GUILTY VA - Shannon Gore charged in death of infant, child abuse, Hayes, 2011

I was able to read it, the trial is delayed indefinitely while their attorneys await additional medical records and additional expert witness testimony.
I was able to read it, the trial is delayed indefinitely while their attorneys await additional medical records and additional expert witness testimony.

*Sigh* More waiting.
I hope this just means the state has more time to ensure their case is rock solid. This is one of the saddest cases and I was anxious to see the trial(s) start.
I still think of little "Sunny" often and pray that she is doing well in a more loving, secure environment. I cannot imagine what her life was like with the Gore's, or maybe I can and wish I couldn't? :waitasec:

This child is truly a miracle IMO, any longer with these monsters and she'd have joined her brother under the shed.
The whole story is just unbelievable. I still can't get over that grandmother supposedly didn't even know she had a granddaughter, despite visiting the house. None of it is making sense to me.
Why were these parents hiding this child to begin with?
Oh my Goodness. This is just heartbreaking. I've only just read this thread and cannot believe it. My heart aches for these babies.

No way did the grandmother not know about these children. No way in the world. Everyone is trying to cover their own youknowwhat's. IMO

A couple of things jumped out at me as I read all your comments.

I think BG killed the baby boy found in the shed. Him saying that the baby had breathing troubles while in his care smacks of minimization to me. My guess is that he did something to cause the trouble.

I also think someone gave the phone memory card to the mother. I doubt that she had it with her if she was in custody the whole time.
As Judge Judy says - if something doesn't make sense, it's probably not true.

I'd love to know what is on those computers that BG thought was 'the worst of it'.

Sick *****
:welcome5: ozgirl70, to the thread.

You are abdolutely right. This case is horrendous.
tlcox said:
This child is truly a miracle IMO, any longer with these monsters and she'd have joined her brother under the shed.

I would like to agree with you, I really would.
We do not know for certain if Sunny knows how to talk... there were conflicting reports about that early on. Children have developmental milestones they must meet, and if they don't they won't ever be able to learn. Depending on if she can't communicate she will never be a 'normal' child or adult.

If she can't .. well, that's just too damn depressing to talk about. What kind of life is that? She won't know any different, and sure she could be a real light for someone... blah. It's just a really crappy situation.

I remember being excited when this story broke back in April of 2011, then reading from a 'local' that VA got things to trial quick, but it's going to be 2 years before it finally goes to trial. I know someone said it will give the prosecution time to build a solid case, but it also gives the defense time.
I too am really disappointed with the speed, or lack thereof, that this trial is getting underway.

As to Sunny. She is alive. That is a miracle in and of itself. But, despite the odds against her in terms of damage done, where there is life, there is hope.

It is my dearest hope this child is thriving.
Commonwealth's Attorney Holly Smith said defense attorneys asked for more time to review the prosecution's evidence. "It's a really complicated case," Smith said.,0,4504884.story

BBM you know, it really isn't. Unless, by complicated, Ms. Smith means that the evidence against the defendants is so overwhelming and strong that she can totally understand why the defense attorney would need more time to try to figure out how to defend these wastes of skin.
hello members of the forum. i am more of a lurker than a poster but have read this case through and am shocked at how any mother can abuse their child to this extent and sit back and "grin" contently with life.

having looked at pictures of these two side by side, i have to say there seems to be some similarities between the two of them. almost as if they are related in some way, shape or form.

perhaps there is more to this case than meets the eye that is not being published by all involved in this case.
:welcome: fairynuff :)

So glad to see you come out of lurkdom and post.

This case hurt my heart so. The callousness of it all. Just awful.

When this case first broke, that similarity in appearance you observed caught more than one poster's eye.
Nvm. I found it.

Link for people not on a touch device:,0,3537631.story

Taxpayers would foot the bill that would cost a minimum of $3,000 for the Michigan physician to assess whether the young girl suffered permanent brain damage, according to documents filed in Gloucester County Circuit Court


To obtain a conviction on aggravated malicious wounding, the state has to prove the Gores' daughter was severely injured and suffered permanent and significant physical impairment, Clancy wrote.

and finally:

The trial for the Gores is scheduled to run March 5-8 in Gloucester County Circuit Court.

I cannot wait for this trial.

I hope them needing to have a doctor look into weather or not she has permanent brain damage means that she can speak, that she does know language.

How it was reported back in May of 2010? is that she didn't know how to speak. If she still doesn't it would be a no brainer that she had permanent damage thus no need for the specialist.
It was reported that the child had Down syndrome. I wonder if that is actually true or was false reporting. I still can't figure out what would possess someone to hide having a child for years.
Hopefully I am wording this correctly. But, if the child has down syndrome, can the professionals still assess any further brain damage caused by these "lovely parents"?

Brian Gore told police the caged girl had been born at home and did not have birth certificate, Warren said. He told police the girl had Down syndrome and cerebral palsy.

Ok. But allegedly this child had never been to a doctor. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose these things. A parent can't look at a child and say 'oh, this child has this feature which is common in this condition so this child must have this condition!'

They also said that she had cerebral palsy, and like many other conditions that has a whole spectrum of severity.

Both Shannon and Brian Gore look like they're er slower. I don't think they'd have the intelligence between them to even know that those two condition are. It's like they're trying to say place the blame elsewhere.

We'll just have to wait and see what comes to light with the trial.

this link: has a post by someone saying she knows someone who is an insider with the case and that person didn't think the girl had downs.
I agree buffet. Brian or Shannon do not appear to be the sharpest tools in the shed (pun intended). I am not about to take their medical assessment of "Sunny"'s condition as gospel.

Not buying the Downs diagnosis of this brain trust.

no sirree
It sounds like an excuse to explain the injuries caused by abuse.
If she had BOTH Down's syndrome AND cerebral palsy or even one of them and had never been taken to the doctor that is criminal in and of itself imo.

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