
Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2011
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May 14, I filed a complaint about corruption with the NYS Attorney General concerning her own office. I received an email in return with and an Index number to refer to should I call or write to inquire about the complaint. So I called the other day and the lady was annoyed I should call and bother them. I guess the AG is too busy with cases with a fellow named Trump and another fellow named Cuomo.

Best part of the complaint is ALL the documents she will need to investigate the case is right in her office.
Going back in the AG office we find TWO somewhat documented sex offenders as the AG: Eliot Spitzer - we know about him. Then we have Eric Schneiderman. He only beats woman up. And lest we forget we have another former AG named Andrew Cuomo. At the moments he is only being accused of being a sex harasser.
That one little piece of paper I added to this thread could put Eliot Spitzer or someone very close to him in jail. It seems so simple that it is unbelievable such a thing could happen the AG would send me this document on a FOIL


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What the previous post with the document tells us is how stupid, arrogant, and screwed up people we have in government. I sent that document to a lawyer who is one of the biggest lawyers in the nation. He knew exactly what it meant. I could almost hear the champagne bottles popping over the phone. The lawyer asked me where did I get this from........ there was one little problem....... the head lawyer and many of his associates were very friendly with Spitzer and they would never embarrass their good friend Eliot. Would they get him what he needed, i.e. an exoneration, his law license back, compensation for his wrongful and illegal arrest, but not drag Eliot through the mud.

My friend told me of this condition and asked what I thought. I told him if they were honest enough to tell you what their position was with Eliot, they could have just taken the case and threw it. It was his decision to make. But that didn't stop them from asking for a $50,000.00 retainer before throwing him under the bus. Fact of the matter is there was no way of prosecuting this case and NOT embarrass Spitzer even if you tried not to.
WHY IS THE DOCUMENT SO IMPORTANT: It represents a record of the NYS AG of all referral letters sent to the AG requesting an investigation in a matter that has come to the attention of said requesting agency. Some of those state agencies have no prosecutorial powers, they are simply regulatory agencies. If such an agency finds a possible crime it may refer their findings to any of the concerned district attorney, the US attorney or the FBI. If it is referred to the NYS AG it MUST be accompanied with a NYS Executive Law 63 (3) Letter. The letter MUST be signed by the head of the agency, not the deputy head, not the lead counsel, BUT the head person. In this case the agency the AG SAID they received such a letter was from what was then The NYS Banking Department, now DFS. At that time that agency was headed by Banking Supt Elizabeth McCaul........... continued...
After the VICTIM was convicted and sent to jail ( he did 8 years) he started FOILING both the AG and Banking for all records pertaining to his case. Years later he received a copy of a copy of a copy of a purported 63 3 Letter and there is no question that letter is a FORGERY. Said purported letter is dated March 30, 2000 with a time stamp of the AG office of being received on April 2, 2000. This forgery has been corroborated by affidavits by several major players in the DFS that they NEVER heard of the defendant. It means there was NO antecedent investigation done by the DFS which would lead to a 63 3 letter resulting with an investigation by the AG.

OK, look at the attached document and you will see from the AG's own documents there has been NO such letters sent to the AG for the period of APRIL, 1999 to AUGUST 2004! SO HOW THE HELL does the AG have such a controlling document if their own records prove they never received such a document?!!!!!

ANY questions, I have nothing but answers. This matter was brought directly to the attention of the current AG Letitia James on 5/14 and I have yet to receive an answer. This is a matter directly in her office and to this day she has yet to respond.
You can't make this s--- up. This woman is now making pronouncements from her position (NYS AG) where the last 3 AG's that preceded her (Schneiderman, Cuomo,
spitzer) have all been accused of violating their oath of office is now going to tell us right from wrong.
No offence, but I'm lost. Your document above has a bunch of dates, but no context or details of what those dates are about or pertain to. It's a cropped list of dates that mean nothing without the rest of the document visible.

You are posting of victims, charges and corruption in a frenzied manner and use of the words "he", "him", "defendant", "victim" etc without detailing which/who what him you are speaking of at the time.

Apparently, if I get the gist .... something you believe to be a forgery based upon a copy of a copy of a copy.

Prosecuted for what? Who?

Sorry, but none of your posts above make an ounce of sense to me. It's like a tidal wave of unconnected, non-contexted and non-specific words with random allegations throughout spilled in a random order.

I am NOT getting what you are trying to say or alledge.

I have no clue what you want investigated. If your comms with the AG office were done in same manner, they may still be trying to figure it out too ... ergo your non-response from them. Just sayin'.
No offence, but I'm lost. Your document above has a bunch of dates, but no context or details of what those dates are about or pertain to. It's a cropped list of dates that mean nothing without the rest of the document visible.

You are posting of victims, charges and corruption in a frenzied manner and use of the words "he", "him", "defendant", "victim" etc without detailing which/who what him you are speaking of at the time.

Apparently, if I get the gist .... something you believe to be a forgery based upon a copy of a copy of a copy.

Prosecuted for what? Who?

Sorry, but none of your posts above make an ounce of sense to me. It's like a tidal wave of unconnected, non-contexted and non-specific words with random allegations throughout spilled in a random order.

I am NOT getting what you are trying to say.
Send me a pvt conversation message and I will give you my phone number and I promise I can explain it all to you. I hear what you are saying and agree totally with you are saying
Get your questions ready and I will explain why that document is so important and why it is a smoking gun
No offence, but I'm lost. Your document above has a bunch of dates, but no context or details of what those dates are about or pertain to. It's a cropped list of dates that mean nothing without the rest of the document visible.

You are posting of victims, charges and corruption in a frenzied manner and use of the words "he", "him", "defendant", "victim" etc without detailing which/who what him you are speaking of at the time.

Apparently, if I get the gist .... something you believe to be a forgery based upon a copy of a copy of a copy.

Prosecuted for what? Who?

Sorry, but none of your posts above make an ounce of sense to me. It's like a tidal wave of unconnected, non-contexted and non-specific words with random allegations throughout spilled in a random order.

I am NOT getting what you are trying to say or alledge.

I have no clue what you want investigated. If your comms with the AG office were done in same manner, they may still be trying to figure it out too ... ergo your non-response from them. Just sayin'.
Your last sentences pretty much says it all. If they were interested they might just call. If they were interested they might have free access to their offices for people to make a complaint. They might have a professional investigator/lawyer to hear a complaint, not a civilian clerk with no investigative experience. I was a cop for many years so imagine what you might say if you came to the police station and told me you wanted to report a murder and I handed you a piece of paper to take home and write it out and send in.
VERN : You questioned what the heck was I talking about you took the trouble to post questions. The AG doesn't have to respond because they already know the answers..
Some years ago the AG made a big Announcement that he was opening up all of his statewide offices to receive complaints about corruption. ( 11 ?). I took him up on it and stopped in at the Suffolk County office. The person that came to the front was behind a bullet proof window. SHE DIDN'T HAE A CLUE WHAT THIS WAS ALL ABOUT. Referred me to a form to fill out and submit without knowing what the form was about. The AG office in NYS is a JOKE paid for by the taxpayers.

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