What do you think happened to Malaysia Flight370?

What do you think happened to Malaysia Flight 370?

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Quote: University of Toronto researcher Dr George Eleftheriades, an expert in cloaking technology, explained that the technology was still in its infancy and thus not easily available.

“This invisibility technology is still in the laboratory stage and not readily available. Moreover, it would seem impossible to fit the airplane with such a cloak while in flight.

“Therefore, I firmly believe such a possibility is out of the question in explaining the disappearance of the plane,” he said.

Possibly hijacked.. Taken to specific location passengers either held hostage or worse.. Information from plane or persons obtained plane then sent back out with passengers on board knocked out and then crashed into ocean via remote control
In my mind I'd rather believe a time warp occurred or something along the lost series
Seems to me that the new technology that the countries are using to find the plane has them chasing their tails. They really don't have much to go on. It will depend on luck.
Just read that Chinese authorities reported finding a 'pulse" from the plane's black box ? But, it apparently is not helping in locating the black box itself...jmo moo strange and mysterious event. moo
IF and still IF, this is the location of the plane - does anyone else think it looks like the plane was headed straight for Australia???

IMO it looks to me like the person piloting the plane put in some coordinates in Australia as the "end point" when setting up auto-pilot.

I have had this thought that's in the back of my mind - what if the intended target was somewhere along the coast of Australia....but perhaps for some reason or another, the plane used up more fuel than the person thought that it would. So therefore, the plane ran out of fuel before the intended action.


At first I didn't think so.
But now....I think it's possible the plane was heading towards Australia.
Whatever the reason though, we may never find out.

Here's a theory: The plane flew up to 45 000 feet after the last communication with ATC, killing all the passengers and flight crew (not including pilots). They were using their own supply of oxygen. After everyone died, the plane then dropped to 25 000 feet and then down to 5 000 feet to avoid radar. The pilot or co-pilot was knocked out by the other while the plane continued on its new path to Australia. The knocked-out person eventually regains consciousness, and takes the plane down off the coast of Australia.

This theory would involve a pilot though, and I don't suspect either of them of anything as of yet. Unless someone broke into the cockpit and incapacitated both pilots...
At first I didn't think so.
But now....I think it's possible the plane was heading towards Australia.
Whatever the reason though, we may never find out.

Here's a theory: The plane flew up to 45 000 feet after the last communication with ATC, killing all the passengers and flight crew (not including pilots). They were using their own supply of oxygen. After everyone died, the plane then dropped to 25 000 feet and then down to 5 000 feet to avoid radar. The pilot or co-pilot was knocked out by the other while the plane continued on its new path to Australia. The knocked-out person eventually regains consciousness, and takes the plane down off the coast of Australia.

This theory would involve a pilot though, and I don't suspect either of them of anything as of yet. Unless someone broke into the cockpit and incapacitated both pilots...


WOW I had this theory early on, but keep changing it depending on my mood. lol

I am thinking now someone from the "inside" of FreeScale may have done this.

I do not believe the pilots were the ones responsible to escalate, descent etc...

IMO, it takes a second to decapitate someone

Here's my theory:

MH370 takes off from KL and right on course. Capt. Shah leaves the cockpit to use the restroom and advised co-pilot to take control, since he is a rookie.

The co-pilot says the standard "goodnight" to MA ATC, and just at that moment someone comes in the cockpit and turns off the transponder, gives the co-pilot a syringe filled with ? and then loads new flight path software.

The hijacker has already given a syringe with ? to the Captain (on the way back from the restroom).
No communication, so flight crew cannot make a mayday call.
My 2 cents worth:
Navigators invariably set aviation waypoints - plot their route. No-one keeps their hands on the 'steering wheel'. We know that the plotted route was IGARI – 6° 56′ 12N, 103° 35′ 6E to VAMPI – 6° 10′ 56N, 97° 35′ 8E to GIVAL – 7° 0′ 0N, 98° 0′ 0E and then was en-route IGREX – 9° 43′ 28N, 94° 25′ 0E when it dropped off radar.

IMO the plane continued on to IGREX before locking in to the Aus waypoint of PIBED 5° 20′ 12S, 90° 43′ 60E. The navigator however, could not vary from his regular routine of plotting his route - from there he locked into the destination of Perth International Airport - knowing full-well that it didn't have the fuel to reach that far. It was inevitable that MH370 would crash into the ocean off Western Australia in the depths of the Indian Ocean.
Psycho pilot - It is no coincidence the plane ended up in the deepest part of the ocean of our world...jmo
Psycho pilot - It is no coincidence the plane ended up in the deepest part of the ocean of our world...jmo

No, that would be the Mariana trench. And yes, it could be a coincidence that the plane ended up in a very deep area.
Electrical/mechanical failure, that affected navigation, communication and transponder followed by purposeful and intentional but subsequently aborted attempt to land at the nearest airport with a long enough runway at Panay (probably aborted because of the inability to contact other aircraft and tower and avoid in air or on ground collisions even if they got low enough temporarily) the second and only option left was to attempt to circle again and try again or head straight for Australia. They didn't make it...I do not believe this plane was taken down by a disgruntled crazy pilot(s) or hijackers. Unless it's somehow proven that it was either of those scenarios....then I believe otherwise.
I have pondered same -- I beleive there was lots of toys in the belly could be stolen for that and Freescale employees knowledge

Killer Chaser....

