GUILTY WI - Apple River multiple stabbing; one teen dead, 4 other people hurt; 52 year old man arrested, July 2022

Given my somewhat high activity in here yesterday it might be surprising to know I only just saw the verdict now, heh (I've had a million things to do today IRL.)

Obviously if you've seen my previous posts you know I agree with the verdict, but good grief this whole thing was a stupid, sad situation for all involved.

I am happy for Isaac's parents. And really glad that only ONE person died that day.
BBM, I wouldn't stab anyone that's for sure.
This is what I was getting at yesterday in some of my comments. Punk young people saying stupid garbage at you is not a reason to just stand there largely silently, refuse to leave when asked, and start stabbing multiple people. Period. ESPECIALLY if you're the OLDER AND PRESUMABLY MORE MATURE PERSON THERE.
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BBM, I wouldn't stab anyone that's for sure.

And I think an example would be if he was in a grocery store tying is shoes for an elongated time with girls skirts at eye level. Reasonable people would question what is going on.

NM is now being held accountable for his actions, correct.
Ok, i agree... stabbing is not appropriate.

But, again, there were NO GIRLS around him.... OR the group of teens. NONE. It was 5 boys, all drunk and high. So put yourself in the store or anywhere really, what would you do? I really think you should watch all their testimony if you haven't. It was enlightening to say the least. But def. more to the story than i think you have read about or seen snippets of.

NM lied afterwards, and did stupid stuff... I think that is mostly why he was found guilty. But every single person there lied, there was even a fake video made to try to 'help' the 5 teens. Putting that altogether is where I come up with my view. I don't think he was 'not guilty' but murder 1 was a reach, and i don't think he intentionally stabbed to kill. I think he swung the knife in all directions and thats why he hit only one that was in the original group. The others were the Carlson group that came up to 'help'.
Ok, i agree... stabbing is not appropriate.

But, again, there were NO GIRLS around him.... OR the group of teens. NONE. It was 5 boys, all drunk and high. So put yourself in the store or anywhere really, what would you do? I really think you should watch all their testimony if you haven't. It was enlightening to say the least. But def. more to the story than i think you have read about or seen snippets of.

NM lied afterwards, and did stupid stuff... I think that is mostly why he was found guilty. But every single person there lied, there was even a fake video made to try to 'help' the 5 teens. Putting that altogether is where I come up with my view. I don't think he was 'not guilty' but murder 1 was a reach, and i don't think he intentionally stabbed to kill. I think he swung the knife in all directions and thats why he hit only one that was in the original group. The others were the Carlson group that came up to 'help'.
Sorry, even his own party testified that a reasonable person would suspect what he was doing was predatorial
NM is not a victim in this at all, that's why he did all the things he did.
Ìm at peace with this verdict , correct jury decision . ÌS family got justice for their much loved son .
A takeaway from here on......I do hope the young people in this video look at their language and behaviour though and use it as a life lesson .
Ok, so you agree... it started because he was IN THEIR WAY. Not looking for little girls.. just in their way.
No? Miu was also grabbing someone's leg and moving them around in their tubes without consent. Then he prevented the boys from leaving by standing in their way, because he assumed the boys had found a phone and were "hiding it" from him.
So next time you walk thru a grocery store and you accidently block their cart with yours in an aisle... and they start yelling at you and videotaping you... calling you a thief, or child molester, and their friends all start too, will you just stand there? Or will you respond? Or would you run away?
This actually happened to me, I can explain how I chose to react.
I approached a few people protesting. I wanted to see how the protestors were communicating their message. I asked to see some of their literature. I politely asked my questions and we had a discussion. They were initially polite, too. At some point they viewed my questions as unfriendly, and they decided to start recording me. They stopped speaking to me, and I realized they thought by recording me I would go away? It was very odd. I realized they wouldn't speak to me so I continued to speak calmly to their phone. They became upset, because their idea didn't work and I was still there. They started verbally berating me (forgetting to ignore me) and stopped recording. Again, it was very odd to ask people questions and watch them become emotional that *I* was not becoming emotional, too. I didn't care that I was being recorded, but they seemed upset that they couldn't rile me up? I left peacefully, with my literature.
This case is one of the most challenging cases that I think a jury could face. All parties acted poorly. I wouldn't have wanted to be in their position.
I think they got it right (based on my opinion), but if the jury had gone the other way I would have accepted their verdict.
I have to say I was surprised at the speed that they arrived at the decision. I truly expected a hung jury. Based on comments here it seems that people were on one side or the other.

Thank you to everyone here who shared their views.
Right? If nobody complained about Miu's behavior, he could have just continued standing in front of people's tubes and preventing others from flowing down the river.
How dare they tell him to stop!

