Zimmerman bullying Middle Eastern co-worker

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So GZ's great wrong-doing was watching a young Black male stranger in a racially mixed neighborhood where residents of ALL races were being targeted by crimes...THE MAJORITY OF WHICH were committed by young Black male teenagers. If that demographic is true...there is no unreasonable "profiling." ...just the application of common sense in watching TM. It is ridiculous to expect otherwise. Blame the criminals!

The next we know TM is being beaten to a pulp by TM...but somehow he should just ...let it happen..let him kill him...disfigure him...cripple him. WHY? Because he..."got out of a car" in his own neighborhood..AS WATCH CAPTAIN...to watch a kid fitting the demographic of those committing the majority of crimes? This is some great offense???

What qualifies ANY of us to think that of we fit that description , we have some right that supercedes the RIGHT of all neighbors os ALL races to live without crime...to keep the stuff they worked for????!!! Get over it!!! Good People of all races are sick of excusing crime..of seeing Thugs get away. We all must endure more obervation because of the Culture among us. This is NOT about race...it's about CRIME.
I agree with chicana and others. Many guys and kids haven't drunk as much of the pc kool-aid. Plus, it sounds like this guy got his poor little feelers hurt not because they were joking about his ethnicity (which, btw, they were doing by referencing some character that they obviously didn't make up - so someone else must have thought it was funny, too), but because he was SO SUCCESSFUL and they were SO JEALOUS of him. Sounds to me like he's a tool and he got tool treatment, not the middle eastern treatment. jmo

So people deserve to be classified as tools and picked on? So it's not about this man's race but social status? Am I back in high school? This is so insulting. I see why some people are taking up for GZ. They think just like he does. Putting people into categories and making fun of the ones who don't add up to bullcarp standards should stay in high school where it belongs. It sounds like more and more to me that GZ never left high school, and that is just sad and pathetic.

I was bullied my whole life, and I did NOT deserve it. Everyone deserves to have a comfortable workplace and be treated equally. This guy did NOT deserve to be harrassed by GZ. If GZ had a problem with him, he should have done the mature thing and reported it to his superiors, not make fun of this man so GZ could fit in and be cool. Real world workplaces are not freaking high school and they shouldn't be, all IMO.
So GZ's great wrong-doing was watching a young Black male stranger in a racially mixed neighborhood where residents of ALL races were being targeted by crimes...THE MAJORITY OF WHICH were committed by young Black male teenagers. If that demographic is true...there is no unreasonable "profiling." ...just the application of common sense in watching TM. It is ridiculous to expect otherwise. Blame the criminals!

The next we know TM is being beaten to a pulp by TM...but somehow he should just ...let it happen..let him kill him...disfigure him...cripple him. WHY? Because he..."got out of a car" in his own neighborhood..AS WATCH CAPTAIN...to watch a kid fitting the demographic of those committing the majority of crimes? This is some great offense???

What qualifies ANY of us to think that of we fit that description , we have some right that supercedes the RIGHT of all neighbors os ALL races to live without crime...to keep the stuff they worked for????!!! Get over it!!! Good People of all races are sick of excusing crime..of seeing Thugs get away. We all must endure more obervation because of the Culture among us. This is NOT about race...it's about CRIME.

"justice for Trayvon?" How about justice for all the hardworking people who moved to that area to live in a safer place..to raise their kids in a safer place. Only to have the Culture invade their new home...frighten them..Make them live with unease How about Justice for Them?

So ...Big Deal that TM had to be watched for a few minutes by a man trying to keep that neighborhood safe! Big deal that he exited his car to do a better job! If we all want safety , we have to expect that sometimes WE or our kids might be looked at closely. NO BIG DEAL if you are doing nothing wrong.
Why does TM therefore get to beat GZ half to death for the "insult" of being watched a little more closely ONE NIGHT..for a short period of time???

So people deserve to be classified as tools and picked on? So it's not about this man's race but social status? Am I back in high school? This is so insulting. I see why some people are taking up for GZ. They think just like he does. Putting people into categories and making fun of the ones who don't like up to bullcarp standards should stay in high school where it belongs. It sounds like more and more to me that GZ never left high school, and that is just sad and pathetic.

I was bullied my whole life, and I did NOT deserve it. Everyone deserves to have a comfortable workplace and be treated equally. This guy did NOT deserve to be harrassed by GZ. If GZ had a problem with him, he should have done the mature thing and reported it to his superiors, not make fun of this man so GZ could fit in and be cool. Real world workplaces are not freaking high school and they shouldn't be, all IMO.

This man doesn't deserve to be bullied by anyone at his workplace, but what does it have to do with a case we are discussing? Should GZ be convicted of second degree murder because he allegedly made inappropriate jokes on his job?
So people deserve to be classified as tools and picked on? So it's not about this man's race but social status? Am I back in high school? This is so insulting. I see why some people are taking up for GZ. They think just like he does. Putting people into categories and making fun of the ones who don't like up to bullcarp standards should stay in high school where it belongs. It sounds like more and more to me that GZ never left high school, and that is just sad and pathetic.

