Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

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The guy on HLN just now: "There was no knife. For the burden of proof, you have to have a knife". Good to know he thinks you can just kill someone and get away with it as long as you hide the weapon real well. What the heck?

Was that guy from Pinellas county by chance????
What is the problem? Do does the jury decide between LWOP and death?

That is the only issue I see. If the jury sees other issues, then I am wondering if they are relatives to the KC jury

Juan muddled the waters with his sequence of events and now the jury room is divided between the knife-firsters and the gun-firsters, or that's the theory that one poster has put forth.
The guy on HLN just now: "There was no knife. For the burden of proof, you have to have a knife". Good to know he thinks you can just kill someone and get away with it as long as you hide the weapon real well. What the heck?

Just imagine if there is someone on the Jury who thinks like he does......:notgood:
Originally Posted by Ammonitida
Because we'd have a guilty verdict by now.

Your pessimism isn't helpful. I know, we are all nervous. But either you are extremely anxious or stirring the pot. I think we are all anxious but remember: we've all been chatting every day about this. The jurors are just now getting to. It feels like they've been deliberating for days and days and in reality it has been 11 hours. Scott Peterson (with far less evidence) jury took 36 hours. We all need a breather, but it just seems like no matter what anyone says, you insist on remaining pessimistic. I know "hoping for the best but expecting the worst" but breathe, just breathe.
The guy on HLN just now: "There was no knife. For the burden of proof, you have to have a knife". Good to know he thinks you can just kill someone and get away with it as long as you hide the weapon real well. What the heck?

WHAT??? You can have knife wounds with no knife? Hmmm, I didn't know that.
There isn't an expected norm when it comes to verdicts. Scott Peterson's jury was out an entire week but only 14 hours for Michael Peterson. Both were convicted of murdering their wives. Five hours found Shakara Dickens deemed guilty but double that amount saw Casey walk free.

There is absolutely no telling - too many variables to cast predictions at all, in my opinion. And no reason for anyone to start fear-mongering that this jury will acquit or even hang for a long time yet.


Hiya Brits!
Crap shoot at best. The one variable we have in our favor regarding a quick verdict is the advantage or juror questions. It must shave time off deliberations to some extent.
You understand, don't you, that she could have done a much better job. She does have a GED after all.

I imagine that every time Nurmi or Willmott got up during the trial she was thinking 'I could do better'. And that she sat there doodling and daydreaming about her future career as an attorney after she's acquitted. Haha.
I expect her to grace us with one of her "secret" hand/finger gestures, as a form of aggression and her displeasure.

Yeah one of them finger thingies she gave nancy grace and Samuels lol:floorlaugh:
And you know this how??

Even if Travis did own that gun, Juan covered that wonderfully in his closing. It's still Murder 1, felony, burglary, if I'm not mistaken? She stole the gun and killed him in the process.
please let's stop giving JA light by constantly bringing uo her "tweets" it's what she wants. this is all about JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS>

Amen! I fully believe when she is convicted, her Twitter account will be disabled. That's why the tweets have been constant the past couple of days. She knows that is coming soon.

I don't follow her. I don't want to. I don't care to know WHAT she tweets and I don't care IF she tweets. In fact, it gives me a bit of satisfaction to think that JA would have LOVED Twitter. She enjoyed MySpace enough. Imagine how many people she could have stalked on Twitter!

She'll never get to REALLY use it. So, let her tweet through someone for now. I hope she realizes what she's missing. When she's found guilty, even that fun will be gone. :twocents:
For some reason the sound of a canister arriving through a pnumatic tube at the bank just played in my head....

Oh yes.... Now I see that...

Both processes defy gravity... Don't they?

Hiya Brits!
Crap shoot at best. The one variable we have in our favor regarding a quick verdict is the advantage or juror questions. It must shave time off deliberations to some extent.

Is it true that it took 44 days for a verdict with Charles Manson?
The guy on HLN just now: "There was no knife. For the burden of proof, you have to have a knife". Good to know he thinks you can just kill someone and get away with it as long as you hide the weapon real well. What the heck?

What a bonehead - the knife is akin to the footprints in the sand. Someone's been stabbed + neck slashed, there had to be a sharp object with which to do that. It's called circumstantial evidence, dar.
I wake up and see blood, I think someone around here had a bloody nose..
JA says 'crap, I must have killed Travis'

No one thinks that way..except Jodi
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