VA VA - Kelly Catalano, 40, Chesterfield, 15 Jan 2010 - #1

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*Kelly was never in the Navy,

*she did use the phrase "happy dance,"

*she did date someone after August '09 (re-united with a previous ex for the third time),

*she was a Yankee fan (because her dad was, too).

Any idea if this previous ex was who she was going to meet after her yoga class? And has it been determined if Kelly ever went home Thursday night? Maybe that evening left her with something heavy on her mind besides the anniversary. I'm not trying to be negative, but her yoga instructor that night noticed "something".
Any idea if this previous ex was who she was going to meet after her yoga class? And has it been determined if Kelly ever went home Thursday night? Maybe that evening left her with something heavy on her mind besides the anniversary. I'm not trying to be negative, but her yoga instructor that night noticed "something".
We are not sure at this point who Kelly went to see after yoga. The family is checking to see if her car had a GPS tracker of some sorts since it was a new car. Right now the police still have the car and are not allowing anyone access to it. CinV, if you happen to know the ex's name, please email me, the family, or the cops so that they check it out.
To Soulmagent : I don't think so on the bicycle. She kept that in the garage at home.

To Truthsleuth : Yes, I am aware that our information is now public domain, but there was some digging around to pull my name off of the deed and to see that we had moved up from NC to here.

Has LE, family or friends been in touch with former friends in NC?
I simply cannot get Kelly's disappearance off my mind. I am so worried about has been so long since she was last seen.

She had to have been abducted...I just can't see any other situation/circumstance making sense here.

I am simply dumbfounded. Lord, I sure hope LE is making some progress...this just makes me ill....

(random thoughts in the early morning hours....)

I totally agree, Blondie. I don't believe she committed suicide, but even if she did I would think they'd have found her body by now. There have been divers in the water, dogs in the vicinity, and friends and family who have searched (throw joseph d. and his wife in there as well in addition to his lab dog), and still nothing.

Kelly is probably not in that area at all, and hence an abduction, since she didn't drive herself wherever she is now (her car was found in the parking lot).

It's truly a sad case. Heartbreaking.
I totally agree, Blondie. I don't believe she committed suicide, but even if she did I would think they'd have found her body by now. There have been divers in the water, dogs in the vicinity, and friends and family who have searched (throw joseph d. and his wife in there as well in addition to his lab dog), and still nothing.

Kelly is probably not in that area at all, and hence an abduction, since she didn't drive herself wherever she is now (her car was found in the parking lot).

It's truly a sad case. Heartbreaking.
all I can say to this IS: IF she was abducted by someone she knows, that in a way can be a good thing. 1) she didn't commit suicide 2) if she knows the person, maybe she knows them well enough to keep them calm so they do not lose their cool. 3) she is buying time until she can be found. She would have a better chance of being alive if this were the case as opposed to someone that doesn't know her.
all I can say to this IS: IF she was abducted by someone she knows, that in a way can be a good thing. 1) she didn't commit suicide 2) if she knows the person, maybe she knows them well enough to keep them calm so they do not lose their cool. 3) she is buying time until she can be found. She would have a better chance of being alive if this were the case as opposed to someone that doesn't know her.

I never thought of it that way before, beltingitout. Let's hope that this is the case.
JenBear, did you notice if Kelly's car had GPS system while you worked on it?

I didn't work on Kelly's new car but...she bought the same car that I had. The car does come equipped with onstar for 1 year so it is quite possibly that they would be able to track her movements over her last several days. It can track your tire pressure, oil levels, speed, etc at any given moment in time so I am sure that it has the capability of tracking that as well. Hopefully either the police or her family has requested this information from onstar already.
Hello everyone! I've been following Kelly's thread since the beginning. I also don't think Kelly committed suicide, for various reasons, but most of all because her body would have been found by now, as it would have to be within walking distance of BPA, and also because I seriously doubt she would have committed suicide at work. I'm leaning towards an abduction. Because the area is rural and doesn't seem to be highly populated, I doubt this was a random abduction; I seriously doubt some predator just happened to be lurking near BPA in search of prey. Besides, it seems like males are the majority at BPA, so it wouldn't be an 'ideal' or reasonable spot for a random predator who targets females to be lurking anyway. That leaves us with abduction by someone Kelly knew. Does anyone know if her colleagues, bosses, friends, acquaintances, etc have been interviewed by LE? IF, and it's a big IF, she WAS abducted by someone she knew, that person can't be too difficult to find. Chester is not a huge metropolitan area, and I believe the perp is local. What other steps are LE taking to find out what happened to Kelly, does anyone know? Other than searches, I mean.
I just came from a prayer service for Kelly in her hometown. It was so sad. I saw her family members there that I went to school with and played ball with and it was hard to see them all hurting so much. They are such a close family. On another note, just as Kelly didn't age in her pictures, they haven't either. They told me there are no updates. They said not knowing was the hardest. I want to help do something so badly and I offered, of course, but there's just not anything that can be done except wait and pray. My heart is just breaking for them and I know how much not knowing is driving me crazy, I can't even imagine how hard it is for them.
anything new yet? dont look good over here. nothing on the news, dogs found nothing. i see a closed case in the near future.
anything new yet? dont look good over here. nothing on the news, dogs found nothing. i see a closed case in the near future.