I wasn't aware the river was so narrow that one human body could prevent a group of drunk tubers from going down a flowing river!

Also, have you ever been tubing?
Nicolae Miu is found guilty of murder
"As he was led away afterwards, Miu was seen turning to stare at his surviving victims and their families."

He stared down the victims and their family as he walked away. I don't think there is much more that is representative of what kind of person he is.

Dailymail loves their headlines. His actual charge is one count of first-degree reckless homicide, not intentional nor murder for Issaac. The others were four counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety while using a weapon

Reading those articles with the sensationalism is one reason i watch the entire trial. Its amazing how many untruths are published these days without factchecking.
This case is one of the most challenging cases that I think a jury could face. All parties acted poorly. I wouldn't have wanted to be in their position.
I think they got it right (based on my opinion), but if the jury had gone the other way I would have accepted their verdict.
I have to say I was surprised at the speed that they arrived at the decision. I truly expected a hung jury. Based on comments here it seems that people were on one side or the other.

Thank you to everyone here who shared their views.
I didn't follow the case (too obvious), but it seems to me the jury's job was easy. They would have been instructed on the legal definition of reckless homicide, and the different elements that have to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

There is no question a knife is a very dangerous weapon, there is no question that he stabbed people with it, there is no question he could foresee that would endanger their lives.
Therefore he is guilty.

The only way out would have been proof the victims pulled the knife on him, which didn't happen.

The jury couldn't even consider the circumstances around the event because the law doesn't care about that. However, that could come into play during sentencing.

<modsnip: referenced posts were removed>

When NM crashed into the tubes, imo he saw someone had a phone and thought they had found the one he was looking for. As he ran up to the tubes, he slipped on the river rock which hurtled him into the boys and their tubes. That was part of his testimony and why he wished he had better river shoes.
Also, at that same time he lost his goggles and snorkel. Afterward, the goggles and snorkle were found lying amongst the tubes.

IMO, he lied knowing his life was ruined. Not a good excuse but I understand it.

I suspect they will file for an appeal and a change of venue. I hope MN doesn't spend the rest of his life in jail. And loving his dog above all else is nothing for him to be ashamed of.
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When NM crashed into the tubes, imo he saw someone had a phone and thought they had found the one he was looking for. As he ran up to the tubes, he slipped on the river rock which hurtled him into the boys and their tubes. That was part of his testimony and why he wished he had better river shoes.
Also, at that same time he lost his goggles and snorkel. Afterward, the goggles and snorkle were found lying amongst the tubes.

IMO, he lied knowing his life was ruined. Not a good excuse but I understand it.

I suspect they will file for an appeal and a change of venue. I hope MN doesn't spend the rest of his life in jail. And loving his dog above all else is nothing for him to be ashamed of.
He came running up to the boys. He was aggressive. He took his goggles and snorkel out and clamped them in his mouth as he grabbed at the boys. So my interpretation of events (as fallible as it can be) is that he didn't lose his snorkel because he slipped. He lost his snorkel because he put it in his mouth as he 'attacked' (modestly) the boys. But he definitely grabbed at their tubes and legs. The 'slipped' excuse doesn't wash with me.

ETA: he was literally running towards them. This has nothing to do with the rumor that he was acting predatory around girls. I discounted that immediately. His behavior was still alarming.
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When NM crashed into the tubes, imo he saw someone had a phone and thought they had found the one he was looking for. As he ran up to the tubes, he slipped on the river rock which hurtled him into the boys and their tubes. That was part of his testimony and why he wished he had better river shoes.
Also, at that same time he lost his goggles and snorkel. Afterward, the goggles and snorkle were found lying amongst the tubes.

IMO, he lied knowing his life was ruined. Not a good excuse but I understand it.

I suspect they will file for an appeal and a change of venue. I hope MN doesn't spend the rest of his life in jail. And loving his dog above all else is nothing for him to be ashamed of.
Ya, that was the excuse the defense gave for running up to the boys and grabbing legs and tubes.

Plenty of people had phones on the many other people did he grab?
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Re: the snorkeling near girls being perceived as creepy. When you're tubing, your rear end/private parts are typically hanging down into the water. So if someone is snorkeling near you, what will they see? The river bed, maybe some legs or feet, the bottom section of lots of tubes, and probably quite a few rear ends/private parts. Yes, snorkeling nearby in that situation can come off as creepy. Creepy if it was little girls, little boys, teen females or males, or grown women and men. Creepy period and especially when multiple people tell you to stop it and go away.

