Warren Jeffs FLDS compound in Texas surrounded by police

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So will these women at some point be free to go back if they want to?
Or if they want can they get help and protection and start life over, can the fathers try to get custody of the kids since some of the kids (who are moms) are so young.

Im so worried about these young girls, I wish I could do something to help.

Shannon, I found link for donations:

Meisner said calls from around the country have poured into Texas with offers of donations and homes for those taken from the ranch. The state plans to make information about how to help available on its Web site,


Latest News on Eldorado
News Brief: Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Today DFPS and other state agencies continue to care for and supervise 416 children who were removed from the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints compound near Eldorado and placed in state custody.

The Department of State health Services is overseeing all medical and mental health services for the children.

* DSHS is performing on-site health screenings and it appears the children are generally in good health.

* There have been a typical number of minor upper respiratory and mild gastrointestinal ailments for a group of this size.

* About a dozen children have what appears to be chicken pox, which they contracted prior to coming into state custody. It takes 14-16 days for the virus to manifest itself. Chicken pox is usually a benign childhood disease and none of the children is seriously ill. These children and their families were relocated to another building to separate them from the other children. It is believed the children in the shelters have not been immunized, but some may have natural immunity from having contracted chicken-pox in the past.

* The children appear to be in good mental health and are adapting as well as can be expected.

* 25 mental health professionals are on hand, along with four doctors and ten nurses. 14 more doctors and medical assistants are arriving soon.
Every time someone comes over, I have to introduce them to my new girls!

I can completely relate.

100 Million could do alot of good. Utah is supposed to be giving houses to FLDS members, the ones that were denyed ownership. I wonder how that is going?
This post is incredibly out of line, IMO. I think you should take a deep breath and try to read Glow's previous posts without letting emotion come into play. Just because she looks at the situation from a different angle than you, certainly doesn't mean that she cares so little. What an awful thing to imply, especially when Glow has repeatedly attempted to explain her opinion in a polite and respectful manner.

Talking to Glow and not MasterJ.:rolleyes:
I've reread this thread several times. I think I have a good idea what Glow's concerns are.
I doubt I was the first person to think what I posted.
100 Million could do alot of good. Utah is supposed to be giving houses to FLDS members, the ones that were denyed ownership. I wonder how that is going?

Sounds like a minefield of drama and lawsuits ... evictions, taxes, fees, and whining.
Sounds like a minefield of drama and lawsuits ... evictions, taxes, fees, and whining.

For starters....


Heck guys, I'm going to bail out for a bit. It's been a long strange day for me. Catch you all later.

Latest News on Eldorado
News Brief: Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Today DFPS and other state agencies continue to care for and supervise 416 children who were removed from the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints compound near Eldorado and placed in state custody.

The Department of State health Services is overseeing all medical and mental health services for the children.

* DSHS is performing on-site health screenings and it appears the children are generally in good health.

* There have been a typical number of minor upper respiratory and mild gastrointestinal ailments for a group of this size.

* About a dozen children have what appears to be chicken pox, which they contracted prior to coming into state custody. It takes 14-16 days for the virus to manifest itself. Chicken pox is usually a benign childhood disease and none of the children is seriously ill. These children and their families were relocated to another building to separate them from the other children. It is believed the children in the shelters have not been immunized, but some may have natural immunity from having contracted chicken-pox in the past.

* The children appear to be in good mental health and are adapting as well as can be expected.

* 25 mental health professionals are on hand, along with four doctors and ten nurses. 14 more doctors and medical assistants are arriving soon.

Of all the times to do this, when there are kids coming down with chicken pox is the worst! They have separated the kids now, but who knows how many have been exposed before they came into custody or how many were inadvertantly exposed in all of the confusion. If the whole group ends up quarantined due to chicken pox, they will all be thinking this was some kind of retribution for associating with outsiders.
Well that does make sense as one of their beliefs is that a man can become a god of another planet once he dies, if he has attained all the steps it takes for him to enter the celestial kingdom at its highest level.

Well I was talking about the leaders of the cults/sects not mainstream LDS. That belief doesn't really mean they have a g-d complex. They don't think they are g-ds on earth like the prophets do. Most also don't claim that G-d speaks to them directly with rules to govern a whole clan by. Nor do they take matters into their own hands and commit crimes in the name of G-d because they think they are exempt from a holy ruling, or more distasteful, on equal footing with G-d.

But even if they believe they will be g-ds (notice I didn't say the G-d or even a G-d, but a g-d, no one I know is claiming to be either of those first two.) it's no more strange to me than other religions claiming they will be angels or that they can come back to live again as a different human or animal. Of course the only way to find out who is right is a path I'm not willing to take at this time lol

It's me. Unexpected dental surgery this morning, strong pain meds and posting probably don't mix! To start over, yes the church could do more but so can the community. And The Trib we'll have to agree to disagree on. lol. Whew, that took alot out of me.

ETA: In fact, I'm going to sheepishly sneak on over and delete that post because it no longer makes sense to me either!

Aw, trixie, it was me. Any time someone says the word 'truly' or 'seriously', I think for a sec that they are addressing me or SeriouslySearching. In this instance, SuziQ was actually addressing me with a quip from Abbott and Costello's comedy skit, 'Who's on First?' I think we have eclipsed the original for pure comedic confusion, so I, too, will bow out...now that the bases are loaded.:D
FDLS consider themselves the true Mormons and the LDS as not so true Mormons because they say they are not following the rules that the religion is based on. The LDS put aside some of those laws to gain Statehood.

