GA - Rapper Young + others indicted on RICO & other charges, May 2022. Trial ongoing April 2023, interruptions, lawyer arrested. Fulton County.

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Jeffery Williams aka #YoungThug on day 69 of #YSL RICO trial.


Judge Glanville announces in court that a female juror "has taken ill" and she is being "sent for medical treatment".


Court WILL be in session tomorrow without the jury to take up any motions/issues. Reminder: There was no court planned for Thursday & Friday this week anyway. (I mean, of course it wasn't a full week...)
Judge Glanville just took the bench for a day in which motions are expected to be heard outside the presence of the jury.He said the juror, who was ill yesterday, is still receiving medical attention and hope to find out more updates on her conditions today.

Glanville said he will notify the attorneys over the weekend if there is any changes to the schedule, but they expect to be back Monday May 6.

Glanville wants to have a contingency plan to deal with all the stuff, including recordings and videos the state plans to introduce over the next 30-60 days, if the juror needs more time to recover. Glanville gave the state until Monday to identify those recordings.

The state is telling Glanville they plan to introduce social media postings to show the relationship between Young and Lil Wayne, through an investigator.

YoungThug's attorney Brian Steel just confirmed the state has told him they don't intend to call Lil Wayne as a witness in the case, even though he was in the initial state witness list.

The state is trying to introduce videos that show conflict between Young and Lil Wayne, around the time Lil Wayne's tour bus was shot up in 2015.

Glanville just told the state that he won't allow them to introduce a video of Lil Wayne talking about Young unless Lil Wayne comes to testify.

Love continues to argue regarding the videos, even though Glanville has already told her they won't be admitted unless Lil Wayne testifies.

Love is not giving up and is still trying to introduce and argue for the videos that Glanville already told her that he won't admit them unless Lil Wayne testifies.

"It seems like you all are trying really hard not to call Mr. Carter, and that's your choice. If you don't call him, my ruling will stand on these particular exhibits that you are trying to introduce," Glanville told Love.

Love now plans to introduce supplements in writing to the court and defense attorneys to allow the exhibits to be introduced without the need of Lil Wayne's testimony.Glanville seems to stand on his decision not to allow those exhibits unless Lil Wayne testifies.

Glanville said the juror who was ill yesterday seems to be feeling better and should be back on Monday.

Love told Glanville, they plan to call the following people on Monday:- Sharon Latners - 911 operator- Alvin Lewis - Lil Wayne tour bus driver- Inv. Tyrone Dennis

Lewis filed a lawsuit against YoungThug, Bryan Williams (Birdman) along with Cash Money Records and Young Money Records back in 2016 for the bus shooting.

Back from lunch, the state is now showing a series of exhibits they intend to introduce in the next couple of days of testimony, starting with a video that has a series of tweets from Lil Wayne's Twitter account,@LilTunechi, from back in 2015.

The tweets are part of a video compilation that is being played with a beat. And now a second video is being played that shows an MTV News interview between Young and Birdman. The video is actually from a blogger and they are using her video of the MTV news interview.

The state is using videos produced by a blogger as exhibits to show the conflict and relationship between Lil Wayne and Young at the time of the bus shooting in 2015.

The state's next exhibit is a video by blog KollegeKidd that includes a video of Shannon Stillwell and photos of Young .

The state is arguing a video in which Stillwell mentions rapper The Game. Glanville and Stillwell's attorney Max Schardt ask what does it have to do with Lil Wayne's bus shooting, Love said The Game became involved in the Lil Wayne/YoungThug beef.

Schardt is arguing that the video is prejudicial towards his client. Love argues that every piece of evidence is prejudicial."Every piece of evidence we have against their client are prejudicial because it shows that they are guilty," Love said.

Glanville has previously ruled on the Stillwell video but said he plans to look at the transcript and either change his ruling or keep it. Glanville has expressed some reluctance of the involvement of The Game in this case and in the evidence.

The next exhibits appears to be news articles that chronicle the beef between Young and Lil Wayne, including this article:

The next article that is pulled up is this one:

The state doesn't intend to introduce the articles as evidence but the goal was to help Glanville out so he can chronicle the beef between Young , Lil Wayne and The Game's involvement."It really doesn't help me that much," Glanville told Love.

Bruce Harvey's tablet just made a sound and Glanville is going to take possession of it until the day is over. He did the same with @doug_weinstein's cellphone yesterday after it rang in court.

The state plans to introduce tweets from @LilTunechi account, which they say belongs to Lil Wayne. Currently, on that Twitter account, the banner photo is a picture of the single Lil Wayne released recently that is a collaboration with YoungThug.

Steel said he doesn't think the state ever spoke to Lil Wayne, even if they didn't plan to call him to testify.

I went back and searched for the tweets, but I can't find them, so they might have been deleted, so that might be the reason the state is using these bloggers to introduce the tweets.

