What the School Staff and students say about the morning Kyron went missing

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I agree gliving...I find myself having to twist, turn, and stretch, the comments from the media in order to consider Terri as the perp. Whenever I have to work that hard, something is amiss. We need a couple facts from someone other than 'verified sources' and/or we need some theories involving sexual predators. moo

So far, the one piece of information (don't know if it's true) that makes me wonder about the perp beingTerri is the ear ache/rural road story. moo

Those who count on Terri to care for the little ones either completely ignore her and/or lack insight into behavior. I've yet to hear of any psychopathic character traits - except maybe Desiree saying she is a serial liar and we don't know if that's even true. moo

I find myself staying away from Kyron's thread because I'm either stretching information from un-named sources or wondering why a child predator isn't being considered. It's frustrating. moo


To me, because of my different life experiences, that is one part of her story that rings true!

My nephew went through the whole ear infection/teething thing when he was around baby K's age. My sister (his mother) is an MD and very attentive. She never, ever treated her own children, she probably went to the pediatrician twice as often as parents who are not MDs!

Probably due to having had so many ear infections, whenever my nephew got over stimulated and over tired, he often pulled or poked at an ear. It was just a habit and it did not always mean he had an earache, sometimes it just meant he was feeling generally fussy and crabby.

One sure way to figure out if it was really an earache or just fussy overly tired toddler was to take him for a ride in the car. If he kept fussing, it was an earache for sure. If he was just overly tired, he would fall asleep in his car seat and if given an hour or so to nap, would wake up re-charged and ready to go.

Oddly enough, now that he's 17, he still pulls on an ear when he's thinking hard.

So far, what is frustrating to me is that there seems to be lots of suspicious behaviour alleged but as for actual evidence? Very scant and nothing that gets anywhere near even a preponderance of the evidence for me.

Soooo frustrating.
Yes,it was discussed at the beginning of Kyron's disappearance. I think a lot of posters believe that TH has at least some involvement in Kyron's disappearance, and that is why not much importance was given to what the kids posted to each other on FB.


Thanks very much. I didn't join here until the end of June--Wow, it feels a lot longer than that--and I haven't gone back and read the early threads.

I gotta say though, not to discount the kids completely, that kids will focus on someone as "creepy" or "weird" or whatever simply because the person is different than what they usually experience/see on TV/is simply odd, etc. Overactive imaginations and all that. Not like anybody we know around here. :angel: ;)

That said, I would imagine some of the kids mentioned this fellow in their questionnaires, and I bet LE has followed up on it. I'd say, IMHO, there's only a 10% chance this was stranger abduction and they probably figured out that it was, hypothetically, just Johnny's dad who's a bit of a hippie or something.
Gosh, with everything that I have read, would love to see a link to the FB discussion amongst the kids who were chatting about the scary stranger. You'd think the local papers would have been all over that. Dang....

Would you happen to have a link to that? TIA

I was reading all the posts at the beginning of this case here, and I never saw any discussion of children's fb postings. I'd be very surprised to see this discussion, since I believe linking to children's fb pages or even talking about minor's fb pages is against TOS here.
I was reading all the posts at the beginning of this case here, and I never saw any discussion of children's fb postings. I'd be very surprised to see this discussion, since I believe linking to children's fb pages or even talking about minor's fb pages is against TOS here.

I recall it being mentioned but not a substantive discussion probably for the reasons you've mentioned.

Unfortunately, I think LE decided from early on that TH had done "something" and I further thnk that once LE makes that mental determination, their focus is on proving their theory and not on finding altermatives to it. Sometimes that can be a distinct disadvantage, actually tunnel vision is almost always a disadvantage.

While TH is a seriously disturbed person, which leads to valid suspicion, all other areas should have been thoroughly explored.
I recall it being mentioned but not a substantive discussion probably for the reasons you've mentioned.

Unfortunately, I think LE decided from early on that TH had done "something" and I further thnk that once LE makes that mental determination, their focus is on proving their theory and not on finding altermatives to it. Sometimes that can be a distinct disadvantage, actually tunnel vision is almost always a disadvantage.

