Wedding Photos

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raisincharlie said:
I've been married 17 years and I am quite proud of my wife, boys, and the photos from day one and all in between. I have found no need to hide them in the basement. Have a good dy Kadie. :)

my son & his wife were married 4 years this past October....i don't doubt that my DIL will keep those pictures out for many years to come......
close_enough said:
could be that these 3 photos had blood on them, but IMO, it seems a little odd to have 3 wedding photos in a bedroom....maybe it's not odd at all, but it seems just a bit strange to me....i can see having one on a dresser or something, but 3??.....
Perhaps the three photos are in frames which are hinged together? Just a thought ~ :)
close_enough said:
hmmmm, not sure about the wedding photos...haven't given much, if any, thoughts to them.....we didn't take photos of when me & hubby got married...(got married at the courthouse)....

could be that these 3 photos had blood on them, but IMO, it seems a little odd to have 3 wedding photos in a bedroom....maybe it's not odd at all, but it seems just a bit strange to me....i can see having one on a dresser or something, but 3??.....

ok....i stopped to call my oldest son...he's been married 4 yrs now, & they have one large hanging photo of them together on their wedding day, in the main room/living smaller pic of him & his groomsmen & best man, & a smaller one of him & his wife kissing outside the mansion (where they got married).....he said there's only one wedding photo in the bedroom...

he (my son) said these wedding photos that LE took, could include a picture of the wedding party .... bridesmaids/groomsmen & all....could be that they took a photo like that to identify close friends to question??
I am with ya - married at the courthouse- have a few pics taken by some friends that surprised us, and showed up--good thought on the wedding party
otto said:
I just burst out laughing when I saw this thread. Wedding pictures on the wall? on the mantle? on the dresser? Try in a book carefully stored in the basements with other outdated photo albums ... in storage for that time when children want to see what it was all about. I'll have to read and learn to know where they would normally be placed.
otto--- I would agree with you....if I had any!!!!! have a few , mnad no disrespect to those that still have them in view"...just made me chuckle like you--- and I've been married 13 years-- maybe if only 4 or 6 it would make a difference--or just different folks--
raisincharlie said:
I've been married 17 years and I am quite proud of my wife, boys, and the photos from day one and all in between. I have found no need to hide them in the basement. Have a good dy Kadie. :)
I am very proud of my 13 years and 2 children too-
No one needs to hide anything- I think we are just talking about different thoughts, and no offense meant to anyone if they have wedding pics on the walls 25 r 50 years later---:blowkiss:
Welcome, kadie!

Our youngest child likes to manhandle photos etc so ours are put away till she gets better at that. IF I had pictures out, there would be one on the chest by our bed, and maybe one on the bedroom wall. Definitely one on the living room wall too.

My sister-in-law has practically a throne in her bedroom of their wedding pictures. They went all out and got all sizes etc. So she has them all over their dresser, which has several tiers or shelves, and on their bedside dresser as well.

I should say "had". They just recently divorced. :waitasec:

I'm thinking the Youngs' pictures had blood or DNA on them of some type-maybe even fingerprints in blood. I hope they weren't used in a struggle.
If JY did kill Michelle like I'm thinking he did, I have had this image in my head of him taking his hand and backslamming the pictures, breaking the glass. It was personal, the marriage was over, and it could be one reason LE suspected or knew right away it was not a random crime.
j2mirish said:
good thought !
Thanks and I only thought of that because, although you don't see that type everyday, I had given that to someone for their photos. And they put it on the top of their chest of drawers in the bedroom. :)
scandi said:
If JY did kill Michelle like I'm thinking he did, I have had this image in my head of him taking his hand and backslamming the pictures, breaking the glass. It was personal, the marriage was over, and it could be one reason LE suspected or knew right away it was not a random crime.
That would be a sure sign pointing right back at him! Could he have been that stupid? :banghead:
In a fit of anger, yes, I could see him doing something like that. So far I haven't read anything clever that he {or the killer} did, and so I assume his ego is huuuuge and he thinks he can get away with anything. Example:
With all the smart and lovely sexy gals out there in his sales territory, why on
god's earth would he choose to bed a sorority sister of his wife's that was also married and the 2 couples close friends. Dumber than dumb IMHO Unless he did it to spite his wife and throw it in her face, which I doubt.
scandi said:
If JY did kill Michelle like I'm thinking he did, I have had this image in my head of him taking his hand and backslamming the pictures, breaking the glass. It was personal, the marriage was over, and it could be one reason LE suspected or knew right away it was not a random crime.
Actually - it would be good for LE if he did this and left some skin or blood on the frame(s). I am of the opinion there was something with the pictures other than blood spatter and use for identification.
raisincharlie said:
Actually - it would be good for LE if he did this and left some skin or blood on the frame(s). I am of the opinion there was something with the pictures other than blood spatter and use for identification.
like what?
j2mirish said:
like what?
As in broken as Scandi suggests. Maybe not all three of them but I suspect at least one to have been broken. JMO
raisincharlie said:
As in broken as Scandi suggests. Maybe not all three of them but I suspect at least one to have been broken. JMO
oh- i was figuring broken and blood, dna- then you said even more, so i want sure where you were going-
j2mirish said:
oh- i was figuring broken and blood, dna- then you said even more, so i want sure where you were going-

All of the above. I'm hoping this is the case, either he did it himself or Michelle knocked him up side the head with it - I prefer the latter.

That's okay - most of the time I don't know where I am going either ! :D
raisincharlie said:
All of the above. I'm hoping this is the case, either he did it himself or Michelle knocked him up side the head with it - I prefer the latter.

That's okay - most of the time I don't know where I am going either ! :D
oh yes you do----- thats why i ask :)
scandi said:
With all the smart and lovely sexy gals out there in his sales territory, why on
god's earth would he choose to bed a sorority sister of his wife's that was also married and the 2 couples close friends. Dumber than dumb IMHO Unless he did it to spite his wife and throw it in her face, which I doubt.

Well...maybe she was in his comfort zone and he'd always been attracted to her somehow. We've already heard that he was hanging out at the bar when Michelle met him and she had to drag him out onto the dance floor. I just don't see this guy as being some casanova.
j2mirish said:
oh yes you do----- thats why i ask :)

:blushing: Thanks j2mirish. I sure wish I had this one figured out, but I'd be much happier if the police do ! I think they do and in time, as tests come back, LE will soon apprehend the criminal !
Maybe she found out about the affair and crossed/cut out his face on the wedding pics. Even though I don't think she's the type that would do that and leave them out, especially for Cassidy to see.

Was MM in the wedding party?

Did the warrant state where the pictures were when they took them?
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