VA VA - Codi Bigsby, 4, last seen at dad's home, Cory Bigsby (dad) named as POI, Hampton, 31 Jan 2022

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“If there is anybody who has any knowledge of the last time Codi was out and about in the city of Hampton or elsewhere, we want to know,” Talbot said. “We are interested in speaking to anyone who has ever seen him, but in particular, if we could focus our attention on the time that extends from around noon this past Sunday up until yesterday morning at 9 o’clock.”

Evidence on missing 4-year-old Codi Bigsby conflicts with previous info, Hampton police say - The Virginian-Pilot (

Oh man...:(.
from the link :"Investigators have found evidence that has led them to question the credibility of information they’ve received...."

What evidence could this be?
-The other children's accounts?
-forensic? clothing, material in a the dumpster. Wasn't a mattress taken out of a dumpster? Not sure on that, I read it somewhere but don't remember where. Possibly speculation.
-no way for the child to get out of the house on his own, nor someone unknown entering?
-If there's a camera, no sign of the child outside that night?
It could be as simple as LE has placed Dad somewhere else at 2 a.m. but I'll go with statements from the other children for now... MOO
At first, I had a problem with the all black clothes, but then I thought maybe since Codi lives with dad, what I would dress my little boy in (colorful/character/comics) could be different than what my husband would buy if left to do so.

I realize my post doesn't add any huge relevance to where this cutie is, or what happened, but that's all I have to contribute right now.
I wonder where this occurred. I searched the Virginia Court System online and he only has 6 records going back to 2012 - all traffic offenses. This might have happened out of state. It seems to indicate the record was expunged?
All family/significant other/domestic partner assault charges are handled in Juvenile and Domestic Court, sealed and unavailable under the FOIA in Virginia. The are not in the Virginia Court Case website.

I think what was posted was an arrest photo, this is public information. Lots of local newspapers/ media "pick up" the daily arrests and photos. Our local cable TV site does this and shows the photos and reads the charges, daily.

Still it would have to have been expunged through some extra legal action. We had an employee in an adjacent entity who attacked a family member with a blunt instrument. There was an arrest and we followed the case through the VA's official online system. It went through several court hearings and the person wasn't convicted, but it stayed on the record. It seems strange to me that this particular case might have been expunged. And if he did do this how did he get custody and the mother didn't. WAVY TV-10 or WTKR has also reported on it. But still, it would seem something else might not have been revealed if he got custody and the mother did not. I want to hear more before I jump on that bus just yet.
Many victims refuse to testify, don't show up for court, make up/forgive each other. It's such a problem, I had a client (victim), the judge issued a bench warranty, for failure to appear. She didn't show up and the case was rescheduled several times.

If the case is unable to proceed to trial, charges are dropped and the record expunged.

I'll speculate dad wants police to believe maybe Codi put his flip flops on and snuck out of the house.
Maybe Codi has a pair he wears sometimes while indoors.
IMO it's not one of the important details. I hope enough was caught on security cameras to find him very soon.
No, not one of the important details, just baffling that Dad would say that a 4 year old was wearing flip flops at 2 AM when he should have been in bed sleeping.
No, not one of the important details, just baffling that Dad would say that a 4 year old was wearing flip flops at 2 AM when he should have been in bed sleeping.

Thinking optimistically here--maybe the 2am sighting wasn't Dad staying up late or checking on him, maybe Codi woke Dad up for something kids that age often need in the night--a nightmare, a drink of water, whatever. Some families do wear flip flops or slides around the house, so Codi might have slipped his on when he came to Dad's bedroom. Dad takes care of whatever and sends Codi back to bed.

It doesn't surprise me a kid that age might be wearing all black. It's probably his "ninja outfit".

