WA - Civil rights activist Rachel Dolezal pretending to be black, parents say #1

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Like in the OP's video when she talks about how her "black 13-year-old son" (we get it, *real* black people have black children) had to sleep in bed with her for a period of time because he was so traumatized about the "noose". She's something else...

Turned out the "noose" was a rope the owner (a hunter) had previously used to hang up a dead deer long before RD rented the house. He informed police he'd told her that when he saw her "noose" claim in the news, but she never passed that along to LE, preferring to let the investigation and her purported victimhood to continue imo.
I stumbled on to her through Facebook. someone posted about her and I just couldn't stop laughing. Why would anyone want to be ya know black???? no respect puns here. But OMF! Was she next going to be another MJ? and he actually had something wrong with him.
Turned out the "noose" was a rope the owner (a hunter) had previously used to hang up a dead deer long before RD rented the house. He informed police he'd told her that when he saw her "noose" claim in the news, but she never passed that along to LE, preferring to let the investigation and her purported victimhood to continue imo.

That according to facebook post, it was her adopted baby brother, that her parents adopted

Dolezal received a Masters in Fine Arts from Howard U. What qualified her to teach "Africana Studies" at EWU, other than low level courses in african art ... especially without a PhD? She conned a lot of good people, and imo, based on her stated plan in her bio to get a MD degree and become a trauma surgeon, she intended to con her way into med school by playing the diversity card.

Wonder if she is into Hip Hop Rap music too? lol
I can see her sitting there last night saying to herself.I will write all the good things I did. The world will see how good I was.They will forgive me and The NAACP will not fire me!!
That the way I read that statement!

Send the woman to the psy ward and throw away the key PLEASE!

You people who told me to quit

I am a national hero.

I speak like this because I am a very important person. For those of you who are less glorified, this means "many urgent issues face us now".

I could have solved all that.

I'm puzzled that people think it's weird to lie about one's race, but the bright side is, I'm also an international celebrity now.

Who defines race and ethnicity.

I'm too chicken to tell the truth but I manage to make it a virtue.

Wow, some black people have been quoted in the press and it's all because of me. Dang I'm good.

I really thought that I wouldn't get caught.

I'm changing the topic to distract from my dishonesty.

I'm only saying this because I want you to forget about my current disgrace but I'm still the lone voice that the entire race has.

I'm the only one who ever did anything in Spokane NAACP.

I'm always thinking altruistically.

If I sound pompous enough you will think that I did this voluntarily.

I am the best thing since sliced bread.

Please stop talking about my disgrace.

I can do a short sentence if I try.

I was fired but they let me write poems about it.

Did you get all that? It's all because of me.

Whew, I got to the end without addressing any of my lies.

This is is a masterpiece. I laughed so much!
If her son was in on racial deception then I don't think he would've contradicted her narrative about the scary white racists breaking into her home.

I think ink she did terrorize her son with her tales about race crimes. Except he knew better and wasn't frightened regarding those he personally witnessed.

He's 13 though, old enough to remember the time before the racial deception started. And the adopted brother more so.
Many Rachel related tweets are downright funny. Plenty of people are finding humor in all this.

One of my favorites..."I've decided that I am actually a millionaire. Does that mean I am a transfinancial? "
Many Rachel related tweets are downright funny. Plenty of people are finding humor in all this.

One of my favorites..."I've decided that I am actually a millionaire. Does that mean I am a transfinancial? "

I want to be a transfinancial.
Tonight on nbc news brian williams reveals he too is black. j/k
"This is not me quitting; this is a continuum," Dolezal wrote. "It's about moving the cause of human rights and the Black Liberation Movement along the continuum from Resistance to Chattel Slavery to Abolition to Defiance of Jim Crow to the building of Black Wall Street to the Civil Rights and Black Power Movement to the ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ movement and into a future of self-determination and empowerment."

"This is not me quitting; this is a continuum," Dolezal wrote. "It's about moving the cause of human rights and the Black Liberation Movement along the continuum from Resistance to Chattel Slavery to Abolition to Defiance of Jim Crow to the building of Black Wall Street to the Civil Rights and Black Power Movement to the ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ movement and into a future of self-determination and empowerment."


That final paragraph in her 'non-apology' letter is just too much. Donjeta nailed it. It is so self serving, so narcissistic. wow. Just wow. :no:
I want to be a transfinancial.

Click your heels twice and tweet it, and it shall be so. And when creditors come after you for spending money you don't have, just file suit against them for discriminating against transfinancials. ;)
"This is not me quitting; this is a continuum," Dolezal wrote. "It's about moving the cause of human rights and the Black Liberation Movement along the continuum from Resistance to Chattel Slavery to Abolition to Defiance of Jim Crow to the building of Black Wall Street to the Civil Rights and Black Power Movement to the ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ movement and into a future of self-determination and empowerment."


Who else could get booted on her fake tanned behind and manage to describe it like she saved the world while it was happening.
I think I'm going to have to stop listening to news and following trials. FCA taught me evil is real, Arias convinced me the death penalty is warranted in some cases, and the response by too many that there's nothing wrong with Rachel deciding she's black all make me teeter on the brink of transitioning from liberal to transpolitical.....:D
According to a Court of Appeals opinion, Dolezal's lawsuit “claimed discrimination based on race, pregnancy, family responsibilities and gender.” She alleged that Smith and other school officials improperly blocked her appointment to a teaching assistant post, rejected her application for a post-graduate instructorship, and denied her scholarship aid while she was a student.

The court opinion also noted that Dolezal claimed that the university’s decision to remove some of her artworks from a February 2001 student exhibition was “motivated by a discriminatory purpose to favor African-American students over” her.


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