Video Of Ron, Haleigh and Jr, changed some things for me, how about you?

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Families rarely have videos or stills of when the child is being punished or abused by parents or family members. If there were, perhaps we could put a stop to child abuse, physical or otherwise.

No, my thoughts and opinions about Ron haven't changed. I still question, why he wasn't outside going door to door searching for the daughter he loved so much. However, he didn't miss a step to marry the person who reportedly was the last to see Haliegh.

The dashcam video of Ron turning his head to sneak a pill he just scored from an undercover cop in a drug deal cancels out all the heartful, loving videos of Ron Cummings and his children in my book.

Pictures capture one moment in time. Videos just a few moments. Unless a person followed him around with a camera every waking moment, we don't get to see the times he might have yelled at them, swatted them, been impatient with them, or simply ignored them when he wanted to do drugs or play with his guns.
If he loved his kids all that much... why didn't he make sure his kids were taken care of by someone who was responsible and trustworthy? Instead... he left them with Misty. Says it all, doesn't it?
No, the family videos have not changed my opinion of Ron.

I am sure Ron loved his children. You can see the love in Haleigh's eyes, when she is looking up and Ron is reading her a book . I find that picture kind of sad. She trusted him with her safety and he blew it. IMO

Knowing he is in jail for drugs, I wonder if he is high in any of these videos?IMO
Not one bit...cause even abused family members have pictures taken with their abusers and everything looks normal..
I guess I can still have compassion for someone even if they aren't someone with whom I would invite to dinner or desire to have as a neighbor. Maybe it is because of how I grew up. My stepfather (but for all intents and father) was a drugdealer. We had people coming in and out of our house at all hours of the night. Creepy people. My dad would have his drunk friends over and they'd inevitably end up out front in their underwear having a fist fight, someone gettin' one more tooth knocked out. The cops would be called and I would be in my room with a nervous stomach. But he wasn't abusive physically. He looked scary. But he really did love us. He just grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and that is what he knew. He knew how to provide for his family through his oilman delivery job where he made less than $10/hour and his drug dealing.

I feel the same way about Ron. Do I want to ring his neck? Sure. Do I think his lifestyle led to Haleigh's demise? Absolutely. Is he to blame? Sure, he has some responsibility. But I can have compassion for him and will not say he didn't love his kids just because he is a drug dealer or an *advertiser censored**hole. People only know what they grow up with. It isn't like he had it all on the upper west side graduating from private school and got hooked on meth and it all went downhill. He never had a chance. Neither his socioeconomic background nor his genetics were gonna carry him forward. Doesn't mean he didn't love his kids.

Anyway...that's all I am saying...doesn't mean he didn't love his kids. In my opinion.
HaLeigh and daddy (child of mine)

A songbook of Ronald Cummings and his daughter HaLeigh.

This link is so cute, I had not seen anything like this it made me cry....

Does this change your mind about Ron and his kids at all?

A four minute clip of maybe 10 pictures? Out five years, plus another 18 months? :no: Naaa, I don't think so. Even the most vile human being can pose for 10 pictures in a five year period, appear to adore the children, then show his sinister colors by beating their mother, putting a shotgun into his mouth, dealing drugs, and completely ignore his other son.

If I could be swayed by this video or by a similar video of anyone, then I'd question MY sanity. IYKWIM. It would take more than a video of a few pictures.

I do agree, Haleigh is a precious darling.
I guess I can still have compassion for someone even if they aren't someone with whom I would invite to dinner or desire to have as a neighbor. Maybe it is because of how I grew up. My stepfather (but for all intents and father) was a drugdealer. We had people coming in and out of our house at all hours of the night. Creepy people. My dad would have his drunk friends over and they'd inevitably end up out front in their underwear having a fist fight, someone gettin' one more tooth knocked out. The cops would be called and I would be in my room with a nervous stomach. But he wasn't abusive physically. He looked scary. But he really did love us. He just grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and that is what he knew. He knew how to provide for his family through his oilman delivery job where he made less than $10/hour and his drug dealing.

I feel the same way about Ron. Do I want to ring his neck? Sure. Do I think his lifestyle led to Haleigh's demise? Absolutely. Is he to blame? Sure, he has some responsibility. But I can have compassion for him and will not say he didn't love his kids just because he is a drug dealer or an *advertiser censored**hole. People only know what they grow up with. It isn't like he had it all on the upper west side graduating from private school and got hooked on meth and it all went downhill. He never had a chance. Neither his socioeconomic background nor his genetics were gonna carry him forward. Doesn't mean he didn't love his kids.