Now I'm wondering, if there are two caregivers, does the other one know what the guilty party did?
No, not one of the important details, just baffling that Dad would say that a 4 year old was wearing flip flops at 2 AM when he should have been in bed sleeping.
If the dad was trying to create a story that Codi, by himself, woke up, put on shoes, then went outside, flip flops would be one of the only kinds of shoes a 4 year old could put on by themselves. From what I know about that age group, they couldn't maneuver getting their heels in shoes, doing laces, etc. If he had said that a pair of winter boots or smth was missing, that would imply that someone might have helped him put his shoes on, and is a more complicated detail to explain-away.
(all IMO/alleged)
Investigators were standing guard at the father’s home in the Buckroe Pointe neighborhood.

“The investigation does not indicate that he was abducted,” said Hampton Police Chief Mark Talbot. “There’s just no reason to believe it.”

Police have been knocking on doors, talking to those in the Buckroe Pointe Apartment Townhomes community, where neighbors say Codi lived with his three siblings.

More at
Updated: Feb 1, 2022 / 10:52 PM EST
The Search for Codi Bigsby in Hampton (

The search stretched into a second frigid and cold night in Hampton Tuesday.

Police Chief Mark Talbot said that evidence hasn’t matched stories they’ve received from Codi Bigsby’s father about when Codi was last seen. Talbot and police spokesperson Sgt. Reggie Williams could not share what that specific evidence was in a press conference Tuesday morning.


10 On Your Side is still working to learn more about the child’s mother, who police say is from Washington D.C., including when was the last time she saw her son. Talbot did not have those details when asked by WAVY’s Andy Fox, and police have not publicly shared her name.

Though Bigsby’s father and mother are both considered persons of interest, Talbot said there’s still no information that makes police believe Codi Bigsby was abducted at this time (which Talbot says would trigger an Amber Alert). Talbot added during the briefing that he did not want to comment on whether there was a history of neglect.

It could be as simple as LE has placed Dad somewhere else at 2 a.m. but I'll go with statements from the other children for now... MOO
I've thought that too. Dad wasn't home and he's trying to cover his butt. At this point, I don't think he is involved or has hurt his son. He must have some redeeming values to have been awarded custody of his four children. I'll wait until we have more facts about both of Codi's parents.
All I know is it's freezing cold in that area and it's way too quiet.
What's going on in the background, we have no idea.
The first few hours were so crucial.
Law enforcement continues to state no signs of abduction.
We've been down this road far too many times. :(
I'll go as far as saying/thinking people are savvy enough to read these threads.
If you have any information please call in a tip.
Please. It's the only thing to do no matter the outcome.
Unpopular opinion here but I don’t believe dad has anything to do with this. it sounds to me like dad may have a live-in partner that could also be considered a care taker. I just don’t get the dad did it vibe on this one.
As far as the flops: I live on the NC coast. We all wear flops or slides in the house at almost all times. Winter/summer day/night. It becomes a habit. I see nothing sus about the shoes at all.
All I know is it's freezing cold in that area and it's way too quiet.
What's going on in the background, we have no idea.
The first few hours were so crucial.
Law enforcement continues to state no signs of abduction.
We've been down this road far too many times. :(
I'll go as far as saying/thinking people are savvy enough to read these threads.
If you have any information please call in a tip.
I think what's going on in the foreground is what's the most concerning. Normally we can tell which way the wind is blowing by the way law enforcement handles a situation, but here they're actually coming out and telling us exactly where they're looking.

I've never seen that happen, and it not end badly.
Many victims refuse to testify, don't show up for court, make up/forgive each other. It's such a problem, I had a client (victim), the judge issued a bench warranty, for failure to appear. She didn't show up and the case was rescheduled several times.

If the case is unable to proceed to trial, charges are dropped and the record expunged.