Am thinking that as ''out there'' that it may seem, the plane could have been stolen.
I found this gem from the NY times so mind numbing - especially since it was BEFORE any of this:

Shoe-Bomb Plot Revisited at Trial of Bin Laden Relative
New York Times!
One aspect of Mr. Badat’s 2012 testimony in Brooklyn had an eerie resonance this week when reviewed in light of the investigation into the Malaysia Airlines jet that disappeared Saturday.
Mr. Badat testified in 2012 that some months after Sept. 11, 2001, he met with members of a Malaysian terrorist group who were ready to perform “a similar hijacking to 9/11.”
“I provided them with one of my shoes because both had been, uh, both had explosives inserted into them,” Mr. Badat said then.
Although Mr. Badat backed out of his plot, he testified that he did nothing to persuade the Malaysian group to stop whatever it had planned. It is unclear whether such a plot in Malaysia was ever interrupted by the authorities; federal prosecutors in Manhattan and Brooklyn had no comment on Monday about Mr. Badat’s 2012 testimony about the Malaysians.

It's entirely possible for it to have landed (no debris etc).

In fact if one looks at the whole mess - that truly makes the most sense out of any of nonsense thus far
I find it ridiculously predictable that we would be hearing that debris has washed up just now. Sounds like someone came up with some loose parts, chugged it out to sea last night and dropped it in close enough to wash up the next morning.

Reports yesterday acknowledged that they may be looking in the wrong place and the plane might have landed on land. I think they don't have a clue where it is. I also think that the pings showing that the plane went north towards land were poo pooed by the Malaysians because it was more embarrassing than losing an aircraft in the Indian Ocean. We will never know where this plane is unless it is accidentally discovered. Too many governments covering their butts to find the truth. MOO

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Also, just a reminder. If your theory is based of a report and you state so in your post please remember to post the link, also.
10% rule not an issue its 100's of pages but certainly telling as it relates to worlds misperception that Malasyia does not have a profound terrorist history highly correlated with aviation....................... It also indicates MAL proclivity to alter passports for terrorist activity . Here is a tid bit of information about the terrorist party (!) held in Kuala Lumpur.

It cut and paste odd!

The four trainees traveled to Kuala Lumpur: Khallad,Abu Bara, and Hazmicame from Karachi; Mihdhar traveled from Yemen.As discussed in chapter 6, U.S. intelligence would analyze communications associated with Mihdhar,

whom they identified during this travel, and Hazmi, whom they could have identified but did not.55
According to KSM, the four operatives were aware that they had volunteered
for a suicide operation, either in the United States or in Asia.With different
roles, they had different tasks. Hazmi and Mihdhar were sent to Kuala
Lumpur before proceeding to their final destination—the United States.
According to KSM,they were to use Yemeni documents to fly to Malaysia,then proceed to the United States using their Saudi passports to conceal their prior

travels to and from Pakistan. KSM had doctored Hazmi’s Saudi passport so it would appear as if Hazmi had traveled to Kuala Lumpur from Saudi Arabia via
Dubai. Khallad and Abu Bara went to Kuala Lumpur to study airport security and conduct casing flights.According to Khallad, he and Abu Bara departed for

Malaysia in mid-December 1999. Hazmi joined them about ten days later after
briefly returning to Afghanistan to attend to some passport issues.56
Khallad had originally scheduled his trip in order to receive a new prosthesis at a Kuala Lumpur clinic called Endolite, and Bin Ladin suggested that he use the opportunity to case flights as well.According to Khallad, Malaysia was

an ideal destination because its government did not require citizens of Saudi
Arabia or other Gulf states to have a visa. Malaysian security was reputed to be
lax when it came to Islamist jihadists.Also,other mujahideen wounded in combat
had reportedly received treatment at the Endolite clinic and successfully concealed the origins of their injuries. Khallad said he got the money for the

prosthesis from his father, Bin Ladin, and another al Qaeda colleague.57 According to Khallad, when he and Abu Bara arrived in Kuala Lumpur they
contacted Hambali to let him know where they were staying, since he was to
be kept informed of al Qaeda activities in Southeast Asia. Hambali picked up Khallad and Abu Bara and brought them to his home, enlisting the help of a colleague who spoke better Arabic. Hambali then took them to the clinic.58