While TH is a seriously disturbed person, which leads to valid suspicion, all other areas should have been thoroughly explored.

I hope LE did thoroughly investigate this report of the "creepy" man, because I can guarantee you if they didn't, Houze is going to jump all over it at trial.
a thought

TH tells the teacher that the doctor's appointment is Friday, tells Kyron it's friday so as if he talks to a friend they also think it's planned for him not to be there.

No one in authority has commented on the paperwork that TH supposedly gave the teacher...what date was listed on the paper? did it have the 4th or the 11th? did she tell the teacher the 4th even if the appointment date on the paper said 11th knowing/hoping the teacher wouldn't notice?

I would think that the date on this supposed paperwork would be key...


If the date was June 4, wouldn't the teacher have had to return it to TH that day?
I was reading all the posts at the beginning of this case here, and I never saw any discussion of children's fb postings. I'd be very surprised to see this discussion, since I believe linking to children's fb pages or even talking about minor's fb pages is against TOS here.

I remember it clearly, because I researched it.

Advanced Search > Keyword creepy is your friend.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5253270&postcount=251"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #1[/ame]
I think it is interesting that early on in the case someone commented in a news blog that TH said she was taking Kyron to an appointment THAT DAY. I think LE is trying to keep a lid on this so as to keep the investigation under control. But I won't be surprised if we find out that this was an issue since Day One.

If this turns out to be fact, I can't for the life of me figure out how anyone thought they could get away with doing that???

I know! It just boggles my mind....if all of this is true, if TH told school staff she was taking Kyron to the doctor that day, then she had to have known LE would learn about this the moment she reported Kyron missing! It would mean that she ENSURED that everyone would know for a fact that SHE was the last person to see Kyron, and that she'd made up a story about a doctor's appt. to get him out of school.

It would be like painting a huge sign that said "I did it." and standing under the sign..
I recall it being mentioned but not a substantive discussion probably for the reasons you've mentioned.

Unfortunately, I think LE decided from early on that TH had done "something" and I further thnk that once LE makes that mental determination, their focus is on proving their theory and not on finding altermatives to it. Sometimes that can be a distinct disadvantage, actually tunnel vision is almost always a disadvantage.

While TH is a seriously disturbed person, which leads to valid suspicion, all other areas should have been thoroughly explored.

You're right about the minors' fb pages being discussed or at least brought up (Thanx for link, BeanE.)

However, we really don't know what LE has investigated, so there's no way to know whether all other areas have been explored or not. LE has said more than once that everybody is a POI in this case.
I know! It just boggles my mind....if all of this is true, if TH told school staff she was taking Kyron to the doctor that day, then she had to have known LE would learn about this the moment she reported Kyron missing! It would mean that she ENSURED that everyone would know for a fact that SHE was the last person to see Kyron, and that she'd made up a story about a doctor's appt. to get him out of school.

It would be like painting a huge sign that said "I did it." and standing under the sign..

Jaymie Finster said that Terri told her she (Terri) had told the teacher about an appointment but she was afraid the teacher misunderstood the day and also mentioned that the teacher was new (not true) and had a hearing problem (don't know if that's true). I think Terri probably thought that was a clever way of using the appointment to keep people from searching early for Kyron but also to allow her to deny she had said any such thing.
I think as a strategy it is about on the same level as an alibi that a person was driving a toddler around back roads for an hour and a half.
Anyway, it's a good possibility we'll find out at some point for sure, if the teacher ends up testifying in a trial to exactly what Terri said to her, if anything, about an appointment. Of course, that's only if they ever charge Terri with a Kyron-related crime.
I am so very positive that any report of a "bushy haired -stranger type" of comment or concern would have been taken seriously by LE, also let us not forget that there were many other agencies with specialized focus that are involved with this case. FBI was called in within hours of his being reporting missing so whatever experience in missing childrens cases the local law enforcement may or may not have had really isn't important in the larger picture. So when I read, Oh my......I hope they looked at this comments, I think well if they didn't think to look into it.. one of the other large handful of specialists, searchers and agents would of thought of it.