Anyway...that's all I am saying...doesn't mean he didn't love his kids. In my opinion.

Personally, I don't believe Ronald Cummings never had a chance due to the socioeconomic background he was born and raised in.. And, I have also known people who have come from what is considered an upper class background, and who went to the best private schools and got hooked on drugs and meth... Alcoholism and drug addiction don’t discriminate.
In reference to compassion, I'm not feeling it for Ron Cummings..How does one feel compassion toward someone who doesn't care about anything or anyone other than saving their own rear end...JMHO
This video of Ron him...caring and loving his child...
That said, Ron deals in drugs and weapons...which he also cares about and keeps closely in his life..
That said...children, drugs and weapons, are a dangerous mix..
Any body can feel love, give love, to anything they care about..
Protecting your children from dangerous situations/ giving them a safe home a TRUE.. Mature..effort and indication of your love/protection for your child
The number #1 PRIORITY of being a parent, is your child's SAFETY, of their environment.
IMO...DUE TO..Ron's mix of...children, guns, weapons, drug addicts,including child care by a live-in drug user....shows complete abandoment of these priorities ..and led to the demise of his child....

IMO...Ron may have loved his Children, his truck, his guns, his drugs...all in the same way, and may have viewed his indication of selfishness..

When I had my first son I was 19 years old and before I got pregnant I had all kids of friends and some were worse than Ron had according to what we have heard. I say that respectfully as all we know about any of these people is really hearsay and assumptions as I am coming to the conclusion after all this time, that people that say all this stuff about their lives is only what we have all wanted to believe as none of us have certainly seen all this we say? I cannot IMAGINE DCS going into Ron's house and seeing drugs laying around and guns, and I am sure the neighbors would report traffic that goes along with drug dealers etc. I am not saying all the above is not true, I am just not going to jump on the these people are all trash until I see some facts to go by. I am sure people would all judge me too if you knew me 30 years ago, but I ended up leaving my drug addict husband that was only 18 at the time, I was 3 months pregnant with my second child and I raised them alone. I had "druggie" friends and probably did some things or knew some people that I shouldn't have but I was alone and never did it before and my MOTHER was a nurse and a drug addict in a middle class neighborhood and worked every day. My life certainly wasn't perfect but I have been sober for over 22 years and my kids are 30 and 26 and not perfect either but they are caring, humble, tax paying, military members, generous, kind and also awsome parents as I loved them more than myself and still do and now I get to be a gramma.
I guess I have a hard time judging these people without any facts as if I were to believe rumors than what kind of person would I be? It hurts my heart thinking that Ron could be all that he is accused of as his children are so sweet. For now I have to believe they were loved by at least their dad until I find out different.
I believe Ron loved his kids. I have not thought that whatever happened to Haleigh was planned or that Ron meant her harm. The question here was whether the family videos changed my view of Ron and no, they do not.

Ron petitioned the court for custody of his children and he knew what he had to tell the judge in order to be granted custody. In court he denied drug use because he knew drug use would not win him favors with a family court judge. This tells me Ron had some sort of intuition of what it took to be a proper dad to young children. IMO, Ron ignored his own intuition, and he let his kids down big time. For crying out loud...his daughter went missing, probably as a result of his lifestyle, yet he continued that lifestyle even though he had another child in his custody!

I usually am all for giving a person a second chance but not only did Ron put his kids in harm's way time and time again, when one went missing he did not change his behavior in an attempt to protect the other child. I'm sorry, but all the happy family photos the family can scrape together will not convince me that Ron was a good dad who cared about his kids first and foremost.

Yeah, Ron probably loved his kids, in his own way. Unfortunately, his way was not good enough. Certainly there are many other families where kids are in harm's way day after day; in many of those cases, the children somehow make it, some relatively unscathed. However, in this case, Haleigh Cummings paid the ultimate price for her father's poor decisions.
I truly hope Ron did not hurt Haliegh. I do feel like he did, but I have always hoped that I am very wrong.
However if he was guilty of nothing but putting his children in danger through his life style, maybe I could write it off as stupidity of someone that had been very lucky, except for the fact that after Haliegh disappeared he continued to put Jr in the same position. Risking his life daily. There's no way he can claim ignorance in that case. He may truly care about his children but he does not care about them as much as he does himself, in my opinion of course.
Bathbuddies, thank you for posting that video. I always enjoy seeing pictures of Haleigh. I pray for her often, and think of her as often when I sit out on my lanai at night and look at the stars before bed. I wish she could be found.

As for RC, I have always believed he loved her to the fullest extent that he was capable to love.

I did word that previous sentence very carefully.