I was bullied my whole life, and I did NOT deserve it. Everyone deserves to have a comfortable workplace and be treated equally. This guy did NOT deserve to be harrassed by GZ. If GZ had a problem with him, he should have done the mature thing and reported it to his superiors, not make fun of this man so GZ could fit in and be cool. Real world workplaces are not freaking high school and they shouldn't be, all IMO.

Do we know what is true when the Media starts gutter skimming for any negativity it might find? We all might be surprised at what might be said about us...when we become a POPULAR Villian! Like teenagers, people like to kick a guy if it makes them popular to do so. ANYBODY can claim anything...when it is COOL to hate a guy the Media is persecuting.
This man doesn't deserve to be bullied by anyone at his workplace, but what does it have to do with a case we are discussing? Should GZ be convicted of second degree murder because he allegedly made inappropriate jokes on his job?

Well, a lot of people act like this coworker deserved it. Once again, GZ can do no wrong. He harasses a coworker and that's just fine and dandy to some. Unbelievable. It's okay that GZ bullied someone and then went on to shoot someone. No pattern here.
This man doesn't deserve to be bullied by anyone at his workplace, but what does it have to do with a case we are discussing? Should GZ be convicted of second degree murder because he allegedly made inappropriate jokes on his job?

Great post and the answer is that all of THIS TYPE of salacious slanderous typebof reporting is JUST to ACCOMPLISH THAT. It is meant to create hate so that the facts of GZ's injuries, thecwitness accounts of TM on top savagely beating GZ....will be discarded because HATE will trump fact and LAW.

That's the plan.
So people deserve to be classified as tools and picked on? So it's not about this man's race but social status? Am I back in high school? This is so insulting. I see why some people are taking up for GZ. They think just like he does. Putting people into categories and making fun of the ones who don't add up to bullcarp standards should stay in high school where it belongs. It sounds like more and more to me that GZ never left high school, and that is just sad and pathetic.

I was bullied my whole life, and I did NOT deserve it. Everyone deserves to have a comfortable workplace and be treated equally. This guy did NOT deserve to be harrassed by GZ. If GZ had a problem with him, he should have done the mature thing and reported it to his superiors, not make fun of this man so GZ could fit in and be cool. Real world workplaces are not freaking high school and they shouldn't be, all IMO.

Being a tool is not a social status. It's being a tool. Kind of like being a bully. jmo
I agree with chicana and others. Many guys and kids haven't drunk as much of the pc kool-aid. Plus, it sounds like this guy got his poor little feelers hurt not because they were joking about his ethnicity (which, btw, they were doing by referencing some character that they obviously didn't make up - so someone else must have thought it was funny, too), but because he was SO SUCCESSFUL and they were SO JEALOUS of him. Sounds to me like he's a tool and he got tool treatment, not the middle eastern treatment. jmo

I see it is alright to harass someone at work if someone else made up the jokes. Because this guy was successful he did not have the right to get up every morning and do his job to earn a living and be a good citizen without George cracking jokes at his expense. Classic bully and classic victim demonizing.
Well, a lot of people act like this coworker deserved it. Once again, GZ can do no wrong. He harasses a coworker and that's just fine and dandy to some. Unbelievable. It's okay that GZ bullied someone and then went on to shoot someone. No pattern here.

No, we just don't trust the reporting of a media that ran a child's picture...instead of a picture that showed the person GZ encountered that night....TM's Facebook photo, chosen by HIM, showed a much differentway that TM chose to present himself.

Some of us do not believe a media that dupes us with hyberbole in its choice of words, buries anything negative about TM on the back pages, promotes phony "experts".... and shapes its reporting by omitting what it does not like and sensationalizing what it does. Simple as that

That too is a pattern in media reporting. Some of us have lived it. I dont believe a gutter-searching media that is trying to use emotion to obscure all its biased reporting. Finding someone to bash someone so hated that he must live in hiding...so hated our President and AG appear to have decided the guilt of before he has been to trial....why that is the easiest thing in the world to do. One is instantly popular if you hate GZ.

Pile on and be popular!!! Give us dirt to report to obscure the inconvenient Facts!!!!Hurrah!!!

No way can this man get a fair trial.
No, we just don't trust the reporting of a media that ran a child's picture...instead of a picture that showed the person GZ encountered that night....TM's Facebook photo, chosen by HIM, showed a much differentway that TM chose to present himself.

Some of us do not believe a media that dupes us with hyberbole in its choice of words, buries anything negative about TM on the back pages, promotes phony "experts".... and shapes its reporting by omitting what it does not like and sensationalizing what it does. Simple as that

That too is a pattern in media reporting. Some of us have lived it. I dont believe a gutter-searching media that is trying to use emotion to obscure all its biased reporting. Finding someone to bash someone so hated that he must live in hiding...so hated our President and AG appear to have decided the guilt of before he has been to trial....why that is the easiest thing in the world to do. One is instantly popular if you hate GZ.

Pile on and popular!!!

No way can this man get a fair trial.

What does the media have to do with it? This is a statement the guy is giving to the police isn't it?
yes,mikeysmom,if you listen he complained in writing.Interesting how your post confirms that racism is funny to some.

