Zodiac 340 Cryptogram Solution

I wanted to share the Z340 break with you as well as show you how the same template that is used to translate the letters is also used later to locate another area of his killings !!!

The top line is HER CLUE WRATH OF GOD and acts only as an initial fill in the blank to find the key phrase. The next letter held a section of text 340 letters long that told everyone "You Must Print" in a vertical manner with an arrow. The Key Phrase is then entered vertically into a Vigenere Cipher Tableau and shifts each line in the alphabet.

I have shown how this is achieved step by step by using the hints and guides in the letters one by one as they pertain to the way to create the homophonic cipher from the elements you are given to examine.

This is the Cipher and the Template showing the key phrase

Notice that the hint in the first line is HER CLUE WRATH OF GOD?

Operation Wrath of God later saw the use of a signature at the bottom of the letters they sent to people's families that they targeted in Palestine, and Europe. The agency had taken the operations to the Israelis and instructed them in the use of this tactic. Their motto was WE DONT FORGIVE WE DONT FORGET. The same one that was used in the Vigenere Shift in the Tableau to create the Homophonic. This is not the only time that we see there are not only killings and hidden instructions in how to find the victims, but at the same time the underlying messages in the ciphers showed that they were conducting other activities at the same time, and that this was part of their plan to deceive the masses of Law Enforcement Agencies about it all as they secretly planned their affairs.


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The Vigenere is made into a sort of template that is used to add the letters into to derive a translation, but they only show that they work with the letters. The cipher is filled with 340 letters, numbers, and symbols. They have to be separated to be run through the cipher template.

When you separate them the right way, taking notice of the use of the L, you get exactly the same set amount of characters, split into two segments. When you compress them from a 17 letter long line to a 18 letter long line they leave one letter space empty but are exactly the same in count.


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The translation is somewhat vulgar and has some sort of theme that is like a scene from a movie that he wants to star in, with a *advertiser censored* theme, and similar to Behind the Green Door.

Take a look....it shows some serious names are players in a CIA wrapped affair, with Mafia, and Media all playing their parts.


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Taking the lead from this cipher and examining the rest.....the other parts that are found hidden are the Quadrants of the Z340's matrix, as divided by the -+- symbols, with written references to the compass that is set over a location. The next step is to examine each letter for a "button" that acts like a locator, with the larger Zodiac Symbol then acting as it's base point. You take a pen and draw the line between them, and then transpose that onto the center of the compass to form rays around the wheel. Each one was found to lead to a killing by the Zodiac. This explains their use of the templates for encoding a cipher, the use of a map from the stars, and the hidden messages that were derived from the use of the victim's name.

The next cipher was called the "My Name Is ____" Cipher or the Z13, for the 13 letters/symbols that were included in this strand.


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Here you see each ray coming from the larger Zodiac Symbol as it charts a path to the "buttons" in the cipher.


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Also to note, they are referencing Urania's book of constellations in their creation of these ciphers as they see the images forming matching patterns, and the cipher was somewhat computerized, using the IBM Space Cadet's Keyboard Symbols for their ciphers. The name of this particular constellation is called Machina Electrica....

These are older names of stars and drawings that seemed to line up on the map, helping to craft the illusions in their ciphers.


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Now onto the use of the Vigenere Tableau for the discovery of another location where they charted out a central point and then set up an array of killings around.

This was something that eluded Police as the letters kept appearing, but they were not able to find more killings in the Bay Area tied to him, as he was killing elsewhere according to the translations of the later cipher.....the Z13

Entering the first and last strands of the ciphertext of the Z13 info into the Z340 Tableau, you see the letters WRJ and JWQ come from the AEN and the NAM. The cipher instructs you in plaintext to use ANY NAME. The translation gives them the instructions to build the map to their killings centered around the location of WRJ....AND it allows one to enter a name into the cipher to then derive a message about the affair tied to them.

