Zimmerman Real Time Trial Thread Only *NO DISCUSSION* 06/27/2013

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Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Lauer is being cross examined by defense atty Mark O'Mara.

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
She said someone very matter if factly said I have a gun, or take my gun. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
She never heard anyone say call the police or you're going to die tonight m----- f-----, as #Zimmermanon9 claimed he said.

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
The jury is listening to the 911 call with screams and shot. Taking a lot of notes. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
She says her neighbor said something like "what the hell are you doing" and the yelling for help continued. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
She says she and her husband ducked when they heard the gunshot. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
She says the yelps turned to helps.. And believes it was the same man over and over. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
It was her call to 911 that recorded the screams and the gunshot. She says when she called she was hearing yelps. #Zimmermanon9

WFTV Eyewitness News ✔ @WFTV
LISTEN: Lauer's 911 call w/screams of "help" and gunshot: http://at.wftv.com/19FHMrm #zimmermanon9 pic.twitter.com/jzAet0zgJO
Retweeted by Kathi Belich, WFTV

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
She said the grunting turned into yelping and they decided to call 911 when they heard the scuffling sounds. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
She said she heard loud voices then immediately scuffling after she turned down the tv and then grunting. Couldn't see. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
She said the grunting turned into yelping and they decided to call 911 when they heard the scuffling sounds. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
She said she heard loud voices then immediately scuffling after she turned down the tv and then grunting. Couldn't see. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
She said it sounded like scuffling and noise was unusual when it's raining. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
She muted the tv and heard sneakers on pavement on grass.. Like someone was running on the pavement and grass. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
She said it was loud talking.. Like a three part exchange. Both voices sounded at the same volume and sounded flustered. #Zimmermanon9
Tony Pipitone ‏@TonyPipitone 58s
Photo of bloodied #GeorgeZimmerman was taken by SPD so Lauer could ID subject from photo, she didn't recognize him with injuries.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Updated: Friend: Trayvon Martin encounter racially charged (from @AP) #zimmerman http://m.apnews.com/ap/db_268748/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=HaxZvhuW …

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Lots of cursing in this trial. They're just quoting what people said/allegedly said, but still lots of cursing in this trial.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 6m
Lauer: "They sounded like they were in our living room. They were right there."
Bernie is now asking Ms Lauer to identify locations of specific photos showing the crime scene area.
It is being noted how dark it is outside at the time.
Bernie is pointing out in a photo of the front of her house that night, the address of her residence 1211 being LIT UP and visible from the street.
She agrees but says it depends on where you are standing if you would be able to see the numbers.

My note: George writes with his left hand.

Back to aerial view of the complex. Talking about the three streets in the complex.

She was a board member of the home association. Knew George from sight, but had never formally met him. Knew that they were starting a neighborhood watch program but didn't know much or anything about it. Knew Geirge had sent out some emails about neighborhood watch.

No further questions.

Mr O'Mara.

From reviewing your deposition they had been out all that day at someone's 92nd birthday. Yes.

Shows her the big diagram, so she can point out where the tv and couches were. He tries to get her to characterize the back and forth of the voices she heard.
She says: "Scuffling, the noise that shoes make." Asks her if the noise seemed to be moving in the direction of (south).

He keeps trying to get her to estimate times. And, wants her to estimate the length of the 'yelping' or 'helping'. The sound for her was better than what we can hear on the recorded call.
Describe what it sounded like to you. 'It sounded like they were desperate or that they really needed help.'
She did not hear anyone ask to call the police. She did not hear anyone say you are going to die tonight m****advertiser censored**r.

She heard (George) say, 'I have a gun, take my gun'. She says, she took it as someone who was telling the police they have a gun. She would have been more concerned if the person had run off.

She and Jeremy came down and they went outside. Police were roping the area off. Police asked if she would identify the man with the gun. She did not want to go over to the man to identify, she didn't want the person to know who she was. That was when the officer went and took a picture of George sitting in the car and went and showed it to Ms Lauer. She was unable at that time to identify it as George.

O'Mara is having Bernie help with the projector. Is asking her if there is a street sign there or near there, or where is it? About the house numbers, they are not always obstructed, I just said you couldn't see them from every angle.

