WA WA - Julianne Jaillet, 36, Bellevue, 1 June 1985

I have not contacted AMW yet but i think i should...I have talked to the producer with Nancy Grace and i also contacted 48 Hours Mysteries...i haven't anything back! The divorce decree had the Lake Hills address and i think we have the Falls City address and i have someone helping me and willing to do a search if we know where we need to search....But if we had the file it would help so much! Another person helping me tried under the FOIA act and she was told no because it's an active investigation. But yet they don't work her case! The Falls City property is now owned by someone else and they did not want the property searched when the police were trying to. Also they said they could not get a good search with the dogs because it's tough terrain....i would like to see the property.
I have not contacted AMW yet but i think i should...I have talked to the producer with Nancy Grace and i also contacted 48 Hours Mysteries...i haven't anything back! The divorce decree had the Lake Hills address and i think we have the Falls City address and i have someone helping me and willing to do a search if we know where we need to search....But if we had the file it would help so much! Another person helping me tried under the FOIA act and she was told no because it's an active investigation. But yet they don't work her case! The Falls City property is now owned by someone else and they did not want the property searched when the police were trying to. Also they said they could not get a good search with the dogs because it's tough terrain....i would like to see the property.

If we can get a possible physical location, even with rough terrain, TES might be able to help as well.

We are going to find some resources. Can you post the divorce decree here? It is a public document, so it should be no problem putting it up on the site. Or if you can scan it, you can send it to me and I will redact whatever information needs to be pulled out. You can email me if you click on the hyperlink here in my signature.

48 Hours can be a long slow process-there is Disappeared and Dateline to consider as well.

I will do a FOIA for you mom's case-do you have any information like report number etc? They are going to tell me no as well, I suspect, but they will log the request in the file.

As for law enforcement, this is hard to hear but Cold Cases are tough and expensive to work. We need to let LE know that we have enough resources here to help-we have all these sleuthers that can dig and run things that LE has no time and money for.

Chin up!

First I am so very sorry for the loss of your mother, she is beautiful and she should be in your life. Thank you also for trying to find the truth, so many people are not brave enough or interested enough to do that.

I was able to obtain, information on a case here, for a mom who has been looking for her daughter for over 30+ years. I called the FBI in the state that had the investagation. I told them I wanted the files, on two individuals in the case. They told me to download the request form on the website and to fill it out and submitt it. I did need the death certificate. I got that from the mother of the missing child. She had both. One file had been destroyed, but the other file was there. I had the information sent to her. She also filled out the request because she wanted her daughters info as well and I was not the parent so I couldn't get that.

I hope that helps. I was able to get the information because of the FOIA and the POI's were dead. But you can have your mother declared deceased and then request the files. I don't know for sure that it will work, but call them. Explain what you want and why. Hope that helps.
I wanted to ask also, do you know if he owned any property besides where you were living at the time? Any cabins in the woods in WA? You can probably go to the property appraisers on line for the county and see. I live in FL and we have access to records here, but don't know about WA. You may also want to contact Ann Rule, she is from WA. She has a website and I just read a book about cold cases and files, "Don't look behind you". She may have some ideas about how to seuth some things out.
I too want to say how sorry I am about the loss of your mom in such a way, and the runaround and lack of support you have received from law enforcement. I have seen other cases where men have been arrested and charged decades after the death of a spouse, so it is still possible...I wonder about the house they lived in at the time. Who owns it now? Would it still hold some forensic evidence, after all this time, if he harmed or killed her there? Ideally a forensic search of that house would be done now with all of the scientific advances since 1985...but also very difficult to arrange, unless a cold case detective will reopen the case.

Sometimes private investigators will work for very little or even for free, if your case touches them in a certain way. Maybe it would be worth a try to compose a letter and send it to as many as you can?

I do hope you can come in contact with that one person with the ability and resources to help you, be it an attorney, a private eye or a detective...there is someone out there, I'm sure of it.

Best to you...
I wanted to ask also, do you know if he owned any property besides where you were living at the time? Any cabins in the woods in WA? You can probably go to the property appraisers on line for the county and see. I live in FL and we have access to records here, but don't know about WA. You may also want to contact Ann Rule, she is from WA. She has a website and I just read a book about cold cases and files, "Don't look behind you". She may have some ideas about how to seuth some things out.

Above BBM - In Washington State you can go to the digital archives (link below) and search by name (leave the record series box as is - showing all records), this will bring up land records and marriages (and sometimes other things) in Washington State. It isn't complete but it does have some information. It's always good to add anything you can to your information. I hope this helps!

He said on the night of June 1st 1985 they had a fight and she was leaving. He left the home and when he returned she was gone and her purse and some belongings.She is not reported missing until June 18th. I'm not sure of the exact date of her last being seen...so that is something that may be in the files. Her purse was found in a lobby in the MGM in Reno on the 26th floor i believe. No one ever saw her nor do we have any reason to believe she went to Reno...this was during those 3 weeks. The purse was mailed to a previous address. The problem is where did he put her. I just met with the original detective he said to start with talking to the ex wives they may answer some important questions regarding his behavior. I confronted him last May at his house and he said some strange things. He did not act surprised at all that is showed up.

One of things he said is i dont drink anymore. I said my mom is not here because of u he said i know...That is the closest i got to a confession...I also feel my godfather David was involved in the cover up of her death. Him and Ian were very good friends. So the people around her know what happened that night and they all have been covering it up for years maybe he paid someone off. I have no idea. He was a Vice President of a company. I know he was descibed as a loaner and a and heavy into drugs. Also he would not cooperate with the police.

He had several acres of property and we have always wondered if he dumped her body of the property...I need the police files.