I am one of the few that doesn't think he was directly involved with Haleigh's homicide. But that JMHO at this point in time and I fully respect other's whose opinions differ.

I can't excuse his inability to love and care for a daughter as any of us would love and care for a child.

I can't excuse his drug issues, taking or dealing. I can't excuse any of this based on the fact he had a hard upbringing. The reason I say that is because a great many of us face horrible situations as children, but once we are no longer children we need to correct the wrongs, and the best way to do that is in the raising of our own children.

RC is a young man, but he is not a child. The choices he made in his life brought about a lot of heartache into everyone's life because I do think that those choices directly culminated in the homicide of Haleigh. He's not a monster. He's just a man who was taught wrong, and continued to do wrong into his adult years. Now he pays for those choices with a child who is no longer living.

Also, to speak to every single other adult in Haleigh's life. Yes, every single one. They also didn't put her first. That to me is a shame as well. I see no innocents in this story other than Haleigh and her baby Brother. None.

When I had my first son I was 19 years old and before I got pregnant I had all kids of friends and some were worse than Ron had according to what we have heard. I say that respectfully as all we know about any of these people is really hearsay and assumptions as I am coming to the conclusion after all this time, that people that say all this stuff about their lives is only what we have all wanted to believe as none of us have certainly seen all this we say? I cannot IMAGINE DCS going into Ron's house and seeing drugs laying around and guns, and I am sure the neighbors would report traffic that goes along with drug dealers etc. I am not saying all the above is not true, I am just not going to jump on the these people are all trash until I see some facts to go by. I am sure people would all judge me too if you knew me 30 years ago, but I ended up leaving my drug addict husband that was only 18 at the time, I was 3 months pregnant with my second child and I raised them alone. I had "druggie" friends and probably did some things or knew some people that I shouldn't have but I was alone and never did it before and my MOTHER was a nurse and a drug addict in a middle class neighborhood and worked every day. My life certainly wasn't perfect but I have been sober for over 22 years and my kids are 30 and 26 and not perfect either but they are caring, humble, tax paying, military members, generous, kind and also awsome parents as I loved them more than myself and still do and now I get to be a gramma.
I guess I have a hard time judging these people without any facts as if I were to believe rumors than what kind of person would I be? It hurts my heart thinking that Ron could be all that he is accused of as his children are so sweet. For now I have to believe they were loved by at least their dad until I find out different.

BBM.. First let me say I have never referred to any member of the Cummings/Sykes/ Croslin clan as being trash..Never have... never will...
And I believe it was Ron C who stated the words.."some sorry piece of trash"
who will be wasted...

Also, Love is not a noun it is a verb..An action verb...He and his mother may talk the talk but they certainly haven't walked the walk...IMHO..IF they want to prove they love/d Haleigh they need to tell the truth....They need to quit worrying about their own rear ends and think about someone other than their cowardly selfish selves..They need to do the right thing.. Ease someone else's pain..Confession is good for the soul... JMHO
I guess I can still have compassion for someone even if they aren't someone with whom I would invite to dinner or desire to have as a neighbor. Maybe it is because of how I grew up. My stepfather (but for all intents and father) was a drugdealer. We had people coming in and out of our house at all hours of the night. Creepy people. My dad would have his drunk friends over and they'd inevitably end up out front in their underwear having a fist fight, someone gettin' one more tooth knocked out. The cops would be called and I would be in my room with a nervous stomach. But he wasn't abusive physically. He looked scary. But he really did love us. He just grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and that is what he knew. He knew how to provide for his family through his oilman delivery job where he made less than $10/hour and his drug dealing.

I feel the same way about Ron. Do I want to ring his neck? Sure. Do I think his lifestyle led to Haleigh's demise? Absolutely. Is he to blame? Sure, he has some responsibility. But I can have compassion for him and will not say he didn't love his kids just because he is a drug dealer or an *advertiser censored**hole. People only know what they grow up with. It isn't like he had it all on the upper west side graduating from private school and got hooked on meth and it all went downhill. He never had a chance. Neither his socioeconomic background nor his genetics were gonna carry him forward. Doesn't mean he didn't love his kids.