In the Fairfield Letter it clearly states "This state is in trouble. I will go for the GoVerment life so don't foreget me." It leaves a symbol as a map, with the upper left handed quadrant shown as the ciphertext. The center of this is WRJ/White River Junction, VT and the four cardinal points are all set to mountains, except the one that is off of Sanders Rd, called the Rock of Ages. The Zodiac Symbol conveniently fits into the symbol for the company that owns the quarry. Looking at the landscape and the writing on the 13 Hole Punch Card you see that it is describing the work at a quarry there that was used for the dump of 13 kids, "Some of them fought, it was horrible" and "The pace isn't any slower, it's just one big thirteenth." The images of the holes in the card align with the large shaped 13 in the road as well in the same place.

This is where you discover that the ciphertext leading to that quarry is off Sanders Rd, near Bernard, VT......and then you enter his name into the Z13 using a stitching method to derive the message A BEENR ON BIKES MADE DNA ARMS

His whole operation can be seen here:

Zodiac Ciphers Solved


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I made a full report to the presiding judge who is looking over the Valerie Percy case, and she saw my report. The woman then called the Kenilworth Police Detective assigned to the case and they reached out to me to get the full report and a walk through of the examination. It was probably the most amazing part of my time in researching this case, as I have made reports to the Vallejo PD as well as to the FBI about the info in the breaks that was tied to other affairs.

This all became official real quick, as the Detective actively was looking for me online to track down MY phone number.....they wanted the info and were serious.

The photo shows what I believe is one of the best line up's to date of the suspects known as "Sandy" from Santa Barbara, The Barefoot Intruder, and the Zodiac in the numerous side by side comparisons. Even though the suspect has been seen in these descriptions, it is important to note that the one that fits all the pics throughout this timeperiod also was wearing glasses, was an intellectual, and was encoding these ciphers with the intent of later passing them onto become Israeli Operations in the Middle East and Europe. There are a few ciphers and letters that that hold traits about his affiliations.


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Bates Had To Die There Will Be More is really concealing the shift of the letters and a stacked letter combo



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Here the ciphers concealed info about the operations in Palestine with the Arab Suicide Vest Riggers that were said to have been made into a game there, whereby a person was abducted and tortured, with their family threatened. They were sent into a bus with an explosive vest on. The cipher shows the plans to abduct someone and torture them with Emag equipment to induce a state of compliance.


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There are a ton of other strange things about these ciphers, as they are made professionally and required the use of massive databases of information about people to be able to select them in these affairs, as their names had to be used against the Z13 as well to derive a part of the message.

Take a look at how it even worked with Bryan Hartnel's name in the Lake Berryessa Killing


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By the time he had gotten to San Fran, he had already taken lives in Santa Barbara in '63, Chicago in '66, and Riverside, CA in '66 before moving onto San Fran. This is where he teamed up with the founder of the 4Pi Cult. His last Bates Letters had just called out for a ride to hide out. That came from their meeting at ART MIND, at a show called GET IT GOD. These ciphers became increasingly more complex until they were broken, and at each interval there was a clear case of a coverup of the evidence and the cases were mostly forgotten about.

What is clear is that the CIA were being investigated in the Church Hearings and they decided to set up the image of the "Zodiac" while in San Fran, and then both fled the area, with Lt Col Michael Aquino fleeing to Santa Fe to adopt the name of a deceased Art Collector "Forrest Fenn". The suspect in the hood fled to the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont where he wrote more letters and set up the cult here in Vermont's small towns. This eventually moved into the Catholic Diocese Scandal as the victims of their molestations were taken to the Quarry and killed in their Masonic/Satanic cults.

Aquino was seen and identified sitting behind the wheel in the parking lot while the Zodiac was in costume killing at Lake Berryessa. He was profiled in these pics as well admitting in his new book "Thrill of the Chase" that he is "Zodiac". He was trying to communicate to Sanders about his new name and identity as he hadn't communicated with him yet in some time.