On December 31, Khallad flew from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok; the next
day, he flew to Hong Kong aboard a U.S. airliner. He flew in first class, which he realized was a mistake because this seating assignment on that flight did not

afford him a view of the cockpit. He claims to have done what he could to case
the flight, testing security by carrying a box cutter in his toiletries kit onto the
flight to Hong Kong. Khallad returned to Bangkok the following day. At the airport, the security officials searched his carry-on bag and even opened the toiletries kit, but just glanced at the contents and let him pass. On this flight, Khallad

waited until most of the first-class passengers were dozing, then got up and
removed the kit from his carry-on. None of the flight attendants took notice.59 After completing his casing mission, Khallad returned to Kuala Lumpur. Hazmi arrived in Kuala Lumpur soon thereafter and may even have stayed

briefly with Khallad and Abu Bara at Endolite. Mihdhar arrived on January 5, probably one day after Hazmi. All four operatives stayed at the apartment of
Yazid Sufaat, the Malaysian JI member who made his home available at Hambali’s
request.According to Khallad, he and Hazmi spoke about the possibility

of hijacking planes and crashing them or holding passengers as hostages, but
only speculatively. Khallad admits being aware at the time that Hazmi and Mihdhar were involved in an operation involving planes in the United States
but denies knowing details of the plan.60

While in Kuala Lumpur, Khallad wanted to go to Singapore to meet Nibras
and Fahd al Quso, two of the operatives in Nashiri’s ship-bombing operation.
An attempt to execute that plan by attacking the USS The Sullivans had failed just a few days earlier. Nibras and Quso were bringing Khallad money from

Yemen, but were stopped in Bangkok because they lacked visas to continue on
to Singapore. Also unable to enter Singapore, Khallad moved the meeting to
Bangkok. Hazmi and Mihdhar decided to go there as well, reportedly because they thought it would enhance their cover as tourists to have passport stamps

from a popular tourist destination such as Thailand.With Hambali’s help, the
three obtained tickets for a flight to Bangkok and left Kuala Lumpur together.
Abu Bara did not have a visa permitting him to return to Pakistan


A PS here: There is much mention of Yemen in here as well.It is quite, interesting that we are killing tons of terrorists in Yemen starting this week ........................

Much is happening I ponder if it might be wise to be checking our missles instead of looking around in an ocean where not one iota of wreckage has been located in 6 weeks with hondreds of assets attempting to do so....someone , somewhere,at sometime is going to regret the games being played the last 6 weeks JMO
SIZE=1]10% not issue there are pages and pages . I did not want to make post huge but wanted to share how much stuff is related to Kuala Lumpur . So I made the following small just to give a visual of how much is connected according to Homeland Security. Link at bottom if ya wanna see it specfic. [/SIZE]

Events related to The Kuala Lumpur meeting:

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed proposes 9-11 to bin Laden
Mid 1996
Tora Bora, Nangarhar, Afghanistan
Osama bin Laden, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, Mohammed Atef (Organizer)
Hanjour obtains flight training in Arizona
Late 1997-
April 1999
Arizona Aviation, 4855 East Falcon Drive, Mesa, Arizona, United States
Hani Hanjour (Trainee), Bandar al Hazmi, Abdullah Rayed Abdullah, Hamed al Sulami
Bin Laden approves 9-11 operation
Late 1998-
Early 1999
Osama bin Laden, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (Operational Commander), Mohammed Atef (Organizer)
Attash is denied US visa
April 3, 1999
Tawfiq bin Attash
Bin Laden meets with KSM regarding planes operation
Spring 1999
Kandahar, Kandahar, Afghanistan

There are dozens of more entries on the website as it relates to this one meeting in Kuala Lumpur .
There are too many!


http://www.globalsecurity.org/security/profiles/generate_related_events.php?name=The Kuala Lumpur meeting

A few nights ago I was listening to a radio and they were talking about the missing airplane. One of the guests chimed in and said he thinks the plane was accidentally shot down during military maneuvers that were being held in the area by several countries, including the USA. He says it could explain why so many countries were so quick to join the search and also why there was so much misinformation. He figures it was a US shooter who got the plane.

Can't remember which show I was listening to because I listen to quite a few and I sometimes listen to broadcasts via download.

Sounds like a plausible theory to me after all this time since nothing else has come true. Plus, we know the military often does maneuvers with South Korea in that area, so why not? :waitasec:
A few nights ago I was listening to a radio and they were talking about the missing airplane. One of the guests chimed in and said he thinks the plane was accidentally shot down during military maneuvers that were being held in the area by several countries, including the USA. He says it could explain why so many countries were so quick to join the search and also why there was so much misinformation. He figures it was a US shooter who got the plane.

