Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#4

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Has anyone noticed so many TV commercials airing today have children in them....Good stuff

I think the Lanza boy had alot of resentment stemming from the reportedly lack of commitment, time spent together with his brothers, Dad.

Maybe he believed they abandoned him, did'nt include him in their lives, vacations, etc for being a "Black Sheep" of the family

Maybe there was a big disconnect from the Lanza men in the family from wanting to be with him because maybe he was always "unresponsive" to their invites to do things together and they just assumed he wanted to be alone?

I'm very curious how strong/weak the family connections were to each other
Shooter's Persona Drew Concern at School

Not long into his freshman year, Adam Lanza caught the attention of Newtown High School staff members, who assigned him a high-school psychologist, while teachers, counselors and security officers helped monitor the skinny, socially awkward teen, according to a former school official.

Their fear wasn't that he was dangerous. "It was completely the opposite," said Richard J. Novia, the director of security at Newtown School District at the time in 2007. "At that point in his life, he posed no threat to anyone else. We were worried about him being the victim or that he could hurt himself."

Long before Mr. Lanza allegedly killed his mother and then blasted his way into a Connecticut elementary school on a rampage that left 27 dead, authorities were concerned about a young man who was unusually withdrawn and socially maladroit. The scrawny teenager with a mop of brown hair evoked feelings of sympathy, not fear, from teachers and the few classmates who even noticed him.

At 45, I just learned a new word!

maladroit [ˌmæləˈdrɔɪt]
1. showing or characterized by clumsiness; not dexterous
2. tactless and insensitive in behaviour or speech
[from French, from mal badly + adroit]
maladroitly adv
maladroitness n

IOW he was socially tactless and insensitive in behavior or speech.
I hope this is not against TOS. But respectfully:

Fellow posters: as other fellow posters have asked, can we please put politics aside here? Whether Reagan is your hero or Obama is, you could argue until the cows come home and it still won't produce any insights into THIS case.

Ditto the discussions regarding mental health issues. All very interesting but until more info is released regarding the people involved in this particular case, how it applies is all theoretical.

I don't mean to be disrespectful but I come here to get the most up-to-date info regarding the case and it's very time-consuming to scroll through pages and pages of posts that aren't directly pertinent to this case.

I apologize already to the mods if I am out of line here.

What a heartfelt post! Thank you for your insight.
BBM. Maybe not. Bless the hearts of whoever was involved, we have seen--thank heaven--zero images of the bodies being taken out of the school. Someone's doing their job protecting the families.

Oh I meant we will see "respectful" photos...
of attendees and candles, balloons, ribbons and fuzzy stuffies...
Has anyone noticed so many TV commercials airing today have children in them....Good stuff

I think the Lanza boy had alot of resentment stemming from the reportedly lack of commitment, time spent together with his brothers, Dad.

Maybe he believed they abandoned him, did'nt include him in their lives, vacations, etc for being a "Black Sheep" of the family

Maybe there was a big disconnect from the Lanza men in the family from wanting to be with him because maybe he was always "unresponsive" to their invites to do things together and they just assumed he wanted to be alone?

I'm very curious how strong/weak the family connections were to each other

I have wondered about that too. I wonder what Adam's relationship was with Ryan and Peter. Ryan has not spoken to Adam since 2010.
"Mr. Novia said it wasn't unusual for school officials to meet about troubled students, but Mr. Lanza's problems were more severe than most. He said he told the school's three security staffers who reported to him to carefully monitor Mr. Lanza, concerning "where he was, who he was with, and what he was doing."

Uh....Clearly this killer wasn't just autistic. Adults were afraid of him/the results of his behavior and he was tiny.

Their fear wasn't that he was dangerous. "It was completely the opposite," said Richard J. Novia, the director of security at Newtown School District at the time in 2007. "At that point in his life, he posed no threat to anyone else. We were worried about him being the victim or that he could hurt himself."
Less than a week before her son would launch his horrifying attack on Sandy Hook Elementary School, gun-loving mom Nancy Lanza knew “she was losing him” and that “he was getting worse.”

A drinking buddy of Lanza’s told the Daily News that her son Adam had long been troubled and rarely came up in conversation.

“She just looked down at the glass and said, ‘I don’t know. I’m worried I’m losing him,’” said the bar pal, who asked not to be named, of the ominous conversation at the watering hole My Place in Newtown, Conn.

“She said it was getting worse. She was having trouble reaching him.”

