Who Is Caylee's Biological Father?

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Thanks for posting that. It was good to read Cindy's posting again. I really think this posting is the one instance in this case where Cindy was totally and completely honest. There is nothing to dispute about what she said here. This seems to be exactly what happened.

Someone mentioned in an earlier post about a postpartum depression type of defense strategy. This posting supports that since the lies seemed to have started after Caylee was born. I don't think it would fly in court...just sayin' though.

What I hope to see come out of the trial is more knowledge about the things that happened that made Cindy actually declare Casey a sociopath to Ryan. I don't think people get the sociopath label just for stealing money. What else happened? Oh and to stay relevant with the thread...Who's the daddy? lol

She really was the one that turned Ryan against Casey. I have read through his interview and his public statements. He was shocked that Casey had been lying to him for so long. He thought she was competitive and such, maybe told a white lie or two but when comparing stories with Cindy on the phone he was befuddled. She did call Casey a sociopath according to him. She was trying to turn her friends against her, and this was one friend that she had for years. He was shocked to say the least. Cindy grieved during that month Caylee was missing. I think she wanted to believe Caylee was okay but knew better. As when Casey had Caylee, Cindy took over the family again right after the frantic third 911 call. I think they cleaned the car, sullied evidence, and circled the wagons for Casey to protect something. In my humble opinion, they needed to protect Casey to protect Lee and to protect the family in general. Caylee quickly became a side thought. When has the family publically cried out for help in finding Caylee? They haven't begged and pleaded for her return. They entered full protect mode that night, the same night Cindy pocketed Amy's money.
Broderick-I meant to post the fact that when Ryan was asked if he knew who the father was he told LE that he just thought he was some "transient" which I found a strange choice of words!

There are several versions from the family directly and indirectly about who the father is. That is a huge clue to what they are hiding imo.
missmybaby....Unlikely why???
We can't assume that just because she got pregnant at 18, doesn't mean the 'sex' had not been going on for months or years previous to the pregnancy....

It seems everyone is assuming she got pregnant during the 1st and only November sexual encounter with this 'male'...I question that...
as there IS a big reason for C. to keep the secret... could this male have been a family member, a minor, a clergy, a teacher, a school janitor etc. etc.

what male encounter would lead to 4 years of lying and secrets ...:liar:

I never said I think she had one encounter that lead to pregnancy. I believe it's more likely she had encounters with multiple partners then found herself pregnant. Not wanting to share this with Cindy she apparently lied about her pregnancy and didn't receive medical care until she was 8 mos along. When she was found to be pregnant she again lied saying JG was the dad, when that lie caught up with her she probably decided she didn't want to go through that again and she told Cindy the dad moved out of state and later died.

The teacher/janitor doesn't make sense, since she had been out of school for 6 mos when she got pregnant, therefore no need to lie about it. Clergy, again she's not a minor why lie? Minor, well that's trouble for her possibly, but being that she was 18 if it was a minor even close to her age the courts would look at who ever brought the charges funny before punishing her. And the male would have to press charges, no one else could do it in his name.

As far a family member, why would she lie? If she had been abused she was the the victim she wasn't 9 years old anymore, you can't take an 18 year old and say shame on you for making me do this. I'll hurt your family if you tell anyone.

I believe this wasn't a big issue in their house, more like a non-issue. Caylee was loved by her family, that's all that mattered to them. If Caylee hadn't gone missing it never would have come up.
Thanks for posting that. It was good to read Cindy's posting again. I really think this posting is the one instance in this case where Cindy was totally and completely honest. There is nothing to dispute about what she said here. This seems to be exactly what happened.

Someone mentioned in an earlier post about a postpartum depression type of defense strategy. This posting supports that since the lies seemed to have started after Caylee was born. I don't think it would fly in court...just sayin' though.

What I hope to see come out of the trial is more knowledge about the things that happened that made Cindy actually declare Casey a sociopath to Ryan. I don't think people get the sociopath label just for stealing money. What else happened? Oh and to stay relevant with the thread...Who's the daddy? lol

Depressives don't party every night. They don'[t have the energy.
Many people have been commenting on the many "potential" daddy's but look closely at the time frames. So far all the promiscuity has been after the conception of Caylee-- this is very telling to me. Noone ( to my knowledge) has come forward and said they were intimate with KC before Late 2004 ------What precipitated this behavior change?

Her age is the main reason I would see...
When LP came out with his statment several weeks back about "the result of a union between KC and LA" I thought he was way out with his theories and ideas.
Until there is more information who really knows?
The thought of it is sickens me, but so does everything else about this bizarre mess.
KC may indeed not know who the bio father of Caylee was.
From all that has come out she seems to have had several partners.
It has been stated she was furious when JG had the paternity test.
If she does know she most certainly won't come out with the truth.
Her truth is "mistruths"
I am wondering if Caylee was Casey's first and only pregnancy. It seems she was quite promiscuous.

I think LE most likely has her medical records, and there will be something in there very interesting. If she had psychological problems CA surely would not want it to be known. CA called her a sociopath - Why?
Was she on any type of medication for any psychological problems she may have had?

I don't think CA wanted LE to see those medical records, just like she didn't want them to see the JCP statement.
I said Lee or George was Caylee's father right after this case came out to the public & then i said the father of Caylee was Lee & said it Long before BH L.P. said anything about Lee maybe being Caylee's father. I really think Lee is Caylee's father & it does make me sick to think & say it. I got jumped on at another board for saying that. people dont wanna hear it. i keep telling them that these kinds of things do happen. i hope i'm wrong.
I said Lee or George was Caylee's father right after this case came out to the public & then i said the father of Caylee was Lee & said it Long before BH L.P. said anything about Lee maybe being Caylee's father. I really think Lee is Caylee's father & it does make me sick to think & say it. I got jumped on at another board for saying that. people dont wanna hear it. i keep telling them that these kinds of things do happen. i hope i'm wrong.