In summary, IMO I am sure they looked into possiable strangers being at Skyline that day along with individuals that were known to the students, parents and staff.
I am so very positive that any report of a "bushy haired -stranger type" of comment or concern would have been taken seriously by LE, also let us not forget that there were many other agencies with specialized focus that are involved with this case. FBI was called in within hours of his being reporting missing so whatever experience in missing childrens cases the local law enforcement may or may not have had really isn't important in the larger picture. So when I read, Oh my......I hope they looked at this comments, I think well if they didn't think to look into it.. one of the other large handful of specialists, searchers and agents would of thought of it.

In summary, IMO I am sure they looked into possiable strangers being at Skyline that day along with individuals that were known to the students, parents and staff.

But no one has ever mentioned a "bushy haired stranger " that is an inaccurate description. I am not sure why you would write that. And ,yes, I do know what the term means in a LE investigation.

I do give the FB kids a certain amount of credibility ; they saw someone who made them feel uneasy. Perhaps they do not have the level of sophistication to describe this person . So they used the word "creepy " I would not discount what they said because it doesn't fit in with what I think may have happened to Kyron .....

Yes, I agree that the CARD unit would have looked into all such possibilities.

But no one has ever mentioned a "bushy haired stranger " that is an inaccurate description. I am not sure why you would write that. And ,yes, I do know what the term means in a LE investigation.

I do give the FB kids a certain amount of credibility ; they saw someone who made them feel uneasy. Perhaps they do not have the level of sophistication to describe this person . So they used the word "creepy " I would not discount what they said because it doesn't fit in with what I think may have happened to Kyron .....

Yes, I agree that the CARD unit would have looked into all such possibilities.


There were lots of adults at the school that day, right? It could have been anyone, including a parent or grandparent. If a kid doesn't "know" an adult (especially a male) they could easily be termed "creepy" by the kids.

Yes, I also hope the allegations were thoroughly investigated.
I know! It just boggles my mind....if all of this is true, if TH told school staff she was taking Kyron to the doctor that day, then she had to have known LE would learn about this the moment she reported Kyron missing! It would mean that she ENSURED that everyone would know for a fact that SHE was the last person to see Kyron, and that she'd made up a story about a doctor's appt. to get him out of school.

It would be like painting a huge sign that said "I did it." and standing under the sign..

If Terri is responsible and took Kyron away from the school then, the way I see it,

if there was no Dr. appointment the following Friday, the 11th, then it was a VERY STUPID thing for Terri to say to the teacher if only to give the teacher reason to not worry about Kyron's absence. However, if there was a Dr. appointment the following Friday, then creating the confusion of "oh I meant NEXT Friday", was a VERY SMART thing for her to do. And if that's the case, then what I see as the failure in that plan was the failure to realize that Kyron, (who would have been told by TH he was being taken to the doctor after the sci-fair) would possibly tell his friend K. So if this is what happened, Kyron will be the one who foils TH's plan.

But, I'm still on the fence about TH. I this were a non-fiction book I was reading, I think I'd have tossed it by now, as totally unbelievable......all of it. LOL
I hope LE did thoroughly investigate this report of the "creepy" man, because I can guarantee you if they didn't, Houze is going to jump all over it at trial.

I have been following this case from day one and have searched back thru the threads on several sights and as many articles as I could google but I still dont see any reference to kids and fb and creepy guy...

Does anyone have credible links or references to this tidbit?
Here's what TP said. These are my own transcriptions, because I've seen a lot of inaccuracies in the transcriptions in news articles and on the net. I only trust myself for video transcriptions. Your mileage may vary. :)

Video 1:

- I went downstairs, and that was the last time I saw him and I never did see him after that.