Can't remember which show I was listening to because I listen to quite a few and I sometimes listen to broadcasts via download.

Sounds like a plausible theory to me after all this time since nothing else has come true. Plus, we know the military often does maneuvers with South Korea in that area, so why not? :waitasec:
This makes some sense, but I would think that the U.S. would have handled the aftermath better, along with whoever was involved. It's just so hard nowadays to cover something like that up without a better story. If it was shot down, it was likely shot down close to land, so how did they manage to hide everything so quickly? I don't think they'd want to drag it out as the joke it has become.
Lets rewind!

Foremost! This is not conspiracy stuff....what follows are headlines before and after MAL 370. It is fact its news that has occurred in the last 2 months -nothing more-nothing less!

Sadly, everything on the planet is inter-connected. Let’s take a look at everything that has transpired in the past two months.

China and MAL have long history of terrorism with the Uyghur’s......a terrorist group that might have a motive is the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, a separatist group in China founded by Uyghur’s that has .... ties to al Qaeda and the Taliban. The Uyghur’s are an ethnic group in western China who are Muslim.

The group has conducted a number of terrorist attacks (historically this group focuses on transportation )in China. Uyghur terrorists might have a motive to hijack the Malaysia Airlines flight as it was bound for Beijing and most of the passengers were Chinese…... ……when they have tried to mount hijackings in the past they have been complete flops………. Uighurs say they are oppressed by China's authoritarian government and face religious restrictions and widespread discrimination............

A quick "PS:" here. From the beginning I had this notion that MAL was this "nice" little country. I learned yesterday that the reality here is it is it is a currupt , sexist, country with huge history of terrorist proclivities. All links posted yersterday!

March 1:-
The Uyghur’s are suspected in carrying out a terrorist attack in Chinas largest rail station. 12 terrorists go in with machetes and murder 33 people and injure 130.........

..........“Compared with, say, placing a bomb, the act of walking up to strangers and slashing their throats has an ugly intimacy that is nothing short of appalling…...

The timing of the incident, (MAL 370) a week after knife-wielding assailants killed at least 29 people at a train station in the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming, led to speculation that militants from China's Uighur Muslim minority could be involved… We (MAL) have sent back Uighurs who had false passports before. It is too early to say whether there is a link," the official said.

Malaysia, a Muslim-majority country that has courted close ties with Beijing in recent years,......... MAL officials deported 11 Uighurs in 2011 it said were involved in a human smuggling syndicate..........the timing as "very suspicious" coming so soon after the Kunming attack.

(Sorry , no other word here this really PISSED off the terrorist goup!)

March 3: The terrorism trial of Osama Bin Laden’s son-in-law , the highest al Quaida figure to face trial on US soil since 911.... begins in New York City….

March 3: Free scale applies for a patent for radar blocking microchips. …..it announced it was releasing 11 of these new gadgets for use in “high frequency, VHF and low-band UHF radar and radio communications”….. The fact that Free scale had so many highly qualified staff on board the Boeing 777 ……..…

March 8: MAL 370 - with the disappearance of 4 of the 5 patent holders Jacob Rothschild Became the Sole Owner of 'Free scale Semiconductors' Patent -……… Free scale’s shareholders include the Carlyle Group of private equity investors whose past advisers ……… include the Saudi Binyamin Group, the construction firm owned by the family of Osama bin Laden.

March 12: On the 12th the patent is approved……(Link to patent : http://humansarefree.com/2014/03/with-disappearance-of-malaysian.html)

Late March: A new video shows what looks like the largest and most dangerous gathering of al Qaeda in years ……...in .the middle of the clip, the man known as al Qaeda's crown prince, Nasir al-Wuhayshi, appears brazenly out in the open, greeting followers in Yemen. ………..U.S. officials say they believe it's authentic……….

“This is quite an extraordinary video," Paul Cruickshank, CNN terrorism analyst, said …………….. it signals a new round of plotting.……… the video is one of the more brazen al-Qaeda propaganda pieces to be released in some time …….. the organization itself seems to be growing stronger

April 19th and 20th : US and Yemeni forces staged a "massive and unprecedented" attack against al-Qaeda forces based in Yemen…… "this is the most intense, most concentrated and most sustained period of strikes in Yemen since President Obama first took office………….. US and Yemeni government say 55 to 65 "militants" ( this I just noticed recently! the word "militants" has replaced "TERRORISTS" !were killed.

IMO, it is all related ……………………………………………….


. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/missing-malaysia-airlines-flight-who-3222758#ixzz2zopacTB0
Read more: http://www.wdsu.com/national/Video-shows-large-al-Qaeda-meeting/25500276#ixzz2zorDueCo



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