About them starting to shout bad things about him or yell for help -- isn't that what many parents and safety courses teach? If you are feeling creeped out, menaced, or scared, make a fuss. Make a rukus. Don't go quietly. That's exactly what the teens did. I don't think it was a mob scene, it was a younger generation that has been drilled on stranger danger. They reacted (even when drunk) with what our society often says you should do to protect yourself. I don't understand why everyone is ragging on the teens and saying their behavior was embarrassing. NM's behavior was worse than embarrassing, he murdered someone and physically injured others. If any parent should be horrified by their child's behavior, NM's parents should be feeling horrified and embarrassed at how their son behaved.

Maybe the bigger societal lesson learned for others needs to be that older guys with anger management issues shouldn't be belligerent *&^#s and shouldn't just stab people because they're ego hurt, or they can end up in jail where they deserve to be.

Teens, kudos to you and contine to call out creepy behavior by others. Continue to film. If there had been no video, I feel the trial outcome would have been vastly different.

Please remember that NM has now been convicted by a jury of his peers. I don't think others have been charged and they are considered victims.


Yep, his feelings were hurt? moo

I don't think his feelings were hurt, I think his ego was hurt. I think he has an anger management issue.

Agree totally with you. You don’t have an excuse to go on a stabbing spree, stabbing people who never touched you (in some cases), stabbing upwards, never calling 911, actively evading LE, attempting to unload the knife, and obviously committing perjury on the stand. It’s just sad that people excuse this. Did Isaac’s group act correctly, no. Did this person have a legal justification for *multifaceted* criminal conduct? No.

I was watching Lawyer You Know recapping the verdict. He posed a theory that I had not considered but since he is a practicing defense attorney it seems reasonable. He thinks at first there was a majority for first degree intentional but some not in agreement but they were okay with the first degree reckless ...easier to move down than. up. They got the verdict fairly quickly what about 6 hours give or take?

Agree with these posts and with the jury's verdict.

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I was away IRL for a long time today and just saw the verdict.
Wow. Murder in the first !
I expect the jury watched, re-watched video, listened to testimony, and decided that NM reacted in a manner that was out of proportion to the verbal and pushing offences committed by the younger group.
A young life lost over absolutely nothing.
That is the real tragedy here, imo.
I do hope Isaac's family is at peace with the verdict (& hopefully the sentencing !) and can someday find closure.

Apple River stabbing trial: Witness attempted to aid victims​

Quote from youtube:

Eric Von Williams was tubing down the river with Nicolae Miu, but he'd met him the day they got to the river. Von Williams said he was the only person from the group who went over to help after the altercation, and when he returned to his group, none of them asked what happened or spoke and they floated away with no music playing. He testified after the altercation, he never spoke to Miu again.
Ya, that was the excuse the defense gave for running up to the boys and grabbing legs and tubes.

Plenty of people had phones on the many other people did he grab?
That ... leg grabbing was out of line, imo.
I knew from watching the video several times as it seemed from the second encounter NM had reached out and grabbed their inner tubes.
But, their legs ?
Holy cow.
This, btw, would indicate NM had initiated physical contact first, and not the teens/young people.
One person from his party said that, and he didn't even know NM. He met him for the first time that day. He also said that he didn't believe that NM was a predator. Granted, he said that he was concerned about the optics, but that does not prove that NM was snorkeling around trying to look at imaginary little girls. There is zero evidence that there were young girls in the immediate vicinity, or that NM was exhibiting sexual predator behavior, but if you have any links to what you have been repeatedly claiming as fact, please post it.
The man was charged and convicted, but NOT of being a sexual predator, a peeping Tom, a creeper, a "raper". If there was evidence of that, I imagine that the DA would have thrown him a charge for that along with everything else.
This case is tragic enough without the embellishments IMO.
I didn’t say he did anything.

I’m saying multiple people saw his actions as suspect. This leading to their verbal argument and attempts to get him away from teen boys and girls.
I was away IRL for a long time today and just saw the verdict.
Wow. Murder in the first !
I expect the jury watched, re-watched video, listened to testimony, and decided that NM reacted in a manner that was out of proportion to the verbal and pushing offences committed by the younger group.
A young life lost over absolutely nothing.
That is the real tragedy here, imo.
I do hope Isaac's family is at peace with the verdict (& hopefully the sentencing !) and can someday find closure.
I wish that EVERY party in this case was repentant. EVERY party acted poorly. The drunk kids shouldn't have continued to call him a pedo. The Carlson group shouldn't have been quite so aggressive. (Although I believe they thought they were actually helping. Unfortunately they were a bit over the top.)
I agree that NM acted out of proportion and received the right verdict. He owns the ultimate blame for slashing so many people. The knife was uncalled for. The glee in his eyes when he pulled the knife from his bathing suit, while facing the two women, was uncalled for.

No one won here. Sadly.

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