Read more:
"Mr. Novia said it wasn't unusual for school officials to meet about troubled students, but Mr. Lanza's problems were more severe than most. He said he told the school's three security staffers who reported to him to carefully monitor Mr. Lanza, concerning "where he was, who he was with, and what he was doing."

Uh....Clearly this killer wasn't just autistic. Adults were afraid of him/the results of his behavior and he was tiny.

Their fear wasn't that he was dangerous. "It was completely the opposite," said Richard J. Novia, the director of security at Newtown School District at the time in 2007. "At that point in his life, he posed no threat to anyone else. We were worried about him being the victim or that he could hurt himself."

ETA: Jinx JBean!
At Western Connecticut State University, in nearby Danbury, Mr. Lanza took classes, but he was also an outsider there. In an introductory German course in spring 2009, two classmates recalled him sitting alone, towards the back of the class, often in a hooded sweatshirt. It was an evening course, and Mr. Lanza was the youngest person there.

Mr. Lanza dropped out of that class, and the professor, Renate Ludanyi, didn't remember him when asked by a reporter, but found his name in her records. He received a D on one test, she said.

Mr. Lanza excelled in computer science, with an A and an A-minus in two courses in summer 2008, when he was just 16, according to Paul Steinmetz, a university spokesman. During the following term, in "Philosophy 101: Introduction to Ethical Theory," Mr. Lanza got a C
His brother Ryan who was named first as the shooter, I hope he will be okay,first to be named then to realize it is your own brother who is the monster who killed all these innocent children and teachers ,then to realize he killed your mom wow how do you process that and come out okay?
His brother Ryan who was named first as the shooter, I hope he will be okay,first to be named then to realize it is your own brother who is the monster who killed all these innocent children and teachers ,then to realize he killed your mom wow how do you process that and come out okay?

I cannot even imagine that.
I'm going to open a new thread in a minute. So everyone be prepared to make the transition.

Originally Posted by Pensfan
"Mr. Novia said it wasn't unusual for school officials to meet about troubled students, but Mr. Lanza's problems were more severe than most. He said he told the school's three security staffers who reported to him to carefully monitor Mr. Lanza, concerning "where he was, who he was with, and what he was doing."

Uh....Clearly this killer wasn't just autistic. Adults were afraid of him the results of his behavior and he was tiny.

Their fear wasn't that he was dangerous. "It was completely the opposite," said Richard J. Novia, the director of security at Newtown School District at the time in 2007. "At that point in his life, he posed no threat to anyone else. We were worried about him being the victim or that he could hurt himself."

I'm standing by my statement. :) This killer clearly wasn't just autistic.
"Mr. Lanza's problems were more severe than most. Three security staffers were told to carefully monitor Mr Lanza......"
"Mr. Novia said it wasn't unusual for school officials to meet about troubled students, but Mr. Lanza's problems were more severe than most. He said he told the school's three security staffers who reported to him to carefully monitor Mr. Lanza, concerning "where he was, who he was with, and what he was doing."

Uh....Clearly this killer wasn't just autistic. Adults were afraid of him/the results of his behavior and he was tiny.

Are we reading the same article?
"The scrawny teenager with a mop of brown hair evoked feelings of sympathy, not fear, from teachers and the few classmates who even noticed him."

It says that they were watching him, but trying to help him get in clubs and form friendships. They knew something was wrong, and that he needed help... but I'm not sure I got the impression they were afraid of him.

eta- sorry, I see you've already clarified. I disagree on the afraid of him part, but I agree that he obviously had more going on than High Functioning Autism. That just seems obvious IMO.
They explain very clearly why they were monitoring him. Not because they were afraid of him, but because out of their concern for his well being.
Since he was apparently such an unusual person, I am sure they were concerned he would be bullied.
“Nancy told me he was burning himself with a lighter. In the ankles or arms or something,” he recalled of a conversation they had about a year ago. “It was like he was trying to feel something.”

Uh...nope. Self mutilation is an attempt to keep suicidal feelings and emotional pain at bay by relieving psychological tension. Ten percent of self mutilators will eventually commit suicide.
Are we reading the same article?
"The scrawny teenager with a mop of brown hair evoked feelings of sympathy, not fear, from teachers and the few classmates who even noticed him."

It says that they were watching him, but trying to help him get in clubs and form friendships. They knew something was wrong, and that he needed help... but I'm not sure I got the impression they were afraid of him.

eta- sorry, I see you've already clarified. I disagree on the afraid of him part, but I agree that he obviously had more going on than High Functioning Autism. That just seems obvious IMO.

That was also stated is 2007... I think things got worse for Adam
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