Who thinks Tommy will succeed in getting his sentence modified?

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This judge is 2 faced. He should've called Ronald out for dealing, during the Haleigh investigation, just like he did Tommy, Is this guy Misty's judge? Because if he is, I'm sure he's gonna throw that on her too. If he's no't willing to be consistent, then he should've kept that opinion to himself. Globbing Ron in with 'the others', is too little too late. Him not fronting Ronald out, makes him lose credibility, IMO. Why is this judge so offended by a missing girl's dad's gf's brother, selling drugs, but not the missing girl's dad? & I'm not sure what TN was even talking about. court? jail? the drug dealing? If she was talking about court or jail, then she's more delusional than I thought. Ron was no less drug dealing, than the others...& more than some.

IMO, Ron is the worst...not only did he get caught selling drugs during the inestigation into what happened to his daughter......he used information that he had to help his case and get a plea deal....how low could he go? He needs to buried up under the jail..:furious: .JMO of course
From what Levi reported Tommy is getting a new attorney. Tommy has already filed an appeal and asked for a new public defender because Tommy feels that he had ineffective counsel. You can here Levi report this on his show 10/04/2010.
I'm sorry, but Tommy seems so ungrateful. What does he expect a lawyer to do for him? He committed these crimes, & has told some very incriminating tales, & no lawyer is gonna get him out of the pen. If he doesn't like the jam he's in, he shouldn't have dealt drugs, & he should've kept his mouth shut. Now, I would hope that Werter stressed the keeping his mouth shut part, but even if he didn't, nobody made Tommy take that LDT or tell those stories. He's a big boy, & did this to himself. Tommy lied, to get out of trouble, it didn't work, & now he wants a lawyer to wave a magic wand, & make it all go away. But, I am wondering if he's fixin' to change his story, & Werter said, 'enough'? I think Tommy has bigger things to worry about than this 15 year sentence. MOO.
Ineffective council or ineffective lies, Tommy?
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