Anyway...that's all I am saying...doesn't mean he didn't love his kids. In my opinion.
I agree with a lot you said, & believe it or not, I feel a lot of compassion for Ron. I think he loved his kids,(that many pictures don't lie), but once the newness of having custody wore off, he got bored or something. Even if Ron is responsible, IMO, it was an accident, & I think he has suffered...but I don't think he has suffered enough, KWIM? & IMO, the law needs to take care of him. & even if all he gets, is that 15 years, well, that's still a lot of time. Jr. will be grown by then, & his grandmother may be gone. But, as far as his upbringing goes, I think he had a pretty decent, pretty normal upbringing. His early life was nothing like Misty's there's a girl, who didn't have much of a chance. I doubt very seriously that Annette Sykes or her husband shot up in the bathroom, & by all accounts, they loved Ron. The relationship he still has with his grandmother attests to that. I guess that's why Ron's situation makes me the maddest. IMO, he flat out chose this lifestyle, where as it seems that Misty & Tommy were more born into it. Ron's not stupid, IMO. He could've been so much more, & just threw it all away.
When I had my first son I was 19 years old and before I got pregnant I had all kids of friends and some were worse than Ron had according to what we have heard. I say that respectfully as all we know about any of these people is really hearsay and assumptions as I am coming to the conclusion after all this time, that people that say all this stuff about their lives is only what we have all wanted to believe as none of us have certainly seen all this we say? I cannot IMAGINE DCS going into Ron's house and seeing drugs laying around and guns, and I am sure the neighbors would report traffic that goes along with drug dealers etc. I am not saying all the above is not true, I am just not going to jump on the these people are all trash until I see some facts to go by. I am sure people would all judge me too if you knew me 30 years ago, but I ended up leaving my drug addict husband that was only 18 at the time, I was 3 months pregnant with my second child and I raised them alone. I had "druggie" friends and probably did some things or knew some people that I shouldn't have but I was alone and never did it before and my MOTHER was a nurse and a drug addict in a middle class neighborhood and worked every day. My life certainly wasn't perfect but I have been sober for over 22 years and my kids are 30 and 26 and not perfect either but they are caring, humble, tax paying, military members, generous, kind and also awsome parents as I loved them more than myself and still do and now I get to be a gramma.
I guess I have a hard time judging these people without any facts as if I were to believe rumors than what kind of person would I be? It hurts my heart thinking that Ron could be all that he is accused of as his children are so sweet. For now I have to believe they were loved by at least their dad until I find out different.
this was a very nice post, & my mother was also a drug addicted nurse...& crazy, to boot...go figure. But the fact Ron was arrested for drug trafficking, & has a long list of priors. From looking at his record, it looks like he cleaned up for awhile, but for some reason, decided to go back to that lifestyle. & that's a crying shame, because it's MOO, that those decisions, cost his daughter her life. MOO.
I'm sure that with access to his photos, any of us could do a similar video montage of Osama Bin Laden and his children. Smiling and laughing and full of love. What would it prove?
I have no doubt that RC loved Haleigh to the best of his ability and understanding of what love is. IMO, loving your children doesn't include having machine guns or illegal drugs in their immediate vicinity. It means they get to school on time and the doctor regularily. Probably love would include searching for your missing heart the days after they go missing rather than marrying the jail bait babysitter. I could go on but won't.
The video is nice and will be beautiful played at Haleighs memorial if the people who supposedly loved her would only cooperate in bringing her home. But that would mean telling the truth and Daddys love for Haleigh doesn't extend that far. He needs immunity for that.
I'm sure that with access to his photos, any of us could do a similar video montage of Osama Bin Laden and his children. Smiling and laughing and full of love. What would it prove?
I have no doubt that RC loved Haleigh to the best of his ability and understanding of what love is. IMO, loving your children doesn't include having machine guns or illegal drugs in their immediate vicinity. It means they get to school on time and the doctor regularily. Probably love would include searching for your missing heart the days after they go missing rather than marrying the jail bait babysitter. I could go on but won't.
The video is nice and will be beautiful played at Haleighs memorial if the people who supposedly loved her would only cooperate in bringing her home. But that would mean telling the truth and Daddys love for Haleigh doesn't extend that far. He needs immunity for that.


I loved your post and thanks was not enough.
That's a very cute video, lovely photos. It reminds me that I'll have to ask my husband to take some photos of me and the children together, just in case. I would have a hard time putting together a montage like that about me and my kids because it's usually me behind the camera and it wouldn't look good for me if any of them disappeared.

They seemed to be mostly old photos, from when she was one, two, three years old or so. Did anything happen after that to decrease photo opportunities?
I saw a picture of ron smiling a real smile in that video Bathbuddys. He looked happy. It lets me know he had a few genuine feel good moments in his life with his children. How sad to see what has transpired. Haleigh looks happy and so pretty. What a shame he let drugs destroyed their lives. He told the court the reason he was taking the kids was so they wouldn't be around drugs. Why did this have to happen to Haleigh? :banghead:
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