The sidewalk is concrete? Yes.

Difficult to identify who the voice belonged to. Couldn't say it was George. Did the screams sound like life threatening screams.?
Lauer: Yes.

Asking her about the appropriateness of George. Nothing stood out to her being inappropriate. (my words)

O'Mara asks about her about Jeremy and the knife. She says "he never found a knife, because he didn't know where they were at."

By the time they got upstairs, the shot had gone off, they did not go out on the balcony to look.

Bernie is back.

Mr O'Mara asked you about a neighborhood nearby. About the 'cut through' being used by both residents and non-residents. She thinks it was used by both.

She can't say where it started, she can only say what she heard.

The walkway is used by and for everyone.

She can't say who was screaming.

OM asking her about lighting, obstructions to see her address. She said not always obstructed by husband's truck.

She never had problems with GZ.

Asking if could have been GZ who was yelling for help? she doesn't know. He shows her the picture with injuries and asks if someone hurt like this might have been screaming, excuse me, yelling, I know that was improper.

She says possible, he asks same about another picture, judge stops, said asking her to make an assumption.

Said husband has some weapon but he couldn't find it and then shot was heard, and was not needed then.

OM through. Pros. back for redirect. Clarified she did not know who the persons were talking...she heard a couple of yelps before gun shot....
She can't say who was yelling for help. He requests sidebar for a matter that came up in cross.
Judge sends Jury off to the Jury Room.

Short matter in court.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
Lauer says she can't say "either way" whether it was Martin or Zimmerman screaming.

Tony Pipitone Tony Pipitone ‏@TonyPipitone 20m
Photo of bloodied #GeorgeZimmerman was taken by SPD so Lauer could ID subject from photo, she didn't recognize him with injuries.

Continue with pros. redirect. Asks her about saying she had not seen GZ being angry before. He asks her if she was aware that GZ had been on a protection order from a woman he had attacked before, and had attacked LE before. She said yes. In other words she knows he had an anger problem before.

[Bill S. says the defense may have made a mistake asking her about his temper since this opened the door for pros. to bring up this background/charges in the past.]

OM asks if she is aware there were other circumstances involved? she did not. Pros. wants to bring more evidence in but not now, judge says she can be subject to recall for this.

Pros. also brings up that she is follows GZs brother on twitter.
She had said she did not respond to any twitter about case. sidebar

Pros. asks witness about her following the twitter but she said may have done it accidentally. Does not know how her account got on there. On FB, she said does not support either side.

OM asks her how many tweets she has made...0...but pros. points out she has 36 followers but she says doesn't know how it works. It doesn't make sense for her to follow the defense on twitter.

Judge excusing her, subject to recall. Call next witness, short recess first.
Proffer by Bernie is

Asking Ms Lauer if she had knowledge of a prior restraining order by and ex-girlfriend against George for violence against her.

Were you also aware of his arrest for violence at a bar.

O'Mara explains to the witness his version of George's prior violence things.

Bernie wants to reserve right to recall the witness with more info on those George incidents.

Bernie has one more proffer for the witness:

Do you follow George's brother's writings on Twitter or Tweet or ? On Facebook?

She says no.

O'Mara is distraught. Go to sidebar.

Bernie is now showing Ms Lauer a Twitter thing that shows she is following Robert Zimmerman Jr.
Actually, it seems like the names are following her. No one seems to know how it works.

On your Facebook do you have Frank Taaffe as a friend. Yes, he is a neighbor.

Nothing more, they are excusing Ms Lauer, subject to recall.

Short afternoon break.
Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
Lauer has been excused. Courtroom on break until 4:30 p.m. #ZimmermanOn9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
O'Mara to Lauer: How many tweets have you done?
Lauer: Zero (0)
BDLR seems a little confused tho about how Twitter works. #ZimmermanOn9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
Lauer claims she doesn't know how Twitter works and that she doesn't regularly use it and doesn't remember following him. #ZimmermanOn9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
BDLR showing Lauer her Twitter account and it apparently shows that she 'follows' Zimmerman's brother's account. #ZimmermanOn9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
Attorney's appear to be looking at computer screen. Could possibly be Social Media accounts brought to light. #ZimmermanOn9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
BDLR now asking if Lauer follows or replied to Zimmerman's Brother. She can't recall.
Lawyers now called back to the bench. #ZimmermanOn9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
2/2 how much Lauer knew about Zimmerman's previous restraining order against him. #ZimmermanOn9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
1/2 Sidebar is over & the jury has been asked to leave momentarily. Lawyers are discussing the how much Lauer

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
Sidebar right now. Lawyers are at the bench.
Sit tight everyone
Jury and judge back...court in session for new witness.

