Who is the Mystery Man who came for Chili ?

I think KC said it meant more to him than they would ever know cause she would give her left blankity blank to have been there for the chili party....she was talking I think about herself wishing she were there......and wanting to say, "get me out of this @#$% jail you @#$% parents, you".....

i still think it was more than that, though. and again, she didn't even ask who it was. someone like casey would ask, she would want to know who is horning in on her family in 'her' house while she is stuck in jail. she would have asked who it was, and it would have been in a very indignant way. if she meant it the way you suggest, she wouldn't have put it so mildly, she would have come out and said very plainly 'so nice of you to have strangers over for dinner and you're not even trying to get me out of here, i should have been there, not some stranger.' except, she wouldn't have even been that nice...
Maybe it was one of her friends? She might have known who they were talking about, so they didn't need to say his name. Just a guess.
When did little Trenton D's daddy come to visit the A's? I thought it could be him.
Thank you for starting this thread. So the birthday was August 9th, which was a Saturday. Would this be someone having something to do with the meter reader dude? Didn't he call in the suspicious bag on August 11th, 12th and 13th? Do I have the dates right? Then they visit KC on the 14th and you can tell that they're desperate for information from her and frustrated that their 31 minute conversation got them nowhere.

Connection to the mystery man and the meter reader? The timing seems about right. Maybe his supervisor, who is rumored to be their neighbor?
Kalani? Not sure if that is his real name. The young man that is pretty unstable. George gave him Casey's white sunglasses, the one that had a nervous break down when they confirmed that the remains were those of Caylee. I am thinking that this may be the stranger. Has this young man been check into yet? I have been looking for a thread about him and have found nothing. I also heard that he may be invited to Caylee's private vigil and that speaks volumes to me, why would they want him there? Thoughts?

WTH :waitasec: Ummm, shouldn't those glasses be given to Amy H., or returned to Target?

Quick, someone check E-Bay to see if they are up for bid! LOL!:crazy:
GA said that this young man was alone and wanted to come over-I mean, did this man call first? That's what it sounds like to me. Although they didn't know him may be KC did. (KC never asked WHO this man was...odd)
They opened their hearts to him and they BOTH needed that? If Caylee was the subject of their conversation, why would this young man need to open his heart to the A's and most importantly why they felt the need to open their hearts to him?
AND why would this man need to come talk to them on CAYLEE"s B-DAY of all days?

TIA would also add why would the A's trust this person, it could be an undercover cop, it could be a reporter, it could be a nut, why would they do this? They wouldn't in my opinion.

I would have to also question why KC didn't ask, Well who the heck was this guY? It is not in what they do say it is what they do not say and ask. JMO
my dd on a normal day would ask a dozen questions about who we were letting in the house. You better believe she would be freaking out if she thought I was showing off her room letting a stranger in it. She does not even want her own cousins in there. (not saying she keeps it nice and neat but she does not want any one or anything moved touched cleaned up or snooping around) I am not included in the snooping part I will look anywhere I darn well please she is only 16.

I don't even know if the A's gave the person a tour they probabaly would have at least shown Caylees room.
I know this is sort of off topic, but I have been waiting since August to bring it up. Great grandma made Caylee a peanut butter & jelly sandwich when Caylee visited in June because they were having chili. Cindy states she made chili for Caylee's b-day cause it was her favorite. Now I hardly imagine that by age 3 Caylee had eaten enough chili to acquire a taste for it in about 6 weeks. Just another of CA's little mistruth?

I have no idea who the mystery guy is, but possibly just like one of those guys that go door to door getting you to try and join their church. I think they were just incredibly upset and needed a distraction from it being Caylee's b-day, so invited him in to eat to have someone to talk to to get their minds off of Caylee for a little while.

Maybe CA made chili cause it was Caseys favorite. Just a thought
GA said that they didn't know him, that he just called out of the blue, had no family, needed to talk.... right??? I think the OP is missing some info.
GA said that this young man was alone and wanted to come over-I mean, did this man call first? That's what it sounds like to me. Although they didn't know him may be KC did. (KC never asked WHO this man was...odd)
They opened their hearts to him and they BOTH needed that? If Caylee was the subject of their conversation, why would this young man need to open his heart to the A's and most importantly why they felt the need to open their hearts to him?
AND why would this man need to come talk to them on CAYLEE"s B-DAY of all days?

Could be he was someone who had lost a loved one also ,and his heart went out to Caylees grandparents not only because they had a missing grandchild,but isnt that when the public started turning on them?
Didn't George say this person had no family ?

This is why I think that it may be this Kalani guy that had the big confrontation in front of the Anthony house when they reported that the remains were those of Caylee. In the Aug 14 jail video, George states "A Young Man"....
Quote from Aug 14 jail conversation:

George asked Casey how she spent Sat ( Aug 9, Caylee's Birthday?) Upset that Cindy made chili.

Casey read the bible all day miserable was under the blankets all day. Claims she broke down for the first time, hearing about the fact that mom was making a bunch of chili and a bunch of people at the house upset her. going off on what people are telling her.

George calms Casey down, said it was just Cindy, Lee and himself at the house. Then he, claims that there was a young guy that just happen to call, came over, they didn't know him but that he was alone and wanted to come over they never met him they open their heart to him and let him come over. George said he was a nice guy and it was nice to get to know him....Casey said the bible states to love thy neighbour and share all they have.
I think 'young' man is the operative word here. Someone who would be around Casey or Lee's age. Also, if this were the meter reader we would be hearing the Cindy cry foul from every roof top in Orlando. I tend to think this is someone made known to them through their church/vigils.
The strangest part of this story is that KC didn't ask any questions. Not even for the sake of simple conversation. This really shows how disinterested she is in anyone outside of herself. C and G - you really did a smash up job raising this demon.
I have been asking this question since I saw the tape and noone seemed to have an answer. I thought that it may be the father too but some suggest that it was JH. I just thought that it was odd that this "mystery man" came to visit on CAYLEE's B-DAY of all days.

Trenton Ducketts Dad. They said in another interview that they had been in contact with him....
This is why I think that it may be this Kalani guy that had the big confrontation in front of the Anthony house when they reported that the remains were those of Caylee. In the Aug 14 jail video, George states "A Young Man"....
Quote from Aug 14 jail conversation:

George asked Casey how she spent Sat ( Aug 9, Caylee's Birthday?) Upset that Cindy made chili.

Casey read the bible all day miserable was under the blankets all day. Claims she broke down for the first time, hearing about the fact that mom was making a bunch of chili and a bunch of people at the house upset her. going off on what people are telling her.

George calms Casey down, said it was just Cindy, Lee and himself at the house. Then he, claims that there was a young guy that just happen to call, came over, they didn't know him but that he was alone and wanted to come over they never met him they open their heart to him and let him come over. George said he was a nice guy and it was nice to get to know him....Casey said the bible states to love thy neighbour and share all they have.

I think that Kalani was probably the stranger. I also found this article:

"She knows I support her. I know that she knows I support her," Kalani B. said. Kalani said he has talked with Casey's family about his support."
(edited to remove last names)

Do you think he might have talked to them on Caylee's B-day or just at some point when he was outside the home?

Maybe it's that black man who had the high drama one day outside the house, I think it was the day they found the body. He was screaming and crying and there was a woman with him.

That's who I think it probably was.....he was always outside the A home to show his support for them.
I think its the black man also that was obsessed with KC and thought she was innocent and telling the truth and went beserk when they found the baby's body.

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