The department says its an active case but it does not get worked on and they do not have a cold case unit. I have tried to meet with the new detective for over a year.

quote...Her purse was found in a lobby in the MGM in Reno on the 26th floor i believe. No one ever saw her nor do we have any reason to believe she went to Reno...this was during those 3 weeks...end of quote.

I find it odd there was nothing on surveillance video showing whom placed the purse there. In the 80s I assume the MGM had cameras in the hotel that would have shown persons coming and going from into the MGM.

There was nothing on the registry of her signing in?

The purse could have been left by someone whom found it?
But if this is the case, that person would have mentioned it to a desk clerk they found someones purse.
And not just leave it on the floor?
Do you know if the purse was found before or after the 18th when she was reported missing officially.
For some reason I want to say after. To give the impression she did leave on her own accord.
It could had been a woman whom left it. But if it was hidden from view a man could have done it.
But its the surveillance video I am interested in and what it showed. IF, anyone took the time to look at it!

When, what date after June1st was her purse found at the MGM.
Thank u everyone! I have contacted the local FBI twice and the 2nd time i got a woman who said she could not help but everything i'm doing is what she would be doing....if she was me! The Lake Hills home maybe have some sort of forensic evidence still. I may drive over today or this weekend and just take a look at the house and see how close any woods may be. The Falls City property he no longer owns but i need to get the physical address. I haev the name of the new detective on her case Jenny Robertson at Bellevue PD but she's had the case for over a year and she hasn't worked my moms case. My grandmother has the death certificate.
I have contacted the FBI twice and they said they cannot help. But the 2nd time i got a lady who said everything i'm doing is what she would be doing! My grandmother has a death certificate. So something strange in the divorce decree was he said they had no joint accounts checking or savings but they were married....and he was a VP of a company and she wasn't working. So he claims she spent some of his $$$ she was his wife....I really want to see the police files! I have a lot of questions. I did contact a private investigator and they said it would cost of $$$ to work her case. We are trying to build a case against him for murder.
I have contacted the FBI twice and they said they cannot help. But the 2nd time i got a lady who said everything i'm doing is what she would be doing! My grandmother has a death certificate. So something strange in the divorce decree was he said they had no joint accounts checking or savings but they were married....and he was a VP of a company and she wasn't working. So he claims she spent some of his $$$ she was his wife....I really want to see the police files! I have a lot of questions. I did contact a private investigator and they said it would cost of $$$ to work her case. We are trying to build a case against him for murder.

Go to the website for the FBI and download the FOIA form, fill it out or have your grandmother do it, and send in the Death Certificate. Keep a record of the letter you send, (copy) and wait for a reply. It will take a few weeks, but, get that response for your records. You will need a good paper trail. Start a log of time and date you have called each agency also and keep notes at to the conversations you have with each department and who you spoke with at the time. It is a lot of work, but in the end you will be glad you did it.
Here is the case #'s i have 1985-7480 or 85BO7480. The Bellevue PD is 425-452-6917 i am going to try once again to request the case file. I need to know what's in those records. I tried twice to contact the Bellevue mayor office...I did not hear back from him.
So i did once again try and the lady in the records unit seemed to be aware of her case and sent me to the voicemail of the new detective on her case...I have tried for over a year to meet with the new detective on her case...and still no meeting!
So I got a call back from the assistant of a big local attorney...She's very hard to get in touch with...But we are setting a meeting soon!! I pray she can somehow help our family.
Tjcm - I am so sorry for your loss! I pray our members can help you find the clue that brings your mother home. :rose:

I am not sure if she if the woman found is my mother. I did contact the Clark County Coroner's Office. I still believe her body is her in WA on the 15 acres of land he owned. I need help with the police department i need someone to contact the captain or lead person who is on her case. I have been trying to set up a meeting and still no call back. Any suggestions on how to go about them working her case???
So i will get the divorce decree. I have the divorce papers and it's intresting. I need the case file i know the info i need is in there!!! He owned 15 acres in Falls City WA. That is out in the county. I don't believe the police ever did a all over search. The leiutenant said it's like a needle in a hay stack. I bet if this was hsi mother he would not be saying such a thing!!
I have been thru this several times. A body found or jewelry from a victim and not my moms. I need closure and her to rest in peace. I pray she is found and brought home to rest!! In the future i plan on writing a book about my ex
I plan on writing a book on my experience and what is really like for a loved one dealing with a family member who just vanishes. That's what he claimed not what happened and he thinks he can out smart the police.Hmm didn't go the police for 3 weeks clue # 1 and goes a vacation. REALLY ??
Tjcm - I am so sorry for your loss! I pray our members can help you find the clue that brings your mother home. :rose:

I am meeting with the Bellevue PD in Sept and i need to email them my questions. Do u have advice for me? The person who we believe is responsible for her death did not contact the police for 3 weeks. His story does not add up at all. The purse has been ruled out according to the original detective and i feel like the police will not listen to what i have to say. Also i feel like they did nothing. He also failed the polygragh test. When asked if he killed my mother. I think i discussed the vehicle with u a Ford Bronce 80's model. This suv at one time was parked at his house. Now that same vehicle is at his friends house. I am requesting they check all registration and names of owners.

What approach should i take with the police? Honestly i 've had so many meetings over the years. I will be meeting the new detective on her case. Her case has not been worked for 3 years.
Have you had any luck?

No luck. I did meet with the original detective a few months ago. He confirmed everything i believe. He was a loaner, , heavy drug user. This was her husband. He wouldn't have taken her body far....The purse was ruled out she was not in Reno. It was planted to make it look like she took off.

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