Did LE bring in the cadaver dogs ? I saw on the thread where CIV said they where going to ,are those the dogs you mean that found nothing?

How much surface did they cover in the area arround BPA? Did you only search the river or other areas arround the building and has everyone in the industrial park been made aware that Kelly is missing? How many searchers where searching and were they all LE or was there help from the public ,co- workers and friends?

I wish LE hadnt annouced they thought she may be suicidal.
We had a guy here jump from a bridge and they saw him jump. The ERT boats couldnt reach him ,they lost sight and LE couldnt locate his body. I do not know how long they looked before they gave up that night but he was missing in the river for 3 days , I felt so bad for his family who at this point knows he may of jumped but they couldnt confirm without a body. I decide go and walk the bank of the park check for signs of him . on one side of the rappahannock river the EMS truck had a tent set up and had a total of 3 people searching for this man. If he had fell in that river 40 people at least would of been there trying to find his body. It really broke my heart. He was found 200 yards from where I was checking while I was still at the park and I was so glad because i really think there would not of been another search and he would have been in the river forever.
I have lost a friend in the river and I feel emotionally connected to it for an unexplainable reason.
LE will be awaiting test results and getting their ducks in a row before they make a move, I feel confident of an arrest coming shortly!
LE will be awaiting test results and getting their ducks in a row before they make a move, I feel confident of an arrest coming shortly!

Then why did they do the whole suicide thing? That only hurt all those that loved her more. Very sad. I do hope you are right though, I think answers are the best thing right now.
LE will be awaiting test results and getting their ducks in a row before they make a move, I feel confident of an arrest coming shortly!

Test results from what? Can you elaborate??
did le bring in the cadaver dogs ? I saw on the thread where civ said they where going to ,are those the dogs you mean that found nothing?

How much surface did they cover in the area arround bpa? Did you only search the river or other areas arround the building and has everyone in the industrial park been made aware that kelly is missing? How many searchers where searching and were they all le or was there help from the public ,co- workers and friends?

I wish le hadnt annouced they thought she may be suicidal.
We had a guy here jump from a bridge and they saw him jump. The ert boats couldnt reach him ,they lost sight and le couldnt locate his body. I do not know how long they looked before they gave up that night but he was missing in the river for 3 days , i felt so bad for his family who at this point knows he may of jumped but they couldnt confirm without a body. I decide go and walk the bank of the park check for signs of him . On one side of the rappahannock river the ems truck had a tent set up and had a total of 3 people searching for this man. If he had fell in that river 40 people at least would of been there trying to find his body. It really broke my heart. He was found 200 yards from where i was checking while i was still at the park and i was so glad because i really think there would not of been another search and he would have been in the river forever.
I have lost a friend in the river and i feel emotionally connected to it for an unexplainable reason.
yes dogs came and went. The area is marked by le with ribons every 50 ft so they can tell where they searched. The whole area was searched.
LE will be awaiting test results and getting their ducks in a row before they make a move, I feel confident of an arrest coming shortly!

I hope you are right! This family needs something...

Kelly is such a sweet person and I just can't imagine this world not having her smile around. I smiled when I found out that she finally got her G8, she was excited when I got mine. Now everytime I get in my car I always stop and think about her and pray that she is ok but my heart is scared. All we can do now is hope, pray and help the family and friends anyway that we can.
LE will be awaiting test results and getting their ducks in a row before they make a move, I feel confident of an arrest coming shortly!
Is this just a feeling or do you know something we don't? TIA. I hope you are right!
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