New witness will have translator as she mainly speaks Spanish. She works for a construction co. is an architect, lives in Miami now, did live in Sanford before, educated in Columbia but has taken some courses in U.S. Has 2 children, 9 and 14 years old at the time of incident. Lived with friend Mary Crutcher a.nd her daughter. None of children were at home that night. It was rainy and dark.

Did she hear something outside your house. Yes, like a crying, she was in kitchen in back of house, toward middle sidewalk. Window open halfway.
What did crying sound, sound like, translator makes noise. Sound was soft, low, she looked out kit. window, too dark to see, hear other sounds? yes, like a dry sound, like bump of child falling, did think was gunshot, no, did hear crying sounds after, no, what do you do then? I ran toward back porch as far as the screen door, screen half way up to keep daughters little dog inside. Was sound coming from R or L, the R, did you look to R, yes, see people? yes, saw 2 people.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Mira says that she is a former Retreat resident. Lived there with her two kids and a friend.

Jeff Weiner Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 5m
Next up: Selma Mora, another #GeorgeZimmerman neighbor. Talked to CNN & other outlets after shooting. #TrayvonMartin
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
The next state witness is speaking in Spanish through an interpreter.
Miro saw 2 people on ground, one on top, like on a horse, knees on each side, he was facing toward trash receptacle, dog waste? yes.

Could you tell is person on top was black/white or what? no too dark, clothing, only can say it was a pattern between black and red. At that point in time he must have been supported somehow by person on ground, because holding same position, person on bottom laying down? yes, on back or stomach, can't say, were they moving, legs shuddered.

Did she say anything to them, 'what's going on?', said loud enough they should hear, nobody answered. Person on top turned to look but no answer.

Asked again, and person on top said, call the police. Person on bottom say anything? no....did one of them get up, the one on top...what did he do? He took few steps from the body toward dog waste thingee, he walked forth and back, pacing and put hand on head and one on his waist.
4:35 PM EDT

Judge, bring the Jury back in.

Judge looking for the jury instruction sheet regarding next witness.

Jury in. Call next witness.

Female Witness with a Spanish Interpreter:

Jaime Sotomayer, the official court interpreter

Selma Mora

Lives in Miami. Employed as construction, I sell equipment for construction work. For a total of nine years. She is a US citizen, from Colombia, has been here 9 years. Speaks a little English but more comfortable in this case situation using an interpreter. She has degrees. She is trained as an Architect.

She lived at 2831(?) Retreat View Circle in Feb 2011. Her 2 children, 9 & 13, and her friend Mary Kuchar and her daughter also. Selma and Mary were the only ones home that night. Mary's daughter was across the street with the eldest daughter of my former husband. (Huh?)

The weather that night was rainy and dark. Heard like a crying sound that night. Was in the kitchen in the back of her townhome. Yes. Window out to back was open half way. Any other background noise in kitchen at the time you heard the crying sound? No. Can you describe what it sounded like to you.
She emits a 'crying' sound.
Could you make out any specific words? No. Did you look out your kitchen window. Yes. It was too dark I was not able to see anything.

Heard a sound, like the thump of a child falling. Compares sound to like a long board, when a child jumping on it, it thumps.

Back porch screened in, to waist high. The purpose was to keep her daughters little dog in.

The sounds, were they coming from the right or the left? To my right.

When you went out, did you look to your right? Yes. Did you see any people, how many? Yes. Two.

Locating her residence on a photo (taken next day) looking down the T.

When she got outside, she saw two people. One on the ground, with one on the top. Could not tell if person on top was man or woman? No. The person was facing towards where the trash receptacles were. (the doggie trash).
Could you tell if person on top was black, white, spanish. What little light there was, I could not tell.
The clothing looked like a pattern, between blacks and reds.