The other parts about this mystery are explained in detail in the ciphers of Kryptos, an Art Installation at the grounds at Langley, in which the ciphers translate in one section in the Layer Two segments to say "Ol Wing Walcar" exposing the locations of two of the agents in the 4Pi cult in their operations. The ciphers of Kryptos are subtly molded on the Zodiac Ciphers in every way and they are meant to be seen as a type of pivotal time piece that carried on after the last cipher of the Zodiac, into the new stage with the Scorpion Ciphers.

Cracked Kryptos


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As you can see in the Fairfield Letter he capitalizes on the letters of the word "speaKing" in a way that sounds like he is referencing MLK in identifying himself from the other Zodiac agents. He moves to threaten a whole State now, as if he is making note of a different location, and says "This state is in trouble. I will go for the GoVerment life so don't foreget me."

It is obvious that he is saying that he will move to Vermont to become a politician living the government life.....and his rants about buttons being worn all come into play in this Socialist Democrat's agenda behind his part in the affair in Vermont taking a position as a Mayor, Rep and Senator, and finally the candidate for POTUS. These are murders that happened that long ago that nobody saw a thing when he fled to Vermont and they merely trusted him but most were straying away from his political rhetoric.

He seems to be able to write more letters after this when he has settled in Vermont and conduct more killings.


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Running the Z13 through the Z340 Tableau, the letters WRJ and JWQ come out of the known ciphertext at the beginning and the end of the strand. The Zodiac Symbol was then seen as the target location, to set the compass over the WRJ, and the next segment was the OKEMO that was made from the 8 Balls that were wild cards combined with the letters, 8K8M8.

Once laying the center of the compass over the WRJ you saw the alignment of the cardinal points shown with smaller symbols that were represented by OKEMO, SUNAPEE, and JEWEL HILL, with the upper left handed cardinal point represented by the word QUARRY encrypted into the location, off Sanders Rd.

Zooming into the location you see the placement of the 13 Hole Punch Card


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Now seeing the name of the quarry being off of Sanders Rd. named Rock of Ages with Bernard, VT next to it, I automatically take note that the JWQ and NAM in the ciphertext reveal that this is the name of the suspect.

So I add it to the Z13 using a Stitching method, as the ciphertext was 13 characters and so was the name BERNIESANDERS and the ciphertext spit out a sort of phrase that was a bit shocking


This is also the location of a large 13 and a series of lime pits that seem to align to the marks in the 13 Hole card. So the overlays fit, and the messages in the card : 'The Pace Isn't Any Slower.....It's Just One Big 13th', and 'Some Of Them Fought, It Was Horrible' seem to point there as the source of 13 killings in Vermont. The continuation of a line from that centerpoint to the NW's cipher quadrant leads to the quarry but also continues onto Burlington, where the line leads to a Rock Point. The Rock Point School is where the children were abducted from and were lost. There was an article about this in the records of the local newspaper and the numbers there said it had grown to 30+ and so did the later letters that were sent in. The numbers must be staggering to see growing and yet nothing was seen in California the whole time it was being conducted in Vermont.

Sanders and his wife were also just recently investigated in a coverup there as he tried to buy the Rock Point property to build a school there for his wife to manage. He was trying to erase the info about this past string of killings.


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This was the 4Pi Cult's intention. To create a sensation around the killings that were seen to be accompanied by ciphers, and to mask their affairs behind the letters to conduct numerous clandestine operations along the way. The agency that was funding this project was trying to throw a Satanic Veil over the masses through the use of mass media to induce a reaction in the people that took them through decades of these Mind Shift affairs. In order to do that they have to have a large event or a series of them to enrapture the attention of the people to form a permanent memory about the event to cause the desired outcomes in the reactions of the people.

This location was their Northeast Quadrant. They set up locations in the 4 Corners of the US using this strategy. I have cracked all of their ciphers to date, other than what has been legitimately found already, and have discovered that Kryptos at the CIA was molded around the ciphers of the Zodiac as well.

Cracked Kryptos


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Kryptos was founded in 1988, the year that the killings ended with the Colonial Parkway Murders.