- And she was like 'oh no where's Kyron there's only five' and Miss Porter's like it's alright calm down, calm down she's probably in the bathroom or getting a drink of water and she's like alright I'm gonna leave and she left.

Video 2 (reporter says TP saw Kyron around 8:45):

- And he walked by the hallway and I'm like, Hi, Kyron, and he's like, Hi. I'm gonna go see this cool one. Electric one. And I'm like, Alright, bye. And that's the last time I saw him. He never did make it back to class.

Video 1: http://video.aol.ca/video-detail/in...-of-kyron-horman/2091168039/?icid=VIDURVNWS08

Video 2: http://www.kptv.com/video/23842579/index.html

The problem is that it has been said that TP's report indicates to some that Kyron was in the group touring.

When the sub asked where Kyron was and the teacher said that he was getting a drink of water.

This to me indicates that in fact he never was in the group at all.

The TP report is confusing and it needs more context in what he was saying.

To me, I conclude that Kyron was not in the touring groups.
TH says she left Ky on the second floor near has classroom. Correct? If TP's report is accurate as far as where he last saw Ky that would be the "second" floor, as he said he himself went downstairs. That's what I was trying to figure out. Did TP say he last saw Ky on the second or first floor. I don't think a child would screw up where he last saw him, particularly if he was heading "downstairs" after that. He would remember that, I'd think.
If it's true TH told the teacher Kyron had a Dr appt when he actually didn't and Kyron turns up missing during that time, I have no idea why TH hasn't been arrested yet!

IF TH did tell the teacher this, she obviously had it planned and caused deliberate confusion about the appt day. This would explain why the teacher claims she hadn't expected Kyron to remain at school BUT it leaves me confused as to why she told the other teacher Kyron may be getting a drink or using the bathroom if she did indeed believe he had left with TH. I mean, why would teacher say this since the other teacher easily could have looked for Kyron or been alarmed after Kyron not returning 15 minutes later. If she truly believed Kyron had left for the Dr, I think it'd make a lot more sense to inform the other teacher of that.

Have we ever heard if Kyron even had a Dr appt at all? Because that will be a HUGE key if not. I don't even think it matters what day TH claimed the appt was if it didn't even exist.

And yes, I know LE knows this already -- just thinking out loud here.
TH says she left Ky on the second floor near has classroom. Correct? If TP's report is accurate as far as where he last saw Ky that would be the "second" floor, as he said he himself went downstairs. That's what I was trying to figure out. Did TP say he last saw Ky on the second or first floor. I don't think a child would screw up where he last saw him, particularly if he was heading "downstairs" after that. He would remember that, I'd think.

I transcribed what TP said and posted it for you yesterday, from both news videos:

Here's what TP said. These are my own transcriptions, because I've seen a lot of inaccuracies in the transcriptions in news articles and on the net. I only trust myself for video transcriptions. Your mileage may vary. :)

Video 1:

- I went downstairs, and that was the last time I saw him and I never did see him after that.

- And she was like 'oh no where's Kyron there's only five' and Miss Porter's like it's alright calm down, calm down she's probably in the bathroom or getting a drink of water and she's like alright I'm gonna leave and she left.

Video 2 (reporter says TP saw Kyron around 8:45):

- And he walked by the hallway and I'm like, Hi, Kyron, and he's like, Hi. I'm gonna go see this cool one. Electric one. And I'm like, Alright, bye. And that's the last time I saw him. He never did make it back to class.

Video 1: http://video.aol.ca/video-detail/in...-of-kyron-horman/2091168039/?icid=VIDURVNWS08

Video 2: http://www.kptv.com/video/23842579/index.html
The problem is that it has been said that TP's report indicates to some that Kyron was in the group touring.

When the sub asked where Kyron was and the teacher said that he was getting a drink of water.

This to me indicates that in fact he never was in the group at all.

The TP report is confusing and it needs more context in what he was saying.

To me, I conclude that Kyron was not in the touring groups.

I agree. I don't see anything that leads me to think that Kyron may have been in the groups.
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