WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #7

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That is assuming Makesmewonder's information is accurate.

I do not believe this is the case. I question the motives of this poster and their mysterious "team." That sets off alarm bells in my head at least.

they are a few local people who are on the "street" sort of, no motive other then finding who did this....

sorry I'm not makesmewonder but I have valued what has been said by this member:blushing:
It's possible, but I SUSPECT the murder was committed as the result of a fit of passion.

I don't think drug trafficking or losing money would cause the necessary passion that is consistent with this murder. Plus, drug dealers don't go to such great lengths to hide their victims' bodies; in fact, drug dealers would probably prefer that news of the murder becomes well known in order to send a message to others that they had better "behave" or else.

Not necessarily true. IIRC, from reading "Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets", there was a park near Baltimore where many bodies were dumped.

Having your enemies mysteriously vanish "gets the word out" just as much as the body on the street, with less forensic evidence.

Nobody knows where Hoffa is buried but I suspect the message was received and understood.
If your "team" was there, and WC was there, and LE was watching WC, then LE would have been there too. She wouldn't have been "alone."

Hee..Hee... good one! Like your humor. Somebody should have brought donuts!
Trying to catch up with everything on WS while still going about daily life . . .

A couple of observations: Regarding the comments about JF's estranged wife saying that he wasn't capable of doing something like this (or words to that effect) - If you were SF, would you risk saying anything to the contrary? If she had any kind of feeling at all that he could possibly be a killer she certainly wouldn't take a chance of "outing" him for fear of retaliation. I'm in no way saying he should be the POI, I'm just saying that we can't rely on statements of a soon-to-be-ex who could very well be fearful. It has been mentioned on here that he possibly has a bad temper and is not nice to women.

Second - MOO - I spoke to a young adult recently, just to see what the teens and young adults are saying. I asked if it is thought that it could possibly be drug related and the comment was "well yeah, of course", like it should be common knowledge. I asked this person if s/he knew MC personally and the answer was no, but s/he knew "of her" and that her car was well known downtown. The term "she was a plastic" was used. (Anyone have insight on that?)

This is speculation ONLY - and I'm not passing this along to ruin the reputation of this poor girl, nor am I insinuating in any way that she was a bad person. Nobody deserved what happened to her! I'm just letting you know what some of the "young crowd" is saying. Drugs are much more prevalent than many people in our small town can even imagine. We tend to bury our heads in the sand when it makes us uncomfortable.

Also, MOO, if LE is watching WC's house it is probably for protection.

I just watched the show "Mean Girls" and a "plastic" is a spoiled girl. In the movie, the Plastics were snobs who got whatever they wanted....and acted as such.
I wasn't one of the "baggers." I find at least some of the things she did a little suspicious, even for a grieving mother.

So, why don't you tell us what your thoughts / opinions are regarding WC now?

I'd like to hear them. They probably parallel mine.
Del Rio, I just thought that she wasn't acting like a grieving mother and the fact that I think that Dad had more to do with her than WC. My opinion was that she didn't do much for her daughter just from what I have read. Also the fact that the father paid the grandfather to drive MC to school and activites was weird to me. Sorry to say this, maybe her face being messed up or hidden with a bag makes me think someone was very angry, jealous or maybe if you had to come up with money that you didn't have made someone even more angry.
Now everyone thinks WC is the main suspect, but Monday I got bagged on for mentioning her and the way she acted that I didn't think was right.

Nobody should be harassing people for expressing opinions. That is why we are all here. If someone want to be rude and nasty, they should log onto the Wenatchee World comment site, where they will fit right in. Sorry you were "bagged". Most people on here are very courteous and polite.
Stop WC and do what? Search her or her car? That would open a pandora's box, because that would require an arrest--a custodial arrest. The result of that would be WC's right to constitutional speedy trial clock would start ticking immediately.

You don't need an arrest to search the car. You just need a warrant. Burden of proof is not as great.

Even if you don't want to play your hands - have someone follow her.

I have a hard time believing that the police are going to let (assuming this is true) their prime suspect have control over a suspected crime scene without them being there.
Wow, LE definitely believe there is something very, very important inside WC's home.

Just to clarify none of us has seen LE watching either home. However, other WS members have verified it. We did see undercover LE watching spec home during memorial.
Del Rio, I meant to say If someone had to come up with money they didn't have to fix something. Hope I got my point across.
Wow, LE definitely believe there is something very, very important inside WC's home.

How can you say that? Nobody said they saw LE around or anything. I havent' seen anything yet that is more than speculation on that.
If LE was at house while WC is leaving - why wouldn't they stop her or tail her? Suppose she was leaving to dispose of evidence (say, a cell phone)? Police aren't that stupid.

IF she was at the spec house, AND the police believe said spec house was a crime scene, they'd be watching.

Among other things, LE is watching WC's home to record who enters it and when in order to maintain the integrity of any evidence they find in her home. If WC drives off from her home with MC's cell phone in order to dispose of it, there's not much LE can do except follow her and retrieve the cell phone once it has been discarded.
they are a few local people who are on the "street" sort of, no motive other then finding who did this....

I know, and I'm not dissing them.

But the "team" makes it easy to distance yourself from statements when you are wrong. MMW already made a statement in an earlier thread, when proven wrong, to the effect of "someone from my team must have given me bad info."

Basically it lets you start rumors and distance yourself from them, all at the same time.

Yes, there is a boat launch out there and a very nice beach, all public access. You go all the way out the Malaga/Alcoa highway to the very end before the road turns to dirt and it's down a hill. I'm not sure how lengthy a motor from there to CB and back would be. I'm thinking a couple hours depending on the boat.

I had actually wondered right after her body was found if that area could have been a possible crime scene but that was before we learned she had most likely not been submerged and drifted in the classical sense. It would have made perfect sense to me though, since pitcher canyon is the most private yet closest area to town if one was on their way back on the Malaga/Alcoa highway. KWIM?

I don't recall anything about "submerged and drifted" can you tell me where you found that?
New day new suspect!! No, really it probably depends who you were talking to at the time. Obviously people have strong thoughts about who they think is the suspect. Just keep giving your opinion!!
Among other things, LE is watching WC's home to record who enters it and when in order to maintain the integrity of any evidence they find in her home. If WC drives off from her home with MC's cell phone in order to dispose of it, there's not much LE can do except follow her and retrieve the cell phone once it has been discarded.

True. But they'd have to follow her, and they'd be there at the spec house.

If the police thought the spec house was a crime scene, they wouldn't let a prime suspect in and let them go about destroying evidence. That's absurd.
How can you say that? Nobody said they saw LE around or anything. I havent' seen anything yet that is more than speculation on that.

I think you're confused about what I'm talking about.

The Makesmewonder team has made several posts alleging that LE is keeping at least one officer parked near WC's house for surveillance purposes.

IIRC, other posters have confirmed this.

Irregardless, it's consistent with what I've heard, and rolling with it.
Now everyone thinks WC is the main suspect, but Monday I got bagged on for mentioning her and the way she acted that I didn't think was right.

That sucks.

Well, if you do/did think it, it's nothing many of haven't considered from very early on. So you're in good company ;)
Nobody should be harassing people for expressing opinions. That is why we are all here. If someone want to be rude and nasty, they should log onto the Wenatchee World comment site, where they will fit right in. Sorry you were "bagged". Most people on here are very courteous and polite.
It's all good! Thank you.
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