Incest is not a small fragment of society. It is very common, particularly in severely dysfunctional families like this one. I have gone back and forth between GA and LA. There was a reason they filed for divorce. It could have been that GA found out it was LA or......that it was GA and KC told LA about it.

I do think LP is on the right track and I believe that is the reason they are trying so hard to cover all of this up. I also believe it lends reason as to why they have not been arrested for obstruction of justice with all the things they have done to prevent LE from getting the truth.

If LE knew one of them was the father, they would most likely look over the attempts at covering up because they would assume it was because of the incest and the shame associated with that.
I am wondering if Caylee was Casey's first and only pregnancy. It seems she was quite promiscuous.

I think LE most likely has her medical records, and there will be something in there very interesting. If she had psychological problems CA surely would not want it to be known. CA called her a sociopath - Why?
Was she on any type of medication for any psychological problems she may have had?

I don't think CA wanted LE to see those medical records, just like she didn't want them to see the JCP statement.

I wondered that immediately when CA said early on "OH NO, Not another one." I thought how many kids has this woman lost.
I never said I think she had one encounter that lead to pregnancy. I believe it's more likely she had encounters with multiple partners then found herself pregnant. Not wanting to share this with Cindy she apparently lied about her pregnancy and didn't receive medical care until she was 8 mos along. When she was found to be pregnant she again lied saying JG was the dad, when that lie caught up with her she probably decided she didn't want to go through that again and she told Cindy the dad moved out of state and later died.

The teacher/janitor doesn't make sense, since she had been out of school for 6 mos when she got pregnant, therefore no need to lie about it. Clergy, again she's not a minor why lie? Minor, well that's trouble for her possibly, but being that she was 18 if it was a minor even close to her age the courts would look at who ever brought the charges funny before punishing her. And the male would have to press charges, no one else could do it in his name.

As far a family member, why would she lie? If she had been abused she was the the victim she wasn't 9 years old anymore, you can't take an 18 year old and say shame on you for making me do this. I'll hurt your family if you tell anyone.

I believe this wasn't a big issue in their house, more like a non-issue. Caylee was loved by her family, that's all that mattered to them. If Caylee hadn't gone missing it never would have come up.

My guess is that by the time they learned that JG was not the father, CA made the decision not to pursue the issue anymore. She had just won big-Caylee was hers and hers alone. She no longer had to share her w/ another family. I believe that this is when roles really started to change. Caylee ultimately became a pawn in the CA/KC relationship. CA wanted Caylee, in order to have Caylee, she had to play by KC's rules. KC was content for a while-but, then well, she started to get bored and you know the rest of the story.
The father is the brother Lee.

That is why he refused DNA and polygraph test

Do you think George and Cindy know? Its hard for me to believe this, but he does act very strange. I mean, if thats his daughter, what must he be thinking...what if it is a secret and no one knows except Lee and KC.

Someone mentioned in an earlier post about a postpartum depression type of defense strategy. This posting supports that since the lies seemed to have started after Caylee was born. I don't think it would fly in court...just sayin' though.

Yeah, that was me. OK, so how many people on here think that the miscarriage really happened, (no, not a miscarriage of justice), the miscarriage of a baby?

In my mind, the miscarriage information can be used in any number of ways:

- This is true and it exacerbated her undiagnosed post-partum depression/psychosis
- This is true and it initiated her post-partum depression or psychosis
- It is a lie, but will be used to try and prove either of the above

can you think of any more?
I'm curious as to why this question remains at the forefront. If testing proved Caylee's biological father was a family member, would KC be any more or less responsible for the baby's fate? I've been wrestling with that question and would love to hear other's views.
I'm curious as to why this question remains at the forefront. If testing proved Caylee's biological father was a family member, would KC be any more or less responsible for the baby's fate? I've been wrestling with that question and would love to hear other's views.

If this theory is true, it doesnt make her any less responsible for killing her baby, but I feel the defense would use some sort of post traumatic distress defense strategy. It could also explain some of CA & GA's behavior.
If...they find Caylee's body and definitive proof, Then...

the defense strategies will be Psych. of maybe PTSD or Post-Partum Depression/Psychosis to show she was insane, and should be in a mental hospital

Otherwise, I think it's going to be: Lack of Evidence
I have not searched all the pages here, so please forgive me. I am no where near being an expert, but someone might know more about this. Since Caylee has/had hazel colored eyes and Casey has blue, the father would have brown or hazel eyes? Eye color genetics has alot to do with determining eye color from the mother and the father to what the child would have. Doesn't LA have blue eyes? A blue eyed mother and a blue eyed father could only produce a blue eyed child. Blue being very dominant? Just thinking here. Thoughts?
I wondered that immediately when CA said early on "OH NO, Not another one." I thought how many kids has this woman lost.
Turbo - Where is this quote from??? I've read other posts where it is mentioned but this is not an interview that I have seen. Can you post a link??? :)

The father is the brother Lee.

That is why he refused DNA and polygraph test....

OkOk...good question, why? How much older is Lee than Casey?
As bad as C. needed money, I would think she would have put forth a big effort to find the father of C., in order to get child support...if she had any lovers in November to pin it on..
since this was NOT done, there has to be a Huge secret about the father, or how the pregnancy occurred, more embarrassing than the money....Hmmmm!
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