Lori Taylor said, but they haven’t heard from Taylor, whose phone is no longer in service, and her last post to Facebook was at 5:40 p.m. Sept. 13."

That os very confusing to me. Why couldn't she call people from his truck?
I find it interesting one of Danny's other friends called and talked with him for two hours that night, with the call ending abt 40 minutes prior to the crash.

That makes me more inclined to believe Alyssa was no longer in his truck. I can see a shorter conversation, sure, but if you read the full news article @PommyMommy shared, the friend who called Danny did so typically to keep him from falling asleep on long hauls. He wouldn't need the company if Alyssa was in the truck with him, would he??? Super weird!

Stevens’s daughter, Malinda Spady, provided phone records showing she called McNeal at 9:17 p.m. and talked for just over an hour. She heard a woman’s voice in the background during the call, Spady said, but she wasn’t sure who it was. Stevens called McNeal from her phone at 10:18 p.m. and talked with him for over two hours, phone records show. She called him again at 1:17 a.m. That call ended at 1:30 a.m., about 40 minutes before the truck crashed.

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Do we know the relationship between Alyssa and Daniel? I will go look as well, but curious if there has been anything mentioned in MSM?

If it was romantic/ongoing, perhaps they had a fight and he left her behind?

Or could he have even driven away from the last stop thinking she was in a "sleeper" portion of the truck, but she slipped away, or something else happened as Armchair noted?
What we know at this point is that they were friends on Facebook and that Alyssa would call and talk to him to help him stay awake while truck driving. It also appears that she was not the only one who did this for him. MOO
I wonder if Danny gave Alyssa a ride to meet someone else? Or if along the drive she asked him to drop her off to meet someone? It seems the 2 days was a round trip for him? So maybe the plan was to pick her up on the way back?

It does still seem possible she may have been thrown from the crash, but there are reasons to doubt she was with Danny the entire time.

I'm curious why her phone is out of service too. Is it a prepaid phone? Could someone--i,e, family or friends-- go online & add minutes if that is the case?


There appears to be a traffic camera attached to the pole in the photo above and on the Google Maps view of the accident site. The Google image capture date at the link shows July 2022. Hopefully the camera is operational and was recording at the time of the accident so LE can review the footage in an attempt to find out whether Alyssa was ejected from the vehicle upon impact. Having said that, the accident site doesn't appear to have many areas where a body could be hidden, imo. MOO
FBI isn't very good at catching serial killers they should try a different approch. seems like DNA is the only way these killers have been getting caught after 30 sometimes more years
Statistically speaking I don’t think this is a serial killer case. I think more likely she was laying down or asleep in the cab, the driver and dog were both up front, there was a tremendous fire and the law enforcement and tow teams charged with clearing the scene were not specifically looking for a third set of remains. Hopeful they are looking for that now.
That does make sense Cara....however, I would also wonder why she would join Danny on such a short trip only to go to sleep in the back?

One would think the point of riding with him for 2 says would be to see things and spend time with him, right? At the time of the accident, they were not long into the trip.

I also find it a bit unusual she was texting him at 6:30 am to ask to join him that day, but she's still young, so that is based more on my being a little older and less impulsive. At 6:30 am, I'm stumbling around with coffee, not quite awake. I'm not calling or texting people unless it is an emergency/urgent. This also makes me lean a bit towards she had plans with someone else and Danny was her ride, and he perhaps wasn't aware. 6:30 am feels a bit "urgent" to me. Speculation/opinion only.
I find it interesting one of Danny's other friends called and talked with him for two hours that night, with the call ending abt 40 minutes prior to the crash.

That makes me more inclined to believe Alyssa was no longer in his truck. I can see a shorter conversation, sure, but if you read the full news article @PommyMommy shared, the friend who called Danny did so typically to keep him from falling asleep on long hauls. He wouldn't need the company if Alyssa was in the truck with him, would he??? Super weird!

Stevens’s daughter, Malinda Spady, provided phone records showing she called McNeal at 9:17 p.m. and talked for just over an hour. She heard a woman’s voice in the background during the call, Spady said, but she wasn’t sure who it was. Stevens called McNeal from her phone at 10:18 p.m. and talked with him for over two hours, phone records show. She called him again at 1:17 a.m. That call ended at 1:30 a.m., about 40 minutes before the truck crashed.

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maybe she was sleeping.
maybe she was sleeping.

She may have been. I agree it's possible. She may have been tired, and we were not there to know.

I just find it curious, since it was a short trip--i.e. she said she was riding with him for 2 days. It also seems Danny may have had trouble staying awake while driving at night--i.e. the history of friends calling him to talk while he was driving to help him stay awake--so another mark in my mind for it to be unusual for her to be asleep in the back.

Do we know what Danny's destination was? I'm curious how many more hours of driving they would have had ahead of them? Trying to sort out how likely it would have been for Alyssa to have been asleep when he crashed.
She was up early that morning, they were a good way into the trip, full stomachs from the dinner where the police talked with them about the parking, he had family and friends he typically talked with at night - could totally see it.
I agree it isn't impossible.

What I'm getting at is this: were they almost at their destination? Do we know where in NC the destination was?

I'm tying to put together a timeline for the trip.

I found this article, which provides a bit more information about ALyssa's situation. I guess her mom was on vacation, Alyssa was technically homeless. Her mom paid her grandmother for Alyssa to stay. Their was some sort of altercation, and that prompted the early morning text to Danny to join him on the road.

DANNY: “Be up there around 2 (p.m.). The latest.”

ALYSSA: “OK. What state we going to?”

DANNY: “Gotta go to Delaware pick up a trailer then straight to North Carolina. About 7 hours down.”

ALYSSA: “OK nice. I’m ready. I’m actually homeless right now needing place to stay and can ride all in one.”

DANNY: “Yeah u can.”

ALYSSA: “I’m showering now. I’ll be ready.”

Then this:

Alyssa Taylor’s cell phone records have since been pulled by law enforcement in Virginia, and show her phone was last ‘pinged’ between Emporia, Va., and Hillsborough. Emporia is about two hours from Hillsborough.


According to the tractor trailer’s GPS logs, McNeal’s vehicle last came to a complete stop in Emporia, Va. The stop was clocked between two and three minutes. Moore’s Trucking Co., based in Belle Haven, Va., provided Virginia law enforcement with the GPS information.


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