But the FDLS also don't follow most of the laws such as Missionary work, Baptism for the dead or feeding the poor. They can't say they've been following such laws when they are hiding from the world. Then it all comes to light when someone leaves and they find the rules they had were different than LDS. It's all become perverted and twisted.

I do think these 'prophets' have a g-d complex and it's scary how much this reminds me of the Jim Jones compound in the tactics they have been using.

Thank you. It is quite convoluded. Jonestown sprung to my mind as well.
Talking to Glow and not MasterJ.:rolleyes:
I've reread this thread several times. I think I have a good idea what Glow's concerns are.
I doubt I was the first person to think what I posted.

Perhaps if you are "talking to Glow and not Masterj" you should PM her rather than post it on a public board where if I am not mistaken, we are all allowed to voice our opinions. ;)
Well that does make sense as one of their beliefs is that a man can become a god of another planet once he dies, if he has attained all the steps it takes for him to enter the celestial kingdom at its highest level.

Is this an actual belief? Of LDS or FDLS? A man can die and become a god of another planet? Do women become goddesses of other planets?

Wow, I'm glad I am happy right here on this lil' old planet. I had no idea that entire religions have such beliefs. I am not knocking any beliefs, it is just such a revelation to me. Maybe revelation isn't the right word...
FDLS consider themselves the true Mormons and the LDS as not so true Mormons because they say they are not following the rules that the religion is based on. The LDS put aside some of those laws to gain Statehood.

But the FDLS also don't follow most of the laws such as Missionary work, Baptism for the dead or feeding the poor. They can't say they've been following such laws when they are hiding from the world. Then it all comes to light when someone leaves and they find the rules they had were different than LDS. It's all become perverted and twisted.

I do think these 'prophets' have a g-d complex and it's scary how much this reminds me of the Jim Jones compound in the tactics they have been using.

It would appear that the FLDS picked and choosed which rules to follow. In regard to polygamy, Joseph Smith founded the religion in upstate NY in 1820. The LDS - Mormons were forced to leave NY (ask me how I know this :)) and moved to Nauvoo, Illinois. It was while there in Illinois that Joseph Smith began the practice of polygamy about 1840. The LDS abolished polygamy in 1890 to become a state. So, in reality, polygamy was not a long-held rule of the religion, having been followed for only 50 years - for one or two generations.

Record keeping and genealogy are important aspects of the LDS. They keep meticulous records of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, and have amassed the largest genealogical library in the world. LDS members are encouraged to research and record their genealogy, and participate in proxy baptism.

Yet, it would appear that the FLDS has chosen only polygamy as a rule to follow. They apparently don't keep accurate records, because many of the children that were removed from the Texas compound don't even know who their parents are, or where they were born. According to Flora Jessop, one of those who escaped, when children are born into a family where there's 6 or 7 mothers, they are raised by all the mothers and don't really know which one is their biological mother.

Can anyone here imagine being 11, 12, or 13 years old, and not knowing who your mother is?
OMG................I forgot about Nancy Grace, but caught the last 20 minutes. She evidently devoted most of her program to this subject. She said that law enforcement has evidence to support what the 16-year-old said in her phone calls. Then, Nancy said one of the pieces of evidence police found was a "sex bed" (Nancy's words) in the temple. She said there's evidence that's where young girls were taken for sex!
Philamena has a point. Glow has chosen to respond to specific individuals by dissecting their posts instead of responding in general to everyone. Glow has defended the idea that it is perfectly fine for old men to impregnate 13-14 year olds, stressing that it is a thousands-year-old tradition which ought to give us all that fuzzy chrismas feeling. She has defended slavery because it is in the bible. And she has joked about kids being raped by saying that the men just need to improve their bedside manner when they are molesting their children.

Well then I am off to do some back reading because I didn't read anything like that. I read several posts where she was questioning the legality of the search, etc. I'm off to read.
OMG................I forgot about Nancy Grace, but caught the last 20 minutes. She evidently devoted most of her program to this subject. She said that law enforcement has evidence to support what the 16-year-old said in her phone calls. Then, Nancy said one of the pieces of evidence police found was a "sex bed" (Nancy's words) in the temple. She said there's evidence that's where young girls were taken for sex!

THUD! I just fell off my chair! :furious:
Is this an actual belief? Of LDS or FDLS? A man can die and become a god of another planet? Do women become goddesses of other planets?

Wow, I'm glad I am happy right here on this lil' old planet. I had no idea that entire religions have such beliefs. I am not knocking any beliefs, it is just such a revelation to me. Maybe revelation isn't the right word...

Here is one link. But you can google and find many.


Concerning women, nope. Women can only reach the celestial kingdom through her husband. Women have very few rights, and being a goddess isn't one of them!
OMG................I forgot about Nancy Grace, but caught the last 20 minutes. She evidently devoted most of her program to this subject. She said that law enforcement has evidence to support what the 16-year-old said in her phone calls. Then, Nancy said one of the pieces of evidence police found was a "sex bed" (Nancy's words) in the temple. She said there's evidence that's where young girls were taken for sex!

Geez...that and rumors of sex toys used on the young girls, etc.

Nice "religion" they practice :furious: :furious: :furious:
and another article: http://www.star-telegram.com/news/story/572931.html

ELDORADO — The temple inside a polygamous sect's outpost was used by husbands when they had sex for the first time with their new underage wives, according to an affidavit released Wednesday by Texas officials.

The search and arrest warrant affidavit said the temple at the YFZ Ranch “contains an area where there is a bed where males over the age of seventeen engage in sexual activity with female children under the age of seventeen.”
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