The CIA wanted to shift to the next segment of operations so they made themselves a new puzzle and released it in 1990, to commemorate their affairs in a cryptic scroll of a Petrified Code on a Copper Ribbon. These killings were planned and mapped, and the agency not only knew it, they adopted the plan and continued it with the puzzle, which then triggered the continuation of these operations, with the Scorpion Ciphers. The Ciphers of the Scorpion spoke directly of the puzzle's matrix and the division of ciphers within the puzzle, but the puzzle at Kryptos had not been seen by the public. The Scorpion Ciphers appeared 9 months afterwards, with the context of that puzzle exposed somehow by the author of the ciphers. He seemed to be replying to the maker of the puzzle in some way.

The puzzle was designed to decrypt to reveal the previous agents of these operations using the tools and themes of the Zodiac to decipher the text, so only the Zodiac would know. To step it up and change the game he released an even more complex cipher structure in the Scorpion Ciphers

The images in the Art Installation each have their own themes, which were adopted from the Zodiac Ciphers. The Redstone with the Green Blob was taken from a Vermont Quarry, and the shadow on the copper ribbon reflects the shadow and the appearance taken from the Zodiac's selection of Urania's constellations from the killings in San Fran. The Harp and the Angel being noticeable matches to images from the evidence of the ciphers of the Zodiac. The Crosshair symbol under the trash can also highlights the images of the Zodiac. Everything set up to be in line with the crafting of a facade for the agency, puppeting those that did not know as well.


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The final flip to Layer Two of Kryptos clearly uses the same methods of decoding as the Z340 and also sets you up with the phrase "OL WING WALCAR" in the first few lines. This is all something that was created to be deciphered over time, giving them a lifetime to escape leaving their operations in plain sight for all to wonder about.

Remember that one of the suspects headed up the DoD's notorious Psychological Warfare Division and was instrumental in creating not only the original Z408 and others but he also left them the keys with his own version crafted with the codewords of their operations embedded into the ciphers. He later drove the Zodiac around in the hood to create the fantasy that he wanted to be made into movies and sensationalized, as he was tied to many actors and entertainers. His "Stars".

The other agent was a subversive antagonist/informer that was under the employ of the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, that was on his own orders to kill to get the attention of the leader of this Cult. He had to prove his worth to get his position that he is in today so he signed onto his own "Tour" of Duty and became the fabled masked killer known as the Zodiac.

But when he came right from Israel, he became known as 'Sandy' in Santa Barbara, and then later the "Barefoot Intruder" in Chicago where he attended school and was part of numerous Social Democratic groups. When he killed Sharon Bubes and then Valerie Percy he dumped the weapon, a Bayonet, in the lake. We later saw that used as a codeword for an Israeli Operation Bayonet under Operation Wrath of God. The Bates letter then reading BAT ESHAD TO PIE, you see that the two groups, both from Intelligence Agencies, were meeting up to create new forms of these operations, when the letters were mailed in with a threat and more ciphers.

Take for example in the next cipher of the Z340 seeing the top line saying HER CLUE WRATH OF GOD, with that motto from Operation Wrath of God used to break the Z340's Vigenere Cipher Shift. WE DONT FORGIVE WE DONT FORGET was not only the key to the shift in the cipher, but it was also like the Bayonet used in the crimes, integrated into actual Operations that were later conducted in Europe and the Middle East commemorating these attacks. A continued Covert Operation.

To see the agency's fingerprint on this is a spectacular discovery for all involved in seeing the results of these decades long operations.


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Now we saw the likeness of the Z340 to the Kryptos Puzzle's design, and we saw the photo above of the ciphertext strand END WTC

But little does anyone know that the Amerithrax Letters and a piece of paper from the lockers of the FBI on the arrests on 9/11 were laced with more ciphers

Mr. Z can be seen in his best dressed poses in these videos and on this page.

Amerithrax Letters Decoded

Another unbelievable break. Hidden in the matrix of one of the ciphers of the Amerithrax Letters was the use of a strand of DNA from Candida Albicans to create a path cipher in the shape of the signature of Mr. Z once again, using the exact likeness to the Bates letter's 'Z'.



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