Steel brings up that Young and Lil Wayne are friends and collaborate in music together. Steel argues that the "beef" helps both artists by increasing publicity.

The state plans to play two jail calls involving Jimmy Winfrey, who is the alleged Lil Wayne bus shooter.

Court is done for the day. It appears the juror who was sick is feeling better and court will resume on Monday, as scheduled.

On the tweets the state is trying to introduce relating to the "beef" between Lil Wayne and Young , that were sent out from @LilTunechi's account. Twitter allows you to search for posts and I haven't been able to find the tweets from April 1, 2015 and March 19, 2015.

Brian Steel: You've ruled on this three times, can I go out and wash my hands?
Glanville: Do you wish to be heard anymore on this matter?
Steel: No, you've already ruled.
Prosecutor Love still arguing to allow the videos in regarding Lil Wayne without calling him as a witness even though

Judge Glanville has ruled they are out unless they call Lil Wayne then he'll reconsider. AND YET.. Glanville still hears more argument from Love.

Glanville to Love: "No! No! I'm not, this time, no." (this time...that sounds like he's admitting to allowing her to talk him into rulings...)

"I don't know why you don't want to call him." Judge Glanville about the state saying they don't intend to call Lil Wayne.

Love: "...and so..." Look at #YoungThug's team's reaction to Love continuing to argue.

Glanville: "I'm not buying that one Miss Love. Try another one." (Why does he encourage her to try another argument after at least 5 times denying?)

She still says she'll further this argument in writing.

#YSL defense attorney Max Schardt argued with Judge Ural Glanville and the state over a video where his client allegedly mentions the rapper "The Game." Schardt believes the video is prejudicial towards his client and said "The Game" has nothing to do with this RICO case.

A tour bus operator, who was driving the bus for rapper #LilWayne in 2015, testified he retired from his job after the rapper's tour bus was shot at. The witness also said he filed a civil lawsuit against #YSL records, rappers Birdman and #YoungThug.

A tour bus operator for rapper Lil Wayne started to get emotional while recalling the moments shots were fired at the bus in 2015. The operator said he retired following the shooting. Rapper #YoungThug is being sued by the witness and is facing RICO charges in this case.

Judge Glanville is back on the bench. The juror that was ill last week is back and has provided Glanville with a return to work document that will be placed under seal.

911 Operator Sharon Latners is back on the stand.

Latners is testifying about 911 calls made relating to the Lil Wayne bus shooting.

Latners testimony was fairly quick but she is only temporarily excused as a witness.

Now testifying, Alvin Lewis, the driver of Lil Wayne’s bus that would later sue Young , Birdman and Cash Money Records/Young Money Records.

Lewis is getting a bit emotional on the stand. He said he retired following the 2015 bus shooting incident from the entertainment industry as a tour bus. He now has a pizza business that keeps him occupied.

Lewis testified that he has an ongoing civil matter against YSL records, Birdman and Young .Lewis says the civil matter has been on a stay since he filed the document.“I let the lawyers handle that, I try not to get involved in that,” Lewis said.

He said the damages sought on the civil case is about $30 million but that has no relevance to why he is testifying today.

Lewis is getting emotional once again as he describes his bus getting shot.

Lewis is now going through different pictures that show the bullet holes on the tour bus.

State's questioning is over for now. Shannon Stillwell's attorney Max Schardt is first with cross-examination.

Young 's attorney Keith Adams is next up for cross-examination on Lewis. Adams' first questions are about the civil lawsuit against Young , Birdman, Jimmie Winfrey and YSL and other record labels.

Lewis testified that he never saw Young on April 25, 2015 but didn't know that YoungThug was out of state during the shooting.

Adams is done with questioning Lewis. Now, Careton Matthews is cross-examining Lewis.

Lewis said he was diagnosed with PTSD due to the incident and doesn't recall doing workers compensation claim.Deamonte Kendrick's attorney Jay Abt asks Lewis if he knows, recognizes or is aware of Kendrick's involvement in the incident, which Lewis responds that he does not.

Lewis said his civil suit has nothing to do with his testimony.
Lewis said he has heard Winfrey's name but doesn't recall if he saw him the night of the shooting.

Lewis' testimony has concluded and he won't be called back.

Lunch until 2:30 p.m.

Now testifying on behalf of the state, former APD investigator Tyrone Dennis.

Dennis is testifying about the Lil Wayne bus shooting

Dennis is one of the main investigators of YSL and an important witness for the state.

Dennis investigated the Donovan Thomas murder so he will be called back to testify later on.Dennis was working an off-duty job at the Compound nightclub the night of the Lil Wayne’s bus shooting.

Dennis testified that he has heard of YoungThug’s music but had never met him.

Dennis identified Stillwell at the back of the courtroom, when identifying people who were in one of the cars the night of the bus shooting.He said he saw Trontavious Stephens, Damekion Garlington in the car as well.

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