Well, it IS funny to some, and that's why Achmed the Terrorist sells tickets to shows and CD's.

Although I can't stand that character, he's just not funny. But he does sound like that witness.
Will we hear from those who have a grievance against TM? Was he a bully? No, he is a saint and anyone who says otherwise will be branded a racist or attacked as defaming the dead.

This is the media ground search for anybody and everybody who has something he didn't like about GZ. They will scour his entire life.

Of course, NOT ONE OF US could stand up to such relentless scrutiny. There are always those who for reasons of jealousy or insecurity or the like...can find SOMETHING bad to say about every individual on earth.

Including Trayvon...but that is NOT allowed.

The hyperbole of the words used is also interesting. A bad joke...An annoying phrase is now "tormenting." Have we really all become so self obsessed that we have lost the meaning of words like "tormented." This Board is full of hideous cases of REAL torment....real STALKING...and cold blooded murder. Those words are cheapened as are the real people who endured the REAL THING...by using them to try to demean GZ to Win an argument...or convict the man.

I fail to understand how ridiculing someone and referring to them as a "dead terrorist" and seemingly going out of one's way to imitate them in a disparaging manner qualifies as "an annoying phrase."

Bullying is not okay, and there is in fact a thread here about bullying, as people do die as a result of bullying. I feel disappointed and disheartened to read that perhaps some feel like bullying is not a "real thing." I'm wondering what kind of message that attitude sends to bullies and their victims. Huh.

ETA: I keep seeing it said that people are referring to TM as a saint, but I haven't come across a post or article that actually states that. I'd appreciate a link to one being provided, if actually available, thanks.
No, we just don't trust the reporting of a media that ran a child's picture...instead of a picture that showed the person GZ encountered that night....TM's Facebook photo, chosen by HIM, showed a much differentway that TM chose to present himself.

Some of us do not believe a media that dupes us with hyberbole in its choice of words, buries anything negative about TM on the back pages, promotes phony "experts".... and shapes its reporting by omitting what it does not like and sensationalizing what it does. Simple as that

That too is a pattern in media reporting. Some of us have lived it. I dont believe a gutter-searching media that is trying to use emotion to obscure all its biased reporting. Finding someone to bash someone so hated that he must live in hiding...so hated our President and AG appear to have decided the guilt of before he has been to trial....why that is the easiest thing in the world to do. One is instantly popular if you hate GZ.

Pile on and be popular!!! Give us dirt to report to obscure the inconvenient Facts!!!!Hurrah!!!

No way can this man get a fair trial.

I don't think most of the people who don't believe GZ's account of what happened hate him. I just think we don't believe him. But this is off topic and this is suppose to be a discussion about the Middle Eastern gentleman and I'd hate to see the thread shut down because we keep getting off the track. Thanks
Do we know what is true when the Media starts gutter skimming for any negativity it might find? We all might be surprised at what might be said about us...when we become a POPULAR Villian! Like teenagers, people like to kick a guy if it makes them popular to do so. ANYBODY can claim anything...when it is COOL to hate a guy the Media is persecuting.

This is a police statement released in the discovery. Gutter?
Well, it IS funny to some, and that's why Achmed the Terrorist sells tickets to shows and CD's.

Although I can't stand that character, he's just not funny. But he does sound like that witness.

What makes you think the witness sounds like the character?????
What does the media have to do with it? This is a statement the guy is giving to the police isn't it?

Given after the Media has devastated this man for months...ridiculed anyone who supported him. Given after the Black Panthers made death threats. Given after our President and AG made comments before this man has even gotten to trial. So yes, how easy to come up with something that aggrieved you..to exaggerate something to be part of the POPULAR GUYS who hate GZ. Trolling for dirt...trolling for anything to defame this man. It is disgusting. Amd Idoubt that people in any of ourlives could not be found, under similar horrific biased circumstances...to trash us. Maybe in different ways...but people love to pile on. Especially when there are death threats coming certain places to,add to the...incentive.
Well, it IS funny to some, and that's why Achmed the Terrorist sells tickets to shows and CD's.

Although I can't stand that character, he's just not funny. But he does sound like that witness.

So it is alright to harass the man at work because of the way he sounds?
Given after the Media has devastated this man for months...ridiculed anyone who supported him. Given after the Black Panthers made death threats. Given after our President and AG made comments before this man has even gotten to trial. So yes, how easy to come up with something that aggrieved you..to exaggerate something to be part of the POPULAR GUYS who hate GZ. Trolling for dirt...trolling for anything to defame this man. It is disgusting. Amd Idoubt that people in any of ourlives could not be found, under similar horrific biased circumstances...to trash us. Maybe in different ways...but people love to pile on. Especially when there are death threats coming certain places to,add to the...incentive.
It is discovery released because of the sunshine law.
So it is alright to harass the man at work because of the way he sounds?

And don't most people who are of native Middle Eastern decent all sound the same??? You have to give them credit. They seem to have no problems speaking English which is more than I could say if I were to go to their country. jmo
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