Was there ever a claim of suicide?


Jan 7, 2005
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We talked intermittently about a rumor that Raven had told someone that Janet had committed suicide. Has anyone ever determined if there was any truth to that, and what exactly the story is regarding that? This is very important if it was ever determined to be true.
I remember it too, if that helps. I wonder if it's somewhere in the "Raven is Innocent" thread. I'll start looking in the morning.
Did he happen to say where she hid the murder weapon before she died?:loser:
mysteriew said:
Did he happen to say where she hid the murder weapon before she died?:loser:

But I remember the discussion...it was when MissYouJanet first came on the scene. GM stated that she heard an unconfirmed report that Raven had told others Janet had committed suicide. And MissYouJanet replied, "I never heard that, but from what I have heard about the crime scene, it is easy to see how he could have thought that initially."

It was on this thread.

(didn't mean to step on your toes, JF...i just have insomnia!)
I think I've tried at least 20 tactful ways of responding. In my opinion, at the very least, MYJ was an apologist for Raven. She believed him innocent and would find any means available to mitigate the damning circumstances surrounding Janet's death.

Really, I never fussed with her much because she was a supporter (wonder if she still is) and she was completely entitled to her opinion. It seemed pretty obvious to me, at the time at least, there would be no moving her off that position.

My beef with her was that she claimed she was representing the family. I may leak tidbits here and there that I hear, but I've never claimed to represent anyone. If someone wants or needs representation, they can hire a lawyer or talk to the Carrington Sund Foundation.
Jenifred said:
I remember it too, if that helps. I wonder if it's somewhere in the "Raven is Innocent" thread. I'll start looking in the morning.
I did some looking last night, and did find many references to our discussion. But I don't know if that was ever verified by any of the family. Here are some of the posts I found:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The Murder of Janet Abaroa #2

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Evidence ... "There was also the unconfirmed rumor that the family was told it was suicide."

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Evidence ... "Remember the rumor of the family being told suicide first?"

So if anyone can confirm this as true, it's just another thing that points to Raven's guilt. There is no possible way that you could spend HOURS sitting in a police station being questioned after a murder and leave thinking it was a suicide. I'm sure that he was told during the questioning that the cause of death was stabbing, and I'm sure he was asked many times if he knew of anyone that might want to hurt him or Janet. When he left the station, he knew full well how Janet was killed, and knew that it was not suicide. So if he told someone that she committed suicide AFTER leaving the police station, then he was obviously lying. Why would he lie about cause of death at that point in time? The only thing I can think of is to buy himself some more time before having to answer to the people that loved Janet.

I'm trying to remind myself that this is JUST a rumor at this point in time. But if we can ever confirm that it ISN'T, then I don't know how anyone could still believe in Raven's innocence.
Just trying to visualize the senario above JG ...

Raven is *grief stricken* and being questioned by investigators regarding his wife's murder ... he picks up a phone at one point and call's Janet's loved ones and tells them "Janet's dead. She commited suicide."

WTF, that is completely outrageous. That's surpasses I'm in Paris with my good buddies partying and my wife has been kidnapped by satan worshippers.
golfmom said:
Just trying to visualize the senario above JG ...

Raven is *grief stricken* and being questioned by investigators regarding his wife's murder ... he picks up a phone at one point and call's Janet's loved ones and tells them "Janet's dead. She commited suicide."
Yep. Certainly doesn't shout out innocence. As difficult as it would be, an innocent person would call the family and tell them about the murder. I don't think that being led to believe it was suicide would make the news of the death any less painful.
I'm sitting here absolutely disgusted. If Raven did call the family to say that I wish I could do this:slap: at least once before I sit in a courtroom and watch :behindbar happen!

Well, remember that it is just an old rumor that I dug up from the old days of this forum. The rumor was VERY strong at the time, but a rumor nonetheless. I was just hoping someone could confirm it because now that we're sitting here just waiting for something to happen, it struck me just how important that information is. No one could think Raven innocent after that, IMO.

If this indeed happened, I'm sure that the family has told LE, and the DA will use it. I guess that's what really matters.
..it's beyond comprehension that raven could have told family members that it was a possible suicide........
...to hear news that she had died would be one thing..........taking her own life.....only adds to the trauma........

...raven was there.............even if he did claim " gunshot wounds"........and then went on to speculate suicide...........'where was the gun raven ?" a suicide victim can't then get rid of their own weapon.....

...if he did in fact speculate suicide 'back in the beginning'.........or now.....putting her family through that.....then my opinion of raven has sunk to a very new low...........
lauriej said:
...if he did in fact speculate suicide 'back in the beginning'.........or now.....putting her family through that.....then my opinion of raven has sunk to a very new low...........
I agree. To do something like this, and then somehow blame the victim in order to take the negative attention off of yourself - for even an instant - is despicable.
I wonder how many versions of Raven's story are out there. We know that there is what Rooster knows, the statement from the autopsy, and the statement by the officer at the scene. How many more can exist?

This, in my mind, is reason enough to suspect Raven. He keeps changing his colors. You think that an innocent man's story would change that much? Not I.
Jenifred said:
I wonder how many versions of Raven's story are out there. We know that there is what Rooster knows, the statement from the autopsy, and the statement by the officer at the scene. How many more can exist?

This, in my mind, is reason enough to suspect Raven. He keeps changing his colors. You think that an innocent man's story would change that much? Not I.
Um, would this be like guessing the number of jelly beans in the jar?
LTUlegal said:
Um, would this be like guessing the number of jelly beans in the jar?
...or the number of ravens in a flock ?
Originally posted by lauriej
...if he did in fact speculate suicide 'back in the beginning'.........or now.....putting her family through that.....then my opinion of raven has sunk to a very new low...........[/QUOTE]

EVEN if Janet had committed suicide, which good point (suicide victims can't get rid of their own weapon), I would think a GOOD husband would protect his wife, and suggest otherwise to protect her and her family. And if NOTHING else it would put him in a better light. Like her life wasnt that horrible and maybe he was a good provider and husband.
I just can't get past this rumor. If someone has been questioned for hours after a death, I just can't imagine that they would leave the police station thinking that a murder was a suicide. So why would he tell anyone this, (if he did)? This part is too much for me to explain away.
JerseyGirl said:
I just can't get past this rumor. If someone has been questioned for hours after a death, I just can't imagine that they would leave the police station thinking that a murder was a suicide. So why would he tell anyone this, (if he did)? This part is too much for me to explain away.

This is just so hurtful to imagine Raven leaving Janet's family to believe that she took her own life. You would think he'd want to protect them, Kaiden and Janet if it was true.
golfmom said:
This is just so hurtful to imagine Raven leaving Janet's family to believe that she took her own life. You would think he'd want to protect them, Kaiden and Janet if it was true.
Is there any reason that any of you can think of that an innocent person would tell a victim's loved ones that she committed suicide when she was, in fact, murdered, (and he knows it)? I can't think of one single reason.

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