He must have been supported on the person that was laying on the ground. I saw his right side, he seemed like stooping over. Could not see the position of the person lying down. Saw person on bottom, a little bit of leg movement, like a shutter. I said: "What's going on?" (loud enough for them to hear, in English.)

The person on top turned around to look but did not issue a response. She asked again, whats going on. The person did not respond, she asked a third time, and the person on top responded 'saying to call the police.'

The person on top got up, took a few steps away from the body, towards the dog receptacle. At that point she could tell it was a man. Then, he walked for a few steps, towards the receptacle, and back and then he put his hands on his hand on his head, with his left hand on his hip.
Basically she is describing him pacing or walking back and forth.
When he got up could you see the person on the bottom better. Yes. The person on the bottom was face down on the ground.

Saw someone with a flashlight. At that point my friend (Mary Kuchar) had said to me, it was a gunshot. Thought she should go back inside and she saw a female neighbor from 1251 come out and she screamed at her to go back in because there was shooting. Selma went back inside, Mary was on phone, calling 911.

The police came to the residence that evening. Mary Kuchar did most of the speaking to the police that night. But, there was a document, that if they wanted to write something down they should use that piece of paper. Mary did so. Selma was trying to contact her former husband so he would not bring the children back that night. About 4 days later she told the police what she had seen and heard that evening.

Had never seen nor heard of George Zimmerman, had lived there since 2007.

Thats all.

Now Mr O'Mara
Did person pacing say anything?>>no, just looked

Did person on ground do or say anything? no

At that point, roommate was screaming that was a gunshot. A female across from her stepped outside. Mary was on 911. She went back inside. Mary did most of talking to LE that night but she later gave a statement.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 16m
Mora says she didn't think the thump she heard was a gunshot.

Stephanie Wash Stephanie Wash ‏@WashNews 20m
Mora heard "crying" outside while she was in her kitchen. #TrayvonMartin #GeorgeZimmerman
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 19m
Mora is testifying about sounds she heard behind her home that night. Asst state attorney John Guy is questioning.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 20m
@Danny_Morales_ yes, Mora. Typo. Thx.

Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 4m
The person who was on the bottom was faced down on the ground while other man was walking around.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
Mora testifies that after man that got up after the struggle/shooting they weren't staggering and walking normally. #Zimmerman #Travyon

Stephanie Wash Stephanie Wash ‏@WashNews 9m
Mora asked person on bottom: what's going on? No response. Asked person on top: turned and look but did not respond.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower
Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Prosecution done questioning Mora. Defense atty Mark O'Mara is starting his cross-examination.

Corey Dade ‏@CoreyDade 10m
Witness Mora: "The one who was on top" in fight got up and "took a few steps fm where the body was." #GZtrial #TrayvonMartin

OM asks about screams, how many, she says the cries I heard, just 2.
He keeps saying screams..why her voice not on 911 call? she said yelled across to neighbor to go inside, but he's saying she did not yell. she says, I did.

OM asks her to demonstrate her actions that night, going from kit. to outside.
Puts her through it 3 times, wants to show jury how long it would take.

He asks her if still dark and she cannont see very well? What little light there was, but could still see silloete (sp)...she can only say the person with knees on ground had their hands on the other person. Person on top was moving the arms or hands of person on bottom? no
OM asks where was the person pacing, he walked back and forth at least 3 times, hand on head like a person concerned.

Was he acting as if confused, no not to my understanding.

Remember in deposition she said he might be confused about what just happened? I said he was acting like concerned. Sort of like he couldn't believe what happened?

He gets out p. 25 of defense deposition: she reviews. Question, did you see him go back....judge interrupts and says not the proper way to refresh her recollection, calls for speculation. He asks what do you remember about what he did? Like, he was wondering what just happened? Is it accurate to say he looked confused? He definitely had one hand on his head and one at his waist. He walked up and back 3 times before the man with flashlight came up. He asks again about the man being confused.

Did you ever get a better look after the flashlight was there, to get a look a better look at GZ? no. No, she could not see blood on him.

Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 14m
Screengrab: Mora demonstrating where she was, window was, when gunshot happened. #GeorgeZimmerman #TrayvonMartin pic.twitter.com/KvVk4wNXq7
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower
OM through, Pros. on redirect. Is there any way you can determine what the man was thinking? no

Stephanie Wash Stephanie Wash ‏@WashNews 2m
Mora: Cannot determine what Zimmerman was thinking as he paced after shooting.

Goes over picture of back yard and where the columns are she mentioned in the demonstration. That's all.

Judge giving jury instructions, court is being dismissed.

Back until 9am tomorrow...

Bill S. this was a strong witness for state and she strengthened Rachel's testimony.
Mr O'Mara

Talking about bushes.

Did any screams on 911 call sound to you now, what may have been the cries that you heard?

On the 911 call you listened to, you didn't hear your voice at all did you? Well, it wasn't something I really paid attention to. He wonders if she heard herself yelling to the neighbor across the way on the tape of the 911 call. She says: No. It would depend on which recording you are talking about.

Did you yell before Mary made her call? Everything happened so quickly, I can't be sure.

Now O'Mara is describing a long board as a skateboard. (???)

He is asking her to perform for the jury how she went from the kitchen and the coffee and then outside through the screen door.

(Live Performances and reenactments seem to be the rage these days, i.e. HLN)

Here we go. It has to be seen live to be appreciated. O'Mara wants her to do it in the same time it all happened that night.

O'Mara: You earlier said It was very dark and you could not see that well?

Ms Mora: The little light from the houses you could not see that well but you could see the silhouettes.

Now about the leaning over?
Was the person on top moving the hands or arms of the person on the bottom? No.

Person on top responded third time. Correct. Just call police. Correct.

Ms Mora: He walked towards receptacle about two or three times before person with flashlight appeared.

O'Mara asks about George;s hand on head and hip. What was her impression.

He is asking her to speculate. Bernie objects, O'Mara shows her her deposition done with O'Mara.
In that statement, he is trying to refresh her recollection. Does it? Si. How would you describe how he acted. Well, and I mentioned it awhile ago too, he was acting in a concerned manner. Well, in really in a way, like, 'what just happened?', 'confused'. Is it accurate to say he looked confused to you?

Ms Mora: From the silhouettes and shadows, he definitely had one hand and the other on his hip. Walked up, walked back, walked up, walked back, and the man with the flashlight appeared? Correct.

When the man with the flashlight appeared, did that allow you to see a better view of George? No.
I have never seen him as a person, only the photos I have seen.

Did you see blood on his nose when he was walking back? No, like I said at the beginning. Too dark, couldn't see details.


Did you have any idea what was going on in that man's mind when he was walking around that night? No.

The bushes. Same height. The columns, same?

Ms Mora excused.

The Judge is recessing the trial for the night. Reads her instructions to the jury.

5:41 PM EDT

Any other court business?

Court is in recess until 9 AM Friday morning.
Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
Witness excused - Court in recess until tomorrow 9 a.m. For more news on Zimmerman trial, click here http://www.wftv.com/s/zimmerman/ #ZimmermanOn9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
O'Mara done with questions. Guy is re-directing Mora. #ZimmermanOn9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
It looks like @jenna_lauer has deleted her Twitter account. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
Mora: The man on top was acting like he was in a concerned matter. In a way like 'what just happened?' .. confused. #ZimmermanOn9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
Mora said she never said that. #ZimmermanOn9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
O'Mara asking Mora about a comment she made during depo - claiming she said the man put something in his pocket. #ZimmermanOn9

Deneige Broom @DBroomWFTV
O'Mara having Mora walk through in courtroom, how she moved from kitchen, through open sliding glass door, to the patio #Zimmermanon9
Retweeted by Kathi Belich, WFTV

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
O'Mara has asked Mora to demonstrate where she was in the kitchen She is walking around the courtroom. #ZimmermanOn9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
Attorney Daryl Parks, accompanied by @SybrinaFulton and Tracy Martin, to make statement to media after court adjourns. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
Mora could hear sounds while in the kitchen, but didn't know the distance. O'Mara is showing a diagram of the neighborhood. #ZimmermanOn9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
Mora never met #TrayvonMartin or #GeorgeZimmerman. Guy is done questioning - O'Mara's turn. #ZimmermanOn9
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