In the U.K. we can continue on with the prosecution even if the victim tries to withdraw the complaint or doesn’t show up. We have gold silver bronze categories for how we deal with DV and two incidents or more per household with children are automatically referred to social services. Joint and multi agency meetings are held to discuss the most serious situations that are silver and gold categories, weekly MARAC meetings
Victims and offenders are given courses ( gratis) , the victims to recognise what the perpetrator is doing and what their behaviour constitutes and how destructive it is and the perpetrator for addressing triggers to DV and strategies to prevent them engaging in it and realising ALL the consequences to the family. Failure to engage can lead to the children being put on the child protection register and can lead to the children being permanently removed from the parents if it’s not addressed/they continue to reside together and the DV continues
We are getting so much better than we previously were in years gone by in supporting victims of DV. Still a way to go but most definitely in the right direction. I set up the first domestic violence unit in 1990 in my first shire police force and it was a first working in partnership with Women and Children’s Aid and social services. We now have MASH teams which are offices set up for all agencies who deal with DV ( Police, Soc Services, Women’s aid, Health, Education,Schools) all working from the same offices together to ensure communication and information sharing between all agencies to address the risk and recidivism.
Did you know that on average a DV victim will undergo 35 incidents of DV , before they will report it?
Furthermore, we have very recently introduced new laws around coercive control because it’s recognised that DV can be psychologically victimising as well as physically victimising and often times, victims would say that the torturous drip drip drip of the mental abuse, eroding their confidence, making them question their self and blame their self for the reasons why their partner victimised them, was worse because it’s constant whereas a beating is over until the next time. That broke my heart when I became aware of that train of thought. The key to success is training of police officers to deal with DV correctly and with empathy , for Education, Health and other outlets to recognise and report suspected DV and to listen to children who will make mention of it, for Courts to adequately sentence perpetrators, for an education programme to recognise patterns of behaviour ( this is now being delivered in schools in U.K.), for supporting agencies and charities to continue to support victims and perpetrators with both the practical aspects ( place to live, money , victims shelter etc) and the support of educating victims and giving coping strategies and Re building confidence, as well as perpetrators being mandated to attend behavioural DV courses to recognise impact etc and prevent future offending, legislators to continue to seek ways to support victims through new laws and for familiy services to identify and work with the children of DV families. If this is done and agencies continue working together for a common purpose, with DV being given the recognition of the harm it causes to victims and ultimately the children in the ripple effect, and we continue to work on a positive response to DV, ensuring support is available through the bronze, silver and gold approaches as well as working on prevention and recidivism and education in our young people to prevent DV as they get into relationships in the future, it’s all a step in the right direction!
Unpopular opinion here but I don’t believe dad has anything to do with this. it sounds to me like dad may have a live-in partner that could also be considered a care taker. I just don’t get the dad did it vibe on this one.
As far as the flops: I live on the NC coast. We all wear flops or slides in the house at almost all times. Winter/summer day/night. It becomes a habit. I see nothing sus about the shoes at all.
I think the suspicion around the shoes is that the way in which it’s been reported it’s as though Dad is saying the young boy had them on when leaving so it’s questioning what is meant by this? - That Dad ‘knows’ he had them on because they were on his feet in bed or Dad ‘knows’ he had them on because he is following the story that he has created in his head about his child leaving, or he presumed the little man put them on because they are missing? I think the supposition is that it’s a slip up because why say he was wearing them ? Is it because Dad saw him with them on the last time he saw him? Is it because Dad made an error when recounting the circumstances by saying he was wearing them but then realised how that looks ( yeah right he went to bed in them) but it cannot be unsaid? Otherwise we would have been told that Dad thinks that he was wearing flip flops as they are missing surely? And if you were sneaking out at such a young age in the early hours of the morning, would 4 year old Codi really be thinking about putting his footwear on ? I suspect that if it was true that he left the house sometime after 2am when it’s cold and dark out, his mind would not be on putting his shoes on, it would be the thought of getting out quietly before he is caught and then the adventure he was going on….
I call bull!
Oftentimes, we as adults can make the mistake of thinking things through with our now adult , reasonable and rational head on our shoulders but what we should do if we truly believe that it is an option that Codi left his house, alone, in the middle of the night , is to think like our 4 year old self which oftentimes will not be thinking about coats and shoes etc the things that we deem important as adults are not necessarily the same things that a 4 year old would think to do and deem to be important.
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