VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #2

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So the two videos - there are two different white men that follow her. In the first video, the man has a white shirt and khakis on and is heavy-set. The second video of creeping dude, he is noticeably smaller than the other guy AND he has darker pants on.

Two different white men.

In the first video, Hannah is seen walking with someone in white shorts and a gray shirt. This is important because... in the ABC news version of the second video, in the foreground a guy with either dreadlocks or a doo-rag walks by with white shorts and a gray shirt. If you follow him in the video, he actually doubles back - he heads back towards the background and walks in the same direction as Hannah.

What stands out is that both dreadlocks and creeper dude both act odd toward her and I would not be surprised if we find out they were prowling together.

If you watch the ABC video, you see dreadlocks pause just as he is about to enter the view of the camera. A few seconds later, creeper guy enters the camera view as well and goes over to take post in the door. Meanwhile, dreadlocks looks over in that direction.

ABC Video (watch in full screen)

That was my initial theory after viewing and I'm sticking to it! Glad I'm not the only one.
Looks like the long shorts a lot of guys are wearing. Maybe it's a Va thing, because his outfit didn't look odd to me at all.

Looks like dread guy is wearing maybe bball shorts, high socks, and loafers. My bf wears stuff like that just to run to the grocery really quickly. We do live in Louisiana, though. Not a strange outfit to me, either.
If it's loafers and socks, that's more of a rasta-guy outfit. Which would also fit the dreads.

Are they dreads, or braids? I thought they were hanging like dreads, but now I'm not sure.
Looks rasta to me too, which would explain a few things to me if that was her intended goal.... to meet him there.
Yes, yes, thank you. You are right. He doesn't catch up right away, but he definitely continues off in her direction.
Thanks Skigirl, but I think I should reserve the right to be wrong :blushing: as I see that everyone has a slightly different view or take of what is depicted and/or how many people are captured on video. If we are all having this much difficulty, imagine how hard it is for the Charlottesville PD and the FBI tonight. There are a lot of LE personnel who are going without sleep and who are probably going to be blurry-eyed by morning. I wish them the best of luck and like everyone else I hope more video is available to them very soon.

More than anything else, I really hope they find Hannah alive. Goodnight, all.
Looks rasta to me too, which would explain a few things to me if that was her intended goal.... to meet him there.

Oh. I hadn't thought of that. Yeah, that would explain why she looked like she was in a hurry to meet somebody.
I don't think there is much to talk about regarding his manpris, if that's what they are. It's not that uncommon. In fact, Justin Beiber (who I cannot stand) has been wearing shorts like that.

There were a fair amount of people around, as seen on the vids.
Tuel Jewelers video is at 1:08. She texts friends saying she is lost at 1:20.
Oh. I hadn't thought of that. Yeah, that would explain why she looked like she was in a hurry to meet somebody.

Oh no, now another theory is coming to mind. What if she did know dread guy and was meeting him for the purpose we are thinking of and it went bad? Maybe he wanted more than her $$ for the deal and she wouldn't go for it?
My sleuthy side is very thankful for the videos, but as always, it seems that with every new fact or tidbit of information comes ten times more uncertainties and questions.

[KEY: BM=black male / WM = white male]

Did WM originally contact LE? Did WM know BM? Did HG know BM? Did BM talk to HG and then leave without HG? If so, did WM see BM leave and approach HG after the fact? Did WM really see BM leave with HG? Why was WM really following HG? Why was HG there in the first place? Could she have been there to meet BM? If she met up with BM and then parted ways shortly thereafter, did WM offer HG a ride? Why was WM even there in the first place? Who is BM and why was he there? Was that him with friends? Sigh...
My sleuthy side is very thankful for the videos, but as always, it seems that with every new fact or tidbit of information comes ten times more uncertainties and questions.

[KEY: BM=black male / WM = white male]

Did WM originally contact LE? Did WM know BM? Did HG know BM? Did BM talk to HG and then leave without HG? If so, did WM see BM leave and approach HG after the fact? Did WM really see BM leave with HG? Why was WM really following HG? Why was HG there in the first place? Could she have been there to meet BM? If she met up with BM and then parted ways shortly thereafter, did WM offer HG a ride? Why was WM even there in the first place? Who is BM and why was he there? Was that him with friends? Sigh...

I feel like should buy a vowel or use the bathroom after reading that:waitasec:
I don't think she was meeting dreads guy for drugs...

IMO she could have gotten drugs much closer and faster that night if she wanted them. Walking so far by herself and basically getting a huge buzzkill by taking such a long trek alone looking for this guy isn't too productive. I'd think she could have found somebody pretty nearby to her original location to buy drugs from within about 10 mins.

JMO. But I don't think she was trying to buy drugs.
Ot but WHY are these, and most, videos such terrible quality?? Sometimes they are almost pointless.
I'm beginning to think I'm looking at different videos than y'all are.

I see a really preppy guy, clean cut with thin braids/dreads. I see nothing rasta about him at all. The coloring of his clothing is all wrong, he doesn't appear to have a beard.
I know someone said that a person looks like they are moving faster due to how the stills/video are put together, but to me, it looks like she is cruising compared to the other people around her. thoughts?

I remember my oldest said energy drinks mixed with alcohol were popular at college... would that make her "speedy"?
Oh no, now another theory is coming to mind. What if she did know dread guy and was meeting him for the purpose we are thinking of and it went bad? Maybe he wanted more than her $$ for the deal and she wouldn't go for it?
IDK, but it would explain her running around, possibly looking for an ATM? (easy to check that out), then he see's her, and doubles back for the meet. Not seeing the deal gone bad = abduction/worse. Still thinking someone else took advantage of the situation.
Yes. I don't find it odd that a drunk Hannah would have been open to chatting with a woman who was a stranger. Not at all.
Maybe Hannah knew she was being followed hence the reason she would talk to a random stranger, just so she wasn't alone.
Was working my way through the first thread, then saw the recent video release...and have watched it over and over to try to make some sense. I cannot see anyone with dreads! And it's bizarre how the one person (who looks like a thin man, with a white t-shirt) appears and then Hannah appears from nowhere. Is this a one-story mall, or is there an escalator at this area of the mall (in the black & white video)? How frustrating to be unable to see this more clearly......
OT (I hope) watching a show on the ID channel now, about a young woman attacked and killed on a street in Brooklyn one night as she was walked home from the market. Just a random street crime, perps looking for someone easy to rob, in her case. Horrible that women can't walk about safely, but facts seem to indicate it is in fact not safe.
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